When Yotsuya Miko saw this extremely impactful scene, she didn't panic, but murmured to herself.

"No wonder it looks familiar."

The great-great-grandson had seen Yamata no Orochi, and in the real history, Yamata no Orochi devoured many lives in order to become the great god of Sequence 6, so he became possessed, and then he regained his sanity again, and was promoted to the divine master of Sequence 5 in one fell swoop.

Although it is at the bottom of Sequence 5, it can crush all the great gods of Sequence 6.

There are very few such gods and demons, and Yamata no Orochi is one of them. It has obtained great benefits in the state of being enchanted. There have also been gods who deliberately became enchanted, but very few can wake up. More All of them have disappeared in the core area of ​​the spirit world, and one hundred of them may not be able to find one who can regain his sanity.

"Yes, according to the legend, you found Yamata no Orochi, and you understand the reason." Jianzi now understands.


The strange creature transformed into a great-great-grandson was laughing and making a clucking sound, as if bones were colliding.

"Do you think those lowly humans I killed can drag me into hell?"

"Ignorant little girl, you don't know anything about this world, we are already living in hell!"

Seeing that the son's expression remained unchanged, the great-great-grandson was still able to communicate because his rationality had not completely collapsed.

Yulia had told her earlier that human minds and thoughts are like fortresses on the beach, which will eventually perish and disintegrate due to boundless waves.

But this requires a process, not an instant disintegration.

Yulia was able to maintain her sanity because of the mantra of the liar, which forcibly fixed her mind and mind, keeping her awake in the endless madness, which is also a different kind of mental torture.

But needless to say the number of spiritual masters in this world, who would guarantee the sanity of the great-great-grandson?

"What can you do if you are possessed?" Jianzi shook his head slightly.

Yamata no Orochi is dead, what kind of storm can an imitator make?

After being enchanted, the great-great-grandson will forget everything, what he thinks, and finally forget everything about himself. He can only follow the call of the spirit world and go to the deepest place.

"Kill you, slaughter Qianye, I want revenge! I want Amaterasu and Xiaojiao to pay the price!" Great-great-grandson roared.

If you can't get this world, then destroy it!

This is the great-great-grandson's idea. No one can stop his hatred now.

"You bastard..." Yotsuya Miko looked at his great-great-grandson.

"Desperate, howl! I will return all the things you have imposed on me, and I will make this world feel the pain!"

The great-great-grandson raised his head and neighed. At this moment, its neck was two meters high, stretching like a spring.

But unexpectedly, Yotsuya Miko was still very calm.

"Although you will never have another life. But I still want to say, when you meet a psychiatrist, never have a conversation with a psychiatrist. Because, the moment you start the conversation, your tyrannical thoughts, you That hateful thought, your inner world, your subconscious tendencies, are completely exposed..."

"You are ambitious and have the obsession to become a god, but in my opinion, you are not even as good as a swordsman who has been practicing kendo for many years! A person like you is naked in front of a spiritual master!"

She is slim and tall, with a peaceful and peaceful expression, a soft figure, and extremely warm golden eyes, faintly revealing a golden luster.

"What the hell are you trying to say!" Great-great-grandson clearly sensed something was wrong at this moment, it was a potential threat, like a ticking time bomb.

At this moment, it could even hear the countdown of the bomb, and it didn't dare to act rashly, as if it would explode if it moved.

Jianzi said lightly: "Have you heard, the countdown to your death!"

And this time...

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

It really hears.

What happened?

I don't understand, I don't understand at all!

The great-great-grandson is subconsciously timid, it wants to retreat, it wants revenge, this girl is from Chiba, it wants to kill her whole family, and make her live in regret for the rest of her life...

"Oh, are you starting to think about my family?"

"Unfortunately, it's too late! Your panic-stricken mind is full of flaws, enough for me to plant dozens of hidden mines!"

Jianzi slowly raised his hand.

All four fingers of her right hand were tightly clenched, and only her thumb was raised high, as if she was about to press down.

"You are a Sequence 7, and you are indeed stronger than me. Even now, I have only slightly touched the ability of a Sequence 7!"


Jianzi pressed his thumb against the void.

The countdown goes straight to zero!

The great-great-grandson clearly heard the click!

Like a voice with substance, it sounded in its heart.

"Do not!!!"

It only had time to let out a loud roar!

The great-great-grandson's thinking, which was being eroded and disintegrated by the slow tide, seemed to be suddenly knotted at this moment.

All thoughts are entangled like thorns, bittersweet, joys, sorrows, joys, all kinds of tastes in life, all kinds of emotions emerge, as well as his long-forgotten childhood memories...

When I was just born, I opened my eyes and saw a world full of vitality, and my father's face was full of kindness

The toddler, the gratified eyes of the clan elders

Broadcom Baijia, the family members are shocked

Everyone praised him to the altar, he is the proud son of heaven, he has extraordinary aptitude, he is smart, he has firm ambitions and future goals

On that day when the gods died, the incarnations of the gods in the world all changed

He awakened in the blood sacrifice of several clansmen, the blood of the first emperor fully recovered in his body, and became an extraordinary person, but the power at this stage is not enough

For some reason, for the sake of strength, he slaughtered all the clansmen, from the old to the young, even the babies still in the mother's womb. He sacrificed the whole clan, from Sequence Nine to becoming a Clan in a very short time. sequence 9

And his humanity seemed to be swallowed by an invisible beast, lard covered his heart, until he degenerated into a demon, and now, he recalled everything...

Great-great-grandson was in extreme pain at this moment, he kept screaming, as if he was in the longest nightmare.

And all of these, like rewinding film strips, are connected first, like a circle of memories, repeated.

In the end, after going through countless repetitions, the ring that contained all his memories collapsed, like a black hole, where all gravitational forces were invalidated. It collapsed into a single point, displacing all Everything condenses here.

Then that point suddenly exploded, and everything would turn into nothingness!

Xuansun's strange figure quickly deformed and inflated like a balloon.

Suddenly, it broke free from Jianzi's mental influence.

But it was too late, its thoughts had already collapsed, its reason quickly disappeared, like a human being swallowed by a swamp, and finally had no bones, all the proofs of existence disappeared like a cloud of smoke...

"I am waiting for you in the abyss, hell is not..."

It screamed uncontrollably, but before it finished speaking, his body expanded to a certain extent, and then exploded with a bang, leaving nothing behind.

Whether it is matter or soul, nothing exists anymore.

After a person's life comes to an end, but after his thinking stops completely, there is this endless nothingness...

Yotsuya Miko looked at the place where his great-great-grandson disappeared.

Her face was very pale and she was exhausted.

"Hell is not the final destination, everything will end."

She muttered the second half of the sentence that her great-great-grandson failed to say.

Great-great-grandson's life ended.

"The original human nature is neither good nor evil, but ignorance. There are no natural devils, just like there are no natural gods."

"In the later years of life, gods and demons are gradually bred, controlling our behavior."

"I heard that the most difficult thing for those human beings who have given birth to demons in their hearts is their past..."

Jianzi is a little lost in thought, is it the same for the great-great-grandson?

In that final roar, she heard this inhuman demon, suffering because of humanity.

Thinking of this, her eyes darkened and she almost fainted. Yuzuru Nishinomiya supported her in time, and Lily Chuanhua came over and asked worriedly, "Miko, are you okay?"

Xiaohua sighed softly, Sequence 8 used the method of Sequence 7, it was still too reluctant.

But the results were remarkable. After the great-grandson became demonized, his battle strength increased instead of diminished, so she could only turn around and run away with Jianzi.

"I'm fine, it's just that my body can't hold on anymore." Jianzi opened her eyes, only her vision was blurred, she said in a weak tone.

Xiaohua touched Jianzi's body and found that it felt cold and a little bit hypothermic.

Although the rain is pouring, both she and Yuxian can use extraordinary power to keep themselves from getting wet by the rain.

Even Jianzi can use his thoughts to influence reality, but his clothes are still dry.

This loss of temperature is normal.

"The life of this body of yours is coming to an end."

"This is a good thing, it means that I am about to become Sequence 7, Xiaohua, you have to work hard."

Yotsugu Jianzi smiled and said, after she goes back and settles down, she will be promoted directly.

But what surprised her was that Hei Jianzi didn't make trouble. She had been silent for a while, as if she was preparing something.

Yoshitani felt carefully, and couldn't help frowning slightly, she saw a round of the sun in a trance.

Yes, in her head, she saw a sun.

But that scene was fleeting.

And at this moment, she finally felt that she had forgotten something.

It's about that sun.

She vaguely heard a cold word.

"...the sun...,... illuminates the way ahead..."

It was the voice of Tendou Kagura, but the memory is vague.

Jianzi restrained her curiosity to get to the bottom of it.

A clear understanding was born in her heart, and when she was fully promoted to Sequence 7, she would be able to recall this experience.

Don't worry, because she is extremely relieved of Tiandao Kagura.

If it belongs to her, she will never be able to run away. This is Tiandao Kagura's protection measure.

But that bastard Kuromiko somehow crossed the limit.

"Hua, you have to hurry up."

At this stage, the physical body feeds back the spiritual body, transforming all life energy into thoughts.

For a psychiatrist, the body is a cage, a chain, and a bondage.

If you want to get out of the cage and free your spirit, you have to reduce the strength of the cage, grind the chains finely, and let the restraints loosen automatically.

And this stage can sharpen one's own spirit and strengthen one's mind, and it is also the level where the body and spirit confront each other most intensely.

The decline of qi and blood is equivalent to dying. For example, a critically ill patient will find it difficult to move a finger until the body dies naturally.

This process is painful, but it is also a necessary step to complete Sequence 7.

A psychiatrist's Sequence 7 hypnotist has more diverse methods.

For example, modifying common sense can arbitrarily fabricate and distort human cognition, and it is irreversible.

Secondly, it can quietly plant hidden mines in other people's spiritual world.

There are many types of such dark mines, such as memory dark mines, emotional dark mines, and the most terrifying thought dark mines.

Memory mines can erase a person's memory, whether it is the memory of objects or the memory of people.

The explosion of emotional hidden thunder can make human beings lack emotion.

And the dark thunder of thinking can directly wipe out all the thoughts, emotions, and memories of the person at the spiritual level, making everything return to zero, and become a vegetable-like existence.

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