#林mo You said this!

"Well, I said this, and I will do what I say."

#林露However, I still hope that you can find a girl who likes you.

"Stop saying that!"

#林露But I still have many, many dreams that have not been realized.

"I will accompany you to realize it!"

"I'll be with you! I'll be with you from heaven to earth."

#林露Do you really not regret it?

"No regrets!"

"Host, it's so fucking sweet, give Lao Zhang a title."

"Host, it's really, really sweet! I'll accompany you from heaven to earth."

#林霍咚半, your system.

"Really, give Lao Zhang a name."

#林潮老张, am I worth it?

"It's worth it!"

Zhang Cheng looked at Lin Mo and said these words with a smile. Lin Mo wanted to avoid the look in Zhang Cheng's eyes, but he couldn't avoid the tired eyes.

#林露 Okay, I'm going to sleep.

"Host, host, I detected that your heart rate has increased a lot."


Lin Mo immediately told the system to fuck off, what kind of heart rate is it detecting.

"Really, it's recorded. Look at your heartbeat."

At this time, Lin Mo looked at his heartbeat, good guy, it soared so fast, and it hasn't stabilized yet.

#林潮 ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah it has not stabilized yet.

#林潮Did I fall?

"How do you like it?"

Lin Mo thought about it when he heard the system.

#林mo is a little bit tempted.

"A little bit, you are tempted."

#林mo You can say that.

"And let me see, you are not only tempted by Zhang Cheng, but also by Yuan Lang."

#林末张成, Yuan Lang are the two people I am attracted to, I think I am a scumbag.

#林mo I'm not clean anymore.

Lin Mo said this immediately.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, the system didn't speak, so Lin Mo took a shower, lay on the bed, and then posted on a certain platform.

"What if I accidentally fall in love with two men? Am I a scumbag?"

At this point, I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of replies.

"Are the two men handsome?"

"Who is more handsome!"

"The landlord, the landlord! You are not a scumbag, because I have many men hidden in my heart."

"The one upstairs is talking about chasing stars. If that's the case, I have Yang Yang on my left and William Chan on my right. I have Liu Yijun in my heart and Zhang Yunlei in my eyes..."

"Upstairs, why are you robbing my husband?"

"Can you pay attention to my problem, now I feel like a scumbag."

"The landlord, let me ask you, have you confessed? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No confession, no boyfriend."

"Then as long as you don't choose two boyfriends as boyfriends, you'll be fine."

"Actually, as long as you don't want your two boyfriends to find out, it won't turn over."

"Speaking of which, I want to see the plot of the overturned car."

"No, no, landlord, do these two men like you?"

As for Lin Mo looking at these water friends, a group of idlers, he couldn't ask anything.

"Actually, Lin Mo, as long as the two of you are not allowed to meet, this is a choice."


"How about I make you a world where you can have polyandry."

"I think this world is suitable for you, I will find everything for you."

The system disappeared, and Lin Mo was on the bed. He thought he couldn't fall asleep, but he fell asleep slowly. As for the emotional matter, let's not think about it for now. Career is the most important thing, and there are still many emotions. For a long time.

two plays

Chapter 550 Eighth

No one expected that it was Wu Jing who handed in the script first, and Wu Jing came to his house to hand in the script!I still follow Xie Nan, good guy, if I don't follow Xie Nan, maybe, maybe how to put it, there will be a hot search tomorrow, Wu Jing, a famous director, is cheating!

When this news came out, it was definitely a blast!

#林早吴Director, you finished the script so quickly?

Lin Mo received a message from Wu Jing when he woke up early this morning for breakfast. Wu Jing also said that he would come to the house to speak in person, if that's the case, then come!

Lin Mo was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, looking at Xie Nan and Wu Jing.

"This is the book!" -Wu Jing

Wu Jing handed the notebook to Lin Mo, Lin Mo took the notebook and read it. When he read the notebook, he didn't expect Wu Jing to write about cross talk, it was really unexpected.

Wu Jing's book is completely out of Wu Jing's previous character!

This is a play about the Republic of China from the perspective of passers-by!The protagonist in this play is a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s, who supports himself by relying on storytelling and comic dialogue, basically talking about where he goes.

I have seen the prosperity of the metropolis, I have seen the smoke from small villages, I have seen big horns on the stage, I have seen guns, in short, I have seen everything, this is a travelogue.

Wu Jing was very nervous, but Lin Mo was deeply impressed by some of the lines.

"I'm talking about loyalty, filial piety and righteousness passed down from generation to generation! If you let me brag about your imperial army, I'll have to brag! Bah! I won't talk about it."

"Although I am an opera singer, I also know the reason why the country is ruined and the family is ruined. I will not sing in today's meeting. In the future, I will definitely not sing operas for you Japanese pirates."

"I'm just a cross talk talker. I didn't expect to take away a devil before I died today. Damn it, it's worth it!"

Lin Mo looked at these lines, and thought of the play he was preparing. To be honest, Lin Mo was really satisfied with this play. It wasn't the main character that made the show stand out, but the supporting roles.

It was the teacher who told the last lesson, and those children were taught loyalty, filial piety and righteousness at the end!It is the big actor on the stage, in order not to sing for the Japanese, he grows a beard to show his ambition, and the storyteller, who refuses to say what praises the Japanese, rushes head-on to the bayonet. The life of the protagonist is wonderful. It is the supporting characters that are touching.

#林露Good, good, pretty good.

#林mo This film has been filmed.

Lin Mo said this while looking at Wu Jing and Xie Nan who were standing there.

#林mo But this doesn't look like Mr. Wu's style.

Wu Jing: For this play, Teacher Yu Qian is also guiding.

#林横先费teacher, this is somewhat expected.

#林mo's script is really good.

"The script is settled like this, so where are the other directors?" -Wu Jing.


#林潮 If it’s a big deal, I’ll sign some unequal treaties for my mentor, and you can just shoot.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Xie Nan and Wu Jing looked at Lin Mo and laughed.

#林早老师, I am Lin Mo.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

#林早吴景director's script I really like, I'm going to shoot.

"You don't want to look at the others?"

#林mo The others, if they are good, I will shoot them too, I want both fish and bear's paws.

"But money."

#林露 What I have researched this time are two things, two plays.

miserable paparazzi

Chapter 550

"Two plays, two plays are two plays."

#林露 Then if I research the third type, it will be the third play.

"Okay! Do as you say."

#林早老师, are you considering entering a special era?

"What era?"

#林轩The era of national cultivation.

"Good guy, you girl, come here and tell me the details."

#林mo I haven't researched it well yet, I'll wait until I finish the research.

#Lin Mo is dead.

Lin Mo put down his phone, and then walked out to look at Wu Jing and Xie Nan.

#林露拍吧吧, this must find a suitable actor, I have the right to deny the actor.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Wu Jing and said this sentence.

"Don't worry, the protagonist's words have been found, Teacher Yu Qian!" -Wu Jing.

#林mo This is okay!Teacher Yu.

#林mo The most important thing is these supporting roles, they must be found well.

#林露So, I want to see the supporting role you are looking for.

"No problem!" -Wu Jing.

Wu Jing and Xie Nan left, Lin Mo looked at the backs of Wu Jing and Xie Nan and laughed.

Lin Mo thought of the script, then leaned back in the chair, touched his stomach, good guy, it's time for lunch.

#林潮I'm going to buy some snacks to eat, I don't want to eat.

Lin Mo stood up, walked out, and walked outside. Lin Mo didn't wear a mask or glasses, but Lin Mo found someone following behind him. Lin Mo just stood there and ran towards him, and then Just grab his hand.

#Lin Mo what do you do?Follow me, who sent it.

At this time, Lin Mo immediately looked at him and said this sentence.

"Lin Shen, Lin Shen, I'm just a paparazzi!"

"Really, I am not sent by anyone, I am really just a paparazzi."

#Lin Mo is really just a paparazzi?

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