#郭琪林I am my brother, you call me brother.

#林门大林哥, sometimes the belated rebellion hurts not others, but yourself!

#林霍Let it go, some things should be let go.

#郭琪林put it down, easier said than done.

#林露 Actually he treats you very well, really!

Guo Qilin couldn't say Lin Mo's words, but this person is a belated rebel.

#林霍Let's talk about this special event, after all Brother Braid has invited me.

Consultation session

Chapter 580

#郭琪林来来来来,tell me a cross talk.

#林车You want me to talk about a cross talk, what good is it for me.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Guo Qilin and said this sentence.

Guo Qilin began to think when he heard Lin Mo's words.

#郭琪琳Lin Mo, you are even better off.

#林门That’s it, my cross talk can’t be said in vain.

#郭琪琳我这样You don’t have anything else you want, how about I introduce you a partner, let me see, who I know can introduce you to a partner, I think this Zhou Jiuliang, Meng Hetang, and Liu Haoran, Bai Jingting....

#林露I have WeChat for everything you said, don’t forget about the blind date meeting.

Guo Qilin was stunned when he heard Lin Mo's words, good guy, he really forgot about the blind date meeting.

#郭琪林I really forgot about the blind date meeting.

#林mo So, dear, pay your taxes well.

#郭琪琳What does this have to do with paying taxes? The higher ups are also checking taxes. If this is the case, then I have to take a closer look.

Hearing Guo Qilin's words, Lin Mo smiled.

#林霍Don’t overturn your car because of the tax, you are overturned now, if the tax overturns, you will be finished.

#林霍Since this is the case, I will tell you a stand-up story, and I will be promoted to three levels in a row.

At this time, Lin Mo started to talk about stand-up comedy. Guo Qilin and Zhang Yunlei were stunned when they heard what Lin Mo said about the three-level promotion. Good guy, this can really talk about cross talk in combination with the times!

Lin Mo looked at Guo Qilin and Zhang Yunlei and smiled.

#郭琪林 dare to ask who is my teacher?

#林mo Self-taught, how is this?

#郭琪琳 will perform once during my special session.

At this time, Guo Qilin looked at Lin Mo and said this sentence.

#林露That's of course possible!

#郭琪麟话 But what you said, let's settle down like this.

#林潮 That's it. It's settled.

As for Andy, holding Lin Mo's leg means that Lin Mo is really too powerful. Zhang Cheng left, and Lin Mo waved at Zhang Cheng. After all, he is the head of the authority!And this is still a full-time job, and even the director has room for promotion.

#郭琪琳 By the way, I asked them to come over and talk about our special session.

Hearing Guo Qilin's words, Lin Mo nodded, saying yes!

Yan Hexiang came, Luan Yunping Gaofeng came, Meng Hetang and Zhou Jiuliang came, and then Lin Mo sat on a chair, listening to them talking about the special session, took a sip of tea, and looked at Andy who was sitting there obediently.

Lin Mo touched Andy's head, and Andy called Lin Mo's sister with sparkling eyes. To be honest, who can refuse to let a cute little girl call her sister.

Andy also kissed Lin Mo's cheek. Guo Qilin looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

#郭琪琳 is so enthusiastic, I don’t know if this ticket can be sold.

#林潮 Is this actor still lacking in words now?

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Guo Qilin and said this sentence.

Guo Qilin began to think when he heard Lin Mo's words.

#郭琪林I and Brother Zhuang Zhuang!Boss Gao and Brother Luan, Old Uncle and Jiulang, Brother Meng and Jiuliang!Let's have another one, which should be enough for the final return.

#林mo good guy, what are we talking about?

Lin Mo folded his arms and looked at Guo Qilin as he said this.

#郭琪琳Listen to you, let’s talk about something.

#林潮New life or old life.


Chapter 580

#郭琪林I really don’t know.

#林潮说话 You haven’t been on a big stage for a long time, is it okay to talk about cross talk on a big stage?

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Guo Qilin and the others curiously as they said this.

#林露And do you have any plans to change the life of cross talk?

Hearing Lin Mo's words, they looked at Lin Mo one by one.

#林露First of all, let’s talk about the target audience for this special show, it must be fans who want to see you talking about cross talk.

#郭琪琳 This is not wrong.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Guo Qilin nodded.

#林露 These fans don’t want to see your stereotyped baggage, because fans who really like these may recite the words.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Guo Qilin froze there, this is really true!

#林早I also talk about cross talk, I have watched your cross talk videos, and your talk about cross talk gradually becomes mechanical talk about cross talk, and it feels like you are talking about cross talk for the sake of talking about cross talk on stage.

#高峰that what Miss Lin wants.


#林露相言 I can only provide one idea for the creation of actors.

#Lin Momeng and Mr. Zhou's big bodyguards, we can use the theme of script killing.

Meng Hetang and Zhou Jiuliang's eyes lit up when they heard Lin Mo's words. In fact, the crosstalk actor doesn't need to give too much of the script. All he needs to do is give him an idea. The script kills the version of the big bodyguard. Never thought about it.

#林mo has an idea, right?

#蒙鹤堂 really has an idea.

#张云雷What about me, what about me, what about me.

At this time, Zhang Yunlei looked at Lin Mo and said this. This was something both Zhang Yunlei was anxious about.

After all, Lin Mo's idea is really good. This number Zhang Yunlei plans to go back and work with Yang Jiulang. It may be a masterpiece.

#林朔Mr.Zhang’s words We are good at willow work, we can still sing the lyrics of Taiping outside.

Hearing Zhang Yunlei's words, Zhang Yunlei looked at Lin Mo.

#张云雷 You gave these two such good ideas, we are so familiar with each other, so you gave me the idea of ​​singing the lyrics of Taiping crookedly?

At this time Zhang Yunlei expressed that he was not happy!At least one soul in my body is Senior Brother Lin Mo, and I have a good relationship with Lin Mo, so I just use crooked singing to perfuse myself.

#张云雷You are perfunctory enough.

#林露who said that singing the lyrics of Taiping crookedly we have to follow the old way.

#林露 Let's do it this way!The stand-up character is this cross talk actor, and the funny character is this singer!

#林霍Let's sing the lyrics of Taiping crookedly.

#Lin Mo understand?

Zhang Yunlei understood Lin Mo's words in an instant!This is really singing the lyrics of Taiping crookedly, this is really old and new.

#张云雷understand, understand, I really understand.

#郭琪琳 This is my turn.

Yan Hexiang is also looking forward to it. To be honest, he is really looking forward to what kind of ideas Lin Mo will come up with for him and Guo Qilin.

#林露 Aren’t you two looking forward to this look in your eyes?

#郭琪琳 said this, of course we both look forward to it.

#林mo Let’s talk about your life with Brother Zhuang Zhuang.

#林露 Let’s come to a theme, what is it!

#林潮说话 You want to talk about that old job, let’s talk.

#林mo I have no idea.

#蒙鹤堂Miss Lin, look at what Jiuliang and I want to say about the Yellow Crane Tower, so how can we change it.

#林浪黄鹤楼, how about we have a real actor?

The system is this your wife?

Chapter 580 Six

#郭琪琳I'll go to this door to pick up Tao Yang.

Guo Qilin took Tao Yang over, and Lin Mo looked at Tao Yang and nodded. At this time, Lin Mo continued to use his brain to express his thoughts.

For example, let Tao Yang step out of his comfort zone in cross talk, that means to take other paths, so Tao Yang can try to take other paths.

Of course other styles are also possible!

These gentlemen have their own ideas about what Lin Mo said, as if they have completely limited the word cross talk.

#林露 So to say, cross talk can really have a lot of ideas.

#林露相声 is so fun, why give up.

#林轩Because I don’t make money?

Many people at the scene were silent when they heard Lin Mo's words. As for Lin Mo, he sighed as he looked at them.

#林木恶, this is also a matter of course.

At this time, Lin Mo finally sighed helplessly. After all, this is a matter of course. Who doesn't like money in this society, and who doesn't want money?

A smile curled up at the corner of Lin Mo's mouth, and then he finally sighed, money, money, money, in this life, I really can't live without it.

#陶阳To tell the truth, I really can’t do without money.

#陶阳I'm an idealist, but when this ideal meets reality, it really doesn't work.

#陶阳 Let me tell you something...

Tao Yang was talking about the theater troupe that cannot make ends meet, and Lin Mo was sitting there at this time, yes, how many people can persist in such a traditional culture if they cannot make ends meet? It is really too difficult.

#陶阳It’s not that I don’t want to persist, I really insist on my dream, but reality is life.

#陶阳 Really don’t blame them.

#陶阳 Always has to eat!

Tao Yang's words were clear and clear after he had a deep understanding. At this time, Lin Mo seemed to have also realized that traditional culture, traditional culture, can't make people full, no wonder some people will give up, if it can make people full , will anyone give up on this?

#Lin Mo System, System.

"Host, I'm here! Are you okay? You've been like this since they left. I'm quite scared." At this moment, the voice of the system came.

#林浪系统, you become a prodigal system, right?

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