#林mo I don't care for gold bars.

"Then your IQ if you can't get gold bars."

#林比切, can I use gold bars to prove my intelligence?


The system here stopped talking after hearing Lin Mo's words.

#林mo I'm right, I can't use this gold bar to prove my intelligence.

#林露 But it would be great to get a gold bar.

The system froze when he heard Lin Mo's words. This is a typical example of a stubborn duck.

#Lin Mo What are you doing?

"This is the stubbornness of a dead duck."

Lin Mo laughed when he heard the words of the system, and then continued to search for evidence. Lin Mo guessed that this story was a murder that happened in a musical score.

Lin Mo continued to walk forward. After all, searching one family was not enough for Lin Mo, so he had to search all of them.

The props team here looked at the scene that Lin Mo had searched. You must have demolished the house. This is really amazing.

#林门props group I'm sorry.

#林mo I really didn't mean it.

The prop team said that with this shampoo, it’s okay to work overtime!Even though I said that, there were tears in my heart.

#林露呵, I’m really helpless, how did I become a husky who demolished the house.

#Yuan Lang You understand in your heart.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked at Yuan Lang who was standing there, Yuan Lang didn't say a word, good guy, he said it himself.

#林mo I will ignore you from now on.

#Yuanlang I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong.

Zhang Ruoyun heard this scene when he opened the door at this time, and then scratched his head in embarrassment, whether he wanted to go in or not.

Zhang Ruoyun swallowed his saliva watching the scene, God, God, this, this rhythm is really demolishing the house.

#林潮It's okay, come in.

#元郎 I was really wrong, I shouldn't have started talking, I didn't say you were a husky who demolished the house.

#林mo What did you say?

#Yuan Lang You are a little fairy.

#林露切, I believe in you, you shouldn’t believe anything a man says.

Fudge No.30 Second Bomb

No.30 seven times

#林mo The husky who demolished the house is here.

#Zhang Ruoyun You two fall in love, why am I the one who gets hurt?

#林潮We are not in love.

#Zhang Ruoyun is it?

At this time, Zhang Ruoyun looked at Lin Mo and Yuan Lang.

#林潮 I have to find a handsome guy when I’m in love, at least the one behind you.

#白敬亭I'm leaving first.

Bai Jingting said that he was just passing by.

Lin Mo continued to search the scene. When he looked at the search scene, he looked at the evidence. Now that two people have been searched, this is a murder caused by a piece of music. Good guy, Zhen died because of the music score.

Finally, after the first round of evidence search was over, Lin Mo sat on this chair and ate the oranges in his hand.

The papi sauce here watched Lin Mo eat oranges and kept eating them.

#papi酱林神, how many oranges are you eating?

#林潮 It’s alright, there aren’t many.

The so-called few, the orange peel is already in front of Lin Mo.

#He Jiong Let's start talking about the evidence in our hands.

At this time, He Jiong was watching them, and Lin Mo was watching them come to the stage to tell the evidence one by one!Then Lin Mo recorded the evidence.

At this time, Zhang Ruoyun threw out the evidence that it was related to Lin Mo.

#Zhang Ruoyun This is evidence, what do you want to say?

At this time, Zhang Ruoyun looked at Lin Mo and said this sentence.

#林末张师, if I didn’t dislike it, I wouldn’t be sitting here.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, those present laughed. This sentence is beautiful.

#林mo Everyone sitting here is suspicious.

#林mo That's right, that guy is damned, he harassed me.

#林mo I am tired of his harassment.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Zhang Ruoyun and said this sentence.

#Zhang Ruoyun Is this your motive for killing?

#林露That's right, my motive for killing is completely incompatible with yours.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Zhang Ruoyun held back his laughter, good guy, that's what he said.

#林露is originally, you are a bloody case caused by a sheet of music, and I am a harassment case.

Zhang Ruoyun laughed when he heard Lin Mo's words.

#Zhang Ruoyun Then how do you want to kill him.

#林潮 Guess.

At this moment, Lin Mo blinked and watched Zhang Ruoyun say this.

After Zhang Ruoyun stepped down, Bai Jingting came up.

#白敬亭I want to tell you a very big news.

At this time, Bai Jingting immediately looked at them and said this sentence.

#白敬亭What is the big news, you see.

When Lin Mo looked at the photo, he looked at the photo and smiled.

#林mo Oh my god, I actually have a relationship line here.

#林mo I am looking forward to my relationship line.

At this moment, Lin Mo was sitting upright and looking at Bai Jingting, waiting for Bai Jingting to continue talking.

#白敬亭 Are you looking forward to this?

#林露That's of course looking forward to it. As a child, it's right to look forward to the relationship line.

#林潮 And it's an emotional scene with a handsome guy.

#Lin Mo and Teacher Sa's words are fine.

#林mo Everything else is fine.

#萨贝宁 I'm leaving, I'm also an arsonist after all.

#林mo I'll go out and vomit for a while.

#Zhang Ruoyun Haven't you thought about being someone's father-killing enemy?

At this moment, Lin Mo froze at Zhang Ruoyun's words, did he kill his father and enemy?

#林霍Looking forward to the next time, there must be an emotional scene.

#林轩Maybe the next issue will be with you.

#Zhang Ruoyun I have nothing to say, I didn't expect you to be like this in reality.

#林潮说话What do you think I look like, please remember, I am only 17 years old.

Fudge No.30 Three Bombs 【Member Plus Update】

No.30 eight times

#林mo I am still underage.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at them and said this sentence.

#林mo So, is there something wrong?

#白敬亭Let's continue talking, guess whose room this is from.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at the people present.

#林露whose room, whose room?

Lin Mo looked at Bai Jingting at this moment.

#白敬亭his room!

Jing Boran nodded at this moment, Lin Mo looked at Jing Boran and smiled.

#林mo If you have a crush on me, just say it directly, let's not hide it, get off the boat and get a marriage certificate between us.

Jing Boran didn't expect Lin Mo to say it so directly, did this hero let himself go?

#白敬亭 Is there anything you want to say?

"Ahem, cough, yes, I have a crush on this girl!" Jing Boran said this while looking at Bai Jingting.

#林mo he said he had a crush on me.

#Lin Mo is so happy.

#He Jiong, why don't we change places.

#He Jiong Let’s change a place, come, come, make room for the young lovers.

#林mo I'll go there first.

#白敬亭 Saying that you think it’s harassment when the deceased takes your photo, do you think it’s romantic for the person next to you to take your photo?


#林mo This is a double standard.

Hearing what Lin Mo said, everyone present clapped their hands. To be honest, I was really afraid that Lin Mo would be nervous about participating in variety shows. The character design of the knight has collapsed, but after thinking about it, this little girl has no character design.

#林mo I am such a double standard!

#林车If you had a crush on me, I would be happy too.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Bai Jingting and said this sentence.


#白敬亭Continue to talk, and you know that the deceased harassed her.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes~"

At this time, Lin Mo smiled when he heard Jing Boran's words.

#林潮嘿, killing someone for me isn't worth it.


Lin Mo touched the goose bumps on his body.

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