#郭德纲 The audience I am looking for is an old audience who likes to watch cross talk, and their age ranges from above to over 60 and over 70.

#郭德纲In this case, it is your skill to be able to talk about cross talk well.

#郭德纲 And if you didn't sign up, then this should be regarded as a test for other apprentices.

Zhang Yunlei's foot slipped, damn, why are they still involved? Zhang Yunlei knows about those audiences. They are all old audiences who listen to cross talk, and they found them from that corner.

There were quite a few apprentices present, and they were obviously under a lot of pressure. Lin Mo was not under any pressure. Now that he knew who the audience was, it was easy to talk about cross talk.

Lin Mo's mind was thinking about what kind of stand-up he should say, especially if the old man liked it, and so did the young man.

Lin Mo just knocked on the table and thought about it. At this time, Lin Mo stepped off the stage after seeing Guo Degang, and then it was time for Lin Mo to come on stage and talk about cross talk.

Lin Mo stood on the stage and began to talk. This is still a stand-up, the bottom line of reporting the name of the dish. As for the people present listening to Lin Mo's stand-up, damn it, this is really funny.

#林潮here, where is this place, who put me here, I should be in the palace, not here.

Lin Mo, this is a stand-up comedy from the perspective of the emperor.

Helpless Lin Mo [fourth update]

Chapter 120 Six

After Lin Mo stepped down, he looked at how much he liked the stand-up.

Lin Mo took a deep breath. He thought he was a good stand-up, but this time his support only reached 45%, which is still a bit difficult.

Lin Mo sat on the chair and wiped his sweat, then took a sip of water, and then continued to listen to the others talking about the names of the dishes.

The test this time is the ability to adapt cross talk, but some of these adaptations are mediocre, and some are very exciting. Guo Degang said that he did not expect to find a few talents suitable for creation, because some cross talks are really good. , The words they say are a little green, but the words spoken by mature cross talk actors have a good power.

After Lin Mo finished, he stretched. The end didn't end until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Mo was called to Guo Degang's office.

When Lin Mo looked at Yuan Lang, he immediately gave him a hug.

#林mo I haven't seen you these few days, I have no confidence in my heart.

Lin Mo really had no confidence. When he saw Yuan Lang and Ye Cunxin and the others, his nervous heart was instantly relieved.


#郭德纲 Isn't there one behind you?

#林mo I can't talk either. If he didn't follow me, I would have no confidence.

When Lin Mo looked back and saw Geng Jihui, this was also Lin Mo's confidence. Every time Lin Mo faced the candidates of the dragon character subject, he would always look at Geng Jihui behind him, and then continue to say what came to his mind. Every time he said something, he had to think about it three or four times, or even four or five times. To be honest, this Lin Mo before had never thought about it like this.

#林末真, I say a sentence four or five times now, and I dare not say it five or six times.

Guo Degang laughed when he heard Lin Mo's words.

#郭德纲 Is it useful?

#林旧夫师, I am not only taking the dragon character exam, but behind me is the word soldier. The hat on my head and the uniform on my body represent responsibility.

#林mo From the day I joined the army, I swore under the national flag that I would guard this land, this sky, these oceans, and the people who live here.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Guo Degang looked at Lin Mo, yes, how could he forget such an important thing.

#林潮 If I was alone, I would have quarreled with them a long time ago, and I am also very angry, okay?

#林mo But when I thought of the military uniform I was wearing, I restrained my temper.

#郭德纲 Tell the truth girl, you are not bad, you can bend and stretch.

#郭德纲 This can be crazy, and it can also restrain one's temper, you apprentice, I really didn't make a mistake.

Guo Degang looked at Lin Mo, this apprentice was really confiscated, especially his psychological quality.

#郭德纲 will be on stage tomorrow.

#林露I'm not afraid of this, I'm so scared that I don't know how to get along with this group of Zilong characters.

#郭德纲 Each has his own thoughts.

#林异人everyone has thoughts.

#郭德纲As long as you can say good cross talk this time, I have a reason to put you in the team, and I gave you this platform.

#郭德纲 The rest is up to you, girl.

#林mo Don't worry, it's fine.

#林末I'll rest here for a while, I'm too tired, I don't want to go out, I stay here, I feel like I'm me, I can say whatever I want, I don't need to think about it so many times.

【One day when the emperor】

Chapter 120 Seventh

The moment Lin Mo stood on the stage the next day, Lin Mo remembered that after he walked out yesterday, all those Dragon Character students came towards him and asked him if he wanted to bring a partner. Unexpectedly, the first thing they thought of was This, and also said what if Mr. Guo doesn't like this stand-up.

Lin Mo really doesn't know what to think, what does it have to do with you whether you bring a partner or not.

#林mo I am still single-mouthed.

#林霍Also, I have to work hard, I asked Teacher Guo for leave for today's class.

Lin Mo entered the room with a smile, and then closed the door.

As for Lin Mo, he naturally knew how much he complained about this move, but Lin Mo said that was it.

You can't get mad, you can't look at their faces and you have to bear it, if you want to be like this, you will be sincere Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Lin Mo won the first place in the exam this time and got points. This time, Lin Mo used the points to learn stand-up in this system space. Lin Mo will improve a lot if he is honed in this system space. Lin Mo also knows the details of tomorrow. What to say.

In this case, let’s talk about a stand-up about Dou, after all, this thing is suitable for all ages.

No matter young or old, they all like fighting, as for the young ones, they like Gong Dou, especially girls!What Zhenzhi, Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, this is so fun to watch, and it's still a cool fight. As for the old man, he also likes to fight, just like Mr. Liu Baorui's [Junchen Fight], so this revolves around It came from a bucket.

How do you think about this, the protagonist is the emperor, let the audience see the difficulty of being an emperor, this is called "One Day as an Emperor" fighting with the queen mother, fighting with concubines, fighting with courtiers, these are all fighting.

Standing on the stage, Lin Mo was really not nervous. He looked at the audience and smiled.

As soon as the opening poem of the stand-up comic was said, he tapped Xingmu, and then he started talking. He was dressed in a blue coat, he was a handsome young man.

#林潮 Those present may not even know who I am?My name is Lin Mo, my name is Lin Mo, my name is Lin Mo.

#林mo Why say this three times, important things are said three times.

#林末But if you don’t know me from now on, then, that’s my fault, not the audience’s fault.

#林mo Remember, my name is Lin Mo.

#林霍 Today, let’s talk about the ancient emperor. Everyone in the audience must be envious of the emperor. This emperor, Sangong Liuyuan,  …

Lin Mo started to talk. This time, we are not the kind of stand-up comedy that you can just talk about.

Especially when Guo Degang looked at Lin Mo and said this stand-up, he immediately stood up.

Well, how come there is Liu Baorui's shadow here? All the cross talk actors in the background stood up, this is really Liu Baorui's shadow.

No, no, no, this is not Liu Baorui, this is a cross talk character who already has a character, this, this is really a big move.

#高高 This girl has made a big move.

#郭德纲 This big move is really big.

#yuqian Who said no, did any of you help save this book?

#郭德纲This, I don’t have it, Lao Gao does.

#高高 I haven’t seen this girl looking for me.

#yuqian So, this girl's pattern is really big.

#宇凡 This unscrupulous name【One day when the emperor】, but it has exhausted the emperor's worries.

#高高 Yes, and he also said the benefits of the current society, which is really amazing.

Resident in Tianjin

Chapter 120

Luan Yunping immediately stood up.

#Luan Yunping Master, can you consider the first team when you look at Lin Mo's team.

#Luan Yunping Our first team needs such cross talk actors.

Luan Yunping's first attack made everyone present stand up.

#李鹤东Master, although Luan Yunping is your beloved disciple, you can't agree to this.

#李鹤东We brothers and sisters don’t agree!Godfather~, look at my second team, only me and Xie Ye are here, our second team really needs it.

#李鹤东 Really, really need it.

#kongyunlong I think our three teams also need it.

#罗云平三哥, don’t join the fun in the third team, you are usually in the third team, and there is Tao Yang supporting the field, well, there is no shortage of people in the third team.

#罗云平 That Cao Jiutai’s words are slowly becoming popular now.

#Luan Yunping The second team, the second team, that Jiuchun comic talk is also very good.

#李鹤东That's your apprentice Xiao Bei, and the uncle's apprentice Lang Haochen, isn't this just for show?There is no shortage of people here.

#kongyunlongdongzi is right.

#燕鹤祥 Doesn’t our fourth team have to fight for it? Lin Mo and I are both single-talking, and we can still cooperate and talk to each other.

#孔云龙Don't grab it, you still say it's right, you have a lot of variety shows.

#饺饼五队must have a name.

#饺饼九鲁 and the Jiulong Houjiu team have gone.

#张鹏伦奶哥哥, isn’t there still Zhu Hesong and Jin Helan, Zhang Heqing is also good, our sixth team is really short of people.

#饺饼That sixth team, Guan Jiuhai, and Zhang Jiunan, aren’t they human?


#孟鹤堂[-]th team, Master, we must choose the [-]th team, if we don’t choose the [-]th team, it’s really unreasonable, really unreasonable.

#孟鹤堂 Really, this must choose the seven teams.

#饺饼七团队, for the seventh team, how many of you guys are there.

#孟鹤堂 I am busy with Jiuliang!Lao Qin is busy!He Jiuhua doesn't go to work!Shang Jiuxi is busy!Liu Xiaoting is also busy!Yes, there are many roles, but there are also many people who don't work.

#张云雷第七团,Let's consider Lin Mo. If you go to the seventh team, you will definitely be scolded. If you say you go for the corner, I won't go to the eighth team. Besides, Jiulang is married. You say this How good things are.

#张云雷姐夫, that’s how we decided on eight teams.

#张九陵Nine teams, must be nine teams.

As for Guo Degang looking at Zhang Yunlei and the others bluffing, to be honest, Lin Mo's arrangement is really not something he can arrange.

#郭德纲I already have arrangements.

In fact, there is no arrangement, you have to ask Lin Mo!

The moment Lin Mo got off the stage, he was sweating profusely when he got backstage!

Lin Mo looked at Ye Cunxin with the handkerchief Ye Cunxin handed over.

#林mo I have won this battle.

#叶cun心 My family, Lin Mo, is very good. He can do everything he wants.

Ye Cunxin hugged Lin Mo in her arms and said these words.

Lin Mo laughed when he heard Ye Cunxin's words.

#林mo Look at what you said.

#叶cun心 Really, my Lin Mo really can do whatever he wants to do very well.

#林mo ha ha ha ha ha!

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