"Before, those people caught mutants."

"After something like this happened, soon there will be a bill against mutants."

"In the future, they will be able to arrest mutants openly."

"You will also be wanted, and then you can only escape for the rest of your life."

"If you have a family, if you have children, they can only flee together."

"If they were caught, there would be more torture."

When Lorna heard Clarice's words, her hand on the car door stopped.

I stayed in prison for a while, and I don't want to experience this kind of experience again in my life.


Inside the prison, the assistant to the warden noticed the movement outside and panicked.

He hurried to Warden Strucker's office.

"Warden, there are mutants coming outside, saying they want to destroy the prison."

Strack had long expected such a day, so he didn't panic at all.


The assistant couldn't calm down, how could it make people calm down in the scene of Magneto?

Also, so many mutants had just been unleashed.

If these mutants were all shot, then the jailers alone would definitely not be enough.

"Warden, don't forget, there are also mutants who were just released."

Dozens of mutants were released just now, and so many mutants are all capable.

Chapter 183 X-Men, Go to Battle

The scene was full of people, who appeared outside the prison gate.

He delivered a speech and immediately incited some mutants.

Lao Wan directly used his ability to tear open the iron mesh fence.

"Brothers, go and rescue our compatriots!"

"Go and send those who bully you to hell!"

"We mutants will surely rise!"

Magneto's speech is not over yet, but there are already jailers standing in front of him.

These jailers are heavily armed and ready to shoot.

"Hands up and surrender, or we shoot!"

"Surrender now!"

The jailers were also nervous.

What I usually face are mutants who have lost their abilities.

Without ability, that is an ordinary person.

But now, these mutants have regained their abilities, and they are not the same as before.

Although most mutants are still afraid of bullets, there may be some who are not.

Magneto looked at the group of jailers and pointed his gun at himself, and couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile.

Young, really too young.

As long as these people have heard their names, they will not be stupid enough to threaten themselves with guns.

"Are you threatening me?"

Magneto slowly raised his hand, and the jailers instantly felt that the guns in their hands were getting out of control.

It seems that there is a huge force attracting these items.

Sensing the change, the jailers immediately increased their strength, trying to grab the weapons in their hands.

These weapons are his life-saving means.

If it is taken away, then you can only be slaughtered by others.

However, no matter how much force they use, they cannot control the weapons in their hands from being drawn away.

The guns in his hands were dropped one after another, floating in the air.

The jailers watched helplessly as the guns were turned and aimed at themselves.

This is nothing, even, the gun is automatically loaded.

Just pull the trigger, and the bullets will pour out.

Those who are facing each other at the gunpoint will immediately become dead souls.

Watching this scene, the jailers swallowed one after another, feeling the fear of death.

One by one can only raise their hands in surrender, hoping that Magneto can let him go and spare his life.

Magneto watched this scene and continued his speech.

"Look, that's why they want to destroy us."

"Because we are stronger than them, because we are a more advanced species than humans!"

"They are envious and longing, while they are afraid of our power!"

"As long as we have power, they will continue to persecute us!"

Magneto paused slightly, and continued, "Now, it's time to announce to the world that the era of our mutants has arrived."

"We will lead the world into a new era!"

"Brothers, follow me, destroy this prison, and save all fellow mutants!"

With a wave of Magneto's hand, he is about to capture the prison.

And the jailers couldn't stop them, so they could only raise their hands and step back slightly so that the mutants could rush in.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

A thunder rumbled, and a gust of wind blew, making people wonder if it was going to rain.

Only the people of Magneto know that it is not about to rain, but someone is coming.

"Charles, are you going to stop me?"

As soon as Magneto finished speaking, a figure descended from the sky.

Storm landed in front of Magneto, and then, not far away, Qin Grey, Scott, Professor X, Wolverine and Beast all appeared here.

The X-Men personnel are all here, the purpose is to prevent Magneto from making big things.

If Magneto is really allowed to destroy this prison, he will kill here and take away the mutants.

Then, the conflict between humans and mutants is irreconcilable.

There will definitely be many ambitious people who will make a fuss about this matter and target all mutants.

For the overall consideration of mutants, Magneto must be stopped.

"Eric, I can't let you do this!"

Magneto looked at Professor X fearlessly.

None of the people around Professor X can block his abilities.

"Charles, I thought you had seen the true colors of these people, but unexpectedly, you still had illusions about them."

Professor X, as always, "It is true that some people are full of malice towards mutants, but not all of them. Most people don't care about the existence of mutants."

"But if you do this, it will definitely arouse more people's hostility towards mutants."

Magneto and Professor X were arguing, and the mutants, reporters, and jailers on the side could only watch the two arguing, not daring to intervene.

"They've already done it, they've captured so many of our countrymen, why do we have to suffer in silence, Charles?"

"We want revenge, we want to fight back, and we want to tell them that we mutants are not easy to bully!"

Magneto's words resonated with many mutants.

Immediately, someone shouted loudly, "The group of XXX don't treat us as human beings, they tortured us crazily."

"Now, I want to fight back!"

Someone raised his arms and immediately got a response from some mutants.

Professor X knew clearly in his heart that these mutants were being tortured.

It is unrealistic to say that they should let go of everything.

But if they are allowed to do so, these people will be wanted in the future, and they will encounter such things again.

It cannot be said that they are short-sighted, but because of the torture they suffered.

By this point, Wolverine couldn't sit still.

He directly showed his claws, "Control him first, and the others will be nothing to worry about."

Magneto looked at Wolverine in amazement.

This guy, the bones in his body are all metal.

"Isn't your body full of metal?"

Wolverine just stepped forward and took two steps, and then, he seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move at all.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take that step.

Wolverine was very uncomfortable and roared, "Ah!"

But still not, it was directly controlled by Magneto and thrown on the wire fence.

This is not over yet, the wire turned into a snake, pierced the skin directly, drilled into Wolverine's body, and restrained Wolverine.

This pain really penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

The battle has already begun when Wolverine shows his claws.

Storm didn't plan to wait anymore, and took advantage of Magneto's effort to clean up Wolverine, mobilizing the power of Thunder, and first tried to disarm the gun controlled by Magneto.

Otherwise, no one else would have the means to block the bullet.

As strong as Professor X, he was also hit by a bullet in the spine in the movie, and he was permanently in a wheelchair.

The battle was about to break out, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Several mutants brought by Magneto immediately joined the battle.

As for the mutants who were just released, some of them have already decided to take revenge.

Taking advantage of this moment, hurry in and get revenge first!

Catch those people who bullied you at the beginning, and then bully them back first.

However, Professor X can't watch these people go astray, and immediately use the mind control ability to control these people so that they can't rush into the prison.

In this way, there is still room for relaxation.

Chapter 184 The Scary Magneto King

The two sides are already at war.

Wolverine, one of the main forces, was restrained to death.

At this moment, taking advantage of Magneto's inability to take care of himself, he could only endure the pain and pull out the wire.

Fortunately, it's iron wire. If it's a steel bar, it's not easy to handle.


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