This machine can emit vibrations and achieve harmonic resonance with tritium atoms, promoting nuclear fusion and bursting out with powerful force.

Otto took out the materials, "I am very grateful to Mr. Norman Osborn for his great support."

Norman just wanted to see the results sooner, so that these old guys on the board would shut up.

"I'm more than happy to pay for that."

The experiment is about to start, after placing the materials.

Dr. Otto took the sunglasses from his wife.

Once you wear sunglasses, no one loves them.

Dr. Otto, start operating the machine.

Soon, the machine emitted vibrations.

From four directions, 4 vibration waves are emitted and gathered on the tritium crystal.

The vibration wave came into play, and the tritium atoms began to resonate, immediately bursting out of energy.

The tritium crystal, which was originally only the size of a soybean, swelled to the size of a basketball at this moment, like a fireball.

The difference is that this fireball is extremely dazzling, like the sun.

Everyone was very excited when they saw this scene.

The experiment worked.

This also means that the field of nuclear energy is no longer dominated by Stark Corporation.

Osborne will vigorously develop nuclear energy next, and it will definitely rise rapidly.

Norman was ready to celebrate and clapped his hands.

However, experimentation continues.

"Generating 100 billion watts per hour."

At present, the state of nuclear fusion is still stable. Dr. Otto controls the machine and the mechanical arm to continue the nuclear fusion experiment.

After a few breaths, the energy of nuclear fusion became stronger and gradually became unstable.

The powerful energy created an extremely strong magnetic field that began to attract nearby metals.

Peter, being Spider-Man, immediately realizes that something is wrong.

Keep going like this, and the magnetic field will grow stronger and stronger, engulfing all nearby metal.

Then, all the energy exploded in an instant.

This energy is enough to destroy half of the city.

Others also sensed the change, found the great attraction generated by nuclear fusion, and began to panic.

Dr. Otto immediately explained, "This is normal and will stabilize soon."

The board of directors was extremely frightened, and immediately shouted at Dr. Otto, "Stop!"

Norman stared at the nuclear fusion experiment, and did not order to stop.

"Go on, Dr. Otto!"

But Peter felt something was wrong and knew he couldn't go on.

Once the nuclear fusion experiment fails, the harm caused is huge.

So Peter decided to act immediately.

Quietly leave the scene, change clothes, and prepare to stop this.

Just when Peter left, the nuclear fusion reaction went further, and the energy that erupted was even greater.

"Warning, energy overload!"

At this moment, the energy has broken through the barrier formed by resonance.

Huge energy leaked out, like a fiery snake, very terrifying.

Touching the wall immediately left a terrifying trace, and the cement on the wall fell off.

The leaked energy can only be regarded as one in a billion, and even a small amount of energy can easily kill a person.

Peter finally changed his clothes and saved a reporter who was almost hit.

Climb to the ceiling, "Dr. Otto, you have to stop!"

"No, I can control it!"

Chapter 193 Absorbing Energy

Peter knew that the experiment could not be allowed to continue.

Prepare to unplug the power immediately and stop the experiment.

However, just as Peter jumped off the ceiling and was about to unplug the power, Dr. Otto reacted.

A mechanical arm directly sent Peter flying, hitting the wall fiercely.

Peter was severely injured, and for a while he couldn't use his strength.

Norman is also close to madness at this moment, putting all his hopes on this experiment.

This experiment can only succeed, not fail!

Norman knew very well that if he failed, he would lose the support of the board of directors. At that time, these old guys would definitely drag him down from his position.

"Dr. Otto, continue the experiment!"

While speaking, Norman Osborn had already stopped in front of Peter, and even pushed down the heavy object directly on Peter's body.

"Spider-Man, I can't let you stop the experiment."

Otto is also ready to continue, as long as it is under control, through this time, it will be over.

Otto's wife was extremely worried, but she could only choose to trust Otto.

However, the energy continued to leak, and the prominences became more and more frequent, like a jumping tongue of flame.

Strong magnetic fields attract nearby metals.

Under this attraction, a large amount of metal was attracted to it.

The windows also shattered at this moment, and countless pieces of glass flew past along with the metal frame.

Otto hurriedly used the mechanical arm to block the debris, but Otto's wife had no protection.

Otto watched helplessly as his wife was slashed by glass shards and lost her vitality.


Otto stared blankly at this scene, extremely regretful.

If I stop the experiment myself, nothing will happen to my wife.

However, there is no time to be sad and repentant.

The huge energy and magnetic field, and a little leaked electric energy was transmitted through the mechanical arm, directly destroying the suppression chip at the back of the brain, and also stunned Dr. Otto.

Peter struggled to get up, but saw that the nuclear fusion reaction was completely out of control.

Dr. Otto's wife died, and Dr. Otto also had an accident.

Peter knew that the situation was critical now.

You must unplug the power to prevent the nuclear fusion reaction from continuing.

But Peter is also worried, that is, the nuclear fusion reaction may not stop even if the power is unplugged.

So, while unplugging the power, Peter contacted Su Yi.

"The nuclear fusion reaction is out of control. The location is in XX laboratory. Come quickly."

Peter unplugged the power and looked at the experimental machine.

The small fireball continued to expand, and now it was the size of a water tank.

Constantly spitting out a tongue of fire called a prominence, Peter saw that Norman was still approaching, and immediately shot out a spider thread, pulling Norman back.

The moment Peter dragged the man back, a tongue of flame spewed out, almost engulfing Norman.

Peter could only leave with Norman Osborn, Dr. Otto and Dr. Otto's wife first, let Dr. Otto and his wife receive treatment first, and wait for Su Yi's arrival by the way.

Su Yi finally arrived, only to see Peter spinning anxiously on the spot, extremely nervous.

Seeing Su Yi's appearance, he immediately asked, "Now it's up to you to transfer this to no-man's land, otherwise, this energy will destroy half of the city."

Su Yi looked at the out-of-control nuclear fusion reaction, "Leave it to me!"

Su Yi didn't intend to take it away, but absorbed it on the spot.

For such a long time, Su Yi has been basking in the sun to absorb energy, but his progress has been limited, and there is still a long way to go before lv8.

However, the thing in front of him might be able to help him upgrade to lv8.

Su Yi walked up to the nuclear fusion reaction and held out his hand.

"Infinite devour!"

Su Yi immediately began to absorb energy, and powerful energy was transmitted into Su Yi's body.

This feeling is extremely fulfilling.

Peter was stunned when he saw Su Yi's actions.

"What are you doing?"

"Another way to solve the problem, for example, absorb this energy."


Although Peter was shocked, he could only trust Su Yi.

Moreover, Su Yi seems to be fine after absorbing energy.

Su Yi absorbed energy very quickly. After this energy found a vent, it began to pour into Su Yi's body frantically, and it also began to stabilize.

Although Norman was very unwilling, he was still taken away by Harry.

1 minute, 2 minutes passed, and there was still no explosion in the laboratory.

Many people are very curious, do not know what happened inside.

Su Yi was still absorbing energy inside, while Peter was guarding him, "Are you okay?"

"Should I tell them that the crisis is over?"

"How long will it take you to absorb the energy? Five minutes have passed, and the sheriffs are almost here."

Su Yi didn't expect that this energy was so huge.

"You delay them, just say that I am dealing with it, and it will take a little time."

Peter was very helpless, so he could only choose to rush out of the laboratory and landed in front of Sergeant George.

"My partner is processing it inside, and it will take some time. It's still very dangerous here, you'd better stay away."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

Peter replied with certainty, "Of course. Otherwise, this place would have become a flat land before you arrived."

Sergeant George could only trust Spider-Man, "Everyone, evacuate the crowd nearby."


It took about 15 minutes, and Su Yi finally absorbed all the energy.

Su Yi didn't feel uncomfortable after absorbing too much energy in a short period of time.

The only change is that Su Yi's energy has finally reached lv8.

"Phew, it's finally absorbed!"

Peter also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Su Yi's voice. Looking at the scene in front of him, he could only say that the changes were too great.

In the morning, like Dr. Otto, I was full of expectations.

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