Su Yi also knew about Johnny.

Johnny's ability is indeed very good, but mainly in terms of combat power and destructive power.

If it's just to fight against superpowers, Johnny does have room to play.

But if the situation is complicated, it will be difficult for Johnny to display his abilities.

Then there's Johnny's character.

Susan was right, Johnny was more reckless, he liked to show off, show off, and he was likely to get into trouble.

The best way, of course, is for the four of them to debut together to form the Fantastic Four.

The 4 people's abilities have their own emphasis, and they help and cooperate with each other, and their abilities are stronger.

Su Yi is not in a hurry, just make sure that Johnny will not get into trouble during this time.

After a while, other people think it through and decide to become superheroes, and there will be no problem.


Before Su Yi could find Susan, Coulson found Su Yi first.

According to Coulson's understanding, Johnny and others went to outer space and experienced cosmic storms before gaining superpowers.

And among these people who went to outer space, there are a few people that Coulson is familiar with.

Su Yi, Jane and Daisy.

Especially Su Yi, who is an old acquaintance.

So, after learning the information from Johnny, Coulson immediately reported the information.

After receiving Nick Fury's instructions, Coulson immediately contacted Su Yi.

"Kolson, long time no see, what can I do for you?"

Coulson didn't talk nonsense, "I heard that you recently went to outer space and experienced cosmic storms. They all gained superpowers, do you know?"

Su Yi replied affirmatively, "Of course I know that Reed, Susan, Ben, and Johnny will become a superhero team and save the world in the future."

"And what about the others?"

"Jane and Daisy don't want to be superheroes, so don't bother them."

Coulson still chose to agree to Su Yi's request, "Of course."

Coulson immediately changed his goal and went to find Victor, the last person on the spaceship.

Victor naturally saw today's accident, and Ben, Susan and others rescued the person who got out of the car accident.

Seeing Ben and Susan's superpowers, Victor stretched out his hand and stared at the wounded wound.

Under the wound, it turned out to be like metal.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would even suspect that Victor was a robot.

But Victor knew very clearly that he was a human being, not a robot.

And what caused all of this was naturally the energy brought by that cosmic storm.

"It's really a windfall."

Victor felt the changes in himself, and instead of panicking, he enjoyed it.

Growing up in Latvia, Victor has been through a lot.

All this time, Victor had been planning to go back.

Go back to your hometown, complete your revenge, and save your hometown.

To this end, Victor plans to go to outer space.

Using the huge energy brought by the cosmic storm, through a special magic circle, let yourself gain the power of magic.

Unexpectedly, he also obtained superpowers, which is really a surprise.

Just when Victor was excited, Coulson came to the door.

Still the same recipe, still the same taste.

However, with Victor's IQ, it was easy to deal with it.

After dealing with the SHIELD people, Victor decided to learn more about his abilities.

After some testing, Victor learned what he was capable of.

The first ability, of course, is that the body turns into metal.

The second ability is to absorb electricity.

These two abilities are already very powerful, however, Victor is still not satisfied.

This ability is enough to deal with ordinary people.

However, if you want to deal with your own enemies, it is not enough.

"Strength, I need more power!"

"If I can experience the cosmic storm again, I can become stronger!"

Victor is still not satisfied with his power, but it is basically impossible to experience the cosmic storm again.

Victor also knows this very well, so he can only think of another way.

Finally, with a flash of inspiration, Victor thought of a way, to be precise, it was a person.

"Reed, you must have a way."

Victor claims to be smart, but he is not very sure about recreating the experience of the cosmic storm.

However, there is one person who, perhaps, can be, and that person is Reed.

Thinking of this, Victor smiled.

As long as Rideken helps him, he can become stronger.

Victor also knew that it was impossible for Reed to help him complete this plan.

Therefore, I must use some means.

After much deliberation, Victor made a decision.

On a new day, Victor came to the laboratory very early.

Susan and the others were also surprised by Victor's appearance.


"Victor, why are you here?"

Victor briefly explained the purpose of his visit, "I saw yesterday's news, and someone came to me. I'm here to ask you for help."

Yesterday's time, Susan and Reed had studied the changes of 4 people.

Human Torch Johnny can continuously release high temperature, the highest can be comparable to a supernova.

The stone man has not only changed his skin into a stone, but even his internal organs have also changed.

Reed's body is like rubber.

Only Susan's physical condition is relatively normal, but she has two more abilities.

"Oh, we're too busy. We're trying to get back to the way we were, and we're working on the reversal process, and if we do that, we'll be able to get everyone back to the way they were."

"Let me check it for you first. If you want to become an ordinary person in the future, you can also realize this process through machines."

Victor listened to Susan's introduction and immediately thought about it.

The reversal process can be realized, so it is not a problem to reproduce the cosmic storm.

Sure enough, Reid was his hope.

"I thought, I might need, how long will it take to finish this machine, do you need my help?"

"We expect another 20 more days."

Hearing this time, Victor was even more excited.

More than 20 days, I can afford to wait.

Susan checked Victor's condition and found that Victor's body had begun to metallize.

"Victor, your body has been metalized. It seems that it should not affect your normal life, but it is estimated that your skin will turn into metal in the near future."

"Susan, Reed, you have to help me."

Susan said, "Reed and I will definitely do our best."


Victor was extremely excited when he got the affirmative answer from Susan and Reed.

Originally, he wanted to use some force to force Reed to help him reproduce the process of the cosmic storm.

Unexpectedly, there is no need at all.

Reed's current research, I only need to make some adjustments at that time, and then I can use it on myself to make myself stronger.

After Victor's inspection, he was very satisfied with his plan.

Decided to stay in the monitoring, always observing the research progress of Reid, Susan and others.

As soon as the research is completed, I can go there immediately, borrow Reed's machine, and complete my plan.

Chapter 217 Warning

Su Yi didn't tell Susan about Victor. After all, there is no evidence, and Su Yi can't say that Victor is a bad guy.

After all, Victor and Reed are classmates, and they have a good relationship with Susan and others.

At night, Su Yi learned about Victor from Susan.

Victor came to the laboratory and underwent an examination, wanting to become an ordinary person.

When Su Yi heard what Susan said, he couldn't help feeling a little wary.

Su Yi didn't believe that Victor wanted to become an ordinary person.

Su Yi fell into thinking, thinking about what kind of person Victor is in movies and comics.

According to the plot, it seems to be closer to the movie version.

It seems that Victor wanted to take revenge on Reed and others because the space station was destroyed and suffered heavy losses.

However, Victor seems to have some special abilities before entering outer space.

Therefore, Su Yi did not dare to underestimate Victor.

If Victor, Susan and others were to fight, Susan would inevitably be in danger.

Thinking of this, Su Yi decided to warn Victor.

On a new day, through Edith, Su Yi found a clue about Victor and knew Victor's location.

Su Yi appeared outside Victor's house and rang the doorbell.

Victor was a little surprised, who would appear in his home.

No matter who it was, Victor turned off the video in the surveillance first, and then opened the door.

Looking at Su Yi outside the door, Victor was extremely surprised.

He never expected that Su Yi would come to him.

"Hello, Victor."

Victor looked at Su Yi warily, and quickly turned polite.

"What a surprise, Mr. Su Yisu, you actually found me."

"Can I come in and talk?"

"Of course, please come in."

Su Yi was invited and entered Victor's room.

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