Ben couldn't wait any longer, "No, I have to go find her now. If I succeed, I'll be back."

Johnny thoughtlessly asked, "What if you fail?"

All eyes were on Johnny, which surprised Johnny.

"Why are you looking at me? I just said there is such a possibility."

Ben was in a good mood at the moment, and didn't bother arguing with Johnny. Instead, he changed into his clothes, picked up his phone and ring, and was about to find his girlfriend.

Su Yi suggested, "Johnny, you can follow Ben. If Ben fails, we will know where he is."

Susan immediately echoed, "That's right, Johnny, go quickly."

Johnny was very unhappy to be ordered by Su Yi, but after all his elder sister had spoken, Johnny still followed.

Ben's business is over, so next, it's Victor's turn.

Victor didn't want to wait any longer, "Reed, it's my turn."

"I need a little time to adjust the machine. After all, your needs are different from Ben's."

"Moreover, it needs to consume a lot of energy."

Victor immediately replied, "I'll inject energy, you can't worry about energy issues."

Reed had no choice but to agree, and began to adjust the machine.

The entrance of energy input needs to be adjusted.

In addition, parameters must be adjusted.

Reed was busy, but fortunately, Susan helped.

Su Yi waited patiently to prevent mistakes.

If there is a problem, Su Yi will not sit idly by.

"Victor, you'd better keep your promise and return to your hometown after gaining the ability."

Victor agreed, "I will."

"If the machine lacks power, you need to help me. Otherwise, I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay sane after I get out."

It took Reed and Susan half an hour to finally complete the transformation of the machine.

"It's done, Victor, you can inject energy."

Victor injected energy into the machine again, and after charging the machine, Victor walked into the machine.

The machine was running again, a large amount of energy was injected into the experimental cabin, and the energy of the cosmic storm began to be simulated.

Viktor felt the energy, excited.

"Power, this is the power I need!"

Victor greedily absorbed energy, ready to become stronger.

Reed and Susan watched closely, worried that something might be wrong with the machine.

Fortunately, Reid's research did not go wrong, and the machine was operating normally.

Except for the shortcoming of not having enough energy, this machine is perfect.

Fortunately, with the power bank of Victor, the energy problem is not a big problem.

Chapter 230

Victor once again experienced the baptism of cosmic storm energy. Under the radiation of energy, Victor is absorbing energy crazily and becoming stronger.

Su Yi keeps an eye on the machine so that he can deal with it immediately when there is a problem with the machine.

Fortunately, the machine made by Reed has no problems at all.

Victor's strengthening process is finally over.

Reid didn't turn on the machine until the process was completely over.

Victor in the machine has undergone tremendous changes at this moment.

The previous Viktor looked quite normal, at least most of the skin still looked human.

But now Victor seems to have become an iron man.

Powerful energy exudes from the whole body, but this state is extremely unstable, as if it is about to explode at any time.

Su Yi is always ready, if Victor can't control these energies, he has no choice but to swallow them.

Fortunately, Victor's will is still strong, and he actually forcibly controlled the energy of the runaway.

Victor regained consciousness, felt his own strength, and was ecstatic.

With this ability, he can definitely defeat the tyrannical king of his hometown and save his hometown from fire and water.

Victor was so excited that he set his eyes on Su Yi in front of him.

I saw that Su Yi didn't hesitate at all, and met Victor's gaze head-on.

As long as Victor dared to make a move, Su Yi would dare to beat him down directly.

Victor finally endured it and didn't make a move.

He didn't know Su Yi's strength, but he could roughly guess that Su Yi's strength was definitely not weak.

I have more important things to do, there is no need to add an enemy to myself.

"Victor, how are you feeling?"

"I feel so much better, I'm full of strength."

Susan said, "Victor, what you look like now..."

Victor wasn't worried at all, and took out a mask, "I was prepared."

Victor put on a mask to cover his face.

In this way, no one will know what Victor really looks like.

Su Yi knew that Doctor Doom, who was a master of both magic and technology, was born.

But fortunately, the current Dr. Doom is not a complete bad guy, and he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary.

"My goal has been achieved, thank you, Reed."

Reed replied, "You're welcome."

"I'm leaving."

Victor achieved his goal and then chose to leave.

Only Su Yi, Susan and Reed were left.

Reed and Susan had worked so hard to build this machine that they could finally relax.

Susan was so excited that she hugged Su Yi.

"Su, it's finally finished. Ben has returned to its original state."

"Nice job, Susan. I think we can celebrate, don't you think?"

Susan agreed, "I think this is a good idea. If Ben can get his girlfriend back, he will definitely need to celebrate."

"What do you think, Reed?"

Reed wanted to refuse, but hesitated, and agreed.

"I agree."

Susan took out her mobile phone, "I'll ask Johnny to see how Ben is doing."

Susan called Johnny, who was observing Ben's situation from a distance.


"Johnny, how's Ben? We're going to celebrate. How's Ben? Let him bring his girlfriend to celebrate."

Johnny stood on the street, staring at Ben's house, "I don't know, it should be almost successful."

"You know, if they get back together, I can't bother them."

When Susan thought about it, it seemed to be the same reason.

"Then don't wait for him, we'll send him a message and go to the bar first."

Johnny was very happy, "Good idea, I'll go now."

Johnny was about to hang up when Ben came out of the room, looking unhappy.

"Wait, Ben is out, it looks like... something went wrong."

Johnny didn't hang up the phone, but went after him directly, "Hey, big guy, how's it going?"

Ben stopped and glared, "Are you here to laugh at me?"

Even if Johnny is not very bright, he can see that Ben and his girlfriend have failed to get back together.

Although I don't know the reason, it must not be because of Ben's appearance, because Ben has fully recovered.

It's a pity that Ben persisted for so many days, looking forward to changing back to the original.

Now it seems that it is all in vain.

The reunion with his girlfriend was a complete failure.

Johnny picked up the phone and said to the phone, "It seems that we can't celebrate tonight. A certain big man has lost his love, and he must not be happy."

Susan was a little shocked, "Water? This has been restored, why did it still fail?"

"How do I know? What now?"

Susan ordered, "Take Ben to the bar, let's rush over and comfort Ben together."

Johnny agreed, "You're right, the way to forget a relationship is to start a new one."

Johnny caught up with Ben, "Brother, I know you're in a bad mood, let's go have a drink or two."

Ben didn't bother to bother, and just kept going.

Johnny had no choice but to follow him and continued to persuade, "Big man, I think you should start a new relationship, which will be better."


The two came to the bar one after the other, and Johnny also notified Susan and others.

The three of Susan also came to the bar soon, and found the happy Johnny in the bar.

Johnny is pretty handsome, and he is a seasoned lover, so he immediately attracted many girls.

Surrounded by girls, Johnny is like a duck to water.

Ben, on the other hand, was sitting in a corner, drinking alone.

The three of Susan came to Ben's side, and Susan immediately comforted, "Ben, are you okay?"

Ben saw Susan and others, and had a drink.

"Thank you for your hard work every day, completing the machine and helping me restore it to its original state. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be of much use."

"You're welcome, we're friends, aren't we?"

After comforting Ben with a few words, Su Yi and Susan left to enjoy their personal time.

And Reed is a nerd, and he doesn't know what to do at the moment, so he just drinks quietly with Ben.

After a while, a beautiful woman came to chat with Reed.

Reed didn't feel much, and chatted with the beauty about scientific knowledge, but unexpectedly, the beauty seemed interested.

So, Reed and the beauty also chatted happily.

In this way, only the lovelorn Ben was left alone, looking a little lonely.

Time passed like this, and Ben didn't expect that a girl would find him.

"Hey handsome, would you like to have a drink?"

Ben followed the voice, "I'm sorry, I just lost my relationship, and I haven't planned to start a new relationship yet."

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