"Those congressmen will not let go of the opportunity to smear heroes, and I need you to help us tide over the difficulties." He said.

"Boiled egg head, pay back the money!" Peter suddenly demanded the debt.

Everyone: "..."

Nick Fury: "????"

"Peter, the director of this world doesn't owe us any money." Peter Three reminded in a low voice.

Peter: "..."

So embarrassing!

At this moment, Steve came over carrying the white can of Tony, interrupting the awkwardness.

"Where's Yami?" he asked.

"I know."

Banner regained consciousness and walked out from the corner, pointing to the direction where the portal disappeared.

"They should have been sent to the base camp of the Chitauri army by the portal."

"Base camp?"

Natasha frowned, "Yami will be in danger."

Jessica waved her hand, "Don't worry about him, he may be doing something happy now." Her tone was sour.

"A happy thing?"

Everyone is thoughtful.

Chapter 188 Temple No. [-]

The vast universe, the vast starry sky.

The dots and stars in the darkness disappeared with the huge portal, gradually losing their luster, and this universe once again fell into endless darkness and dead silence.

In this desperate deep space, there is only a faint gleam of evil light.

Temple One spaceship.

"Damn Earthlings, damn Loki, damn Asgard, damn Spider-Man..."

In the barren land inside the spacecraft, a fortified palace made of animal bones is located on it, and hoarse angry roars can be heard from inside the palace.

Outside the palace, the Chitauri aircraft slowly returned to the spaceship from space, the Chitauri giant apes were imprisoned by the Chitauri, and the Leviathan war beasts poured into the spaceship screaming.

The arena is lively again, and the Chitauri don't seem to care about the leader's anger and unwillingness, they are pursuing their own happiness and enjoyment.

Gladiatorial fighting, the Chitauri's only pastime, is also their favorite.

Their planet was originally due to the unstable planetary trajectory, which caused the temperature of Chitauri to remain at minus one hundred for a long time.

But they don't care, their fun is to invade other life planets, capture and enslave other life races, and force them to participate in gladiator competitions.

In these games, blood and violence are the potions that make them more excited.

In the cold environment, the blood of the arena will condense into blood flowers in mid-air, forming a strange landscape, which looks like a beautiful red snow landscape.

The Chitauri collect these blood flowers and feed them to their children.

Bloody flowers are called the snow of war by them, which is the perverted culture of the Chitauri advocating violence and blood.

But since the planet Chitauri was conquered by Thanos, they have become the private army of the cosmic authority, and there are fewer and fewer playthings in the arena, and their fun has been deprived.

Because Thanos does not allow them to wantonly trample on the dignity of life.

Kill half of life and spare the other half.

This is what Thanos has been doing.

As Thanos' personal army, the Chitauri must obey the king's will.

The existence of the arena has become an unspeakable secret.

If it weren't for being sent to attack the earth this time and staying away from Thanos, the Chitauri would not dare to reset the arena with great fanfare and play wantonly.

Another reason is that although they failed this time, they caught two fun-looking humans.

Their battles must have been fun.

In the blood-stained and extremely smelly arena, the black Chitauri screamed loudly, their ferocious faces were full of excitement, and some Chitauri even pulled out the mechanical armor on their chest and waved it excitedly, not caring about the flow green blood.

"Quack quack, this time I caught the superheroes of the earth, I heard they are very good at fighting."

"Of course, many of our companions died at their hands. They are very strong and very interesting."

"It's amazing, it's hard to imagine how such a weak body can burst out with such terrifying power."

"It's a pity that the Asgardians were not caught. They are the most perfect gladiators."

"Yes, I'd give anything if I caught Thor..."

"Don't think about it, Sol's father is the king of the gods, that adult can't do anything to Sol now."

"That's right, but the superheroes of the earth are not bad, I can't wait to watch the battle of the earthlings."

Amidst the loud cheers and whispers, Yang Ming, whose hands and feet were locked by blue light handcuffs, was escorted onto the stage.

Looking at the black Chitauri people around him, there was an unpleasant stench coming from the tip of his nose, and the black soil formed by the accumulation of dried blood was under his feet.

Yang Ming sighed. He thought it was a casual trip, but he didn't expect to become a monkey in the eyes of aliens.

The portal device sent him to the special cage of Temple No. [-]. This is a special weapon used by the Chitauri to imprison the powerful races in the universe. The terrifying dark energy is compressed in it, which is enough to suppress the natural protoss like Sol.

The set of blue handcuffs in his hand is a restriction bracelet made with super technology, which contains the mysterious elements that the Chitauri snatched from an unknown planet, which can weaken the strong below the Heavenly Father level.

Without the permission of the controller, Yang Ming could not fully exert his power.

Fortunately, good things such as Infinity Gems and Pym Particles were hidden in his battle suit, and they were not snatched by the Chitauri, otherwise it would be a real loss.

But if he wants to get out of the predicament, he is not helpless.

Calling out the system interface, Yang Ming felt a little comfort in his heart.

No, this comforts the boss!

【Hidden Mission: Participate in the big event of the Avengers, save the Earth from crisis, optional rewards. 】

[Reward 20: [-]% power of a generation of Spider-Man. 】

[Reward [-]: Two hundred catties of vibrating gold. 】

[Reward [-]: [-] symbiont resistance. 】

Yang Ming did not hesitate to choose 20% of the power of the first generation of Spider-Man.

Plus the previous 34% power, a total of 54%.

The power rewarded by the system is calculated from the basic power of Spider-Man. The basic power of 25 tons is very poor, and 54% is about 13 tons.

Compared with system cards, amplifiers, infinite gem fragments, totem power and other means of amplification, 13 tons of power is very embarrassing.

But soon, he will have stronger power.

He looked around at the countless chitauri around him and grinned.

This is a great place.

"Earthlings, this is your opponent. You can either be killed or kill your opponent. I look forward to your performance."

Behind him, the Zita Swiss soldier with a weapon pushed Yang Ming, and a cage was raised on the opposite field, and a strong figure with a height of four meters and covered in green came into view.

At first glance I thought it was Hulk.

Zehouberg, the hometown of Gamora, the adopted daughter of Thanos.

Thanos killed half of Zehouberi's life, and the most powerful Zehouberi was captured by the Chitauri and became a frequent visitor to the arena.

Until now, this Zehuberi has killed three hundred opponents.


The green giant stepped forward slowly, his face expressionless, and the dead silence in his eyes made him chill.

"Uro, kill him!"

"Go up, Ulo, show your strength!"

Uro appeared on the stage, and the atmosphere reached a climax.

Amidst countless cheers and screams, a huge shadow enveloped Yang Ming.

"I heard that you are from Earth." Uro asked blankly.

The blue light handcuffs on the wrists have been separated, but as long as the controller has a thought, the two will become prisoners again.

Yang Ming inspected the huge figure in front of him, and found the despair hidden in the other's eyes.

"Your hometown Zehouberg has not disappeared yet," he said.

Uro shook his head, "All my relatives died at the hands of Thanos, and my hometown has no meaning to me."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want revenge."

"How to revenge?"

"Kill you, survive.

Or maybe... I was beaten to death by you, let me be free! "

Wu Luo gritted his teeth and opened his mouth word by word, his fists merged and bombarded down, and the surrounding black soil trembled.


The next moment, a strong figure flew upside down, Yang Ming slowly retracted his fists and took a deep breath.

"I understand."

"Black heart!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The black liquid covered the arm, and the orange-red energy quickly condensed into a frighteningly high temperature.

Seeing this, Uro, who was deeply trapped in the black soil, struggled to get up while clutching his painful chest.

"Thank you, Earthlings..."

He smiled slightly, his eyes became blurred, and the picture in front of him was blurred, as if he had returned to the past.

I can finally be freed.

Chapter 189 Thank you for the spaceship sent by the old iron

Thanos is stronger than he imagined, and he knew it was impossible to succeed in revenge, so he chose another path.

But he will not die in the hands of the weak, because he has his own pride, the last bit of poor self-esteem.

So he killed enemies one by one and lived to this day.

But now, it was his wish to die in the hands of a powerful opponent.


The orange-red energy rays cut through the dark arena, and the tall figure suddenly knelt down.

Wu Luo smiled and fell into a pool of blood, and then his entire body was engulfed by flames, turning into fly ash.

There was a moment of silence in the arena, and then more excited cheers erupted, and everyone was boiling for it.

On the high platform, the leader of the Chitauri, who was covered in black robes, watched this unsuspecting battle with strong fear in his eyes.

"A power comparable to that of a god, a Chitauri cannot grasp..."

He wanted to press the device in his hand to completely wipe out this terrifying earthling.

But as soon as he made a move, he couldn't help feeling compassionate.

If the Chitauri want to get out of Thanos' control, maybe they can...

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