Chapter 224 Loki's Farce

On the stage, two actors who look very similar to Thor and Loki are performing hard.

"Brother, I can't do it anymore, I'm afraid I can't stand it anymore."

Loki fell into Sol's arms, making a weak sound, his eyes full of love for Sol.

Sol's tears welled up in his eyes, "Stupid brother, you have never been obedient, Sif hurry up and ask for help, someone please help us..." he yelled.

"Sorry it's all my fault."

"It's okay, you have to hold on."

"Sorry, I'm not supposed to conquer Earth."

"It's their honor to be conquered by you."

"I'm sorry about the Rubik's Cube thing, I just can't help myself, I understand, I'm a cunning and treacherous person."

"Yes, very scheming."

"Also, I shouldn't have turned you into a frog that time."

"That's actually a good joke."

"You are the savior of Asgard, you want to tell my story."

"I will."

"Build me a statue."

"We'll build you a gigantic statue."

"Remember to give me the helmet, the one with the curved horns."

"Yeah, I'll tell my father about your heroic deeds."

"I didn't do this for him."

Loki's long-winded before death finally ended, Thor was heartbroken and screamed to the sky.

"Do not!!!"

At the scene, all the Asgardian audience were tearful, and they were deeply moved by the relationship between the two brothers.

Yang Ming and Gwen huddled together in the crowd, overwhelmed by the exaggerated performance of the two actors.

"Yami, will Saul say that? It's our honor to be conquered by Loki?" Gwen's eyes were not friendly.

Yang Ming shook his head, "Of course not, unless Sol's girlfriend greens him."

"Is that green?"

"should not."

"So this performance is the old man's default?" Gwen looked at Odin who was about to perform on stage.

Yang Ming rubbed his chin, "This guy is not Odin, I don't feel any threat from him at all."

Gwen was thoughtful, "An actor too?"

"It should be, and it's played by the closest person, who keeps all of Asgard's people in the dark."

"Loki?" Gwen thought of someone.

Yang Ming recalled the plot in his mind, and said: "Yes, after the two brothers finished fighting the Dark Elves, Thor rejected his wish to become king, and then left Asgard.

It's just that he didn't know that the Odin in front of him was disguised by Loki who he thought was dead. "

Gwen shook her head. "Poor Saul, shall we tell him about this?"

"No, he already knows."

Yang Ming turned around and saw that the real Sol was already standing behind him. Hearing the conversation between the two, he looked angrily at the pirated goods on the stage.

"Loki, cunning fellow!!"

He rushed forward and grabbed Odin who was having fun. Thor's Hammer flew from a distance at a high speed, and was held by Thor with one hand, easily pressing Odin under the hammer.

"Oh Sol, my boy, you're back."

Seeing that it was Thor, Odin barely showed a stiff smile, he was about to be suffocated by Thor's hammer.

"Loki, stop lying!" Thor growled.

With his identity discovered so quickly, Loki stopped pretending.

"Haha, my brother, you are smarter this time."

Odin turned into Loki's appearance, and then collapsed into fly ash, all the audience in Asgard exclaimed instantly.

"Oh, what happened?"

"The king is Loki in disguise."

"That's why he likes this kind of stuff."

"I've already noticed that something is wrong with the king. It turned out to be Loki."

"Before I thought the king became like this because of Loki's death, I'm such an idiot."

"Me too, we should have found out earlier."


Everyone was discussing, subconsciously stepping back to make room.

When the two meet, they will definitely fight, and it is safer to stay far away.

Thor and Rocky are both princes, and they have no reason to interfere in their private affairs.

In addition to Odin's absence, the queen also died in the dark elf incident, and no one dared to stop the fight between the two.

And here, Loki's figure emerged behind Thor, his smile still annoying.

"Sol, you shouldn't have come back," he said.

Sol turned his head and roared angrily, "I fell for your trick again, I thought you were dead!" His tone was trembling.

Rocky is alive and he is happy.

But being cheated by Loki, he was still very angry.

This guy is such a nuisance.

Loki looked at Yang Ming in the crowd with fear in his eyes.

"Haha, it turned out that it was my friends on Earth who exposed me, otherwise the fool Saul would never have found out."

Yang Ming shrugged, "Sorry, I didn't mean to, your acting skills are too bad."

"Where's father?" Thor asked.

Loki shook his head, "I don't know."

"where is it?"

Thor stepped forward, threatening with a hammer.

Loki backed away quickly, "Can't you hide away? Without you, everything would be perfect, and Asgard would prosper forever. Your appearance ruined all of this. Why don't you ask other people... ..."

"Where is father!!"

Thor roared, and Loki was cornered, Thor's hammer on his chest again.

"Did you take his life?"

"You got your wish, didn't you always want to be independent?"


Thor held the hammer a little harder, and Loki immediately cried out in pain.

"It hurts, it hurts, well, I know where he is." Rocky rubbed his forehead and turned his head three times.

In his plan, Sol should not have come back so soon.

"Where is father?"


Sol looked back at Yang Ming, "Yami, I might go to Earth."

"Has the Rainbow Bridge been repaired?" Yang Ming asked.

"Probably not yet."

"Then I'll give you a ride."

"Thank you."


The blue portal opened, and Sol carried Loki and flew into the portal.

With the disappearance of the portal, everyone's eyes fell on Yang Ming.

The female warrior Sif stepped forward and introduced: "This is Saul's earth friend, Yami."

"Yami, I heard that you are the strongest Earthling, shall we compete?" Sif looked provocatively.

Yang Ming spread his hands, "Sorry, I don't hit women."

Sif's face darkened, "If you look down on women, it's up to you."

After she finished speaking, she let out a loud shout, bursting out with divine power, flying high and jumping towards Yang Ming.

1 minute later.

"Yami, I am convinced, you are truly strong."

Sif smiled at Yang Ming, raised her hand and saluted, showing Asgard's respect for the strong.

Yang Ming put down his fist and said with a smile, "Hold on low, here, take this for a hot compress." He sent a hard-boiled egg.

"How does this work?"

"Placing it in the corner of your eye can speed up your swelling."

"Thank you, Yami, you are the most caring people on earth." Sif left while covering her red and swollen eyes.

Gwen came to Yang Ming's side, "God will be swollen too?" She was full of doubts.

Yang Ming explained: "The Asgardians are not gods in the true sense. They can be regarded as special evolutionaries, alien races with far stronger physiques than Earthlings."

Chapter 225 Odin's Treasure

Gwen was curious, "How did they evolve, is there any treasure here that allows them to evolve?"

Yang Ming looked at the distant sky, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Asgard's God Realm was born on the World Tree. The power of the World Tree has brought mysterious divine power to Asgard, but these divine powers are limited and cannot transform all Asgardians into gods. Let them Possesses powerful divine power.

Therefore, the Asgardians who were fortunate enough to obtain the power of the World Tree and become gods became the guardians of Asgard. As the royal family of Asgard, they have led Asgard to prosperity for generations. "

Gwen understood, "Where is the world tree, can we make it help us become gods?"

Yang Ming shook his head, "Don't think about it, Asgard is not the only God Realm that relies on the World Tree to exist. This universe is not too big, and the power of the World Tree is limited, and it cannot support the huge consumption of the birth of gods.

And Thor's power comes from the blood of the previous generation, not the World Tree, so I guess the World Tree is no longer able to create gods. "

"Oh, what a pity."

Gwen was lost, and Yang Ming comforted him: "Although the world tree in this world is unable to create gods, it doesn't mean that other world trees cannot.

The next world should be even bigger, and we still have a chance. "

Hearing this, Gwen cheered up and said with a smile: "Yeah, I want to be the first Spider-Man to become a god."


Yang Ming laughed, the Spider-Man multiverse is the most complicated, and there are many powerful Spider-Man beyond the gods, Gwen is afraid that he will have no chance.

"Okay, you go to Xinghuan to see the forging progress, I'll go shopping first." Yang Ming said.

Gwen's eyes became strange, "Go shopping? You don't want to get the idea of ​​Asgard's treasure house, do you?

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