"he is injured."

"It's fine."

Steve scanned the city, "I have an ominous feeling."

Chapter 243 I Am the Destiny

"You mean they found a way to suppress the power of the Infinity Stones?" Vision Tony asked.

He also felt incredible.

Of those present, no one understood the power of the Infinity Stones better than he.

In this respect, not even the old Tony can match him.

Because he once wore the Infinity Gauntlet.

This kind of power, let alone mortals, even the most powerful gods will be wiped out under this power.

Thanos found a way to suppress the Infinity Stones that he never thought of.

Steve looked at Visionary Tony, shook his head and said, "No, didn't you notice it? Banner is gone."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Hulk, this is the most powerful avenger among them. If Hulk loses control, without Thanos taking action, Hulk is enough for them to have a headache.

Sure enough, there was only a loud noise from a distant building, and the thin figure screamed under the pursuit of the behemoth.

"Oh, no, Uncle Hulk, stop chasing me, I'm not your enemy!!"

Peter III flew between the spider silk and the building, Hulk behind him was chasing after him, and there was not a single intact building in his path.

"Bugs, tear up bugs!!"

At this time, Hulk's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and only the flying Peter III was in his eyes.

A voice in his mind told him that as long as he shredded this bug, his mood would become very happy.

"Oops, he's in a very bad state." Natasha exclaimed, her eyes full of worry.

"Peter is not his opponent." Tony No. [-]'s feet sprayed energy and flew to the rescue.

"No, you didn't prepare the anti-Hulk armor, and you are not an opponent."

Gwen launched a silk fly, followed closely behind.

"We have to bring the Hulk back to his senses."

Steve said that he was about to participate in the rescue. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the hatch of the huge spaceship opened at high altitude, and a large number of triangular landing pods fell from the sky, crashing into the center of the city, setting off dust and gravel in the sky.

"They're ready to do it!" Vision Tony's face was serious.

"Be careful!!"

Barton's pupils shrank, and he noticed the energy condensation and fluctuations at the bottom of the spaceship.

"Get out of here."

With a loud shout, he fired an arrow at the building next door, and then jumped.

At the same time, the elderly Tony and others hurriedly left the roof of the building, and the huge spaceship slammed the beam of light and flooded the building.


The building collapsed at the sound, turning into ruins in the white beam of light.

The rich fireworks burst, and the battle to defend the earth officially started.

As the flames slowly dissipated, everyone who avoided the laser stared at the tall figure in the center of the ruins, with ugly expressions on their faces.

"He came, he came in person."

Nebula trembled, Gamora's eyes were full of hatred, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Oh, this is the purple sweet potato essence Yami is talking about, Thanos the overlord of the universe?" Rocket Raccoon looked curious.

"I'm Groot." Groot nodded.

Quill took a step back to hide behind Drax, "This guy is nothing if I'm still a god." He pretended to be disdainful.

Drax looked contemptuously: "If you are still a god, now you have become your father's poop."

Quill: "..."

In the sky above his head, the phantom Tony floating in the air saw a familiar figure again, and the final battle of that year appeared in his mind, and his vibrating body trembled slightly.

"It's him, it's him, we meet again."

He took a deep breath and his eyes became firm.

"Thanos of this world, you will not succeed this time!"

"That's right!"

Old Tony slowly put on the metal mask, his old voice was a little hoarse.

"Back then, I have already left regrets. Even if I die this time, I don't want to be a coward!"

Steve stepped forward, holding his shield high.

"Avengers, assemble!"

In an instant, Barton, Natasha, Tony and the others took a step forward without hesitation.


Suddenly, thunder appeared in the sky, and Thor came down to the earth with his newly built Storm Axe.

"You don't seem to be ready to wait for me." Sol laughed.

Steve smiled. "We knew you'd be here."

"of course."

Thor strode forward to join the camp, and the Storm Ax pointed at the tall figure in the ruins.

"Yami said, I once cut off your head." He looked extremely confident.


In the ruins, the gravel rolled down, and the purple figure sat calmly in the ruins, stroking the dark golden saber with his palm, his face was terribly calm.

"Sol, it wasn't me who cut off your head."

"Because I'm not as vulnerable as another idiot!"

Thanos stood up and walked slowly towards Steve and the others.

In an instant, a powerful aura swept over everyone present, and the inexplicable sense of oppression made the war seem to be over before it started.


The breeze blew, and the air became silent, only the faint roar came from a distance.

Hulk is still crazy, and the battle between Gwen and others has reached a fever pitch.

After a short silence, Vision Tony and Old Tony stepped forward.

"You know the other ending of you, you seem to know more information than us." Vision Tony said.

Thanos visually hallucinated Tony, and his eyes were quite appreciative.

"Tony, you are a mortal who is truly cursed by knowledge, and other Tonys can't compare to you."

"Oh, big purple man, you must be old and blind, and it's true that you didn't see me..."

Just as Tony One opened his mouth, Thanos glanced at Tony One suddenly, and instantly shocked him speechless.

"The other Tony?"

Thanos sneered, "How do the other Tonys have the courage to wear the Infinity Gauntlet, am I right? Old acquaintance."

He stared at old Tony with a sarcastic smile.

At this moment, the old Tony trembled, pointing at Thanos in front of him, trembling, and staggering.

"You...you...you are not the Thanos of this world!!" He exclaimed.

He was all too familiar with this look.

For countless nights, the same sarcastic eyes as at this time continued to deepen his sense of guilt towards his comrades-in-arms, and gradually drove him crazy.

"Hahaha, very good, you haven't forgotten me yet!"

Thanos laughed, "Back then you were a complete coward, you could have won, but you were timid, so the final winner was me.

This time, I will win too, and appreciate your desperate expression again. "

After the words were finished, the landing cabin let out a huge roar, and the endless Chitauri army came out of the chrysalis.

The sky, the earth, they quickly occupied the entire city.

"How is it possible, isn't the Chitauri army all wiped out by Yami?" Quill screamed.

"Idiot, is this the time to struggle with this problem?"

Rocket Raccoon unsheathed the weapon on his back, ready to fight.

Facing the endless army, everyone couldn't help but despair.

"Hahaha, what helper do you have in this world?"

Thanos waved his hand, and the endless army came shouting to kill.

"Yami, are you still coming out?"

He looked up to the sky and screamed, "No matter how late, your partner will die in my hands."

"I do what I say!"

He restrained his smile, his saber roaring.

"Today, the two of us can only live as one!"

Too late, really too late.

Thanos clenched his sword tightly, his expression firm.

If you are destined to have no hope, then completely destroy it!


Suddenly, a blue light appeared behind Thanos.

What followed were blue portals that emerged one after another.

In the portal, an endless army rushed out mightily, and flying machines swept across the sky of the city.

"That's...Nova Corps!" Rocket Raccoon yelled.

"And Yondu, they're here too!!"

Quill couldn't help being excited as he looked at the massive predator army.

"It's the collector's arm, Difan Group!!" Gamora exclaimed.

"There's also the little golden man from Star Sovereign, why are they willing to make a move?" Quill wondered.

"They came for the golden cocoon." The mantis girl closed her eyes and sensed this message.

"Golden giant cocoon? Hahaha, it's Yami, here comes Yami!" Drax laughed.

"I'm Groot."

Groot pumped his fists, confident.

"Look, that's Asgard's army!"

Amid Thor's laughter, Heimdall led the army to Earth.

"And us."

The golden arbitrary door quietly emerged, and a group of Karma Taj mages appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

"Who are you?" Steve wondered.

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