This place is completely different from the place where the Night Lords were imprisoned. The corridors here are decorated with gorgeous decorations on both sides. Landscape paintings and artistic paintings are hung on the walls. Every few meters there will be a statue carved out of marble. on mahogany pillars, and on those pillars there would also be poems written in Nostromo.

Talos continued to walk forward, and he even picked up a less heavy sculpture and held it in his hand as his weapon, although the psychological comfort it brought him was far greater than the actual effect.

There was the sound of sipping a drink, followed by the sound of pages being turned.

Walking out of the corridor, Talos froze in place, muttering:

"You are really here..."

Conrad Koz was wearing a decent black dress and sat cross-legged on a gorgeous soft chair. The Gothic style mixed with Baroque style chair was filled with the softest cotton wool of Neo Nostromo. The dark red The upholstery is even more elegantly sewn with gold threads.

There is a faint scent of agarwood lingering here, and in front of Konrad Koz, who is holding a thick book, is a small round table with exquisite workmanship. Wine, the red wine swirls in the glass, as if it is a never-ending vortex——

Conrad Coates is here, The Night Haunter is here.


Talos knelt on his knees, and the cold reality turned into a sword and pierced into the soul of the prophet. Despair welled up from the bottom of his heart, crushing the last bit of Talos' strong will in an instant:


"Why can you sit here with peace of mind?!"

"Why should we be abandoned? Why should we become criminals?"

"I also want to be a hero! I also want to be a hero... Let you, let them, let everyone see the result of my becoming a hero!"

"But you who made us into scum, why can you sit here and watch us die?"

"Answer me, Conrad Coates!"

Chapter 153: Under Midnight, Though Dead, Still Alive ([-])

Midnight Haunting put down the book, and shifted his gaze to Talos who was kneeling on the ground. There was a coldness engraved on his stern and feminine face. There was a fake smile from the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly:

"Soul Hunter, you are here too."

"My lord...why..."

"No. 16," Midnight Haunting shook his head, "You are the No. 16 midnight lord who asked me this question. Except for Sevita who didn't ask, everyone who was imprisoned here came here , ask me this question."


Talos' chest heaved, desperate for an answer.

"But before I answer you, don't you want to know why only seventeen Night Lords are locked up here?"

The Night Haunter asked flatly, his tone and way of speaking made Talos a little uncomfortable, as if the Primarch who came out of the darkness of Nostromo had completely cured himself of madness.Midnight Haunter ignored Talos, but said to himself:

"Fear is a means, not an end... How many of you remember what I said?"


"There were more than 50 midnight lords captured, but only seventeen were sent here, Talos, do you know why?"


"You know why, Talos, and you also understand that those things cannot be concealed from my foreknowledge," Midnight Haunter pointed to his eyes, then pointed to Talos, "You also have the power of foreknowledge, don't you?" ? Otherwise, they wouldn't have engraved the rune that suppresses psionic energy on your body."

"I see only death, only the death of despair, the death of slaves, the death of enemies, the death of brothers."

Talos responded in a low voice, his face was covered with a layer of paleness, for the midnight lords who inherited the sad prescient power of the midnight ghost, this power is definitely not good... and what is even more ridiculous is that only Those who are afflicted by precognition possess this ability.

"Me too."

The Midnight Haunter blinked, leaned back in her chair, and let out a contented sigh.This voice made Talos feel a little annoyed. At this time, he didn't care about the gap between his identity and strength. He suppressed his anger and tried his best to make every word he uttered clear and accurate:

"You haven't answered my question, why can those dolls become the Night Lords, why can they replace-us?"

"Do you remember Nostromo? That planet full of evil, I once made order there, but soon collapsed under the eternal night, suffering, sorrow, hatred, sin, depravity... Nostra Mo is such a world, she shapes us and we judge in return."

"Yes," Talos replied blankly, "that is an order you personally gave."

Midnight Haunter nodded, as if not noticing the sarcasm in Talos' words:

"I ordered, but I rebuilt a Nostromo, just before—"

"The planet of those dolls?"

"...Pay attention to your words, Soul Hunter, my patience and gentleness are not infinite," Midnight Haunting finally put away that false smile, and at this moment, Talos suddenly found that his genetic father had returned In the past, back to the old Conrad Koze who loved skinning and talking to dead bodies.

"Since you want to know so much, then I will tell you what I have repeated a dozen times," Midnight Haunted stood up, looking down at Talos with a cold light in his eyes:

"They were also born in evil, and the ugliness of human nature almost drowned them in the dirty sewage, just like you in the past! Of course, you can also tell me that it is the evil and darkness on Nostromo that shaped You, none of the other Legions Astartes have had such a miserable experience - how could that be?! Don't you know what the Ninth Legion used to be like, Talos? Though you are not Terran."

"That is your responsibility," whispered Talos. "It is not only the Nostromo that shaped us, but your madness."


The murderous aura of Midnight Haunting spread throughout the room, even covering the surface of the furniture with a layer of frost.But Talos didn't seem to notice, and continued to say:

"We have been attracted by your vision... I, Macharion, Sevatar, we have all been attracted by the words of your words, to stop crime with fear, to regulate order with fear, but ultimately want to judge the evil People huddled in small rooms and talked to corpses all day long, allowing the legion to be swallowed by those scum... Isn't this your responsibility?"

With a wave of his hand, an invisible force swept away the frost on the surface of the furniture. Midnight Haunted sat down on the chair, picked up the wine glass and poured himself a glass of wine. He raised the glass to Talos, shaking the red wine inside. Color wine liquid, said softly:

"It's my responsibility, so I did it all over again, re-established a legion, I pulled those little girls out of the sewage in the sewer, and then gave them strength, gave them my will and thinking, and then, I got the current A Night Lord, a Night Lord who is no different from before except for gender."

"I once thought about what I should do if they also fell like the Night Lords Legion in the past, but fortunately this ending did not happen... Talos, I have thought a lot. For decades, I have been I'm thinking, I'm thinking about the difference between me and Sanguinius, the difference between the Night Lord and the Blood Angels..."

Midnight Haunted looked at the crimson wine, as if it was the bright red livery of the Blood Angels Legion. He sighed and put the wine glass on the table, reached out and tapped the table, and said:

"We all have precognitive powers, don't we? But it's strange that we're so different... Sanguinius didn't grow up in a better place than us, but that's it, we're different. After a long time After thinking about it, I learned from those new Night Lords, from my new children—that we each shaped this."

"I redeemed them, and they redeemed me."

"When those scum poisoned the legion in the past, they also poisoned me, but when I had the ability to correct all this, I chose to escape, and I would only pay attention to it when I saw it. This has become a sad tragedy. cycle."

"So, I want to break this cycle, and the effect is surprisingly good, so that I don't want to see the past Night Lords, and see that group of scum... Talos, this is my reason."

The Night Haunter looked into Talos' eyes, which closed in pain, not wanting to meet the now bright eyes.After being silent for more than ten seconds, Talos smiled wryly:

"I kind of understand why they would be willing to lie in a dark cell instead of fleeing or simply committing suicide."

"Talos," the Night Haunter looked at him seriously, "you are just like the Night Lord lying in the cell... There are still some things in your heart that we once despised and laughed at, and it is these things that allow you to Standing in front of me and speaking disrespectful words to me, this is so funny, I was pointed at the nose by my own son and scolded me sixteen times, ah... seventeen times."

"I'm locked up here to give you a chance, a guarantee... Talos, you have to take the first step in your own redemption," Midnight Haunting finally began to speak in a real and gentle voice, and the expression on his face also changed. Relax, "This is my conclusion after thinking about it, I hope it can give you a little help."

"...I'm going back first, my lord."

Talos didn't respond to Midnight Haunter's words, he just stood up in a daze, and walked towards the darkness when he came, his whole back was filled with bitterness——

Midnight Haunted watched the figure disappear into the darkness, then he glanced at the empty thick book on the table, and murmured in a low voice:

"Talos, Sevtar, and those remaining Midnight Lords will all be the help of the Midnight Sons..."

"But the fate of Chiye Mengxiang's death has not been changed...why?"

Chapter 154

The newly repaired and strengthened body of the Nightfall appeared from a pure white flash, and she was accompanied by a huge fleet mainly composed of four battleships.The fleet stopped in the edge nebula of the galaxy, using its powerful electromagnetic interference to hide its figure.

"The fourth test voyage has ended perfectly, thank you for your hard work, everyone."

The first company commander of the Midnight Lords Corps, Akaya Moeka, spoke softly to the other personnel on the bridge. Her words made the crew cheer a little, and except for the three pilots who were the main controllers, Yurha, Most of the people currently driving the Nightfall are ordinary crew members of this battleship.

These ordinary crew members originally thought that they would be executed as part of the traitor, but they soon saw an angel with pure white wings in anxiety——

There is no second day, I only believe in the emperor now... Long live the Regent of Sanguinius!

"Sister Lianchang, where is our destination this time?"

A midnight lord walked up to Chi Yemengxiang and handed her a cup of milk tea from New Nostromo. The latter bit the straw and took a few sips contentedly before saying softly:

"I don't know very well, but those choir guys said that we might find clues to those rebellious brothers here."

"Then this really requires us to go there in person... But, Sister First, don't the Night Lords of other teams need to hunt down those rebellious brothers? If we put the entire legion into it, the efficiency will be higher, right? "

"Indeed," Chi Ye Mengxiang nodded, she bit the straw with her mouth, and replied vaguely:

"But don't forget that we not only need to wash away the sins of my father, but also the notoriety of the entire legion. Although we will suffer discrimination, confusion, and even attacks in the process, but...who will let my father be The name 'Midnight Lord' was handed over to us? There are too many grievances and entanglements between the Legion, Father, and the Empire in the past, and it is difficult to describe in simple words."

"It is necessary for the Night Lords Legion to destroy the enemies of the empire, which is also the content of the covenant we signed with the United Headquarters."

"All right……"

Just when Chiye Moexiang was about to say something more, Yurha Fleet, who was controlling the Nightfall as the captain, was driving a specialized 8C, turned to Chiye Moeka, and said seriously:

"Xiao Mengxiang, the scan of the entire galaxy has ended, and we found that the imperial planet in this galaxy is fighting. A chaotic war gang attacked this world. In contrast, we found that the empire loyal to the empire Traces of the activity of the Stater Chapter...their warships sailed into the battlefield from the side of the planet and engaged the traitors."

"Hmm... I'm not young anymore, don't call me Xiaomengxiang, 8! C! Ah! Auntie!"

Yuerha 8C pushed her glasses expressionlessly, a stern white light reflected on the mirror, and planned to make Chiye Mengxiang cry in the next confrontation drill. Of course, she did not continue on this issue now. Confused, but said:

"Let's make a decision, Legion Commander, do we need to crush those chaotic scum?"

"It's the acting head of the legion," Chi Ye Mengxiang said, and then she smiled a little, "Why not? It's time to engrave another perfect victory on the legion's honor commemorative column."

The huge fleet sailed out of the nebula and headed for the planet.

"It's going to be a bitter victory."

Says the Librarian of the Carcharhat Chapter, and the Chapter Master, Tiberus the Scarlet Scar, agrees.

The Chaos Astartes of the Perfect Lords took the lead and occupied the orbital space station on this planet first. The artillery on it was enough to cause fatal damage to the battleships of the Carcharhak Chapter. Will be bitten by the sharp teeth of the shark in the bloody mouth.But there is no doubt that the Chapter will suffer material losses, and even lead to the sinking of the battleship.

For these poor men, this is more unacceptable than human death.

"The battle group's fleet pins down the orbital station, and then the personnel mainly use the airdrop pod for airdrops... Do you want to use Thunderhawk fighters?"

After a short period of thinking, Tiberus nodded and briefly added:

"The location of the airdrop pod must be marked, remember to recover it."

"You don't need to stress what we do every time, Chapter Master."

Tiberus: "..."

The Chapter Master of the Shark Squad didn't speak any more, he left the bridge of the battleship and boarded the Thunderhawk fighter, heading towards the planet.

And on the planet, the Lords of Perfection are making their own judgments... But few warbands who believe in Slaanesh dare to add the word "perfect" to their warband names. Some bold guys used to Using this name, they were hunted down wildly by the Emperor's Children Legion, and most of those who had more guts than brains became decorations on the flagpoles of the Inspectors of the Emperor's Children Legion.

The Censor is a position created by the Emperor's Children Legion after the Heresy, held by veterans who have served at least 300 years, and is responsible for overseeing excessive pursuit of perfection (such as battle results, martial arts or artistic creation) that may occur within the Legion.Their standard equipment is a suit of finely crafted power armor and a powered halberd with the Legion's banner wrapped around it.Every time the blood of the traitors was completely soaked in the legion flag, the flag would be replaced and replaced with a new one, and so on.

And the only one who dares to use the word "perfect" now is the perfect lord led by Slaanesh God Chosen, the former Lord Commander of the Emperor's Sons Legion, Aidolon. The war gangs that mainly gather.

Of course, although Aidolon came to the real universe this time, he was still hunted by the Emperor's Children, and as a warband branch fleet sent to attract attention or simply to vent, they attacked This remote imperial world...and managed to tie the buttons of fate upon itself.

As the fleet of the Night Lords Legion continued to approach the planet, all the fighting forces on the planet were suppressed by communication, and the Chaos War Gang was directly attacked by the scrap code.

Nightfall and other warships appeared and directly destroyed the orbital space station that kept attacking the battleships of the Shark Corps, and stayed in the heart of the chief think tank Ti Kahurini on the battle barge of his own warship, the Nikkor. More despair than ever before——

The midnight lord logo on those battleships is really too dazzling.

What makes the chief think tank even more troublesome is that now the battleship in orbit can no longer contact its own chapter leader and the soldiers on the ground!

Chapter 155

This time, there are more than 200 members of the Perfect Master war gang branch that invaded the world of Sendenes. Due to the split of the various Astartes legions after the Horus Rebellion and the subsequent formation of new war groups, a The Chapters Astartes fell even more in the event of a rebellion.

However, these Chaos Astartes are generally in a state of being suppressed by the empire, and the range of activities is also in a remote location away from the giant stargate and secondary stargate, otherwise, once they are discovered, what is waiting for these warbands is Several battle groups, even a dozen Astartes battle groups quickly maneuvered to the battlefield through the star gate, and knocked these fallen ones to the ground.

This also led to the empire's greatest enemy for a long time, but the orc empire located in the Octarius sector, but the arrival of the Tyranid swarm changed everything.The insect swarm attacked a part of the planets in the empire's blockade of the star area from the back, and while causing tens of billions of casualties, it also caused the fleeing of the orcs and the battle with the Tyranid swarm...even in some parts The paradoxical scene of humans and orcs fighting side by side against the swarm appeared on the battlefield.

Of course, these things that happened in the distant starry sky have little to do with the people in the world of Sendenes. Their whole life is just normal work, labor, praying to the emperor and living a simple life. It is the life of most people in this galaxy——

But all this changed after the arrival of the Perfect Lords.

The arrival of the Chaos Astartes is often accompanied by betrayal, killing, and depravity. People from city to city were sacrificed, and people from city to city turned into believers of Slaanesh. For a planet that doesn't even have the Star Militia, but only some planetary defense forces, this is no different from dying.


A PDF officer hid his body in the ruins. Not far away is a huge square, which used to be a famous scenic spot. There were often vendors selling food and simple souvenirs there, but now, it stands tall Grim torturers replaced the statues in the plaza, flames licked those who were still wailing, and a dozen Chaos Astartes warriors in sickly powder laughed wildly.

It was night at this time, and the Shark Corps had already started fighting with the Perfect Lords, but this place had not been affected yet, and it gave these Perfect Lords a chance and time to indulge.

Behind the officer were a few bandaged soldiers. They were the only imperial loyalists who were still resisting in the entire city. Within a day of the war, a large number of soldiers and officers were bewitched and rebelled. Far outnumbered by the invading Chaos Astartes were those who died at the hands of their former colleagues.

"Damn traitor... what is that?!"

A soldier lowered his voice and said angrily. He squeezed the laser rifle in his hand, leaned against the side of the wall, and exhaled slowly:

"Emperor's Angel of Death? Are Angels of Death coming to this damn place to attack us? Look what they've done!"

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