She felt a powerful force, it was the power of the hell dimension, it was the power of the fallen angel Lucifer, the demon king of hell, it was one third of the power of the morning star, it was the power bestowed on Lucifer by God, this The force is very powerful.

Lucifer is more powerful than Mephisto, so he must be stopped.

The ancient mage stood up, stretched out his hands, opened a golden portal, and headed towards where Lucifer was.

A killing intent flashed in her eyes, Lucifer, since you dare to use this powerful force on the earth, I must let you know the power of the Eye of Agamotto, and I will exile you in the endless world. in the time.

Black Street.

In Lucifer's Star Bar, a golden portal lit up.

Then a strong bald man wearing an orange monk's robe and the Eye of Agamotto around his neck, with a murderous look and a frosty face, walked out of the golden portal.

It was Gu Yi, the supreme mage of Kama Taj.

Master Gu Yi appeared in front of Zhou Ran in an instant, she frowned first, why is it this person again?

However, this human being will not have any bad influence on the future, and there is indeed an extremely powerful power in his body, which is the power of light and darkness converging in everything, and the power of light obviously overwhelms the power of darkness.

But that power will not awaken easily, and will not pose any danger to this world.

What is more important right now is to deal with Lucifer in the hell dimension in front of him.

These thoughts arise in an instant and dissipate in an instant.

A golden magic shield lit up in Gu Yi's hand, blocking the silver light from Lucifer, and said in a cold voice: "Lucifer, you have crossed the boundary, now put away your morning star, and get back to yours immediately!" Hell, otherwise, don't blame me for banishing you into that endless turbulence of time."

There was a smile on the corner of Lucifer's mouth, and he opened his mouth slowly, saying: "Master Guyi, I don't seem to have violated our agreement. This is not the earth, but the dimensional space where hell and earth overlap. It seems that there is nothing wrong with using my power here. Question!"

"Gu Yi, if you break your agreement, then the rulers of hell will invade the earth together. I think no matter how hard you push the time gem on your chest, you may not be able to win."

"As long as we hold you back for a second, Saitorak in the Crimson Hell can easily destroy everything here, and last time he resisted Saitorak, the Trinity Visandi, who has always existed in the magic field, was also severely injured , I really don’t know who the great Supreme Master can rely on now?”

"Odin, the king of the gods? To be honest, his daughter Hela is preparing to rebel, and he will fall into the next Odin's sleep. Are you counting on his son, Thor, who has not yet grown up?"

"Or do you count on the star swallow who once guided your practice? Compared to Saitorak, I think you don't want to let star swallow come, but star swallow will really eat the earth."

"Master Gu Yi, when the demon gods of the hell dimension are united, you can't save the earth alone. Do you want to count on the one next door to me? He will die soon, and you don't want him Die, the one who gave everything for the earth."

"Even if you win in the end, you should be the only one left on this planet. Once some things happen, even the Time Stone cannot be restarted."

Lucifer smiled, looked at the gleaming Eye of Agamotto on Gu Yi's chest, and said coldly: "So, Mage Gu Yi, please leave here."

After Gu Yi heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand and waved forward, opening the mirror space and covering the Star Bar.

Gu Yi looked at Lucifer, and said in a cold voice: "Lucifer, what you said is very reasonable, but it's a pity that the demons don't have the foresight you said, and they can't unite together, because Satan, who can truly unify all hell dimensions, can't Not born."

"And once you are banished into endless time, your dimension will be consumed by demons who want to be Satan."

Chapter 92 Ancient One vs Lucifer

In the mirror space developed by Ancient One.

Lucifer smiled, truly showing his true self.

It was an angel with six huge pitch-black wings. He had supreme beauty and wisdom, but a pair of goat-like horns on his head destroyed this beauty, which was a symbol of the devil.

There were two bloody tears on his handsome face, which were the scorching tears left by the loss of his lover Gabriel.

There was a dark silver light shining all over him, it was the star of the dawn, it was the light of the dawn, it was the dawn dyed with darkness.

When he was the blazing angel Lucifer in heaven, this silver color was a holy and flawless bright silver color, which was divine power.

But now Lucifer, who has fallen into a demon king, has the silver morning star stained with the blackness of hell. This power is no longer sacred. He has lost the sacred morning star that can save the world. Now the morning star is full of destruction and destruction.

Lucifer raised the dark silver morning star in his hand, looked at Gu Yi, and asked with a smile: "Master Gu Yi, how long has it been since you saw the power of the morning star?"

Seeing this, Gu Yi also revealed the true power of the Supreme Mage.

A golden magic light lit up on Gu Yi's body, and that golden magic light shot straight into the sky.

There was a strong surge of magic behind her, and then the sacred, solemn and solemn phantom of Trinity Weissandi descended from the spiritual realm.The eyes of Emperor Weishan's phantom glowed bright gold, and he chanted an ancient and unknown spell. Countless magic energies surged in the mirror space, and forbidden magic spells were generated one after another in an instant.

The Eye of Agamotto on Gu Yi's chest lit up with a bright green light. This supreme gem of time is blooming its power.

The sky in the mirror space is also constantly splitting and reorganizing, and a golden magic net that spans the entire sky appears.

Gu Yi looked at Lucifer, and said coldly: "Lucifer, how long has it been since you saw an angry Gu Yi. On Earth, no demon god of any dimension can offend me! Prepare to be exiled."

Gu Yi has a strong self-confidence. On the earth, on her home field, any dimensional demon god is doomed to be defeated by her. This is the territory of the supreme mage.Although the Dimensional Demon God is not easy to kill, but they can be exiled completely, Gu Yi can do it.

She looked at Lucifer, and began to activate the Eye of Agamotto on her chest, and green energy full of time power hit Lucifer. Throwing Xifa away is as simple as throwing a small stone.

Lucifer looked at the overwhelming forbidden magic and the mighty power of the time gem mixed in it, his eyes also showed a dignified color, and the six huge pitch-black wings burst out with bright dark silver light, slowly closing together closed, protecting his body.

Then the endless power of the morning star gushed out from his body, crazily impacting the mirror space opened up by Gu Yi.

Lucifer wants to shatter this mirror space, use his morning star power to attract the dimension he controls in hell, and he wants to pull his dimension to the earth.

Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension who has always wanted to invade the earth, felt that Lucifer was guiding his own dimension in hell, and Dormammu began to control his own dark dimension to attack the earth. This is a good opportunity.

Seeing this, Gu Yi couldn't help but frown, and the Trinity Emperor Weishan behind him began to release powerful magical energy to block Domamu's dark dimension, and Gu Yi also allocated part of the magical power to stabilize the mirror space and block Lucifer's dimension from coming .

At this moment, Gu Yi was really angry, Lucifer's behavior completely touched her bottom line, her hands formed seals, and endless magical energy gushed out from her hands, and this endless magical energy hit the chest on her chest. Eye of Gomoto.

A green light lit up in Gu Yi's eyes, and he instantly found [-] ways to deal with Lucifer from countless timelines in the future.

Gu Yi stretched out one hand to tear off the huge golden magic net in the sky, and tied it to Lucifer's body, blocking the spread of the power of the morning star on Lucifer's body, and then golden green magic energy gushed out from the other hand, Prepare to activate the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.


A sigh sounded.

"Stop it, Master Ancient One..."

A voice sounded.

Then a hand as white as jade grabbed Gu Yi's hand that activated Agamotto's Eye, interrupting the output of magic energy.

Gu Yi couldn't help being startled, and turned to look at the owner of that hand. It was a blond woman wearing a gold-patterned silver armor and a red cloak, exuding divine radiance.

No, it's not a woman, she has the aura of an angel on her body, it should be an angel.

However, didn't the angels disappear in that war long ago, and with the fall of God, didn't they disappear completely?

Besides, why didn't I see her just now?

There was a green light in Gu's eyes, and she wanted to observe the future of the angel, but she saw nothing. She frowned and asked: "This angel, although I don't know your name, I can feel it." The power in your body, that power is the order of justice, we should not be enemies, we are all for justice."

Kaisha smiled and said: "Master Ancient One, I think you should resist the invading darkness more than the fallen angel in front of you. I don't want to trigger a war between the two civilizations, and of course I have never been afraid of it." through war."

Keisha paused, looked at Zhou Ran who was sleeping tenderly, and said slowly: "It's just that I will never allow any war to happen until he has not awakened his power and fully controlled it. War means Dangerous, I am his guardian angel, nothing is more important than his safety."

After hearing this, Gu Yi glanced at Zhou Ran who was lying on the ground, took a deep breath, and said, "Well, Angel, your power can make me trust you, that power called justice and order is great. Then I will leave this place to you, and I will exile that darkness right now."

After all, Gu Yi reached out and opened the golden portal. Before leaving, she looked at the angel in front of her and asked, "Angel, what is your real name?"

Kaisha stared at Gu Yi, her expression was solemn and serious, and said: "Mage Gu Yi, my name is Holy Kaisha!"

Gu nodded, entered the portal, and left this space. She wanted to vent her anger and boredom on Domamu.

With the departure of Gu Yi, the mirror space began to shatter little by little, and the golden giant net made of magical power also began to break one by one, the power of the morning star on Lucifer also lost its confinement and restraint, and began to go crazy poured out.

Seeing this, Kaisha shook her head, stretched out her hand and waved lightly, Gu Yi's mirror image space disappeared completely, replaced by a golden world, which was her sacred domain.

Chapter 93 Light Personality Comes

Sensing the departure of Master Gu Yi, Lucifer withdrew his huge wings, looked at Kaisha, and asked with some surprise: "Kaisha, I didn't expect you to choose to let Gu Yi leave, this surprised me Unexpectedly. It seems that you are ready to break the chains of fate, regain your freedom, and become a god."

Kesha sat on the throne, looked at Lucifer, shook her head, and said, "Lucifer, I just want to tell you one thing. With the power of your morning star, you can still cut off the fate that connects me with him. And , I don’t know, why do you say that the two of us have no future?”

"You mean he's not worthy of the King of Angels, the God of Heaven?"

Lucifer nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, you are destined to become a god, but he is just a mortal. Even though I can feel the power in his body, that power is still not comparable to the God who returned from death. Death The God who once passed away will be the strongest existence in the entire world when he is resurrected, even if he gathers six infinity gems, he cannot destroy the God at this time."

"The God at that time is the real God, comparable to the existence of the four gods of eternity, death, infinity, and annihilation."

"So, you two have no future at all, and his soul will be taken away by death sooner or later."

After Kesha heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she slowly said: "Oh, is this the future you said? Lucifer, the morning star on you is getting weaker and weaker, this should be the one who gave you strength The cause of God's disappearance, stained with the dark morning star, and weakened your wisdom, is this the limit of what you can see?"

"You still don't understand his unawakened power. How can someone who can make Holy Kesha willingly become a guardian angel be so mediocre? Do you want to experience that power?"

Lucifer smiled when he heard the words, and asked, "How can I see that power? Keisha, what you said really made me curious."

Kesha put her hands on her face, stared at Lucifer's eyes with her blue-green eyes, and replied with a smile: "Use all your morning stars to strike at the fate between me and Zhou Ran, and then you will see Now that you have that power, as for which power you can actually see? I don't know."

After hearing this, Lucifer took a deep breath and said, "All the Dawn Stars? I have used them once since the last time I attacked Heaven, and I have never used them until now!"

After all, Lucifer spread out six huge pitch-black wings, and infinite stars of the morning light poured out from his hands, and there was also a singing voice in Lucifer's ear, and that singing voice was telling a story.

That is the story of Chapter 14No.12 in the Book of Isaiah.

"Bright star, son of the morning, why have you fallen from the sky? Why have you been cut down to the earth, you who have conquered the nations? You said in your heart: I will ascend to heaven; I will exalt my throne over the gods above the stars; I will sit on the mountain of assembly, in the extremes of the north. I will ascend to the heights of the clouds; I will be equal to the Most High. Yet you will fall into the depths of the pit."

After singing, Lucifer held the dark silver giant sword made of all the morning stars. His face was extremely pale. Last time, the sword split the heaven in half, and this time it will definitely split the chain of fate in two too. Half.

Lucifer whispered softly: "Gabriel, I will definitely bring you back to life again."

Then the dark silver giant sword slashed towards the middle of Zhou Ran and Kaisha, and there was a "Zi Zi" sound, there was an invisible chain there.


In the dark spiritual space.

The three clowns, Xiao Zizai and Hannibal, who witnessed what happened in front of them, all had extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

The clown laughed wildly, and said: "Crazy! Crazy! This Lucifer is really crazy, you must know that he is not the Lucifer Morningstar I know, he is not omniscient, he is not alone Below, above ten thousand people."

"Oh, but, Miss Angel, she is really a different kind of existence... I never thought that there is such a kind of existence beside us. I have never found her before. Is it because our memory is missing? According to her Talking with Lucifer, this is not the first time we talked..."

Hannibal shuddered all over, and said, "Mr. Clown, don't think about such complicated issues now, let's retreat into the darkness quickly! I really don't want to see those three!"

"Those three are really terrifying. You must know that the aura emitted by each of the three has already made me feel the threat of death all the time. This Lucifer is really crazy."

Xiao Zizai pushed his glasses with his hands, his eyes glowed scarlet, clasped his hands together, and said, "Namo Amitabha."

Boundless darkness rose from the spiritual space, covering the clown, Hannibal, Xiao Zizai, the pitch-black stone, and an invisible figure.

Then endless golden light rose, squeezing the endless darkness into a corner.

The spiritual space instantly turned golden, and this place became what it looked like during the day.

The three golden figures who were supposed to be asleep slowly woke up and opened their eyes. They exuded an indescribable aura.

Next to them were two figures.

On the left is Superman wearing a black tights, a red cape, and a s on his chest, with a righteous face.

At this moment, Superman lowered his head, and his eyebrows were furrowed together. He was obviously the embodiment of darkness, but at this moment, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. He felt that he was standing in front of the three golden figures. Without the slightest resistance, it is like a newborn baby, extremely fragile.

Darkness should have been opposed to light, but at this moment the balance of power was out of balance.

All the darkness that he occupies alone can hardly resist the one-third of the light. This is too unreasonable. He wants to become stronger, stronger, and he needs a stronger power, so strong that he can fight against it alone. These three golden figures.

But now he can only secretly expect in his heart that this body will soon encounter an irresistible danger, and only when he encounters danger can he take over this body and become stronger.

Wearing a golden cassock on the right side, with a big sun on the back of his head, Buddha Emperor Tathagata with benevolent eyebrows, put his hands together, and said silently: "Namo Amitabha!"

This time he has no chance to walk, Lucifer is not an enemy he can face, but I don't know, will the World Honored One make a move this time?

This sinking world needs the Dharma of the Blessed One to save it.

Emperor Tathagata had some expectations in his heart.

Among the three golden figures, Sakyamuni, who lives on the right, turned his head to look at the other two golden figures, clasped his hands together, and asked with a smile: "This body is not dead, this world is not dead, it is not a time of immeasurable merit. Can't come out, who will teach that bold and arrogant devil a lesson?"

The golden figure on the left shook his head and said: "My power has not been fully awakened, and it is still in the process of being conceived."

This is the golden figure who talked with Sakyamuni last time.

Hearing the words, the golden figure in the middle sighed, stretched, and complained: "Oh, the settings of the two of you are really troublesome, Sakyamuni, I know your restrictions, hey, the one on the left Well, you shouldn’t have any restrictions, right? I hope you can awaken your power as soon as possible, so that I don’t have to make a move.”

"Interrupt my sweet dreams, trouble, this is really troublesome, dealing with a demon that has gone the wrong way, it's really troublesome."

This is the golden figure in the middle speaking for the first time.

Chapter 94 Phlox King Kong

After the golden figure finished complaining, he slowly walked out of his position, and the golden light that had been covering his body dissipated little by little.

After the light dissipated.

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