Zhou Ran sat up slowly, straightened up and leaned on the chair, rubbed his dizzy head with his hands, frowned, and asked, "Xiao Lu, what time is it? How long have I been asleep, you Why is the Tears of the Goddess tuned this time so strong?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lucifer's mouth, and he said: "Zhou, it's already ten o'clock, and you have slept for two full hours. I think you must be too tired recently. You didn't have a good rest. You got drunk after drinking a cup of Goddess Tears." Well, it's not like you."

When Zhou Ran heard this, he took a deep breath and said, "Damn, I didn't expect it to be so late, I have to go home quickly, after I send Tony and Rhodes to the plane tomorrow morning, I have to go to the Fisker Building to talk Business."

"By the way, Xiao Lu, let's see how much of the wine money I have saved with you? After deducting this bill, how much is left?"

Lucifer nodded, and then took out a black old notebook and a quill pen from under the bar.

After flipping carefully twice, Lucifer said with a smile: "Zhou, the last time you came here to drink was 77 days ago. After that drink, you still have 5000 dollars left in your account."

"A set of gorgeous movements is 500 US dollars, three sets are 1500 US dollars, a glass of tears of the goddess is 520 US dollars, and there is 2480 US dollars left..."

Zhou Ran nodded, took out his wallet from his pocket, counted [-] U.S. dollars, put it gently on the bar, smiled and said: "Xiao Lu, save another [-] dollars this time, but Xiao Lu, I still need money." Just to remind you, we have known each other for almost ten years, and the price of your wine here is still the same as ten years ago, I think you should raise the price."

"Xiao Lu, the wine here is really too cheap. With master-level bartending skills like yours, it's really not a problem for a set of wine to sell for tens of thousands of dollars."

After hearing this, Lucifer smiled and said, "Zhou, you know, I'm not short of money. I open the bar and play the piano because it's my hobby..."

After hearing this, Zhou Ran pushed his glasses and said with a smile, "Okay, Xiao Lu, then I'll go first."

After all, Zhou Ran looked at Tony and Rhodes who were tightly hugging each other on the ground, and couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that these two guys couldn't wake up, and they didn't know what dream they were having?

There were always smiles on the faces of the two of them. It was a smile that emanated from the bottom of his heart. It was a smile that Zhou Ran had never had before, because he had never had real happiness since he came to this world. .

Sometimes he smiles for business, sometimes to maintain relationships, and sometimes to liven up the atmosphere... It's not that he doesn't like to laugh, but in this world, he really can't laugh so easily , his smile was heavy.

Zhou Ran took a deep breath, picked up Tony and Rhodes, and slowly walked out of the Star Bar. His figure disappeared under the night little by little, and merged with the night.

Lucifer looked at the figure of Zhou Ran who was leaving. He gently touched the rice cooker on the bar with his hand. Next time we meet, next time I will never lose to you."

"Bring that mysterious man's words to the Queen, I want to practice hard. I, Lucifer, have never practiced."

Lucifer is the most perfect angel created by God. He possessed the authority of the Seraph Archangel since he was born. After his fall, he was voluntarily regarded as the monarch of the hell dimension. His life went smoothly, and he never thirsted for power like he does now...

"I don't know if Gu Yi can know the identity of that mysterious person, Gu Yi who owns the time gem of the Eye of Agamotto, and she is very good at using the time gem..."

Lucifer smiled, opened six huge pitch-black wings, flew out of his own dimension, and went to the dark dimension where Dormammu was. Lucifer knew that the ancient one who left from him must be looking for Dormammu. Mam's in trouble, just now Lucifer could clearly feel the aura that Dormammu wanted to bring the dark dimension down.

Queens, New York.

Ingram Street.

Under the dark night, Zhou Ran drove Tony and Rhodes back to his villa.

Zhou Ran is a little fortunate that Queens has always been very stable, there have been no dangerous shooting incidents, and there are no police guarding the streets to arrest criminals.

Otherwise, Zhou Ran will be caught for drunk driving this time, and he will definitely be in the headlines tomorrow.

Mr. Jake, city councilor, drunk driving at midnight...

Inside the villa.

Zhou Ran forcefully separated Tony and Rhodes who were tightly hugging each other, and then threw them in the two bedrooms to stop their indecent behavior.

Of course, before stopping, Zhou Ran had already taken a photo as a souvenir.

Then, he walked into the bathroom slowly, took a shower, and changed into pajamas.

Zhou Ran walked into his bedroom, but he didn't feel sleepy at the moment, probably because he drank alcohol, and now he is very sober.

Zhou Ran, who couldn't sleep for a while, put on his glasses, walked slowly to the window, and sat on the wicker chair.

He raised his head and began to look up at the dark night sky. He looked very engrossed, as if something in the dark night sky was attracting him.


It's not only Zhou Ran who can't sleep at night, but also Obadiah.

A villa in the suburbs of New York.

This is Obadiah's residence. Many people wonder why Obadiah lives here?

After all, it is very strange that a rich man like him does not live in a rich area, but in the suburbs!

Of course, if these curious people saw the underground warehouse secretly built under Obadia's villa, they wouldn't be surprised.

The underground warehouse of Villa Obadiah.

In addition to a Jerick missile, there are other kinds of missiles here, not only that, but also three fighter jets that can carry any missile, a huge transport plane, five heavy tanks, and various light and heavy weapons, bullets and shells countless.

In addition, there are various high-tech equipment for making weapons. This place is like a small arsenal. This is Obadiah's secret base and his private collection room.

If the weapons here are taken out, a small army can be equipped at any time, and Obadiah really has a private army. This army was built by him with a lot of money. They are all retired soldiers from the military. extremely high.

This is why Obadiah chose to live in the suburbs. How could such a powerful firepower be hidden in a bustling neighborhood?

It can't be hidden at all.

Moreover, this secret base was created after many secret meetings between Obadiah and Lieutenant General Ross stationed in New York.

He helped General Ross build a private secret base, and General Ross gave him a dedicated route where fighter jets could take off.

This is a win-win cooperation between two careerists.


In this underground warehouse, in this Obadiah's secret base.

Obadiah sat on a couch, laughing and talking to the hired killer.

Obadiah did not tell the other party that the assassin was Tony Stark, because once told, the other party would definitely not kill...

Those terrorists are not fools, they know Tony's status in the field of weapons, he is a genius in making weapons, and everyone in the industry knows that the weapons produced by the Stark Group are the best.

Whoever can own a Tony Stark is equivalent to owning a strategic nuclear weapon.

After Obadiah promised a large reward, the group of terrorists active in Afghanistan agreed.

The leader of that group of terrorists was a bald man with a ring on his hand. He looked very fierce and rough, his eyes were full of ambition, and he had a hooked nose.

Only through the screen, Obadiah knew that he had chosen the right person this time. This is a ruthless butcher with blood on his hands. With him, Tony would definitely die.

This group of terrorists is the most powerful, toughest, and craziest terrorists in Afghanistan.

And this is still a group of terrorists with faith. Once the terrorists have faith and souls, they will have a strong cohesion, and they will not be stragglers.

It was simply fear that the mother would open the door to horror, and horror came home.

The reasoning is the same.

This is why S.H.I.E.L.D. is afraid of clowns. Clowns are a kind of belief in Hell's Kitchen, a terrifying belief.

This is why S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to get rid of the Joker at all costs.

As long as the clown is still there, and the lunatic is still there, he will have a negative impact, and he will become a kind of belief, attracting more clown-like lunatics to be born.

They are tangled together like a mass of cancer cells, destroying the healthy growth of America, causing great harm, and spreading more chaos and fear.

After the friendly exchange with the group of terrorists, Obadiah's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and he clenched his fists fiercely.

This bunch of garbage in the sewer, the rats crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats, dare to open their mouths to him, the Obadiah lion!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The corner of Obadiah's mouth rose slightly, outlining a sinister sneer, let the lion open his mouth wide, let the lion open his mouth wide!

Taken out of my Obadiah pocket, sooner or later it will be returned.

In Obadiah's plan, the first thing is to hire Afghan terrorists to kill Tony Stark, and then he sends his own private army to kill those terrorists.

This is a big drama in which the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole follows.

This is a reasonable drama.

Nephew Tony Stark died tragically. His good uncle Obadiah, who once helped Stark Industries, stood up again, stabilized the morale of the army, and became the chairman of Stark Industries.

He once again helped the Stark Industries Group, and then personally avenged his nephew.

This step is perfect, it's a perfect plan.

After Howard's death that year, Obadiah wanted to grab the chairmanship of the Stark Group, but the timing was not yet ripe for Obadiah.

Back then, there were still many loyal followers of Howard in the company, and Howard himself had many friends and allies of interests.

You must know that the influence of a company founder is extremely far-reaching. Without Howard Stark, there would be no Stark Industries Group.

This far-reaching influence made all Howard's allies, friends, and subordinates stand up and support Tony Stark.

Coupled with the various talents that Tony Stark has shown since he was a child, everyone believes that this is the next Howard.

Moreover, according to the laws of the United States, Tony Stark himself is the first heir of the Stark Industries Group, which is an unsolvable problem for Obadiah.

At that time, Obadiah had no way to usurp power. The situation at that time made Obadiah powerless. Once he usurped power, he would be torn to pieces by Howard's huge influence that was still left behind.

He can only play a positive character, a character who works wholeheartedly for Stark Industries, a good uncle who wholeheartedly helps Tony Stark.

But human ambition is like a seed buried deep in the soil, it will slowly take root and germinate little by little, and one day it will emerge from the hard soil and become a towering tree.

Human desire is like a rolling stone, once it starts, it can never stop.

But today is different from the past, Obadiah in the Stark Group now has a huge influence, but those huge influences are suppressed by Tony Stark.

As long as Tony Stark is alive, all influence is false, because this group is named after him!

But if Tony died, that would be a different situation, and those who supported Obadiah would come forward and speak out.

It's very funny that these old guys who made the noise are the same group of people who supported Tony Stark.

Obadiah smiled, he can have such a big influence, he cannot do without one person.

This person is none other than Zhou Ran, Tony Stark's right-hand man Jake, the idol of young people in America, Mr. Jake!

A weapons company, because of his arrival, has weakened a large number of weapons lists, from 80.00% of nine arms revenue to 60.00% of two arms revenue, which made the board of directors very dissatisfied.

It is true that this young man is very powerful. He has increased the income of Stark Industries Group, and has never had a huge influence, becoming the leader of New York.

But it is undeniable that he has reduced Stark Industries' weapon revenue, 20.00% of the weapon revenue of seven points, that is a lot of green Franklin.

And he will continue to lower, this kind of behavior makes the members of the board of directors very dissatisfied, Franklin obviously has a lot of money to make, why should I give up?

That's not a mosquito leg, it's a big piece of cake. Under Zhou Ran's operation, and his thinking of bringing changes to the world, the power gathered around Obadiah became stronger.

When Tony Stark was alive, he could still suppress those voices. Once Tony Stark died, those voices of suppression would erupt, and Obadiah was the leader of these voices.

He has been fighting in this way, the most violent one.

At this moment, Obadiah has a well-thought-out plan. As long as Tony dies, Stark Industries will be his.

As for why not kill Tony Stark with his own private army?Why not use this safer way?

There is also Obadiah's careful consideration in it, and there is a lot of risk in it.Think about it, after ordering his private army to kill Tony, will anyone work for Obadiah in the future?

Obadiah can even kill his own nephew, so wouldn't it be more fun to kill these outsiders who are private troops.

Moreover, most of these private armies trained with a lot of money are retired from the military. The military has always had a good friendship with the Stark Industries Group, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be a traitor with a compassionate heart to inform.

Therefore, hiring terrorists is the best way and the kingly way.

Obadiah picked up a record and put it in the ancient record player, a product of the previous era.

He leaned on the sofa, listening to the music on the record player, and his fingers danced lightly with the melody. In this beautiful melody, Obadiah slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning, at eight o'clock in the morning.

Ingram Avenue, Queens, New York.

The familiar alarm clock rang.

Zhou Ran stretched and slowly got up from the wicker chair. He pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Originally, I just wanted to watch the stars for a while and then fell asleep, but I didn't expect that I was so fascinated by watching the stars that I fell asleep on the wicker chair.

However, the very bright blue star in the northernmost part of the sky is really beautiful, with an indescribable beauty.

Zhou Ran washed up, changed into a black suit, tied on his tie, and took a look in the mirror. He suddenly frowned.

There is a hair standing up on the top of his head, which is very similar to the dumb hair described in those anime works.

Zhou Ran gently patted a standing hair on the top of his head with his hand, but that hair seemed very stubborn, no matter how Zhou Ran patted it, it still couldn't fall down.

This ruined his headshape quite a bit and made him lose that serious face.

Zhou Ran raised his eyebrows, gently plucked the strange hair from the top of his head with his hands, and threw it into the trash can.

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