The so-called welcome meeting is actually not much new. After all, there is nothing interesting about Buque resident here.Everyone ate and chatted, played a few small games, and time passed quickly.

Just as the orientation meeting was drawing to a close, Shen Mochen's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the caller and immediately muted it...

"Who is Lao Ye?" Xia Qingrou immediately moved to Shen Mochen's side to look.

"Oh, I'm a classmate, maybe I want to ask if I've arrived..." Shen Mochen's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

"Hey, it's your classmate. Calling at this time to care about you, I must have a good relationship with you!" Xia Qingrou smiled, "Then hurry up, I just want to say hello."

"No need, this kid is messing around, I'll just get back to him later." Shen Mochen was sweating profusely and was about to hang up.

"It's not a female classmate, is it?"

However, at this moment, Han Muxue's mocking soft voice instantly suppressed all the noise.

It seemed that the volume had been turned off suddenly, and the audience was silent.


A subtle voice sounded, it was the sound of Xiao Xingshuang drinking water.

"Haha, I'm just an ordinary classmate..."

Sweat trickled down his temples.

"So some shameless female classmate?" Xia Qingrou tilted her head.

"I heard that your ex-girlfriend's name seems to be something like Ye... Could this old Ye be her?"

Han Muxue's voice sounded again.

Liu Chaoyan remained silent, and lightly patted Han Muxue's shoulder, Xiaoxue, can you be kind.

Shen Mochen pursed his lips, sometimes he really hates girls' intuition, because their intuition is so accurate!

"Pick it up, it's okay." Xia Qingrou put her hand on Shen Mochen's hand gently, and said softly, "Remember to turn on the hands-free."

Shen Mochen turned on the speakerphone silently, and a familiar voice echoed in the room, with a trace of familiar laziness: "Have you arrived at your Buque station?"

"I'm here, I've joined my teammates." Shen Mochen coughed and said.

"How are your teammates, are you easy to get along with?"

"Everyone is very friendly and kind!" Shen Mochen said against his will in front of the members of the 0819 team.

"That's right, it turns out that there are difficult things among the teammates, and it seems that it is not easy for you." Ekaterina chuckled twice.

Hey, hey, can you turn off the function of your lie detector, believe it or not, I will report you for cheating!

Shen Mochen glanced at the other four people, dripping with cold sweat: "Don't think about it, I didn't say that!"

Ekaterina asked again: "Could it be that you were stalked by a girl from your team?"

You all have such accurate intuitions, why don't you buy lottery tickets!Shen Mochen roared in his heart.

Shen Mochen took a deep breath: "What are you talking about? I'm shitting...I'll hang up first, it stinks, I'll call you later!"

"Really?" Ekaterina's tone suddenly fluctuated, "Hey, I have one last question for you."

"What's the question?" Shen Mochen asked reluctantly.

"Are your teammates good-looking?"

Four pairs of eyes looked at Shen Mochen in unison.

"Okay, it looks good..." Shen Mochen said, "I'll hang up first..."

"Do they look better than me?" Ekaterina asked again.

Shen Mochen looked at those four pairs of bright eyes, thinking who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?What kind of proposition is this!

If there was only Ekaterina next to her, Shen Mochen would definitely be able to tell nonsense with her eyes open, saying that all the flirtatious bitch can't compare to one of your little toes.In this way, even if Ekaterina knew that Shen Mochen was flattering her, she would feel very comfortable.

If Ekaterina hadn't been on the phone at this moment, Shen Mochen would definitely say, my teammates are much prettier than you when facing all the embarrassing teammates!He never worried about offending other girls, because there are not many girls who hold weight in his heart.

If Passerby A offends, he will be offended, and he will still get along with these teammates in the future.

But the problem is, when both sides are listening, what he said is wrong.

"Hey...don't play me, you know they are listening."

Shen Mochen sighed, exposed the matter himself, and begged for mercy.

Ekaterina smiled softly: "Oh, so your teammates are listening, then turn on the video, and I will say hello to your teammates."

"No... how do you greet them, you don't know each other well?"

"It's your teammate after all."

"Yeah, my teammate, not your teammate. We have already broken up!" Shen Mochen especially emphasized the word "breakup".

Ekaterina was not annoyed either, her tone was flirtatious: "So what if we broke up, your ex-girlfriend is no longer your girlfriend? You have no conscience, even if we broke up, we are still best friends, aren't we?"

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Chapter 180 Seven is free to read.

Chapter 180: Wash It Up

Husband~" With a sweet voice rang next to her ears, Xia Qingrou pointed at the phone and said delicately, "Then turn on the video and let this little vixen see your real girlfriend!"


I hang!

As soon as Ekaterina spoke, Shen Mochen immediately pressed the end button.

Liu Chaoyan heaved a sigh of relief, Han Muxue squinted at Shen Mochen and pursed her lips, Xiao Xingshuang, who was expressionless, lowered her head and drank water, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, it seemed that she was very interested in gossip dramas between men and women.

"What are you doing!" Xia Qingrou was so angry that she beat Shen Mochen with her fists, "You just said that you have someone else in your heart, it must be her!"

Shen Mochen put the phone in his pocket, neither admitting nor denying it.

Xia Qingrou was still complaining: "You should turn on the video, let her see how I, the good-looking person in the 0819 team, can crush her, and see how she has the nerve to covet my husband!"

Don't say one husband at a time, why do you call it so smoothly!Is there no psychological barrier at all?

And Yekaterina's appearance will never be worse than yours, you crush a hammer!What's more, you are an ass in charge of beauty, which girl in our 0819 team is not a beauty, even Xiao Xingshuang and Liu Chaoyan dare not say that they are in charge of beauty!

At this time, it was Liu Chaoyan who came out to save the siege, and she gently pulled Xia Qingrou away: "Sister Xia, stop making trouble, Miss Ekaterina is very beautiful, and her family background is also very powerful, student Shen doesn't want you to offend her too much , so I hung up the phone."

"What's so great about a foreigner? You Yanyan, are you good?" Xia Qingrou pouted.

"Much better than me." Liu Chaoyan said with a smile, "She is the daughter of a count of the Roman Empire, one of the top ten marquis families, and the only heir of the Alexandrov family."

Roman Guo, Xiao Xingshuang's eyes moved slightly.

Xia Qingrou's eyes widened in surprise when she heard the words. As a family from Kochi in the capital, she knew very well what the ten marquis families meant. Under the Roman royal family were the ten marquis families, which could be said to be the most powerful group in the Roman Empire. people.

Now that Roman and Citigroup dominate the world, they are almost at the top of the pyramid.

"How can someone as noble as her be here?" Xia Qingrou asked.

"Her father is the younger brother of the Patriarch of the Alexandrov family. In recent years, Yu Pi happened to be transferred to serve as a diplomat, and this Miss Ekaterina is studying in No. [-] Middle School, and she is a classmate of Shen. "Liu Chaoyan explained patiently.

As a result, everyone's eyes changed. When they looked at Shen Mochen, they had deep sympathy and sighs.Even Han Muxue's expression softened a lot.

A rich lady from a super wealthy family, and a poor boy who has nothing...the two love each other, but they can't be together because of the disparity in their identities... This plot is too bloody and tragic!

"You...have you misunderstood something?" Shen Mochen said.

He felt that this inexplicable misunderstanding made people uncomfortable.

"Go and have a good rest, we'll just clean up the living room." Xiao Xingshuang said.

"No, you really misunderstood, I broke up with her is not what you think..."

"It's okay, I can understand your feelings..." Xia Qingrou patted Shen Mochen's shoulder, and said softly, "I won't be angry, you go take a shower first, and then have a good sleep."

"Don't look at me with such pitiful eyes, I have no feelings for her at all..."

"I know, I know, no one said anything." Han Muxue looked inexplicably, and sighed softly, "Don't think too much, and don't be too sad."

"You really misunderstood, you believe me!



Shen Mochen tried his best to explain, but no one believed his words.


After taking a shower and coming out of the bathroom, the girls almost cleaned up the living room.Although Han Muxue is inconvenient to clean, she can reduce the gravity in the living room, which brings great convenience to the cleaning of the others.

"Husband is so handsome!" Seeing that Shen Mochen had changed into the combat uniform of Buquefa, Xia Qingrou screamed and rushed towards Shen Mochen, "Hubby, don't worry, I will heal you in the last paragraph." The wound left in the relationship!"

What a wound, I have no wound!Shen Mochen was angry.

There are two bathrooms in the dormitory. After Shen Mochen finished washing, only Liu Chaoyan, Xia Qingrou and Han Muxue were left unwashed.

Xiao Xingshuang was nowhere to be seen in the living room, presumably she went straight back to the room after cleaning

Liu Chaoyan covered his mouth and yawned lightly, got up and smiled at Xia Qingrou, "You guys go take a bath too, I'll take classmate Shen to tidy up his room."

"Okay, I'll go in a while!" Xia Qingrou raised her hand with a smile.

"Let's go, Shen Mochen." Liu Chaoyan smiled and waved to Shen Mochen.

As the two left, Xia Qingrou heard the slight sound of closing the door, raised her head and smiled at Han Muxue: "Let's go take a shower!"


Han Muxue nodded slightly, steered the wheelchair to the door of the bathroom, and then took off her clothes.

"Now there are boys, shall we all go to the bathroom to take off?" Xia Qingrou walked to Han Muxue's side to help her.

"I'll come by myself... I don't have anything to see." Han Muxue gently pushed the other party away.

She has always undressed in the living room. Given her physical condition, it is not convenient to undress in the bathroom.What's more, her electric wheelchair is not easy to drive into the bathroom.

"How can you say that, you have a loli figure, I don't know how many perverts are good at this!" Xia Qing tenderly touched Han Muxue's chest, "Wow, Xuexue, have you grown up a bit?"

"Do you want to know what it's like to be crushed until the seven orifices bleed?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong...don't be so fierce!"

Xia Qingrou immediately removed her paws and began to undress.

"Why are you undressing here too?" Han Muxue frowned slightly.

"Haven't I always been like this, if I'm watched someday, I'll be watched together." Xia Qingrou grinned and took off her bra, puffed out her chest, "It's called loyalty to have the same blessings and share the same difficulties!"

"Idiot..." Han Muxue cursed in a low voice, and then teased, "Anyway, it was seen by your husband, so you don't suffer."

"That's right, my husband is the only man here anyway." Xia Qingrou laughed.

Han Muxue glared at her: "You are a bit ashamed, you called me husband so soon!"

Xia Qingrou tilted her head, blinked and said, "What is shame?"

Han Muxue sighed deeply: "There must be many girls who like a boy like him outside, maybe he doesn't like girls who are too active."

"You have to have confidence in me. After all, I am responsible for the beauty of our 0819. Isn't it easy to handle a little virgin! In less than a week, I will make him love me so much!" Xia Qingrou took off her glasses casually, "How about I change my hair color next time I'm on vacation, alas, I haven't gone to school for a long time, I don't know what hair color is popular among middle school students now!"

"I only went to elementary school, I'm illiterate, I don't understand you high-achieving students, but high school students generally seldom dye their hair." Han Muxue tilted her buttocks and pulled off her pajama pants. The glasses have been changed."

Xia Qingrou looked down at the small and rusty red round-rimmed glasses, and shook her head again and again: "My ability is not like yours, I need to be accurate, and these glasses are very suitable for me."

"... Whatever you want." Han Muxue didn't bother to say anything more.

Not long after, the two beautiful girls finally took off the last fig leaf, and the bright light hit the smooth shoulders of the two, as if rippling with light.

"Go take a shower!"

Xia Qingrou laughed and lifted Han Muxue out of the wheelchair, walked into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut with her foot, covering all the wonderful scenery.

"Take a shower, let's take a shower..." Xia Qingrou's random ditties came from the bathroom, "Wash clean, wash clean, wash clean~"

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