"Uh..." Zhou Han pursed his lips, showing a helpless look on his face, thinking——

What a far-fetched excuse~

Chapter 150 Eight Joking Girl

Zhou Han sat down on the bench.

It's not too far from Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi was having a great time. She used to have a straight face most of the time, but now she smiled innocently.

Zhou Han put his hands on the bench and leaned back deeply.

"So she smiles like that sometimes?" Zhou Han cocked his mouth and smiled.

The image of Miyazaki Airi in Zhou Han's mind is - wearing an apron, holding a cooking spoon, pointing at him, very serious, like a mother.

Suddenly came to the playground today, smiling so genuinely, it made Zhou Han feel very novel.

Zhou Han realized later that Miyazaki Airi also had her own childish side.

Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Han are very close in age, and both are in puberty.

But Miyazaki Airi's serious appearance in the past, like a sister at home, always made irresponsible remarks to him.

This made Zhou Han subconsciously regard Miyazaki Airi as taller and more reliable than herself.

In fact, both of them are people of the same age, and there is no difference in who is more reliable than the other.

Zhou Han intentionally sat down on the bench closest to Miyazaki Airi.

Just so that Miyazaki Airi, who was playing the merry-go-round, could see herself.

In case she can't see herself and has uneasy emotions.

The reason why Zhou Han wanted to do this was because when she was a child, Qiqi would cry and fuss when she couldn't see her, and was very disturbed.

The images of Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi gradually overlapped in Zhou Han's mind.

Because they are both his younger sisters, Zhou Han can easily associate the two together.

Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi have something in common, they are both self-willed and always very self-centered.

Self-willedness and ego, these two personalities are not very good, which will cause headaches and worries for those around you.

Zhou Han had a deep understanding of Zhou Qiqi's willfulness when she was a child, and would always make many unreasonable demands.

In addition, Zhou Qiqi stuck to him like a dog's skin plaster, which caused Zhou Han a headache.

Headaches are headaches, facing Zhou Qiqi's all kinds of unreasonable troubles, Zhou Han has no choice but to be satisfied as much as possible and endure silently.

Because Zhou Qiqi is the younger sister, the youngest child in the family, she is very doted on.

And Zhou Qiqi is very good at acting like a baby, she can easily please the elders, this is something Zhou Han can't learn, he is always stupid.

So facing his younger sister, Zhou Han had to beat and scold her, and confessed from time to time.

Zhou Qiqi can be called the little devil in the family!

The top pleases the elders, the bottom steps on the elder brother, and when he sees a woman approaching the elder brother, he curses - vixen!

For this kind of willful sister, Zhou Han is convinced from the bottom of his heart.

I blame myself for reincarnating too hastily, I didn't see who was behind me, maybe it was my enemy from my previous life.

After so many years, Zhou Han also figured out some flavors.

Sister Zhou Qiqi tossed and turned, just three routines——

1. Pretending to be pitiful.

2. Rolling nonsense all over the floor.

3. The nirvana is to make a small report to the elders and move the rescuers.

With these three routines, there is no way to eat Zhou Han to death.

When pretending to be pitiful, Zhou Han softened his heart.

When rolling all over the floor, Zhou Han had a headache.

When making small reports to the elders, Zhou Han ate the rolling pin.

Thinking of all the past, Zhou Han felt deeply helpless.

He looked up at the cloudless blue sky, and sighed in his heart——

well!It's not easy being an older brother~

Of course, it is not a very headache memory.

If I had no younger sister and was an only child, my childhood would have been very lonely.

Thanks to his sister's unreasonable troubles, he feels that his life has improved a lot.

Until now, Zhou Han can still vaguely recall what happened at that time...

Zhou Qiqi stuck behind her like a follower, and kept shouting, "Brother! Brother! Go out and play with me!"

And Zhou Han was very annoyed by Zhou Qiqi's little tail, and said dissatisfiedly, "No! Go back! Go back!"

Zhou Han smirked as if no one else was there, rubbed his sore nose, thinking——

Thinking of it now, it's really sweet!It used to be annoying.

I don't know when, what I hated at the beginning has already become a precious memory, which is carefully treasured by Zhou Han.

Zhou Han actually has another question.

That's why my younger sister would be very cheerful and called "Brother" when she was a child, and she would become "Old Brother" when she was a little older

He couldn't figure it out, did he really get old?impossible?

There was no shame when I was a child, and I didn't feel embarrassed to be called "brother" at that time.

When you grow up, with a sense of shame, you will realize that the name "brother" is shameful, and "brother" is more fluent.

But Zhou Han may never discover this fact in his whole life.

Because the true image has already been destroyed bit by bit by time.

While Zhou Han was thinking hard about this question——

A white object flew past in an instant, very fast, very close to Zhou Han.

Zhou Han was startled, and took a closer look, it turned out to be a white pigeon.

And not one, but a large group, both white and gray.

These pigeons are raised in captivity in the playground, they are not afraid of people, and are used to enhance the atmosphere.

They screamed "cuckoo" and pecked at the crumbs on the ground.

"Bread crumbs!?" Zhou Han was stunned and swept around.

Not far away from me, there is a girl who seems to only appear in the painting——

She was wearing a long, bare-shouldered white dress and a bowler sun hat.

Long chestnut-colored hair, like silk woven by sunlight.

The braids tied at the temples are wrapped around the back of the head, showing his unique personality.

The exposed snow-white skin makes people feel a little dazzling.

The thin lips are slightly peachy.

The girl trembled slightly as if she felt Zhou Han's gaze.

She didn't seem afraid of strangers, she turned to look at Zhou Han.

In fact, Zhou Han didn't dare to say whether he saw it or not.

Because of this girl, her eyes seem to be closed, or... squinted.

From the intertwined eyelashes, Zhou Han felt that she was opening her eyes and examining herself.

But on the surface, something is not quite right, like a blind man.

The corner of the girl's mouth moved, her eyes squinted into a crescent shape, and she actually smiled at Zhou Han, who was unfamiliar.

This smile looked extremely kind, but Zhou Han felt that it was unfathomable, like an abyss where he could not see the bottom.

"Uh..." Zhou Han blushed, and felt that it was impolite for him to stare at him, so he quickly turned his head away.

The girl didn't care, and continued to take bread crumbs from the paper bag, sprinkle them on the ground, and said, "Eat quickly, there are many more."

The pigeons scrambled to peck at each other, and a white pigeon flew to the top of the girl's straw hat.

"Ah!" The girl screamed, but she didn't panic. She carefully took the pigeon off her head and stroked it with a smile. "Really, it's lively."

Zhou Han was stunned for a moment.

The girl with chestnut-colored hair, with the curtain hanging slightly, her hair like a waterfall, gently caressed the white dove.

Like the Virgin Mary, she shines with a charming brilliance, constantly attracting the attention of others.

"Since you're so lively, I'll roast you and eat you~" The girl suddenly said a line that ruined the style of the painting.

Zhou Han's eyes widened in surprise, feeling that the contrast was a bit big.

The girl looked at Zhou Han with a half-smile, squinted her eyes, and said——

"I'm joking, hee hee~"

Chapter 150 IX

Zhou Han was a little embarrassed, because the girl was obviously talking to him.

Then he must have found himself peeking at her.

In addition to embarrassment, there is also a sense of disobedience lingering in my heart.

That is, the girl's words and deeds are extremely inconsistent with her appearance, and the sentence "just kidding" makes people feel a big gap.

The girl gently put down the white dove, took a paper bag full of bread crumbs, came slowly, and sat beside Zhou Han lightly.

Zhou Han felt a little embarrassed, he moved his butt intentionally and sat next to him.

"Were you peeking at me just now?" The girl's voice was ethereal, with a faint feeling of echoing in her ears.

"No! Just now I was watching... I was watching pigeons." Zhou Han refused to admit it, but he seemed a little nervous.

"Really? Then I misunderstood you..." The girl squinted her eyes and smiled, paused, and added, "Mr. Peeping Tom."

"Uh, I'm not..." Zhou Han just wanted to explain.

"I'm joking." The girl interrupted Zhou Han's explanation.

Zhou Han's face was expressionless, his heart was in a mess, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

"Does Mr. Peeping Tom like to feed pigeons?" the girl asked with a smile.

"I'm not a voyeur!" Zhou Han was a little mad.

"Ah la~ I'm sorry, I forgot." The girl covered her mouth in surprise.

Zhou Han crooked his mouth, depressed to death.

"Steal~um...do you like feeding pigeons?" the girl asked, not sure if she changed her words on purpose.

"I can't say whether I like it or not, I haven't fed it." Zhou Han said casually.

"Do you want to try it?" The girl handed the bread crumbs to Zhou Han.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated looking at the bread crumbs, wondering what the girl was thinking.

"Try without dying, it's very interesting." The girl encouraged Zhou Han, looking very enthusiastic.

"Hmm...Okay." Zhou Han took the breadcrumbs.

To be honest, he just felt that feeding pigeons is very interesting, and he thought about trying it out.

Otherwise, why did this girl attract Zhou Han's eyes so easily?

Zhou Han grabbed a handful of bread crumbs and threw them out.

Bread crumbs were scattered and splashed on the ground.

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