"Yeah, it's all over, as expected, I still like you the way you are now." Yao Xiaorui said intentionally or unintentionally, and I don't know if it was intentional or not.

"Ah..." Zhou Han turned his face slightly, not wanting Yao Xiaorui to see his red face, "I'm not someone worthy of your liking."

"That's not it!" Yao Xiaorui retorted without hesitation, and then couldn't hide her disappointment, "I know you don't like me..."

"This..." Zhou Han wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yao Xiaorui.

"But not liking me is temporary! I will definitely make you like me!" Yao Xiaorui's eyes were full of little stars, full of hope.

Zhou Han swallowed silently, holding back all the words in his stomach, because he couldn't bear to say anything to hurt her.

He didn't know that his unintentional meddling would change Yao Xiaorui so much.

In Zhou Han's subconscious mind, Yao Xiaorui is that submissive, timid and shy girl, but she is not as confident as she is now.

Zhou Han didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong.

But time will test everything, everyone just needs to watch quietly.

Seeing that Zhou Han didn't speak, Yao Xiaorui thought he was angry.

She secretly hated herself for being too hasty and not knowing how to proceed step by step.

Yao Xiaorui knew that Zhou Han liked Lin Nianwei, but she still wouldn't give up.

As long as Zhou Han didn't personally say that he didn't like her, she thought she definitely had a chance.

Yao Xiaorui is a kind girl, she sometimes feels like a bad girl.

Obviously Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei liked each other, but they didn't say anything.

She suddenly stepped in the middle, like a third party.

Even if she is treated as a bad girl, she just has to work hard for her own happiness.

The atmosphere of silence remains——

Zhou Han didn't know what to say, he was calm on the surface but anxious inside.

Yao Xiaorui thought that Zhou Han was angry with her, so she was too timid to speak, thinking about how to make it up.

The two had their own thoughts, and they had gradually reached the school gate.

Since they came to the school on a regular basis, there were not many students from Jinteng College on the way, only a few here and there.

At the gate of Jinteng College, the well-known wisteria forest has become desolate and embarrassing, only the poems of Li Bai on the lonely stone tablet, telling the beauty of the blooming season.

The road is covered with golden fallen leaves, and the gray concrete road has disappeared.

In its place was a golden carpet.

It seems to be welcoming two people.

"It all fell overnight, and I didn't notice." Zhou Han thought for a long time, looking for something to say, but he didn't know that this sentence was no different from "today's weather is so nice!".

"Eh!?" Yao Xiaorui was stunned, caught off guard by Zhou Han's sudden emotion, she responded in a panic, "Say...that's right!"

Zhou Han was embarrassed for a while, and felt that Yao Xiaorui's answer was the same as the perfunctory tone of "Yeah, yes."

He thought to himself—damn it!I'm so stupid!I can't say anything else, she must be very disappointed now, right?

Yao Xiaorui was very nervous, grabbed the handle of her schoolbag hard, and was very angry with herself.

She thought to herself - I...why am I so stupid?I can't say something nice, he must think I'm a very boring girl now, right?

The hearts of the two are entangled with each other, which is indescribable.

Inadvertently, Yao Xiaorui saw the political education teacher who was late, and was yelling loudly, telling the students to hurry up.

With a stopwatch in his hand, like a detonator, he was about to press it, and blasted all the late students into the sky.

"Let's go, it seems like we're going to be late." Yao Xiaorui's voice was a little urgent, it was the first time she came to school so late.

I thought Zhou Han would be very worried, but who knew he...

Zhou Han licked his lips and said casually——

"Don't worry, the old driver will keep you from being late!"

Valentine's Day Special

A person's life is like being raped.

From kindergarten to college.

Just when you think this humiliation is over, the real challenge will come.

You think I'm blind BB

When your student life is over, you'll feel the same way I did.

The life of a student is like wearing a condom and being polite.

And those who go out into the society don't wear a cover, they are fucking rude.

At a glance of discord, they will be pressed to the ground by reality and rubbed crazily.

My name is Zhou Han, a stunned young man with a pale resume.

Today I will tell you about my story after graduating from college.


It was sunny on March 2.

It has been almost half a year since I graduated from college.

A mediocre dawdle.

I vaguely remember that the president of the university used gorgeous language to draw a beautiful pie about the future at the freshman ceremony.

At that time, my blood boiled with enthusiasm when I was told by the potbellied principal.

"You guys are all social elites after graduation! You can afford a luxury car! You can afford a villa! You can afford a beautiful lady!"

The headmaster spoke in an unknown dialect and frequently uttered rough words. He didn't know that he thought it was the resurrection of the warlord Zhang Zuolin.

Although the words are rough, the reasoning is not rough. At that time, it was easy to be bewitched by the principal's words, and the illusion of "I am an elite" was ignited.

But as time goes by, after graduation, you will find——

All fucking fart, every word of truth!

There is no way to be young and aggressive.

Many young people like me enter university with dreams in mind.

In the end, she was raped with bruises and came out crying.

This kind of people - everywhere!

If you don't believe it, it doesn't matter, time will test everything.

When you go to society, you will find that there are two things that are more useful than knowledge.

One is relationship.

One is money.

That stupid young man like me who has no money and doesn't care.

After graduation, I can only run around with my resume, go to every job fair, and throw my resume in the face of HR when I see a suitable job.

No way, hurry up!

Fortunately, I was lucky. After an interview, a company was finally willing to hire me.

Looks like Valentine's Day is my lucky day.

I majored in finance. At that time, I thought I was very tall. When I thought of the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", I always hoped that I could be like the hero, and be successful.

One day, I will also have an office of my own on Wall Street in the United States.

But this is just my ambition, whether it can be realized is another matter.

After graduation, I knew that many students with the same major had become accountants.

But the company that hired me is a listed financial company, and it just messes around with stocks.

The ambition that was already dead quietly ignited a fire in my heart again.

When I came to the office building of this company, I felt that I came to the right place.

The skyscrapers with hundreds of floors belong to this company, and it is strong at first glance.

For some reason, the HR lady is always very warm to me. From her mouth, I learned that I was handpicked by the director of this company.

This flatters me a little, don't think about selling a woman.

No one should care about me like this.

It must be the director who has a keen eye and discerns pearls, and has taken a fancy to my talent.

My high school was pretty good, and the small club called Qingxue Office is probably a legendary existence on campus, right?

Of course, not only in high school, I also became the president of the student council in college.

But these things...compared with the work experience, it is not worth mentioning.

When you first step into the society, work experience is the most important thing, which is far more convincing than the gorgeous past.

I sat in the reception room for more than 20 minutes, and after the personnel lady brought me a cup of hot coffee, she disappeared.

Damn, am I being tricked?

I speculated about all kinds of possibilities in my heart, and my mood became irritable.

I tugged on my tie and felt much more comfortable.

To be honest, I am not used to suits and shoes now.

Moreover, this cheap suit is much more uncomfortable to wear than those custom-made ones.

While I was trying to figure out how to speak to my new boss, a young girl walked in—

Her black hair was like silk and was tied back.

Wearing professional OL attire, she looks mature and stable.

Tap and tap high heels, capable and full.

There is no redundant expression on the beautiful face.

I was startled, isn't this Lin Nianwei?She is my boss?

Speaking of Lin Nianwei, I remember that she went directly to Cambridge University in England after graduating from high school, but unexpectedly came back after graduation.

"Huh? Why are you here? It smells like a useless person." Lin Nianwei pretended to be surprised.

Seeing Lin Nianwei's appearance, I couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. After so many years, she is still like this, her unforgiving character has not changed at all.

"I heard from Ms. HR that you appointed me here." I said tentatively.

"How could it be? Why did I hand-pick a sewer cockroach? Could it be that my brain is broken?" Lin Nianwei tilted her head expressionlessly.

I didn't speak, just looked at her with a frown.

Lin Nianwei is like this, she is always unwilling to tell the truth and likes to keep it in her heart.

Anyway, I liked her before.

Now she is still the same as before, arrogant and difficult to approach.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Could it be that you have already admitted that you are a cockroach in the sewer?" Lin Nianwei said lightly.

"I didn't admit it!"

In a daze, I saw the employee card hanging around Lin Nianwei's neck, which read - "Minister of the Executive Department"

It's amazing. You can reach this position at a young age. Talented people can do everything with half the effort.

I sighed in my heart.

"Are you really my boss now?" I asked cautiously.

After the time in college, I have changed a lot. Everyone in a dormitory is bragging all day long, which makes me a lot smoother.

"That's right, do you think it's fake?" Lin Nianwei said expressionlessly.

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