Chapter 180 Seven

Gu Bai glanced at the entire class and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this matter did not show a tendency to deteriorate, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble.

Gu Bai silently lowered his head and rubbed his temples with his hands, it seemed that he was a little tired.

Lin Nianwei, the deskmate, squinted at him, glanced at him secretly, then continued to read without saying anything.

Zhou Han was in the back row, looking at the faces of his classmates blankly, everyone looked very happy.

For some reason, Zhou Han suddenly thought of the group of demons in Journey to the West, baring their teeth and claws, laughing and cursing, making people feel panicked.

He thought of Gu Bai's words and deeds just now, although he didn't feel very cold on the surface, but he admired it in his heart.

A few words have changed the behavior and thinking of many people.

Zhou Han sighed in his heart—this is probably the talent of a leader, right?Something I'm afraid I'll never have in my life.

It's not that he underestimates himself, but that talent is something that cannot be obtained through hard work.

But if it goes on like this, it's not a good thing.

Just like Napoleon, at first he used the slogan of democracy and republic.

But in the end—he became Emperor of France.

When there are no enemies, people's ambitions will swell.

This is the inevitability of all history.

No one can make exceptions.

The homeroom teacher suddenly remembered something, and added, "Ah, right! All class committee members will assist in this event, so it will be a little late to go home. Of course, personal club activities can only be suspended."

"Eh!?" Miyazaki Airi moved her ears, dazed in a daze, and then her face turned pale as if struck by lightning.

Miyazaki Airi is the vice monitor and a member of the class committee, and this news is closely related to her.

Feng Jiarui frowned, looking at Miyazaki Airi's expression a little strangely, "At the same table? What's wrong with you?"

"'s nothing..." Miyazaki Airi replied weakly, she thought in despair - it's fine if she can't participate in club activities, but why is the school leaving time delayed! ?My palace fighting drama!I can't see it~ what should I do?I want to die so badly~

It turns out that Miyazaki Airi values ​​Gongdou drama more than clubs.

It's really incomprehensible.

The end of the third class in the morning——

at this time.

The whole school held a flag-raising ceremony on the playground

But there was a boy with thick eyebrows, big eyes and plain appearance, who was pacing anxiously in front of the storage warehouse door of the third grade.

He looked preoccupied, frowning, maybe he was still biting his fingernails.

If Miyazaki Airi was present, she might have a little impression of this boy. Not long ago, there were some submissive boys beside An Lan.

This boy's name is Liao Meizhong, a third-year student, and also the head of the inspection department of the student union.

That's right, he is one of the Big Three in the student union.

Although he was one of the Big Three, he was the weakest one, he was submissive to everyone, and he didn't look like a ministerial figure at all.

This is also when Wang Linlin faces the inspection department, she will feel very relaxed and easy to deal with, because the head of the inspection department, Liao Meizhong, is really easy to talk to.

Liao Meizhong's way of dealing with the world is to be kind to everyone and never care about anything.

The sentence he said most often is full of the taste of making money with kindness, "Forget it~ everyone calm down, take a step back, the sea and the sky are bright~"

This character is completely opposite to the vice president, An Lan.

So he was always reprimanded by An Lan, saying that Liao Meizhong's peacemaker was really annoying.

In the face of reprimands, he always smiles and never speaks back.

According to Liao Meizhong's theory, "What are you talking about? Kindness makes money, and I can get over anything if I bear it."

Liao Meizhong just likes to accommodate others. He feels that no one is perfect in this world, and everyone has annoying characteristics. Since you can't change others, you can change yourself. The more you tolerate others, the happier you will be.

He is an optimist, but with such a non-tough personality, it is impossible to become one of the Big Three in the student union?

There are rumors that he became the head of the inspectorate because of his nepotism.

Because Su Xiaojin, the president of the student union, and An Lan, the vice president, are Liao Meizhong's childhood sweethearts.

The three of them have been together since elementary school, junior high school, and now high school.

This is really a coincidence among coincidences.

The fates of the three people have been intertwined and collided since they met, and no decent results have been produced until now.

In the past, Liao Meizhong, Su Xiaojin and An Lan were good friends who talked about everything.

Su Xiaojin and An Lan always bullied him together, as if boys were their enemies.

But when the three reached high school, everything changed.

I don't know when Su Xiaojin and An Lan turned against each other and became incompatible enemies.

Liao Meizhong was at a loss about this change, completely unaware of what happened, as if overnight, the relationship between the three had undergone earth-shaking changes.

In addition, the three of them were all in the student union, so this place became the stage for Su Xiaojin and An Lan to fight.

The two of them forcibly tore the students in half and formed a school of their own.

The strength of the two childhood sweethearts made Liao Meizhong submissive,

Especially An Lan, she was ten times more domineering than Su Xiaojin, so Liao Meizhong always listened to An Lan and apologized to Su Xiaojin.

Liao Meizhong was caught in the middle, and life was not easy, and neither side could please her.

He also knew that he said good things on both sides, but there was no good result.

But Liao Meizhong has a very simple reason - I hope the three of them can be as good as before, talking and laughing together, and going to the playground to feed the pigeons together.

But the reality hit Liao Meizhong badly, and his efforts were of no avail.

Liao Meizhong didn't understand at all why the relationship between Su Xiaojin and An Lan would deteriorate to the point of irreconcilability.

What he thought was—everyone is friendly, as in the past, what's wrong?

This trouble runs through his entire high school career.

Because of his amiable personality, Liao Meizhong is very popular in the third grade and has many friends. He is not angry when others make fun of him. Instead, he thinks it is a sign of good relationship with other people.

He is dubbed by many people - "the man with the halo of the protagonist"

Because Liao Meizhong has two childhood sweethearts who are effervescently beautiful, and they are both extremely good, each with their own characteristics.

Whether it's the domineering An Lan or the black-bellied Su Xiaojin, as long as they walk on the street, they always turn heads.

This kind of innate advantage of being envious of others will always make fun of Liao Meizhong.

It is said that he has a lot of good fortune, and he was definitely a bachelor in his previous life. The King of Hades took pity on him and sent two girls to reincarnate with him,

Faced with everyone's teasing, Liao Meizhong always smiled wryly and didn't say much.

Because he has explained it too many times since he was a child, he is too lazy to say it, and no one will believe it.

Liao Meizhong would only refute them in her heart——

How is your childhood sweetheart?That's it, you have two and you try!

When we go out to play together, we must always be in fear of being burned to death by the FFF group.


Chapter 180 Eight Friends

When Liao Meizhong was in her first year of high school.

I once went out to watch a movie with An Lan and Su Xiaojin.

Those strange gazes along the way shone hotly on his face.

It made him feel uncomfortable all over, and he faintly felt that he was a scum with two feet on his back.

Since then, Liao Meizhong has never hung out with them again.

Maybe he felt scared?

So he always hangs out with some boys, in order to avoid suspicion.

Although it is possible to be regarded as a gay, it is better than being regarded as a scum.

Liao Meizhong has a lot of friends——

Learn well and learn badly.

Good looking, not handsome.

popular.Not popular.

As long as you are friendly, you are friends.

One of them was Song Mingyuan. The two of them walked relatively close. They said they were friends, but more like bad friends.

Because Song Mingyuan always said meanly behind his back that Liao Meizhong was sexually obsessed with junior school girls at night.

This is pure framing and nonsense. Liao Meizhong doesn't know anyone in the lower grades at all, and few of them have acquaintances with each other, let alone the school girls. Some of them have already been scared away by An Lan's domineering appearance.

An Lan and Su Xiaojin, two childhood sweethearts, had already sealed Liao Meizhong's relationship with the opposite sex, and they didn't even have a chance to breathe.

Why do you want to talk about obscene school girls?

Facing Song Mingyuan's slander, Liao Meizhong could only curl her lips and curse "Bitch!"

He is so kind and friendly, even if Song Mingyuan is a bad friend, he won't blush so much.

Speaking of the acquaintance with Song Mingyuan, it was really a mistake that caused eternal hatred——

In Liao Meizhong's eyes, Song Mingyuan is a master of learning, no, no, no, that's too demeaning, he should be called a god of learning.

When he was in the first grade, Liao Meizhong did not study well, and he was devastated by the test.

But fortunately, Liao Meizhong's front seat was an old monster specially recruited by Song Mingyuan, a god of learning, with super high grades.

So Liao Meizhong chose to secretly "refer" to Song Mingyuan's examination paper answers when he was complaining that every day should not be done and that the ground was not working.

Song Mingyuan was also kind enough, he didn't hide it when he found out, but deliberately lowered the paper and turned his body sideways to make Liao Meizhong copy more comfortably.

At that time, Liao Meizhong was elated and smiling, thinking that Song Mingyuan was a good person, a very good person~

Little did they know that from this moment on, Liao Meizhong had boarded the pirate ship and could never get off again.

What kind of a good man is Song Mingyuan? He looks like a living old goblin, a master who eats people without spit out bones.

Liao Meizhong is still too young to know how deep the urban routine is.

Remember that after the preliminary examination——

Liao Meizhong sincerely thanked Song Mingyuan.

But Song Mingyuan just waved his hand to stop him from speaking, and patted his shoulder meaningfully, "Young man~ you copied my paper, and you will be mine from now on, do you know?"

"What!?" Liao Meizhong was astonished, unable to understand what Song Mingyuan meant.

"Young man, I think you have wonderful bones. You are a unique cheating genius. It is up to you to maintain world peace. I have a contract of sale here. If you see that you are destined, you can sign it directly!" He took out his pen and paper.

"Go away!" Liao Meizhong felt that Song Mingyuan was a psychopath. Could it be that all gods of learning have this virtue? ! !

"If you don't sign, I'll report you for copying my test paper, and it's easy to check the monitoring~" Song Mingyuan threatened with a hippie smile.

"You!" Liao Meizhong was at a loss for words, so cowardly, she had to follow Song Mingyuan's wishes and sign.

From then on, this bad friend Liao Meizhong was handed over.

At first, Liao Meizhong thought that Song Mingyuan would treat him as a servant, a big landlord who would be ruthlessly exploited.

But as time went by, Liao Meizhong found that Song Mingyuan was a nice person, but the "cheapness" was deep down, which made people very helpless.

Liao Meizhong is an ordinary person, and usually talks about sports or beautiful girls with Song Mingyuan.

But Song Mingyuan chatted about some, and anime, and said that he had three thousand beauties in his harem.

Liao Meizhong was confused, what three thousand beauties in the harem?It can't be the second disease, right?

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