Swarms of small flying insects fluttered tirelessly.

Like laughing at Miyazaki Airi under the streetlight.

Flying insects flutter back and forth, disturbing the light,

Like an electric fan under the light.

Bright streets alternate back and forth between light and dark.

Miyazaki Airi's complexion is also unpredictable, hazy and incomprehensible.

The pedestrians were all in pairs, only Miyazaki Airi looked alone.

She was a little embarrassed, subconsciously grabbed her schoolbag tightly, with a gloomy face, lowered her head and walked away.

Miyazaki Airi scolded Zhou Han bloody in her heart, and planned not to feed him tonight, starving him to death to add to the fun.

She kept cursing Zhou Han in her heart, walking faster than before.

Miyazaki Airi was so angry that her vigilance disappeared.

I didn't notice at all, there was a strange figure behind her, following her quietly, furtively.

Li Yang has been following Miyazaki Airi for a long time.

The distance between the two is not very far.

Li Yang followed behind Miyazaki Airi, dodging around along the way, drilling into gaps and filling in holes, causing passers-by to cast strange glances.

But he has no intuition himself, he thinks he is as cool as a spy agent in a movie,

The most incomprehensible thing is that he is still wearing a middle-aged skull mask. Does this tell others that he is suspicious?

Miyazaki Airi walked up to the overpass.

This one straddles the busy road.

The light is surging like a torrent, and there are often traffic jams here during off-duty hours, and the loud horns are annoying.

Miyazaki Airi walked up the stairs of the overpass without even thinking about it, and she didn't notice Li Yang's smirk behind her at all.

"The opportunity is here~" Li Yang's eyes turned into crescent moons, with a bit of obscenity, "God is helping me."

Because Miyazaki Airi was in a rage, she forgot to hold down her skirt when going up the stairs.

At this time, if someone raised his head under the stairs, he would be gone.

Li Yang felt that an opportunity had come, and this opportunity was rare, so he didn't want to give up easily.

He took two quick steps to shorten the distance between Miyazaki Airi, in order to be able to take pictures more clearly, so as to sell them at a good price.

Li Yang snorted, ran under the stairs of the overpass, and picked up the camera hanging around his neck.

He pointed the camera at Miyazaki Airi on the stairs and licked his lips.

Miyazaki Airi's back skirt swayed slightly, and the mysterious virgin land under the skirt seemed to be faintly visible.

"Very good~ very good~ curl up a little more~" Li Yang held up the camera, licked his dry lips, and said to himself, "The mysterious area inside the pantyhose~ can definitely sell for a high price in front of those old gentlemen~ Really I'm sorry, Miyazaki-san~"

He felt that after he successfully took the photo, it would not be long before he would be promoted and raise his salary to become a rich and handsome Jinteng, a consultant of a big club, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.Come to think of it, I was a little excited.

  But when the scenery under Miyazaki Airi's skirt is about to be unobstructed, and Li Yang is about to press the shutter——

Variation occurred.

Inexplicably, various patterns appeared in front of Li Yang's eyes, rippling like water waves, just like the kaleidoscopes he saw when he was a child.

Colorful and varied.

"What... what's the matter?!" Li Yang's eyes were empty, and the camera fell to the ground. He suddenly couldn't see anything, and his eyes were full of colorful ripples.

Dazzling colors and changing patterns made Li Yanghuang dizzy and uncomfortable.

He stumbled back, accidentally tripped himself, and sat down on the ground.

Li Yang was panicked and at a loss, like a blind man, he stretched out his hands and fumbled around.

He remembered what the older generation said when he was a child - don't look under a girl's skirt, or your eyes will go blind.

The more Li Yang thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he felt uneasy. He really didn't listen to the old man's words, and suffered a loss in front of him. He actually became enlightened today.

He sat on the ground in fear and said to himself, his voice trembling, "Oh my god~ I... I'm blind! I..."

Li Yang fumbled on the ground indiscriminately, wanting to call for help, but suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck.

Lost consciousness in front of a black.

Zhou Han let out a long breath, and threw the stick in his hand aside.

Fortunately, he came in time and used Elizabeth's "Deceitful Projection" to blind Li Yang, or else this middle school bastard really succeeded.

How can Zhou Han be an older brother if he can't even protect his younger sister's skirt?

He looked at Li Yang, who was lying on the ground and passed out, and smiled, "I'm sorry ~ classmate Li Yang~"

In fact, Miyazaki Airi really wronged Zhou Han.

How could he let Miyazaki Airi go home by herself at this time?

Zhou Han was actually not at ease.

After all, Miyazaki Airi is his younger sister, a girl, and there is always some danger in going home by herself.

After the club activities ended, Zhou Han had been waiting for Miyazaki Airi at the school gate.

Zhou Han thought he could go home with Miyazaki Airi, because it was late and there were no acquaintances on the way, so there was no need to worry about their relationship being exposed.


Zhou Han found that Li Yang was sneaking behind Miyazaki Airi with a camera.

Zhou Han knew exactly what Li Yang was going to do, he had long expected that this middle school bastard would not give up, that people would die for money, birds would die for food, that's all.

So when Li Yang secretly followed Miyazaki Airi, Zhou Han followed him secretly behind him, acting out a scene where the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

Zhou Han lowered his head expressionlessly, looking at Li Yang's extremely ugly sleeping posture.

With many years of fighting experience, he knew the severity of the strike, and the sap that he gave Li Yang was just right, and the strength was just enough to make people faint.

It's just that in the morning, the neck will be a little sore, but it won't be a serious problem.

Originally, it would be enough for Elizabeth to destroy the camera, but Zhou Han was afraid that Li Yang, a bastard, would never stop, so he let him suffer a little bit, so as to die of his heart.

Zhou Han looked around, worried that someone would call the police when he was violent, and it would be troublesome.

But fortunately, during this time period, there were almost no people in Tianqiao, so he was relieved.

With his hands in his pockets, Zhou Han silently looked at Li Yang's attire, feeling that he was too unprofessional, and it was definitely the first time he followed someone else.

"This guy is stupider than the evil master~" Elizabeth couldn't help complaining in Zhou Han's mind.

"Is it necessary to belittle me too?" Zhou Han frowned, very dissatisfied.

"Oh ho ho~" Elizabeth smiled coquettishly.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han gasped, shook his head, and didn't intend to argue with Elizabeth.

Zhou Han shook his head, and thought helplessly - if this middle school bastard really wanted to follow, he should dress more low-key?Make it look like a killer.

"What should I do about this secondary disease? Do you want to destroy the body?" Elizabeth asked in Zhou Han's mind.

"Hey, hey! Do you want to be so scary?" Zhou Han asked with a dark face, feeling that what Elizabeth said was a little scary.

"Then what should I do?" Elizabeth asked with interest.

"Let's just lie here. At most, I'll be late when I get home. If I'm lucky, I almost catch a cold or something." Zhou Han responded.

"It's boring~" Elizabeth said nothing more.

Zhou Han looked up at Miyazaki Airi on the flyover, frowned, wondering in his heart——

What happened to this girl today?Absently.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Miyazaki Airi was still sulking on the road.

She lowered her head and sprinted forward, her tight eyebrows were bent, revealing that she was not calm.

Miyazaki Airi kept complaining about Zhou Han in her heart, thinking that she was a girl, and that idiot didn't come to pick her up when she came home so late.

She didn't know how stupid Zhou Han was. He came home late, so why couldn't he wait at the school gate and go together?

When school was over, Miyazaki Airi still had certain expectations for Zhou Han, hoping that he would wait for her outside the door, and it felt good for the two of them to go home together.

Even though Zhou Han wasn't very handsome, he could barely pass by, and it was more than enough to act as a flower protector.

But Miyazaki Airi didn't expect that Zhou Han's mind was so stupid that there was no one outside the door.

Miyazaki Airi thought that Zhou Han ignored her and went home directly, not to mention how sad he was at the time.

Since Miyazaki Airi is the vice monitor, she can only leave after cleaning up the scene, so she is almost the last one to leave the campus.

When Miyazaki Airi stood at the gate of Kinto Academy, behind her was the dark school, and in front of her was an empty street.

Looking around, there is only the wisteria flower forest stele under the street lamp, standing there alone.

The pale spotlight shines on Li Bai's poems, leaving him lonely.

Just like Miyazaki Airi standing alone in front of the school.

Under her seemingly strong exterior, she always reveals uneasy emotions.

Miyazaki Airi is very afraid of loneliness, especially when the surroundings are strange.

Just like the herring living in the Pacific Ocean, he can't stand loneliness. It is said that the herring who is alone is always looking for a large group. If he can't find it for a few days, he will not eat or sleep, and eventually die of loneliness.

Miyazaki Airi herself does not want to admit that she is sensitive and prone to loneliness, so she uses a mask to hide her weakest place.

But in fact, this is just paralyzing oneself. The more you hide, the stronger your sense of loneliness will be.

Like pitch-black thorns, it followed Miyazaki Airi's feet bit by bit, imperceptibly climbing to her whole body, wrapping around her slender neck.

Pointed into the body, no feeling.

Everyone is proving the truth that things must be reversed when they are extremes. They seem to be strong, but they are actually weak.

Miyazaki Airi lowered her head, with an ugly expression on her face, looking at the blue sidewalk, where people were jostling each other and passing each other, her mood became worse and worse.

I don't know when.

Miyazaki Airi walked to the bustling area of ​​the street, and just as it was off-duty time, the number of people around her began to increase.

They flocked to each other, workaholics chanting which bar to go for a drink.

Against the background of the night, the cars on the street are next to each other.Like a string of dazzling pearls flowing, dazzling.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the colorful neon lights are shaking the rose petals left by the flower shop, and they are scattered on the ground.

Miyazaki Airi glanced at the bleak red roses on the ground, and thought of that stupid Zhou Han.

Ming Tian claims to be his elder brother in front of himself, but when the critical moment comes, he doesn't do what an elder brother should do.

It's really unreasonable to leave my sister aside and go home by myself.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, pouted her lips, and thought angrily in her heart - how could that idiot look like a brother?You can say nice things, big liar! ! !

Pedestrians around saw Miyazaki Airi's aggressive appearance, and subconsciously gave way. They didn't know it, but thought that this girl had been dumped by someone and was about to find someone to vent her anger on.

"Idiot! Idiot! Big stupid case!" Miyazaki Airi became angrier as she thought about it, and couldn't help cursing Zhou Han.

If Zhou Han appeared in front of Miyazaki Airi now, she would definitely raise her fist and show off her might.

Miyazaki Airi looked down and saw a small stone on the road, she was stunned, and then she felt a sigh of relief, it's really unlucky to drink water and stuff your teeth, now even a small stone dares to block my way?How unreasonable!

When girls are angry, many reasons are inexplicable and difficult to reason.

Miyazaki Airi walked a few steps quickly, kicked the pebbles away, and said plausibly, "Big idiot! Go to hell! Hmph~!"

Seeing Miyazaki Airi's arrogant appearance, she probably took Xiao Shizi as Zhou Han to vent her anger.

The small stone flew up leisurely, forming a parabolic shape in the air, falling slowly from high to low—it hit a person.

"Ouch!" a male god cried out in pain.

Miyazaki Airi was stunned, and looked intently, the boy was grinning and rubbing his head. He was wearing a blue western-style school uniform, a gray tie, and carrying a schoolbag. He looked like a student dressed.

Miyazaki Airi shrank back after regaining her senses, feeling that she would not cause trouble, right?

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