Many people don't know Song Mingyuan well, and they are all in a state of bewilderment about this weird words and deeds.

Zhou Han's complexion was as black as charcoal, and he hated Song Mingyuan so much that his teeth were itching. He thought angrily in his heart--fuck you Song Laogou, Xiao Hanzi is your father!You actually regarded me as a eunuch, and all the men in your family are eunuchs!

Su Xiaomai looked at all this with great interest, feeling something strange.

Because in her impression, Song Mingyuan was not the kind of person who would talk coquettishly when he came up, so there was something wrong with this kind of reaction.

"Huh? Xiaohanzi? Xiaohanzi!? Have you eaten the heart of a bear? I'm asking you something! How dare you not agree..."

Song Mingyuan was full of arrogance on the other end of the phone, and he didn't look like a regiment leader at all.

Zhou Han couldn't bear it anymore, thinking that if he didn't reply, this old and disrespectful guy would definitely kick his nose in the face.

He moved to the side of the phone, hesitated, and said——

"Back to the emperor, you don't have a ****~"

Chapter 360 The fifth chapter

The ministers all showed astonishment when they heard it, and looked at Zhou Han dumbfounded.

This is the first time I've seen this kind of club, the leader seems to have no prestige at all, it's like gay friends teasing each other.

It is rare for a senior in the same club to not be respected by a junior.

But the ministers felt relieved after hearing Song Mingyuan's funny speech.

This kind of senior is indeed not worthy of respect, it's too damn low IQ

"Bold! If you are a dog slave, you will commit the crime below, and the crime will be aggravated."

Song Mingyuan seemed to be enjoying himself very much.

"Captain, there is no dick, wearing a green hat, and the chrysanthemum is not safe." Zhou Han slammed Song Mingyuan with words very bluntly. Listening carefully, it rhymes, and the amount of information is very large.

In order to prevent Song Mingyuan from continuing to commit crimes and embarrass himself in front of the ministers of the student union, Zhou Han had no choice but to make a bad move.

Even if you don't have a good job, it's better than ruining the society's face.

"Tsk! It's ugly, it's really ugly, you must eat shit, right?"

Song Mingyuan's tone on the phone was very helpless, and he seemed to have returned to normal.

"Get out!" Zhou Han frowned and responded.

"Are you bored and feeling uncomfortable? Calling me is just fighting each other. I am very busy with rehearsals. I can hang up if I have nothing to do..."

Song Mingyuan was talking nonsense, in fact, he was not busy at all, he had been lying on the ground all morning.

After all, the role assigned by the performance is cannon fodder, besides lying corpses, they are still lying corpses.

After lying in bed all morning, Song Mingyuan felt that he fell in love with the role of cannon fodder.

Others are busy reciting lines and designing to move their mouths, he just needs to lie down, very leisurely~

Song Mingyuan felt that he had unlocked a new title - professional cannon fodder!

"Don't hang up! Don't hang up!" Zhou Han was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "It's business!"

"Hurry up," Song Mingyuan said.

"This..." Zhou Han raised his eyelids and looked at Liao Meizhong, hesitant to speak.

Now being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, Zhou Han didn't dare to act rashly.

Zhou Han didn't know what Liao Meizhong wanted to do.

This situation needs to follow his will.

In order not to give Liao Meizhong an excuse to make trouble, saying that Zhou Han deliberately caused trouble, he must have done something bad in the Qingxue Office, and there is something wrong in his heart...

Seeing Zhou Han looking at him, Liao Meizhong breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this junior didn't intend to make trouble.

He leaned into Zhou Han's ear and whispered, "Stop talking, just give me a call."

Zhou Han raised his eyebrows, didn't say anything, and then said to Song Mingyuan who was on the phone, "What... Senior Liao from the Student Union came to see you, it seems that there is something..."

The ministers saw that Zhou Han's words were quite satisfactory, and he didn't have any words or deeds to remind them, and they all wondered in their hearts—their club is about to be imprisoned, why is this low-grade student so calm?

"Oh, well, let him talk to me..."

Zhou Han slowly sat down beside him obediently, without any intention of continuing to meddle.

"Old bitch..." Liao Meizhong deliberately used a more intimate address, hoping to make Song Mingyuan relax his vigilance so that it would be easier to talk to him.

"Brother Liao, what's the matter?" Song Mingyuan responded politely.

"Oh, it's not a big deal. The previous violent conflict in the second grade...remember?" Liao Meizhong asked cautiously.

"Well, of course I remember, after all, it's such a big deal, it's impossible to forget it so quickly, right?"

Liao Meizhong frowned, somehow feeling a little disobedient.

This dialogue is very subtle, as if Song Mingyuan inadvertently avoided the key points of the matter.

However, in order to ensure that Song Mingyuan would admit it personally, Liao Meizhong had to continue to be patient and persuasive.

"The thing is like this. The student union handled this matter in a superficial way. The school management committee has doubts about it, and sent someone down this morning to check it out." Liao Meizhong said calmly, with the same tone as usual.

"Huh? Does this matter have anything to do with me?" Song Mingyuan suddenly said in an innocent tone.

This sentence is like a stone splashed with water, and the sound of "boom" ripples layer after layer, creating infinite ripples, breaking the silence of the conference room.

The ministers turned their gazes to Liao Meizhong's face, their eyes were full of suspicion, like a magnifying glass, magnifying many subtle things infinitely.

Liao Meizhong's face was embarrassed, his eyes were like the sun, his face was flushed red.

He never dreamed that Song Mingyuan would say that it had something to do with him?

This is completely different from the time when we chatted alone in the storage room.

At that time Song Mingyuan admitted it frankly, but now he pretended not to know, like an innocent victim.

It's like... it's like—

Song Mingyuan was in this meeting room, and he already knew everything, as well as the fact that Liao Meizhong was about to sell his teammates to save himself.

Liao Meizhong looked around the entire conference room in a strange way, carefully observed every corner with sharp eyes, and found no trace of Song Mingyuan's presence here.

Since Song Mingyuan is not here, it proves that he didn't know that he would betray him.

But why did Song Mingyuan suddenly become uncharacteristically wary of himself?

What is going on with all this?

Liao Meizhong's face was pale, she couldn't figure it out at all, and her eyes unconsciously revealed panic and panic.

He felt that things were getting very weird, and the difficulty of clichés rose to the highest level.

Liao Meizhong seemed to be able to hear the sound of her heart beating faster - "Plop, plop..."

He knew that he was nervous, so nervous that he had to rely on speeding up his heartbeat and promoting blood flow.

With a strong sense of disobedience, Liao Meizhong frequently called the police in his mind.

Liao Meizhong glanced at Zhou Han, who was boring and ordinary, and thought to herself——Could it be that he secretly reported to Song Mingyuan, right?

But after thinking about it, it's unlikely.

Because everyone was staring at Zhou Han, under the surveillance of so many pairs of eyes, it was impossible to move his hands or feet.

Liao Meizhong thought about many things in a short moment, but her heart was still full of doubts.

The ministers' eyes became more and more strange, because Song Mingyuan's denial proved that Liao Meizhong was lying.

Liao Meizhong secretly swallowed her saliva, in order to prove her innocence, she had no choice but to continue asking.

"How... how can it be okay?" Liao Meizhong asked back, and said straight to the point, "Didn't you admit before... that the violent conflict in the second grade was manipulated by your club behind the scenes?"

Song Mingyuan on the phone was silent for a while, and asked a very strange question.

"Is there someone next to you?"

The ministers turned pale with fright, and their expressions became strange, as if they had been caught eavesdropping and showed up.

No one in this group expected Song Mingyuan to be so vigilant and cautious, obviously he was a joke before.

"Ah!?" Liao Meizhong pretended to be surprised, and forced herself to say calmly, "No, it's just me and your juniors."

Zhou Han licked his dry mouth, his eyes dangling.

Song Mingyuan hesitated for a moment, and asked directly——

"Where are you?"

Chapter 360 Despicable

Song Mingyuan's series of questioning on the phone made Liao Meizhong a little confused.

The sense of disobedience in my heart became more and more intense.

It just felt that Song Mingyuan knew that he was going to sell him, so he prepared a defensive posture in advance, waiting for him to come to his death.

Just like a tower defense game, all kinds of powerful turrets are built in advance, a few waves of monsters come, and a few waves die, and there is no return. In the end, there is no hope of victory, and the corpses are lying under the turrets.

Liao Meizhong couldn't help but have a question in her heart - did Song Mingyuan really know that I was going to sell him?Impossible, could it be that this is a temptation, afraid that someone around him will expose the truth of the matter?

Thinking of this, Liao Meizhong felt that it was not time to give up, and there was room for maneuver until the end.

Although his already tense heart almost jumped out.

But in the face of the desperate situation in front of him, Song Mingyuan had to take advantage of what he did himself.

"I'm in the library with your juniors." Liao Meizhong replied calmly.

"Really..." Song Mingyuan on the phone paused, and continued, "Then I can rest assured."

Liao Meizhong went back to the future and thought that it was true, because she was afraid that this matter would be exposed, so she pretended to be ignorant because she was afraid that this matter would be exposed. This old bitch is really cautious enough.

"Don't worry, there is no one around, don't worry about the secret being heard by outsiders."

"Yes, I'm just worried about being heard by outsiders." Song Mingyuan replied.

Liao Meizhong breathed a sigh of relief, and her hanging heart faintly let go.

"Then let me confirm again, the violent conflict in the second grade was manipulated by your club behind the scenes, right?"

"Ah!?" Song Mingyuan was startled, and said with a laugh, "What silly things are you talking about, are you not mistaken?"


Liao Meizhong was also taken aback when he heard Song Mingyuan's tone, feeling baffled, thinking that he was still acting and testing, and worried that there were other people around.

"As I said, there is no one else around, so don't worry about your secret being overheard by others."

"What the hell?" Song Mingyuan's tone was confused, "I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about you..."

"What!? Why are you worried about me?" Liao Meizhong was a little confused by Song Mingyuan.

"I'm worried that someone around you will violently reveal your secret, and it will spread like wildfire. The consequences will be disastrous." Song Mingyuan said seriously.

The ministers sensed something, and all focused their attention on Liao Meizhong.

Liao Meizhong panicked, forced a smile and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? What secret can I have?"

"Eh!? I forgot it so soon..." Song Mingyuan's tone was very surprised and seemed very realistic, "Didn't you tell me not long ago that the gang fight in the second grade was actually secretly instigated by you yourself?"

The mutation was sudden, and the words were astonishing——!

It's like cutting through the chaos of heaven and earth, and the light is just opening.

Let people see the new world in front of their eyes, and the impact can be seen.

This blockbuster exploded directly in the meeting room, shocking everyone.

The ministers present were startled, and they all stared at Liao Meizhong in amazement.

Even those who didn't believe that Liao Meizhong would do such a thing before, now they still believe it.

Because Song Mingyuan said this without knowing it, the credibility is extremely high.

For a moment, the meeting room was filled with an atmosphere of suspicion, overwhelming Liao Meizhong.

With his thin body, he couldn't resist and could only drift with the current, being submerged in this sea of ​​doubts.

Liao Meizhong is in a very bad mood now, and the pain cannot be added.

He couldn't figure out whether Song Mingyuan was serious or still acting, his blank brain could no longer tell.

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