And Zhou Han is like a traitor out of nerds, out of tune with them, very different.

The atmosphere became weird with the man in the golden glasses screaming in pain. Many people felt a little sympathetic, and were very dissatisfied with Zhou Han's inexplicable bullying at school.

Although they were dissatisfied, they dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

Because without being the first bird, the male students who watched had no guts or courage at all.

But not everyone is afraid, like Miyazaki Airi.

The righteous little friend who can't see other people's bullying by nature - Miyazaki Airi couldn't help but speak out.

"Zhou Han, what are you doing!?"

Miyazaki Airi called Zhou Han by his first name. This strange attitude was obviously serious.

She wanted to argue with Zhou Han, accusing him of causing trouble and not having a long memory.

Obviously, it was because of causing trouble before that he almost couldn't stay in school, but he didn't expect to come today?

"Ah!? What am I doing!? Let me vent your anger, what else can I do?" Zhou Han came back to his senses, but he didn't have the nerve to speak too bluntly.

Instead, he said something lightly, hoping that Miyazaki Airi could understand that he was helping her vent her anger, not maliciously bullying others.

The strength in Zhou Han's hands loosened a little, and the man with the gold-rimmed glasses could finally take this opportunity to catch his breath.

But the middle finger of the man with gold spectacles couldn't break free from Zhou Han's grasp, and his back was sweating coldly, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Huh!?" Miyazaki Airi frowned tightly, she didn't understand what Zhou Han was talking about, he is not a wretched man, why are you angry?

The boys who were watching were also confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"What are you talking about!?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't stand it anymore, and asked, "I think you are clearly bullying, let him go!"

"Tsk!" Zhou Han frowned, with a displeased expression on his face, and thought a little angrily—this damn girl's head is flooded?Don't you understand?When have I ever bullied someone for no reason?

Miyazaki Airi didn't know that she was doing a disservice, and just a few words made things complicated.

When the boys in front saw that someone came forward to be the Justice Superman, and they were still beautiful girls, they couldn't sit still immediately, and they turned into little justice guards one after another.

A girl dared to jump out to stop Zhou Han's atrocities, it would be too embarrassing for them big boys not to follow up quickly.

Many boys want to control Zhou Han's violent behavior.

But he was afraid of Zhou Han's viciousness, afraid that he would be involved.

But now that Miyazaki Airi has become the first bird, she has to take care of this matter.

The boys all felt that the opportunity to be a flower protector had come, and began to verbally criticize Zhou Han.

"Exactly! Why do you bully people!?"

"They didn't say anything to offend you, did they?"

"Let go of him quickly! If you don't let go, we will report you to the Political and Education Office!"


The accusations came suddenly, as if they were besieged from all sides, and it was heart-wrenching to hear.

For a moment, Zhou Han suddenly became a target of criticism, an enemy of the whole people.

Some boys actually rolled up their sleeves, and it seemed that they wanted to do something at a disagreement.

The crowds in front of the small dessert booth were like a whirlpool, and Zhou Han was in the center of the whirlpool,

Although the situation is getting more tense and the accusations are getting louder.

Zhou Han's face remained calm and composed, and he did not let go of the man with the gold rim glasses.

If he hadn't had the experience of being accused by thousands of people, I'm afraid Zhou Han would be furious now.

Zhou Han swept over the rushing classmates one by one, licked his dry lips, and thought——

This damn girl can really add to the chaos...

Chapter 390 Three Bite

Zhou Han didn't change his expression when faced with accusations from a group of people.

It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of battle before, and whoever gets angry loses.

As for those boys who rolled up their sleeves and wanted to express themselves in front of Miyazaki Airi, Zhou Han didn't care.

If they really want to fight, Zhou Han feels that this group of nerds who are strong outside but capable only need one hand.

The scene was a bit chaotic. A few members of the student union in the distance were dumb at this time, and they didn't dare to intervene.

What if you accidentally hurt yourself in a fight?

They were debating whether to call campus security.

Miyazaki Airi's face turned blue, and when Zhou Han became a critic, she realized that she had said something wrong just now, and she inadvertently brought up the rhythm.

Miyazaki Airi was a little baffled by the excited faces of the group, she just stopped a sentence casually, but didn't let a group of people start to abuse Zhou Han.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, with a shallow gully in the middle of her eyebrows.

She was a little guilty, she didn't expect her casual sentence to push Zhou Han into the pit of fire.

Although Miyazaki Airi felt guilty, she didn't realize that she had caused trouble for Zhou Han out of thin air.

Miyazaki Airi was a little upset, and even found an excuse in her heart to comfort herself - who made Zhou Han bully others?Otherwise, would I say him?

The man with golden glasses saw that everyone was on his side, and condemned Zhou Han.

The sudden change in the wind direction of the situation made the aura of the man with golden glasses tremble immediately.

He seems to have forgotten that his weakness is still pinched in Zhou Han's hands...

The man with gold spectacles felt that the opportunity was rare now, and it was a good time to fight back against Zhou Han.

Just take advantage of this one-sided momentum, let alone let Zhou Han let go of himself.

If it is used well, it can even turn against the customer, forcing Zhou Han into a desperate situation where it is difficult to turn over.

His eyeballs rolled around strangely, and he looked completely human.

"Classmate, you should let go quickly! I never offended you! Why do you bully me? Are you crazy? just like to bully honest people?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, the onlookers echoed one after another, and the look in Zhou Han's eyes became more and more wrong.

It's as if they are all good people, and only Zhou Han is a big villain.

The man with golden glasses took advantage of everyone's sympathy and portrayed himself as a weak and honest person in order to gain more sympathy.

By the way, everyone's accusations were put on the cloak of representing "justice" and attacked Zhou Han from a moral height.

Killing two birds with one stone, although he is a wretched man, he is not shrewd.

"Honest man?" Zhou Han twitched his lips, almost amused by this man with gold rim glasses, thinking that an honest man would secretly touch a girl's leg?What are you kidding?

"What are you laughing at?" The aura of the man with gold spectacles was completely different from when he begged for mercy just now, as if he had changed. I'm afraid of you, don't go too far!"

His tone is sonorous and powerful, very contagious, giving the impression that he is not some unknown person.

The emotions of the irritated boys were incited, like an RPG game group to download a dungeon, shouting and shouting to push the level BOSS.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't stand watching any longer, and wanted to speak out to help Zhou Han.

She felt that she was all to blame for talking too much, which caused Zhou Han to become like this.

Miyazaki Airi didn't want to harm Zhou Han, no matter what, Zhou Han is considered a family member, she had to come out and say a few words to see if she could suppress this chaotic situation——

"Stop arguing!"

A pleasant cry echoed at the door of the lecture hall.

Occasionally, a few parents who passed by stopped to take a look.

After hearing Miyazaki Airi's voice, everyone really quieted down and focused their attention on her.

Zhou Han's face changed, thinking that this dead girl will not help again, right? !

Miyazaki Airi looked serious, and said in a complaining tone, "You are not allowed to argue with me, don't cause me trouble, I will continue to do publicity!"

The boys looked at each other and became hesitant for a while, wondering whether to let it go.

Miyazaki Airi's intention is obvious, she just wants to end everyone's quarrel, give Zhou Han a step, and let him leave quickly before things become serious.

But there was someone who didn't want Zhou Han to leave just like that, and that was the man with the gold-rimmed glasses.

He had suffered so much from Zhou Han just now, how could he let this evil star go so easily, he had to let this bastard peel off his skin before leaving, otherwise it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

"Did you hear?" The man with golden glasses didn't respond to Miyazaki Airi, but directed his hatred to Zhou Han, "Your unreasonable trouble has delayed this female classmate, so hurry up and admit your mistake!"

This hatred was very subtle, and he directly shirked his own guilt, and took advantage of the opportunity to pin the blame for delaying other people's publicity on Zhou Han.

Many people don't think of themselves first when they do something wrong, but blame others.

The boys suddenly felt that they were the guardians of justice, and there was nothing wrong with it. As for being angry with Miyazaki Airi, it was Zhou Han's fault.

"That's right! Apologize!"

"Let him go, and get out!"

"Don't delay other people's activities."


The boys echoed with words, full of confidence.

The chaotic atmosphere became more violent than before, and the situation became very tense, as if an arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

Miyazaki Airi's face was ashen, and her small hands were clenched into fists, not to mention how angry she was.

That's not what she meant. Before she could explain it, she was misunderstood and used by the man with gold rim glasses.

Miyazaki Airi felt that the gold-rimmed glasses were quite insidious, and she was not an honest person at all, so she really sympathized with him for nothing just now.

Zhou Han was in the center of public opinion, his face was expressionless, and he looked calm.

Countless voices of cursing came from my ears, and the air was filled with countless spitting stars.

The pair of self-righteous eyes look so stupid, how stupid, full of blindness.

How does Zhou Han feel that there are so many things in this world?Why don't you think more about yourself, and just believe in other people's one-sided words.

Under the skin of each person, God knows whether the heart is red or black?

Everyone has their own story, how can someone else tell it in one sentence?

Zhou Han doesn't care what others think of him, as long as he manages himself well.

He ignored all the accusations and abuse, as if there were only two people left at the door of the lecture hall——

one himself.

A man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Zhou Han has seen many rogues, but this is the first time he has seen a rogue with an IQ.

Dealing with this kind of person is also more difficult than before.

This man with gold-rimmed glasses is quite good at leveraging his strength, and the strength of the people around him, to put pressure on Zhou Han and want to fight against him.

But Zhou Han won't worry so much, if the opponent is unreasonable, then he will be even more unreasonable.

Zhou Han smiled with his mouth crooked, as if he could see through the man with the gold-rimmed glasses——

"Aren't you a rascal if you continue? I've seen too many..."

Chapter 390

The man with gold glasses didn't expect Zhou Han to be able to laugh at such a time.

There were all kinds of bad premonitions in his heart, and he felt that something was going to happen.

The hustle and bustle around did not affect Zhou Han, and he didn't even bother to take a look.

Although Zhou Han's expression was half a smile, but there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

He gripped the man's fingers with gold rim glasses, and snapped them off, at a wider angle than before, and even harder.

Zhou Han's way to deal with helplessness is very simple, use ruthlessness to make the other party submit, and continue to torture the other party if he is not convinced.


There was a crisp sound from the middle finger of the man with gold-rimmed glasses, even crisper than before.

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