I feel so comfortable, like walking on air, suspended above the skyline.

At that moment, I lost my composure, thinking that it would be great if Su Xiaowei was a girl.

I will fall in love with her and be together sweetly.

That night, I did not fall asleep.

My head is full of random thoughts.

I learned a fact - Su Xiaowei likes me.

I was molested by a girl and liked.

My heart is in a mess, and it's hard to accept Su Xiaomai's love.

I am a girl, and she is also a girl, there can be no result, and it is impossible to be together.

After that, I seldom talked to Su Xiaomai.

I was deliberately avoiding her, avoiding all the eyes that looked at each other.

Me and her are at a stalemate with each other.

Until the eve of White Day——

I tossed and turned on the bed at home, staring at Liao Meizhong's phone number in a daze.

I haven't dialed the phone for a long time.

Because the image of Su Xiaowei kissing me is still lingering in my mind, like a seed that has taken root and grown into a towering tree in a blink of an eye, it is very difficult to deal with.

I can't respond to any of Su Xiaowei's feelings, even if she really likes me.

I forcibly suppressed Su Xiaowei's matter, mustered up the courage, and called Liao Meizhong.

I want to ask him out to go shopping on White Valentine's Day, and then boldly confess my love to him.

Whether Liao Meizhong is willing or not, I have to force him to make a choice.

I understand that Liao Meizhong likes Su Xiaojin more, but Su Xiaowei likes me.

I decided to tell Liao Meizhong about this, so that he could give up and stay with me.

But the result...

Before I even announced my invitation, Liao Meizhong said that there was no time.

This dispelled my idea of ​​dating and confessing my love, and secretly sighed my bad luck.

It took me a long time to get up the courage.

And Liao Meizhong seemed not to allow me to say a word, and directly used the lack of time as an excuse, so I had to give up.

I'm going to go shopping and forget it, and try to invite Su Xiaomai with a normal heart, but she doesn't have time either.

Why such a coincidence?

It felt like I was left out of both of them.

I lay on the bed in disappointment, looking at my phone blankly.

Feeling restless and having difficulty falling asleep.

But I got a text message——

"Sister Xiaolan, good evening, I'm Mu Hanjun, maybe you don't remember me?"

I frowned, looking at this strange name, I couldn't remember who it was for a while?

"Who are you?"

"Do you remember the boy who was swinging by himself in the park?"

Seeing this, I finally got a little impression. The boy who was swinging by himself in the sunset was ignored by the three of us.

Because he is too gloomy, and even gives people a bad feeling.

Neither Su Xiaowei nor I like to approach this boy who is one year younger than us.

"What's the matter?" I asked straight to the point, not wanting to have too much communication with Mu Hanjun.

"Brother Meizhong and Miss Xiaojin are going on a date to watch a movie tomorrow, do you know?"

I stared blankly at the text message, and my mind suddenly went blank.

How can it be?

Probably not... right?

Doesn't Liao Meizhong have no time?

Why did you go on a date with Su Xiaowei to watch a movie?

Many thoughts came to my mind, I would be overwhelmed and very angry.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Go and take a look, and you'll know if I'm talking nonsense, and you have nothing to lose."

Mu Hanjun replied to me very quickly, I was very annoyed in my heart, I felt that this boy was venting his heart out, deliberately trying to annoy me.

I only replied with one word.


I turned off the phone angrily and covered my head with the quilt.

Although I didn't believe Mu Hanjun's words, I was a little flustered and couldn't help but suspect Liao Meizhong.

The contents of the text messages sent by Mu Hanjun kept reappearing in my mind, eroding my trust all the time.

A psychological suggestion is very scary, it will change a person's cognition and subvert certain facts.

I passed the night in paranoia.

The next day, I finally couldn't bear the torture and went to the neighborhood of Su Xiaowei's house.

Want to see if what Mu Hanjun said is true?

Just when the sun was setting and the remnant rainbow of the setting sun left the last light on the earth.

I saw it—the truth between the three of us.

That broken relationship, without any sense of fulfillment, is just a skeleton that blows away.

I saw it with my own eyes...

Liao Meizhong and Su Xiaowei kissed in the sunset.

The two of them are made for each other, and I'm the one with the most excess.

I didn't see the end, because I couldn't bear it, and the sad emotion hit me instantly.

I ran away.

He looked very embarrassed, more panic than fleeing.

I couldn't continue to confuse myself, the reality I saw with my own eyes pierced my soul.

The two of them lied to me together, they had a tacit understanding, and they had a good understanding.

What "what we will always be good friends" ah?

It's all a lie.

Although what I said was a lie, I tried to believe it.

but why?

Why would you lie to me?

In the end, I am the only one who truly believes in the phrase "we will always be good friends"!

I didn't go home that day, but wandered on the street.

When I was tired, I just found a coffee shop.

I ordered a cappuccino and made it in this cafe for a full hour.

Looking at the colorful neon lights outside the window, it made me feel dizzy because it was too bright.

I cried, the saddest I have ever been.

I know I'm worthless like this, like a fool.

But I was just so sad, being stabbed by my best friends, this feeling is hard for others to understand.

I'm afraid all kinds of tastes, only I know.

I looked at my reflection in the glass, with wine-red hair hanging on my shoulders, very decadent.

A stranger sat in front of me unceremoniously.

I quickly wiped away my tears and pretended to be strong.

"Long time no see, Miss Xiaolan." He greeted with a smile.

I looked at him intently, feeling very familiar.

"who are you?"

"Xiao Jun, Mu Hanjun." He introduced himself.

I was slightly taken aback.

I am not familiar with Mu Hanjunjing, but I just glanced at it from a distance when I was a child and knew the name.

But when I saw him, he was more feminine than when he was a child. From a distance, he looked like a girl.

If it weren't for the voice, it would be easy to be misunderstood as a woman with short hair.

And the masculine Adam's apple... doesn't seem to exist.

I can't help but wonder, isn't it developed?

It was easy to tell he was a boy when he was a kid, but it's hard to tell now.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" I didn't give him a good face.

Because of the text message last night, I was wary of him.

"Because I know Miss Xiaolan will be sad, so I came to see you." Mu Hanjun said without changing his face.

"How do you know I'm here?" I asked suspiciously.

"Guess." Mu Hanjun replied.

I don't quite believe it, think he is following me in private?

But this question is not important.

"You..." I hesitated and asked, "How do you know that the two of them are going on a date today?"

"A few days ago, I was chatting with Brother Meizhong, and he told me by accident." Mu Hanjun said sincerely.

I'm a little skeptical, I always feel that the relationship between Liao Meizhong and Mu Hanjun should not be to the extent of reminiscing about the old days.

"Will he catch up with you?" I asked.

"Of course, I've been back to China for a long time. As a former neighbor, shouldn't we have a chat?" Mu Hanjun explained innocently, spreading his hands.

I thought maybe I was overthinking, so I didn't continue to ask, but looked out the window.

"Why did you tell me about their date?"

"Sister Xiaolan, don't you think it's cruel for everyone else to know, but for you to be kept in the dark?"

I didn't reply, but I thought what Mu Hanjun said was right, he was really cruel to me.

The two of them got very angry and came to lie to me. Why?

"I know it's sad to be deceived by friends, and I don't understand why they keep you in the dark. Could it be that they don't actually regard you as a friend?" Mu Hanjun asked softly.

"Maybe..." I responded, and for a moment I felt that Mu Hanjun seemed to understand me very well, not as gloomy as Su Xiaomai said, it is better to stay away.

"The relationship between people is the most unpredictable. It's like smoke. You can see it, but you can never catch it. It lacks real feeling. I don't know if Miss Xiaolan also feels this way?" Mu Hanjun Youyou Yes, the sound is somewhat neutral and generally magnetic.

"Maybe..." I replied perfunctorily, but I was a little surprised in my heart, why would he know some feelings in my heart?

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