Miyazaki Airi felt that it was easy for her to be with Zhou Han, as long as she used her status as a younger sister, she could get ahead of her.

If you want to blame, blame Zhou Han for being a sister-in-law.

"I'll accept it temporarily. If you have a girlfriend, I'll transfer her." Miyazaki Airi said half-truthfully.

She lied, but her real intention was——

Give Zhou Han a chance to pursue himself.

Chapter 520 Seven Monthly Ticket Addition

"This one……"

Zhou Han hesitated a little when he heard Miyazaki Airi's words, his heart trembled uncontrollably.

He didn't expect Miyazaki Airi to give this couple keychain to his future girlfriend.

"As you like..."

Zhou Han didn't say anything against it either, thinking that he couldn't speak out about his relationship with Lin Nianwei.

If you say it, I don't know how Miyazaki Airi will react. Would she really smile and give this symbolic keychain to Lin Nianwei?

Zhou Han still clearly remembered what Miyazaki Airi said in the bathroom——

"If the two of you are together, I will feel that I have been left behind, getting farther and farther away from you, like familiar people who cut off each other and have no contact with each other. It is very uncomfortable."

Zhou Han didn't think it was a big deal at the time, but now that he recalls it, I'm afraid it was her attitude towards herself and Lin Nianwei.

Don't want to be left behind, don't want to be isolated, so full of restless hope to catch what?

Zhou Han was a little inexplicably irritable, and finally understood why so many people don't like to fall in love with familiar people.

The moonlight flickered under the cover of cloudy clouds.

The starlight that escaped the occlusion seemed to be pouring down like silver flakes.

Miyazaki Airi picked up the shining silver keychain with two slender fingers, and when it was reflected in the depths of her clear eyes, a faint blush could not stop appearing on her pretty face.

Although she is very considerate of Lin Nianwei's feelings, the pursuit of happiness in the world will never stop, and they will never tire of chasing mirages.

The same is true for Miyazaki Airi, the faint affection in her heart grows like weeds.

If Zhou Han really breaks the solid barrier in his heart, then he will boldly walk together.

Even if she knew that those two people liked each other, Miyazaki Airi would muster up the courage to say what was in her heart.

As for Lin Nianwei, her good friend, Miyazaki Airi will face her upright.

"You seem to like it..."

Zhou Han watched it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but complain, as if he was joking.

"Huh!?" Miyazaki Airi came back to her senses in a blink of an eye, with a trace of panic in her eyes, afraid that Zhou Han would see what she was thinking, "Who...who likes this shit so much?!"

A few drops of sweat dripped from Zhou Han's forehead, and he thought he didn't like it?It's all written on my face!

"I don't like this thing!" Miyazaki Airi had a beautiful blush on her face, she pretended not to care at all, and let the platinum key ring circle in her hand, "Huh~!"

Zhou Han forced a smile, then suddenly remembered something, took out his wallet from his pocket, and handed the [-] prize money he won in today's lottery to Miyazaki Airi.

"There's something wrong with Dad's savings bank, don't count on them this month."

Miyazaki Airi stared blankly at Qian, her face was a little ugly, "Nani?"

"Don't you have no money? It would be embarrassing for a girl to have no money, right?" Zhou Han said with a helpless sigh.

"You...how did you know?" Miyazaki Airi's eyes showed a trace of panic, and two flushes suddenly appeared on her cheeks, and the redness spread from her cheeks to the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

"It can be seen at a glance that you bought too few things today, and you look like you want to buy but are timid." Zhou Han pursed the corners of his lips lightly, as if he was smiling.

"I...I don't want it!" Miyazaki Airi turned her head away stubbornly, and said angrily, "It would be better to let me die if I receive your help!"

"Aren't you celebrating your birthday? Don't you need money for a birthday party?" Zhou Han raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively,

"Eh!?" Miyazaki Airi was stunned, and said in surprise, "How do you know? You didn't secretly read my file, did you?"


Just as Zhou Han was about to speak, he was interrupted emotionally by Miyazaki Airi.

"Sister-in-law is a pervert! You actually peeked at my privacy! How horny are you?!"

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red, thinking to herself - how much does this idiot like her sister?You actually checked my birthday, do you want to further attack me?Um!Absolutely right!

"My dad told me, don't treat me like a peeping tom, okay?" Zhou Han's face collapsed.

Miyazaki Airi's eyes widened, she frowned and lowered her head, "It's...really?"

"So you need money for your birthday, right? Take it." Zhou Han gave the money forward.

"No need." Miyazaki Airi frowned tightly.

"Ah!?" Zhou Han was stunned, thinking that Miyazaki Airi still couldn't let go of her face.

"I don't need anyone to celebrate my birthday, and I don't need any birthday party. As for my birthday, you are not allowed to tell anyone..." Miyazaki Airi suddenly raised her head, her eyebrows frowned, and she said seriously , "If you tell others, I will kill you."

"Uh!" The corner of Zhou Han's mouth twitched, "Why? Isn't it so strange?"

"Ursei..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head and pouted, "There's no reason, you don't ask too many questions."

"Okay, I won't ask." Zhou Han scratched his head and had no choice but to save the country, "But you still need money, don't you?"

"No...you don't need it!" Miyazaki Airi turned her head, her stubbornness made her headache.

"You really don't need it?" Zhou Han squinted his eyes and said persuasively, "Your usual expenses are not small, right? Every time you and those girls go out of class, you bring back a bunch of snacks and have them in the cafeteria at noon I always see you queuing up to buy milk tea, and when school is over, the gift shop at the door is the place you often go to, right?"

"Too...too bad, isn't it?" Miyazaki Airi's face was pale, her body was shaking non-stop, she pointed at Zhou Han, and said with lingering fear, "You pervert, do you often follow me!"

"Do you still use tailgating? I accidentally saw it five or six times..." Zhou Han could not help but smile, and said with his mouth twisted.

"Yes... so often?" Miyazaki Airi blushed and bit her lip, she didn't even know that she had become a senior VIP in the gift shop at the door.

"What do you think..." Zhou Han shrugged helplessly, and secretly sighed that his sister was not self-conscious, "You take the money first, it will definitely be used, just treat it... just treat it as my food expenses."

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi pursed her lips, blushing like a ripe red apple.

This scene is a bit speechless, and holding a pack of Mao Zedong, throwing it on the girl's face, and then saying "sister, come fuck~"

Miyazaki Airi looked at the money in Zhou Han's hand and fell into hesitation.

She really needs money, but she doesn't want to bow to Zhou Han, she feels very humiliated.

However, Tsundere has a way of Tsundere, neither to lose face, but also to pocket money.

"I really can't do anything about you. Since you demanded so strongly, I'll accept it reluctantly. It's not because I'm poor now!" Airi Miyazaki brushed up her flaxen hair, wrinkled her nose, "Hmph~ !"

Zhou Han was expressionless, and said lightly, "Really? It's really difficult for you. Since it's so difficult, let's forget it..."

Zhou Han played hard to get, and put the money in his pocket in the blink of an eye.


Miyazaki Airi stretched out her hand, but was teased by Zhou Han.

She bit her lip, her face flushed red, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

"Pfft~!" Seeing Miyazaki Airi's appearance, Zhou Han almost laughed out loud, and stopped teasing her, and honestly handed over the money, "Here, take it."

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi snatched the money angrily, and said angrily, "Take it as a loan! I will return it to you sooner or later!"

"You don't need it, just take it as..." Zhou Han waved his hands, thought for a while and said, "Just take it as a reward for showing me underwear."

"Ah... ah..." Miyazaki Airi's eyes widened, her whole body was shocked, her small face turned red like a burning cloud.

She gritted her silver teeth, her breathing became constricted, and she kicked Zhou Han's feet hard with her clogs, "Don't say that!!!"

"It hurts!" Zhou Han withdrew his foot with a confused look on his face, "What's wrong?!"

"Because it made me..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head with a blushing face, and whispered in dissatisfaction——

"It seems to be fucking..."

Chapter 520 Eight

It was midnight, the lights were gone, and everything was still.

Zhou Han put his hands under his head, lay flat on the bed, and looked at the ceiling.

The petite Elizabeth sat on Zhou Han's forehead, and her little hands kept knocking on his forehead.

"How many times have I said, don't shine like a light bulb, it makes me unable to think quietly."

Zhou Han's American English formed a "Chuan" character, making complaints about his physical and mental exhaustion.

"Forgot, hee hee..." The glare on Elizabeth's body faded away and became much dimmer.

Zhou Han rolled his eyes and asked, "Is there really no other way?"

"I can't help it. I've checked all the girls surnamed Su in your school. The last three generations seem to have no connection with your family, even that smiling black-bellied girl." Elizabeth said helplessly, spreading her hands.

Just now, Zhou Han asked Elizabeth to check all the information of his fiancée, but now it seems that he found nothing.

"Impossible? The girls in the same school as me are all surnamed Su, and the range is already small enough." Zhou Han said distressedly, he couldn't understand how it took so long to get nothing.

"Maybe it's because it's too old. In your grandfather's era, computers were not popular yet, and there was very little information." Elizabeth was also very helpless, and continued to knock on Zhou Han's forehead with her hand, having a great time.

"It doesn't work to find out who called my dad?" Zhou Han still didn't give up, did he really have to ask one by one?Even the iron man can't stand those Tathagata palms that come overwhelmingly.

"Are you out of your mind? It's a landline phone, and it's not the real person after checking, and I don't know which deep mountain forest it is in, and there is not even a monitor." Elizabeth frowned, but she was a little powerless to help.

"Shit!" Zhou Han covered his face and said frantically, "Who the hell is that?!"

"What are you panicking about? If you don't want to be arranged into an arranged marriage, you should fight to the end." Elizabeth clenched her fists like steamed buns and encouraged Zhou Han, "Crying, making trouble, and hanging himself, all take turns!"

"Why does it sound like a routine used by a little girl?" Zhou Han slid three black lines from his head.

"There is a manly way!" Elizabeth looked serious, as if she really had a trick up her sleeve.

"What?" Zhou Han asked suspiciously.

"Just get your little girlfriend pregnant, so that you won't get an arranged marriage." Elizabeth was complacent about her bad idea, and gave a thumbs up, "How is it? Isn't it very manly!?"

"This is not a man, but a strong woman, right? Why do I feel that you are always trying to trick me?" Zhou Han asked suspiciously, no matter how you look at it, Elizabeth looks like a spy sent by the enemy.

"Where is it? Didn't you ask me to give you an idea?" Elizabeth pouted with an innocent look on her face.

"It's all a bad idea." Zhou Han covered his head with a quilt, isolated from the world, "Sleep!"

Elizabeth floated in mid-air, pinching her waist and said angrily, "At least I still have an idea, and you haven't yet! Heh heh heh!"

Zhou Han opened his eyes in the dark quilt, ignored Elizabeth's noise outside the quilt, and absolutely put aside his fiancée's affairs for now, obviously his sister's affairs were more important.

He thought of Miyazaki Airi's depressed expression when she refused to let others celebrate her birthday.

Zhou Han couldn't help thinking in confusion, Miyazaki Airi is really a weird person, who would hate celebrating her own birthday?

But Zhou Han didn't want to disobey Miyazaki Airi's original intention, guessing that she dislikes noisy people and likes to be quiet.

Since I don't let myself tell others about her birthday, let's celebrate Miyazaki Airi's birthday myself.

Just thinking about giving my sister a surprise or something, Zhou Han became a little excited, feeling that he really did his duty as an older brother.He is really the best brother in the world.

As for what birthday present to prepare to make Miyazaki Airi happy?

Zhou Han had some eyebrows in his heart, if he remembered correctly...

Miyazaki Airi is very interested in the princess dress in the Korean style trendy fashion store in the shopping street, with longing in her eyes, she really wants to get the look of that dress.

  Zhou Han remembered the expensive price of that dress - 4000 yuan.

He suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and he couldn't afford it now. I don't know if there is anyone who sells kidneys now?

After a long time, Zhou Han muttered under the covers——

"It's so fucking expensive! Why don't you go and rob it?"

In the early morning, the smear of red sunlight just climbed over the solar water heater in the unit building opposite.

The bright red sun softly stopped in the dark sky, lit up little by little, emitting dazzling and dazzling rays of light.

The golden sunlight reflected Zhou Han's room through the blue curtains, and everything seemed to be the same.


There was no one in the room, only the unmade quilt on the bed.

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