"What do you mean?" Lin Nianwei was calm on the surface, but her heart was indeed turbulent, "You have never seen him before..."

The expression in Zhou Han's eyes became tense, and he wondered if it was true...

"It's just a feeling..." Lin's father waved his hand, looked at Zhou Han and said calmly, "When I saw Zhou Hao's little brother, I remembered the bastard who injured you when I was young, his name was Zhou Han, and this little brother was called Zhou Han. Zhou Hao."

Both Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei's expressions changed significantly.

Is this unintentional language?

Or a premeditated temptation?

"Zhou Han, Zhou Hao..." Father Lin picked up the glass and took a sip of the iced lemonade, "The names are all similar, only one word is missing..."

Chapter 680

"What a coincidence..."

Father Lin uttered a sentence of emotion that made people feel inexplicable.

Zhou Han's face was a little nervous, thinking that his doubts were all true?In fact, Father Lin already knew who he was, but he just lied to him like playing a game for a long time?

The atmosphere suddenly changed from calm to oppressive, like a tight string that would break at any moment.

Father Lin casually drank the second sip of iced lemonade, and the overall painting style suddenly took a big turn.

"But you are much better than that bastard named Zhou Han. Now that I think about it, I wish I could slap him until he can't find Bei, and actually hurt my precious daughter..."

Zhou Han let out a "gudong" and swallowed nervously. Although he knew that Father Lin was scolding him, he couldn't refute it, which made him a little uncomfortable.

However, the sudden change of the sharp point made Zhou Han very puzzled.

Did you think too much?

In fact, Father Lin didn't recognize him at all.

Those shocking words just now were all unintentional.

Lin Nianwei looked at her father with an unnatural expression, it was hard to tell if he really didn't notice that Zhou Han was in front of him, or he was deliberately pointing fingers at Sang Huai.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I fell in love with the scene for a while, and I didn't control my emotions well..."

Father Lin showed a look of sudden realization, and looked at Zhou Han with a smirk.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zhou Han waved his hand, feeling that now is a good opportunity to express his apology tactfully, so he said with a smile——

"I've also heard about Lin Nianwei's injuries when she was a child..."

"I always believe that people are inherently good, and no one is born to like to hurt others."

"That boy named Zhou Han, after hurting Lin Nianwei, I'm afraid he has been living in deep guilt?"

"Every day I will blame myself, feel annoyed, become lonely and indifferent, and have always refused to apologize for that ridiculous self-esteem."

"But people will grow up one day, right?"

"The boy named Zhou Han will also change and grow after going through a lot."

"He's going to learn a lesson—"

Zhou Han licked his dry lips, and said with his own mouth that he was very embarrassed, but let him take it in very well, creating a certain sense of true feelings.

"For some things, it's impossible not to take the initiative to apologize seriously."

This sentence was said by Zhou Han to himself, without any emotion, it was completely from the heart.

Lin Nianwei was expressionless and didn't say anything, but suddenly looked out the window.

It's rush hour again.

People came and went outside, and the long and narrow shadows intersected with each other on the ground.

Brilliant and colorful decorative lights, I don't know when they light up one after another.

Light and shadow reflected in Lin Nianwei's beautiful jewel-like eyes, shining brightly.

Zhou Han said something, but didn't look at Lin Nianwei at all, maybe he felt very embarrassed.

Saying this kind of thing always makes me feel very ashamed, like I am running naked in People's Square, still shouting, "I am **~"

Especially with Lin Nianwei still here, her sense of shame has increased several times!

"Well said..."

Father Lin nodded, and his expression finally became much kinder.

"You are much better than that bastard named Zhou Han, and more sincere than him. Regardless of our age, I appreciate young people like you more and more..."

"Thank you, thank you..." Zhou Han's expression froze, his face was a little red, and his eyes hurriedly moved away in embarrassment.

He thought to himself whether he appreciates it or not, he is Zhou Han!

He felt embarrassed to be praised by his future father-in-law.

I'm really not that good, so don't continue to praise yourself, you're going to let yourself go if you're boasting.

Although the name "Zhou Hao" is used now, the person who said these words is himself, so Zhou Han doesn't mind.

Congratulations to Zhou Han for upgrading his "Mouth Cannon" skill again, and continuing to move forward to the full level.

And the favorability of the future father-in-law will be +1

After hitting 100, you can unlock the achievement reward "One Wife, Lin Nianwei."

"Hurry up for dessert, mom will be in a hurry if I don't go again."

Lin Nianwei withdrew her gaze from the window and changed the subject.

"Yes, yes, bring some back to your mother..."

Father Lin echoed a few words, chatted for a long time and almost forgot what he was doing.

Zhou Han handed Lin Nianwei the dessert list, but suddenly noticed that her ears were a little red.

Zhou Han smiled helplessly, thinking——

what the hell?

Lin Nianwei would also feel shy after hearing that kind of words...

After the father and daughter ordered desserts, Zhou Han left.

Both of them were silent, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

It's not surprising that Lin Nianwei was like this.

But Father Lin is not normal...

There is a lot of traffic outside the window, and it looks like it is noisy.

The dessert shop was very quiet, with petty bourgeois-style piano music playing.

The contrast between inside and outside forms a stark contrast.


Father Lin suddenly let out a long sigh, as if he was very unhappy and desolate.

"what happened?"

Lin Nianwei asked with concern, what happened to her father?Could it be that you are not feeling well?

"The ancients did not deceive me..."

Lin's father looked helpless, like a salted fish who had lost his dream of life, waiting to be exposed to the sun and die on the beach.

"Dad, what are you going to say?"

Lin Nianwei frowned a little, she didn't understand her father's strange words.

"If you don't want to stay in the female university, what else can you say?"

Father Lin seems to have aged 20 years in an instant, and turned into an old fishing man in an instant, which is a bit unacceptable.

Lin Nianwei's face turned red, being teased by her father, she was so shy that she wanted to bump her head to death.

She quickly suppressed her embarrassment and continued to pretend to be calm.

Father Lin is very shrewd, all changes in his daughter's expression cannot escape his eyes.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Zhou Hao and I are just ordinary friends..."

In desperation, Lin Nianwei almost made a mistake and almost said her real name, which shows how flustered she was.

"Hey..." Lin's father smiled with his mouth crooked, and he looked very embarrassed, and then said in a strange way, "Ordinary friends~"

Lin Nianwei was expressionless, her complexion changed from sunny to thunderstorm, completely cloudy.

She was almost pissed off by her father.

If it weren't for using force against his father, it would be treasonous.

I'm afraid Lin Nianwei's German kitchen knife——

Already hungry and thirsty...

Close to the closing time of the dessert shop.

Located in the restaurant opposite.

Miyazaki Airi ordered a cup of coffee, and watched the dessert shop opposite from here, and the customers who came in and out could not escape her eyes.

After school, she followed Zhou Han all the way to the dessert shop.

I want to know why this idiot comes home dirty every day?

Yesterday Miyazaki Airi pressed Zhou Han, but he hesitated to speak.

This made Miyazaki Airi very suspicious, I am afraid that there is an ulterior transaction in private!

Miyazaki Airi didn't know how long she had been monitoring here, anyway, the coffee in front of her was too cold to be cold anymore.

Lin Nianwei and her father suddenly appeared in the field of vision!

Miyazaki Airi was stunned, wondering why Wei-chan and Uncle Lin came here?

She couldn't figure it out, wondering if it was a coincidence?

I promoted this dessert shop with Lin Nianwei last time, so Lin Nianwei became interested, and brought my father over to eat, and happened to meet Zhou Han.

Miyazaki Airi successfully convinced herself with this speculation...

Because Lin Nianwei brought his father, Miyazaki Airi didn't think much about it.

Miyazaki Airi threw out all the messy thoughts in her mind, and then continued to monitor.

After about twenty and ten minutes—

Zhou Han left the dessert shop in a hurry, seemed to be in a hurry?The one who walks is called a fast one!

Miyazaki Airi looked at her watch, it was less than six o'clock!

Zhou Han usually goes home at 8:[-]!

So what did you do for the two hours in between! ?

And it was clean when it came out of the dessert shop, which didn't match the dirty look when it came home.

Miyazaki Airi felt like a great detective who discovered Zhou Han's ulterior secret!

So Miyazaki Airi hurriedly chased her out, and decided to investigate to find out——

I'd like to see……

What the hell did that idiot do in these two hours! ?

Chapter 680 Monthly Pass Addition

Zhou Han headed to the construction site very quickly.

She didn't notice that she was being followed by Miyazaki Airi at all.

Even chatted happily with Elizabeth!

The little secret of Zhou Han coming out to work and earn money is about to be revealed.

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