Zhou Han interrupted Lin Nianwei's words and spoke seriously.

Han: "I know that your charm is enough to make that fiancée quit and reject the engagement, but we don't know what kind of person the other party is, so it is the most direct and effective way to make that fiancée hate me Methods."

Wei: "I'm still a little disgusted, why did you do this?"

Han: "I also want to cancel the engagement more effectively, you should trust me more, right?"

What Zhou Han said was sincere, because he really wanted to reject this engagement of unknown significance.

There was no sound on the phone. It seemed that Lin Nianwei was lost in thought and was weighing the pros and cons.

for a long time--

Wei: "Let me just ask, who are you going to ask to pretend to be your girlfriend?"

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, feeling a little surprised.

He said into the phone with a feeling of apprehension.

Han: "Miyazaki, she is more suitable, and I have discussed it with her."

Wei: "She agrees?"

Han: "Yes, I agree, we will act together tonight."

Wei: "You and Airi have a very good relationship, and she agreed so easily."

Lin Nianwei's tone was a bit weird, and it was vaguely meaningful.

Zhou Han's heart skipped a beat when he heard it. Fortunately, he was on the phone, but if he was face to face, he would feel even more flustered.

Han: "We are all friends, so it's nothing to help?"

Wei: "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for girls to pretend to be girlfriends who don't like boys, don't you know?"

Zhou Han broke out in cold sweat, feeling that Lin Nianwei was beating himself in disguise.

Han: "We...we are neighbors! You can see when you bow your head but don't look up. Besides, we are all friends, so it's convenient for us to cooperate, right?"

Wei: "Xiaohan, please answer me seriously, what do you think of Airi?"

Han: "I...I...I treat him like a younger sister."

Zhou Han smiled, feeling that his answer was very good.

Wei: "Really? You like it, right?"

Han: "Ah?! Xiaowei, don't talk nonsense, treat her as a younger sister, and you can't match liking at all, right?"

Zhou Han felt a trace of panic, always felt that Lin Nianwei didn't say the whole thing, and seemed to mean something.

Wei: "If I remember correctly, you are a bit of a sister-controller."

Han: "How is it possible? My sister is the one I hate the most."

Wei: "This is just your subjective opinion. Your real opinion is that sister control is good. I'm sure I won't be wrong."

Han: "Xiaowei, don't make such a joke..."

Wei: "I'm not joking. When your sister called, you would go home soon and leave me in the park. My sister pretended to be sick at home. You were also worried in your heart. You kept talking about your sister. What do you think about leaving me in the park in the end?"

Zhou Han raised his forehead and suddenly remembered, but he felt that he was right to miss his sister, what if she really fell ill?

Han: "That... sorry..."

Wei: "You misunderstood me. I don't want to hear your apology, but after hearing this, do you admit that you are a sister-con?"

Han: "Okay, I admit that I have a bit of sister control."

Wei: "According to the fact that I am your girlfriend now, and I developed into a wife before the meeting, you have left your wife in the park many times because of your sister, what do you think of this matter?"

Zhou Han covered his face, feeling extremely embarrassed, feeling that he had gone too far.

Han: "I'm so sorry, I'm really bad."

Wei: "Forget it, don't mention this matter, you sister-in-law treats Aili as a younger sister, so you like her?"

Zhou Han's heart was already in his mind, and after going around for a long time, it turned out that there was a pitfall in his words.

Han: "This is two different things, don't get me wrong, we are all friends, right?"

Wei: "I'm just talking casually, you don't have to take it to heart, I don't hate Airi, I'm just talking casually."

Han: "Then you agree?"

Wei: "What's the use of not agreeing? You've already invited Airi, right? I don't like this kind of behavior that cuts first and plays later."

Han: "Sorry, there won't be any next time."

Wei: "Call me tonight."

After finishing the call.

Zhou Han let out a long breath, feeling relaxed all over.

He clenched his fists, his face full of excitement——

very good!

All is ready except for the opportunity……


After receiving a call from Su Youqiang.

Zhou Han contacted Lin Nianwei and told them to meet near Galaxy Hotel.

Then the siblings set off to the agreed place.

Miyazaki Airi dressed up very beautifully today. Instead of letting down her flaxen hair as in the past, she combed it into a single ponytail, revealing her fair neck. skirt?

And Miyazaki Airi actually put on the high heels that she usually dislikes wearing the most.

Although the heel is not high, it also made her a lot taller in an instant.

Miyazaki Airi is very unaccustomed to wearing high heels, she always feels like she might fall down at any time, she walks tremblingly, she has to hold Zhou Han's arm to feel safe.

"If you're not used to wearing high heels, don't wear them. Why do you force yourself? And high heels are not a good thing, they hurt your feet."

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi and said in a lecturing tone.

"Ursei!" Miyazaki Airi looked dissatisfied, then lowered her head, becoming a little aggrieved, she pursed her mouth and blushed and said——

"Do you think I'd like to wear high heels?"

"Who am I wearing it for?"

"You won't be considerate of me."


(,,o . o,,)

Chapter 870 Seven

Center of the square.

A slim girl with black hair.

She looked around, seemingly waiting for who?

That pretty face occasionally attracts the eyes of many opposite sexes.

But because of that sharp aura like a knife, no one dared to strike up a conversation casually.

Lin Nianwei, like Miyazaki Airi, also dressed up in shock.

The two girls had the same idea, and they wanted to compete in the dinner.

Lin Nianwei came here 10 minutes earlier, waiting for Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi, but it was already the appointed time, but no one was there.

She was a little anxious, looking forward to where she was.

In fact, Zhou Han didn't do it on purpose, because Miyazaki Airi was wearing high heels she was not used to and couldn't walk too fast.

As an older brother, he couldn't leave her alone until he could walk slowly.

After about a few minutes—

"Wei sauce!"

Miyazaki Airi's voice came from far away.

Lin Nianwei looked back and saw Miyazaki Airi holding Zhou Han's arm.

The smile on Lin Nianwei's face was a little stiff, and there was a strange feeling in her heart.

Miyazaki Airi was a little delicate in her mind, and when she noticed that Lin Nianwei was a little strange, she quickly let go.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Zhou Han's forehead, thinking that although he wanted to pretend to be his girlfriend, he felt unexpectedly nervous!super embarrassing...

"Wei-chan, you came early." Miyazaki Airi asked with a smile, she looked the same as before, but she still felt a little out of harmony in her heart, after all, she wanted to be Zhou Han's girlfriend with Lin Nianwei.

"I just arrived too..." Lin Nianwei tried her best to keep normal, but she was as weird as Miyazaki Airi in her heart. She was clearly Zhou Han's girlfriend, but now she had to pretend! ?

I go……

What is this weird atmosphere like? !

It's making me nervous, I have to be normal, or I'll show up.

Zhou Han's heart was pounding, thinking about what tricks he would use tonight in order to avoid the blood collapse.

In fact, Zhou Han has no idea in his heart, in case anyone misses the point, it will be the butterfly effect, a series of booms!

"That's good." Miyazaki Airi nodded, and unceremoniously threw the blame on Zhou Han, "It's all due to this idiot, who walked too slowly and caused trouble for others."

I rely on!

This pot threw me off guard.

It's clearly the fault of this dead girl who insists on wearing high heels, right?

Zhou Han's face was dark, and he didn't have the nerve to refute. It's not beautiful to bicker in front of Lin Nianwei.

Lin Nianwei glanced at the high-heeled shoes on Miyazaki Airi's feet, and knew what was going on, but she still said, "You are serious, don't you want to cause trouble for others?"

"Okay, my fault..." Zhou Han was tired and did not refute.

Miyazaki Airi gave a smug look, feeling that bullying Zhou Han was really refreshing.

This dead girl!

You must have messed with me on purpose, right?

Tonight I will introduce you to a wild day.

When I have a chance, I will beat your ass to bloom every minute!

Zhou Han gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead twitched, and he just pretended to be a hero. In fact, he couldn't do anything to Miyazaki Airi. He remembered spanking her a few times, and Lihua cried with rain.

It has always been Zhou Han's weakness not to see girls cry.

"Let's go, Galaxy Hotel is not far from here, we'll be there in a few minutes." Zhou Han reminded, originally wanted to mention the matter of pretending to be a girlfriend tonight, but in the end he didn't have the nerve to say so.

Zhou Han was still a little shy, and felt that if he said this, the atmosphere would become more awkward, so it was better to let it be.

As he walked, he felt something was wrong.

The two girls were tired of walking together, while Zhou Han followed at a place not too far away.

Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei seemed to have a common enemy, and they formed the Girls' League subconsciously, while Zhou Han became a big devil and rejected him very much.

Tsk!Didn't it say that same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts?

Why can't you walk with me intimately if you separate me from the outside?

Zhou Han scratched his cheeks uncomfortably. Although he had thoughts in his heart, he couldn't say anything.

He felt that his current situation was very similar to a post on the Internet.

That buddy went out on a date with his girlfriend, but the girlfriend called out his girlfriend, and the whole process was awkward, the girlfriend and girlfriend interacted frequently, leaving this buddy aside.

Zhou Han thought it was nothing at the time, let's play together, but now he can't help feeling sorry for that buddy.

Maybe the nature of girls is to take care of each other?

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