"It's not just the character, it's not suitable in many aspects."

"No way?" Masato Matsushita's eyes widened, and then he said with a smile, "Well... is Miyazaki-san shy?"

"I'm not shy..." Miyazaki Airi was stunned.

"You don't have to be shy. During the previous competition, I saw you cheering me on. It was because of your encouragement that I won the victory. In fact, you also like me, right?" Matsushita Matomo was very confident. Said in love.

"That's not the case. Isn't it normal to cheer for the people of this school when competing with other schools?" Airi Miyazaki frowned, not knowing what she did wrong, which would make Masato Matsushita so big Misunderstand.

"But I..." Matsushita Masato hesitated for a moment, and said very nastyly, "I feel very sincere emotions from it."

"No, no, how could there be, anyway, I don't like senior, so I'm sorry!"

Miyazaki Airi really didn't want to continue entanglement, she directly bowed and apologized, and ran away quickly.

Masato Matsushita stood there stunned, feeling a little dissatisfied, and decided to turn Miyazaki Airi into her own woman no matter what method he used.

After school, Miyazaki Airi and Kawatani Zema go home together.

The two were chatting happily, and out of nowhere, the topic of confession came up.

"Airi, I heard that you were confessed by Senior Matsushita?"

"How do you know?" Miyazaki Airi was slightly surprised.

"Everyone should know, right? Everyone knows about being called out alone." Chuan Gu Zeya said with a smile, with an expression that I understand very well.

"It's really troublesome, just bring me trouble..." Miyazaki Airi talked, not very cold about Matsushita Masato.

"That's great. Senior Matsushita is handsome and good at sports. He is a very popular boy in school. Sure enough, Airi will catch his heart." Chuan Guzawa looked envious, and almost wished Miyazaki Ai Glass is happy.

"No, I don't like him at all, Xiaoya, don't talk nonsense." Miyazaki Airi said helplessly, feeling that Matsushita Matomo was a bit annoying.

"Don't like Senior Matsushita, why did you agree to associate with him?" Chuan Gu Zeya asked in surprise, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Who promised to date him?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling a little strange.

"Really Airi, we are friends so don't hide it, everyone knows that you dated Matsushita-senpai." Kawatani Zeya said with a smile, thinking that Miyazaki Airi was shy.

"No, Xiaoya, I really didn't date Matsushita-senpai, who did you hear that from?" Miyazaki Airi said in a very serious tone.

"Eh?!" Chuan Gu Zeya was stunned, "Is there really no relationship?"

"Really not..." Miyazaki Airi felt that things were a little weird.

"But Mr. Matsushita said everywhere that you and him are in a formal relationship, and that you have... already opened a room with him..." Chuan Gu Zeya said in a daze, not knowing what to do, if Ai Miyazaki Ri didn't lie, it was Masato Matsushita who was spreading rumors.

"Nothing at all! What is that guy talking nonsense!?" Miyazaki Airi raised her eyebrows upside down, thinking anxiously in her heart——

What the hell does this happen?

Why spread rumors to destroy my innocence?


Coming to the background story of Miyazaki Airi, it may be a bit disgusting.

Although I don't really want to talk about it, but I can't drag it on any longer, so I have to talk about it.

The beginning of this book should have been foreshadowed, Miyazaki's story is a bit disgusting.

But it is definitely not ntr or something like that, it is a bit similar to the previous style.

This is a problem left over from history, and the other heroines are fairly perfect.

Only Miyazaki's past is blank, so I made this righteous sister complete.

Chapter 980 Monthly Ticket Addition (End of Concentrated Memories)

Miyazaki Airi doesn't know what happened?

All I know is that Masato Matsushita is spreading rumors indiscriminately, misinterpreting the relationship between the two.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't figure out why he did this, she had never even been in a relationship, so when did something like that happen to him.

In fact, Masato Matsushita also lost his mind, thinking that Miyazaki Airi was just vacillating, and he only needed to push her to make her his girlfriend.

So going around saying that Miyazaki Airi is his woman, people who don't know the truth will be seen with strange eyes, and in the end they can only be with him half-heartedly to quell the rumors.

In addition, Matsushita Matomo is a celebrity in the school, with a sunny and cheerful appearance, and his words in school carry some weight, even if it is a lie, everyone is willing to subtly believe him.

Little did they know that Miyazaki Airi's temper was relatively stubborn, and she couldn't bend down at all. She had a normal feeling towards Masato Matsushita, but now she turned into a real disgust.

Masato Matsushita inexplicably pushed Miyazaki Airi into the fire pit, and was complacent about his strategy.

As a result, the next day, Miyazaki Airi came to the school, but a lot of disgusting things happened.

On Miyazaki Airi's desk, a lot of words and graffiti were scratched with a carving knife——

"Bichi", "**", "**"

There are also many unsightly words, which are maliciously attacking Miyazaki Airi.

The people who write these things are of course girls, and there are many girls.

The reason why they do this is simple and naive.

Masato Matsushita is handsome and a celebrity in school, of course he is also the dream lover of many girls.

So there was a group of girls who heard that Matsushita Matomo and Miyazaki Airi were dating, and they all became jealous, unilaterally thinking that Miyazaki Airi used shameless means, such as using her body to seduce their dream prince.

Miyazaki Airi looked at the obscenities on the table and fell silent. She didn't know how to explain it. Even if she confessed, no one would believe her.

In desperation, she covered the lettering on the table with a book, and went to class with an anxious mood.

Seeing that Miyazaki Airi was unhappy, the group of girls snickered and calmed down their jealousy a little.

After class, Masa Kawatani came to comfort Miyazaki Airi. She knew that cold violence is very common in Japan, especially among girls, but she didn't know how to help her.

"Eri, are you alright?"

"It's okay, what can be the matter?" Miyazaki Airi said pretending to be relaxed, but she was very disturbed inside.

"Why don't you find Senior Matsushita and ask him to clarify the misunderstanding." Chuan Gu Zeya suggested.

"If I went to look for him, wouldn't I just fall into his arms?" Miyazaki Airi said lightly.

"That's right, but..." Chuan Gu Zeya hesitated to speak.

The cold and violent hesitation started a wildfire, and there was still no intention of stopping. Miyazaki Airi's silent endurance, on the contrary, fueled the arrogance of this group of girls and further isolated her.

The shoes were hidden, only Chuan Gu Zeya talked to her in physical education class, she always lost things inexplicably, someone always stood in front of the shopping line, and when I did something wrong, someone always laughed behind my back.

One night, Zeya Kawatani received a threatening letter telling her to stay away from Miyazaki Airi, otherwise she would be bullied too.

Although Zeya Kawatani was a bit timid, she had to stand up for her friend Miyazaki Airi. She argued with those girls for a long time, but it didn't work, because the cold and violent jealousy had turned into pure fun.

A few days later, Miyazaki Airi was leaving school with her schoolbag, and when she picked it up, the contents inside fell to the ground with a clatter. It turned out that the schoolbag was cut by someone with a knife.

Miyazaki Airi looked at the scattered things blankly, feeling that it was a bit too much, and she had already started to destroy her own things.

Seeing that Miyazaki Airi was being bullied, Kawatani Zeya was furious, and stood up directly, "Aren't you going too far, saying that Airi has nothing to do with Matsushita-senpai, what are you going to do?!"

Although Chuan Gu Zeya usually has a clumsy mouth, but when she is angry or emotional, she can speak better than anyone else.

Those girls spoke coldly and quarreled with Chuan Gu Zeya.

Miyazaki Airi hesitated, wronged and sad, just wrapped up her things and went home.

In the corridor, I ran into Matsushita Matomo by coincidence, and this guy greeted him as soon as he came up.

"Miyazaki-san, I think you should be blessed by other people, right? I don't know if you have changed your mind, accept my confession?"

"I have been "blessed", but what I promised you is impossible, go ahead and dream. "

Miyazaki Airi dropped this sentence and left directly, the resentment in her heart reached the extreme, she wanted to slap Masato Matsushita, but she endured it in the end.

On the tram, the fiery red afterglow of the setting sun shone through the car window onto Miyazaki Airi's aggrieved face with tears streaming down her face.

She hugged her schoolbag, which had been cut by a knife, tightly in her arms, thinking it was unfair, why should she be treated like this.

Miyazaki Airi feels that this is the greatest humiliation she has ever suffered in her life, and she has a faint boy who doesn't go to school.

The choked cry attracted the attention of several passengers, but no one went to help her.

The next day, after the swimsuit class ended, Miyazaki Airi returned to the locker room, only to find that the lock of her closet had been pried open, all her clothes were gone, and her mobile phone could not be found. I don’t know who did it .

Miyazaki Airi didn't say anything, but went back to the trigger with bare feet in her bare feet, and saw that her clothes were thrown into the trash can, and her underwear was put on the table and surrounded by a group of people.

Miyazaki Airi was desperate, she couldn't stand being bullied anymore, she pushed away from the crowd, picked up her underwear and left, listening to the bursts of laughter behind her, she really wanted to disappear in this world completely.

Today's blow to Miyazaki Airi was the biggest. Originally, she had a high self-esteem and felt ashamed of herself. As a result, she could no longer pretend to be strong.

Miyazaki Airi never went to school again. Even if the teacher and Masa Kawatani came to look for her, she never saw her again. It has been two months.

She locked herself in the house, and her grandparents would deliver meals every day, and she only ate a little bit.

In the past two months, Miyazaki Airi suffered from depression, and even had the idea of ​​committing suicide. She was fighting with her own spirit every day, lost a lot of weight, and was not as energetic and beautiful as before.

Until one day, Miyazaki Airi couldn't stand the torment of depression. Holding a sharp knife, she stood in the bathtub and clamped the blade on her own artery, trying to commit suicide by cutting it.

A voice is always encouraging her, telling her to disappear.

Miyazaki Airi looked at her reflection in the water, her face was sallow and emaciated, and she fell into infinite confusion.

Just when Miyazaki Airi made up her mind to do it, she heard grandma's knocking on the door.

"Aili, your mother is calling and wants to find you..."

Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a while, put down the blade temporarily, and went to answer her mother's call, but Miyazaki Sakurako said——

"Aili, are you interested in going to China to go to school?"


First of all, I want to say don't hit me, I have tried my best to suppress Wen Qingbing to write, and it is not very long and compressed to 2000 words, if I have fun, someone will take a mobile phone to shoot me to death.

I went back and forth to delete and edit many times. I originally wrote all kinds of disgusting and depressing dark things. As expected, this kind of compromise can be reluctantly accepted.

I know that Si Tiaojiao is the wife of many people, so I'd better restrain myself.

In fact, this article is to fill in the pitfalls of the previous volumes and perfect the character image of Si Tiaojiao.

( >_<)

Chapter 980 JHF

"That's the way it is..."

Miyazaki Airi finished her secret and fell silent without saying a word.

She resented recalling these events, wishing to forget them forever, but wanted to share her pain and confusion with others.

Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Han was her brother and her boyfriend, so it would be good for him to get to know her.

Even though they have lived together for so long, they don't know anything about themselves, so getting along with each other is a bit estranged.

Zhou Han stared blankly at Miyazaki Airi, with mixed feelings in his heart for a while, although he really wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say?

He now understands why Miyazaki Airi has so much sympathy for herself and wants to help herself when she is in the quagmire of cold violence.

It turned out that it was all because of empathy, and Miyazaki Airi is still a kind girl, and she doesn't see people she knows suffer.

Zhou Han has a little understanding of what kind of girl Miyazaki Airi is?

A girl who is insecure and always likes to pretend to be strong.

Zhou Han felt that he should protect Miyazaki Airi and not let her suffer any more harm. This is the mission of a brother, or the responsibility of a lover.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, recalling her own humiliation, it made her very uncomfortable, her heart throbbed with pain, every time she recalled the original scar.

Her eyes turned red, and she couldn't hold back the tears, which swirled in her eye sockets frequently.

Zhou Han could see that Miyazaki Airi was feeling very uncomfortable, and regretted asking her about her past.

He hesitated for a moment, and took Miyazaki Airi into his arms, holding the thin and shivering delicate body tightly.

"Don't cry, don't cry, with my brother here, those things have passed, don't think about it anymore."

"I don't want to think about it either, but you, the bad guy, want to know?" Miyazaki Airi said choked up, her thin shoulders twitched, her sad face buried in Zhou Han's arms and she wouldn't come out.

"If I knew that you had encountered such a thing in the past, I wouldn't ask if you were killed." Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi tightly, stroking her flaxen hair with his fingers, showing consideration for this body. A girl for her own sister.

Everything is too heavy for Miyazaki Airi, Zhou Han understands her very well, because he has also felt this kind of thing, it is indeed like a mountain pressing on his heart.

"Now that you know it, are you satisfied?" Miyazaki Airi tightened the clothes on Zhou Han's chest.

"Satisfied, satisfied, I finally understand that our little Airi is a super kind and strong girl, a good sister who is once in a century." Zhou Han comforted Miyazaki Airi, feeling that she has become real, no matter how strong she is usually , After all, she is still an ordinary girl with a weak side, "Don't cry, Airi, those things are over, you are different now, because you have an older brother now, whoever dares to bully you, I will teach you a lesson they."

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