"What are you laughing at?" Zhou Han asked awkwardly, and Miyazaki Airi smiled, which eased the tense atmosphere a lot.

"It's nothing, I just want to laugh." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head shyly, "What if Wei-chan and Xiaorui bully me? Who are you going to help?"

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, and replied, "No one will help."

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi puffed up her cheeks, seemingly dissatisfied with the answer, and said angrily, "Why?"

"If you don't help, you won't help, but I will protect you, so that they will not bully you, but bully me." Zhou Han changed his answer.

"Really..." Miyazaki Airi thought for a while, and could barely accept the answer, "By the way, don't you want to hug me?"

"No...is it okay?" Zhou Han was a little confused, feeling that Miyazaki Airi became very active tonight.

"It's okay, I'm happy today, I will allow you once." Miyazaki Airi said with a smile, the red glow on her face was very cute.

Zhou Han thought for a while, and reached out to hug Miyazaki Airi into his arms. He liked that soft body more and more, and wanted to take care of this girl forever.

Miyazaki Airi smelled the masculine breath on Zhou Han's body, and her mood became more restless and a little dizzy.

The two siblings stayed together for a long time. Miyazaki Airi put her hand on Zhou Han's chest, and could feel the violent heart, and gradually calmed down.

Miyazaki Airi is more sensitive than Zhou Han, so she can't sleep all the time, she keeps encouraging herself, and wants to say what has been pressed in her heart for a long time.

Holding Miyazaki Airi's delicate body in his arms, Zhou Han gradually felt satisfied, and finally used his strength.

When he was about to fall asleep, he heard Miyazaki Airi asking in a voice that was neither too big nor too small, but very clear.

"Hey, don't sleep yet, I want to ask you a question."

"What?" Zhou Han raised his spirits a little.

"Hey..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, hesitated for a while, raised her head, looked directly into Zhou Han's eyes, and asked seriously——

"Have you...have you ever had sex?"

/(/ /o/ω/o/ /)/

Chapter 980 Seven Monthly Ticket Addition

"This..." Zhou Han was stunned, and replied awkwardly, "Of course not, but I... I'm still a virgin..."

"Eh?!" Miyazaki Airi was startled, a little shocked, "Really?"

"Really...Really..." Zhou Han's expression was very unnatural, and he felt a little ashamed for no reason, "How could I have done such a thing?"

"Have you never had sex with Wei Jiang or Xiao Rui...?" Miyazaki Airi asked with a blushing face, thinking that Zhou Han had already been with other girls, but she was still a virgin in the end, which surprised her a little.

"Of course...of course not. We haven't done anything out of the ordinary. What I said before was the truth." Zhou Han felt very embarrassed when he suddenly brought up this topic with a few black lines running down his forehead.

"Yes...is that so, I haven't done it before..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head, her eyes flickering back and forth, feeling a little thankful in her heart, it turned out that Zhou Han had never done any nasty things at all.

Then if I did it with Zhou Han tonight, wouldn't I be the first girl in his life?Saying goodbye to virginity together, there is an indescribable romantic feeling.

A strange feeling emerged in Miyazaki Airi's heart. It was her first time, and it was also Zhou Han's first time, so this wave seemed to be a good one.

"Could it be... Could it be that you had sex?" Zhou Han asked tentatively, although he knew it was impossible, he was still a little curious.

"Baga! How is it possible? I... I, I, I... I haven't done that kind of thing..." Miyazaki Airi curled up in Zhou Han's arms, she looked up in embarrassment, "I... I'm still... virgin……"

Zhou Han's expression was unnatural, and he thought to himself, as expected, it can be seen from the usual behavior of the dead girl, that she has never experienced anything between men and women.

"You... are you looking down on me because I'm a virgin?" Miyazaki Airi raised her small face and asked seriously, wondering what she was struggling with?

"How...how is it possible?" Zhou Han was very embarrassed, thinking that who would look down on virgins, most boys have a bit of a virgin complex, and he also has a bit.

"Really?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, her tone extremely serious.

"Virgins... aren't they very precious existences? You are a man, you have to take responsibility, how can I look down on you?" Zhou Han tried his best to keep his tone calm, but in fact, he felt that this topic was really embarrassing.

"You don't think a virgin is a guy that no one likes, and you don't have any charm?" Miyazaki Airi asked with a red face. She was struggling with this kind of thing for a long time, which really made people laugh and cry.

"How come? What does this have to do with charm? It's only related to a dissolute attitude towards life..." Zhou Han doesn't like girls who casually hang out with boys, who would dare to want them?I don't know if there will be hundreds of green hats on my head one day.

"Really..." Miyazaki Airi was relieved a little, and various thoughts began to emerge in her heart. She felt that it is time to strike while the iron is hot, and directly ask Zhou Han if he has that meaning, and then the relationship between the two can go further, "Hey, you Do you want to...do you want to..."

Zhou Han's eyelids twitched, his heart was a little confused, what the hell is this girl trying to say?I don't want to...

"Hey... Do you want to..." Miyazaki Airi pondered for a long time, but she couldn't speak, she buried her face in Zhou Han's arms, she was so shy that she died.

"Yes... If you have anything to say, just say it, there's no need to be like this..." Zhou Han scratched his cheek, not knowing what to say.

Miyazaki Airi took a deep breath, and felt that letting go today was close, and she wouldn't know the year of the monkey next time, not to mention that if she didn't do it with Zhou Han, Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui would do it too, right?It just so happens that the first time of the two is still there, and the feeling of stepping up the adult ladder together is very sacred.

So Miyazaki Airi shook her heart, shook her trembling lips, and said in a mosquito-like voice——

"What I want to say is... oh...do you want to have sex with me?"

Zhou Han's expression was dull, and he was so shocked that he exclaimed, "Ah!?"

"Ah, what?" Miyazaki Airi became more nervous when she saw Zhou Han's astonishment, "Do you really want to?"

"I think, of course I do, can... can I not?" Zhou Han looked away awkwardly, he didn't expect Miyazaki Airi to ask such a direct question, he felt a little expectant.

How could you not want to do something when you sleep with a delicate girl in your arms every day?

Miyazaki Airi lowered her head and muttered, "Then... then shall we do it once?"

When Zhou Han heard Miyazaki Airi say this, he hesitated, he must be telling the truth.

"Yes, yes, but I don't have any experience and may hurt you."

"I... I don't have much experience, but..." Miyazaki Airi looked up at Zhou Han, and said seriously, "I will be patient."

"Then... let's try then?" Zhou Han said hesitantly.

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi nodded.

Zhou Han turned over and pressed Miyazaki Airi under him, and kissed her lips. It was an affectionate wet kiss, a deep communication, and the limbs were entangled with each other.

Miyazaki Airi also tried her best to cooperate, her hands and feet wrapped around Zhou Han's body like spirit snakes.

Zhou Han gradually became excited, his lower body began to prepare for battle, and the ancestral chromosomes screamed.

"Um... um..."

Miyazaki Airi didn't hide it this time, but hummed wantonly.

Zhou Han became hot all over, and took off his pajamas, revealing his naked body.

Miyazaki Airi was gradually infected by Zhou Han's enthusiasm, her delicate body became restless, and her breathing rate accelerated.

Zhou Han kept kissing Miyazaki Airi, touched her small breasts through the pajamas, felt uncomfortable and stretched his hands in again, and had an intimate contact, recklessly using a small airport.


Miyazaki Airi was double stimulated, and her voice became more and more melodious, almost comparable to the horn of victory, stimulating Zhou Han to continue to move forward bravely.

The two breasts were entangled for a long time, and the lips parted.


Miyazaki Airi was panting frequently, her chest was bullied up and down, her nightgown was lifted up high, and she looked messy.

Zhou Han also became excited, looking at Miyazaki Airi affectionately.

"I'm going to get a condom..."

Zhou Han was about to get up, but was hooked by Miyazaki Airi's legs, preventing him from leaving.

"No...no need, I...my safe period..."

Miyazaki Airi said hesitantly, her cheeks were flushed, and her delicate body was rosy.

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, thinking that this meant asking him to come directly, right?

He didn't care so much anymore, he could just come directly.

Zhou Han continued to press Miyazaki Airi under his body, while kissing her small breasts, he took off her fat legs, and then stroked the legendary sword scabbard.

Under the impression, it really is a white tiger!

"Ah... ah! Ya Die... um..."

Miyazaki Airi felt a strange feeling all over her body, especially her chest. Every time she was kissed, it was like getting an electric shock.

Zhou Han felt that the brewing was almost done, and the curry stick had been charged for a long time, so he took out the holy sword and pointed it at the narrow scabbard.

Miyazaki Airi's face was flushed, she knew it was coming, she couldn't help being very nervous, she kept moaning, hugging Zhou Han harder and harder, as if trying to strangle Zhou Han's waist.

Zhou Han took a deep breath, grabbed Miyazaki Airi's waist, straightened his waist, and put the curry stick into the warm scabbard.

"It hurts! It hurts..." Miyazaki Airi cried out in pain, the unforgettable pain made her almost faint.

The bright red virgin blood slowly flowed from Miyazaki Airi's lower body to her legs, soaking her fair skin.

Afterwards, I had a good time, and everything was silent...

980 Chapter Eight

After hearing Miyazaki Airi's cry of pain, Zhou Han began to be gentle.

The brother and sister are lingering on each other, their bodies are linked together and hug each other tightly.

Zhou Han was extremely excited and worked hard. The face of Miyazaki Airi under him was rosy, her eyes were like silk, and she gradually felt happy. Her slender waist twisted non-stop, and her whole body was rippling like a rose. color.

The slender legs were coiled around Zhou Han's waist like water snakes, locking him tightly.

Miyazaki Airi's mind went blank, she was overwhelmed by Zhou Han's enthusiasm, she only felt pain and happiness.

The bed was swayed and squeaked, and it was played crisply.

The room was filled with Zhou Han's heavy breathing and Miyazaki Airi's seductive panting.

The two of them acted as lovers whom they had missed for a long time, and they worked tirelessly for five hours, not knowing how many times they did it.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't hold on at first, begging for mercy and calling to stop.

And Zhou Han was still full of energy and seemed to be full of ideas, but in order to be considerate of Miyazaki Airi, he stopped.

It seems that the improvement of physical ability also includes that aspect.

The brothers and sisters didn't stop lingering until three o'clock in the morning...


A drop of water fell into the bathtub, causing countless ripples.

After tossing for so long, it's time to rest.

The two brothers and sisters were soaking in the bathtub together. At this time, they were naked and honest, and there seemed to be no shame.

Miyazaki Airi leaned against Zhou Han's arms, felt his broad arms and chest, and looked at the steaming water in silence.

Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi, looked at her wet hair, full of emotions, and didn't know how to speak.

Both brothers and sisters seemed to have calmed down, recalling what happened just now, they were a little embarrassed for a while.

Zhou Han looked down at Miyazaki Airi, thinking that this dead girl is his woman, right?From now on, we have to take good care of her and take responsibility.

Miyazaki Airi's mind was full of the scene just now. She was hit again and again, and finally exhausted. Thinking about it, she looked a little unbearable, and she was so shy to death, but at first it hurt like hell, but later...it was quite comfortable... …

oops!What else can I think about?What a horny girl!

Miyazaki Airi blushed, lowered her head and became flustered, her back was still facing Zhou Han, other people couldn't see her expression, otherwise she would be ashamed to death.

Seeing that Miyazaki Airi was a little weird, Zhou Han couldn't help worrying, whether there was any sequelae after the first time.

"Airi, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with your body?"

"I... Alas..." Miyazaki Airi felt that the bottom was still a little uncomfortable, so she blushed and said, "It's just... it's just that the bottom is not comfortable... it still hurts..."

"Ah? Come, come, let me rub it for you." Zhou Han said, his underwater hands began to be dishonest, touching Miyazaki Airi's inner thigh.

"Ya Butterfly!" Miyazaki Airi opened Zhou Han's hand and said angrily, "It's not long after the end, why are you still so rude?"

"Uh, I'm sorry to be humble." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, and suggested, "Then...take leave tomorrow and rest at home."

"Will you accompany me?" Miyazaki Airi asked tentatively.

"Of course, I will also ask for leave to accompany you." Zhou Han replied with a smile.

"Then...then continue to ask for leave tomorrow." Miyazaki Airi nodded, she really wanted to get bored with Zhou Han, and didn't want to do other things, "I...I didn't want to be bored with you, so I let you go. You asked for leave to accompany me."

"Well, I know, I want to take care of you." Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi tightly, as if protecting her in his arms.

"Hmph!" Miyazaki Airi snorted coldly, pouted and said, "You still have a little conscience."

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