"You were pouted, so I couldn't help it. The poses are all set. Wouldn't it be too rude for me not to do anything?" Zhou Han said cheekily.

"Who's posing? What are you talking about?" Miyazaki Airi raised her small powder fist and hit Zhou Han's chest twice, "Bad guy, you know how to bully me and ignore you, hmph~! "

Zhou Han smiled, but did not refute, but hugged Miyazaki Airi even tighter.

Miyazaki Airi snorted with her angry little nose and yelled that she hated it, but her body was still shrinking into Zhou Han's arms, wishing she could blend into one.

Feeling each other's body temperature, the two became more and more tired of being together.

"Hey, do you like my body, or do you like me?"

Miyazaki Airi asked suddenly, it seems that girls in love like to ask this kind of questions, it's all about love and love.

"I like them both physically and mentally." Zhou Han replied.

"Really..." Miyazaki Airi blushed.

"Although it's a pity about the washboard, it's not important, as long as I like you." Zhou Han added.

Miyazaki Airi raised her eyebrows upside down, raised her head angrily, and pinched Zhou Han's stomach, "The words "washboard" are superfluous."

"Hiss~" Zhou Han gasped and nodded sharply, "Yes, I will never mention the word washboard again."

"Hmph~! This is pretty much the same." Miyazaki Airi nodded in satisfaction. Even if she is a lover now, she can't mention the word washboard. It always feels like she is mocking herself and exposing her scars, "Then you Is it true that you want to protect me for the rest of your life? You didn't lie, did you?"

"How can you trust me? Will you show me your heart?" Zhou Han said helplessly, wondering if girls in love are so suspicious?

"Then..." Miyazaki Airi coughed lightly, and said meaningfully, "If, I mean, if I'm pregnant, will you still care about me as much as you do now?"

"I will only care about you more in the future, Airi, how could I neglect you just because you are pregnant, not to mention that you are pregnant, I must have done it, right? It is also my child, how could I not care about you?" Zhou Han sighed, thinking that Miyazaki Airi might be uneasy because she lost her first wash.

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi felt a little relieved. It seems that if she becomes pregnant, Zhou Han will only love herself more, so she won't suffer from pregnancy. "Then let's choose a name for the future child?"

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi, his expression was very shocked——



Chapter 99: Heel Gold

"Ah what? Are you so surprised?" Miyazaki Airi's tone was very dissatisfied. Although she still doesn't know if she can get pregnant, there is nothing wrong with preparing in advance.

"That what..." Zhou Han scratched his head, not trying to disturb Miyazaki Airi's interest, but telling the truth, "The pharmacy aunt said that taking the contraceptive pill is basically fine, and she won't get pregnant."

"I said it was if, but I didn't say that I already have it." Miyazaki Airi emphasized.

"Okay then..." Zhou Han touched his chin and fell into deep thought, remembering the name?The name is super difficult, what is the best name?This is a question worth pondering, how about Zhou Goudan?

Miyazaki Airi was a little looking forward to it, little stars had already appeared in her eyes.

Zhou Han felt a lot of pressure, if he didn't start well, he would be beaten, right?It seems that he is about to dig out the ink in his stomach.

"Emmmm, the boy is called... the outlaw fanatic Zhou Kehua?"

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi was so angry that she hadn't read the news, so she went up and gave Zhou Han a knife, "So you hope our child will be a robber in the future!"

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, I... I'm named useless. Sure enough, it's better for my mother to do this kind of thing?" Zhou Han rubbed his neck where he was stabbed.

"This..." Airi Miyazaki frowned, and after thinking for a while, she said, "If it's a boy, I'll call it...how about Zhou Goudan?"

"Pfft!" Zhou Han crossed his hands and complained, "Are you sick? It's the 21st century now, who's offline parents would give their child such a name, and they will live in the shadows all their lives."

"Then...then what should I do? I am also useless in naming..." Miyazaki Airi said with a red face, regretting that she would not be able to choose a name.

The siblings sighed, feeling very complicated, and the silence lasted for more than ten minutes.

Sure enough, it was a very torturous thing to bring together two guys who were named useless.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now, it's still a long time before we have children." Zhou Han said with a smile, hugged Miyazaki Airi, and hugged her tightly silently.

Miyazaki Airi didn't speak, thinking that she didn't take the contraceptive pill——

Take a pregnancy test after a while.

See how this guy reacts after having a baby?

The brothers and sisters came to the supermarket, ready to buy something.

Because today and tomorrow, there will be study sessions at home.

Therefore, it is better to buy some food and play.

Zhou Han is sunny and handsome, and Miyazaki Airi is beautiful and cute. They are very well-matched couples, and they attract a lot of attention for a while.

The two pushed the shopping cart together and walked around the meat section.

"Is there no meat at home?" Zhou Han asked strangely. Although he basically didn't go into the kitchen, he could still see it every time he opened the refrigerator.

"Yes, but it's not enough. It's always been for you and me. It's the first time you come to visit, of course you have to buy more." Miyazaki Airi replied helplessly, wondering if Zhou Han should be trained as a chef, okay? Lighten your workload.

"Really..." Zhou Han raised his eyelids and asked, "Then what's for dinner tonight?"

"Let's make some casually tonight. When Xiaorui comes tomorrow, we are making something good." Miyazaki Airi's housewife was thinking, making full use of the ingredients, not wanting to waste extravagantly.

"Then why don't you eat hot pot tomorrow?" Zhou Han suggested, if there are many people, it seems that eating hot pot is very good, and it's quite cold in autumn.

"Hot pot?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, she is Japanese, and she doesn't know much about Chinese cuisine, but she has heard of hot pot, which is as famous as dumplings and mapo tofu abroad, " Is it... the kind of dish that puts some seasonings in continuously heated water and is cooked and eaten right away?"

"Almost..." Zhou Han nodded. Although what Miyazaki Airi said was not accurate, the meaning was generally the same.

"I don't have that kind of stove gas tank at home, I use natural gas." Miyazaki Airi explained, in her eyes, Chinese hot pot seems to be eaten on the stove, right?

Zhou Han had a complicated expression, thinking that this girl, Aili... probably lived in the last century.

"I don't need that. Don't you have an induction cooker at home? You can use that one. Hot pot ingredients are available for sale."

"Really..." Miyazaki Airi nodded, thinking that using an induction cooker would work, but it was a little troublesome, "Do you want to eat hot pot?"

"A little bit." Zhou Han scratched his head, thinking that if Miyazaki Airi doesn't like it, he should continue cooking her Japanese food.

"Then eat hot pot, it's rare that you ask for something..." Miyazaki Airi muttered.

Pushing the shopping cart, Zhou Han stared at Miyazaki Airi in a daze, wondering if this damn girl is being considerate of me?

"What should I buy for hot pot?" Miyazaki Airi seemed to have never eaten it, so she didn't know much about it.

"It's fish balls, crab sticks, beef and mutton, all kinds of raw vegetables..." Zhou Han explained a little.

"It sounds...a bit like Oden..." Miyazaki Airi felt a bit like it, "I seem to know how to do it, let's go and buy some seafood."

The brother and sister walked around the seafood area, chatting without saying a word.

Zhou Han was worried that Miyazaki Airi didn't know what hot pot was, so he tentatively reminded, "Airi, don't think about throwing live crabs or saury into the pot..."

"No, do you think I'm a novice?" Miyazaki Airi gave Zhou Han a blank look, feeling that her cooking skills were being doubted.

"That's not certain, I heard that you Japanese even cook golden grain meals." Zhou Han remembered a post he saw on the Internet a few years ago.

"What is golden grain meal?" Miyazaki Airi was full of doubts, feeling that she had seen a new term.

"Aren't you Japanese? Haven't you heard of Golden Grain Meal?" Zhou Han was a little surprised.

"I haven't heard of it, which region's food is it?" Miyazaki Airi was deeply puzzled.

"In Japan, you let virgins eat some fruits and vegetables, and then use their excrement to make a dish called golden grain meal. Only super high-level members can eat it." Zhou Han said the content of that post roughly said it.

"You...why are you so disgusting? Are there people in this world who would spend a lot of money to eat shit?" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist very dissatisfied, and even a little angry.

"Eh!? Isn't it your Japanese food?" Zhou Han felt that the post was very realistic, as if he had really eaten that gold grain meal made of shit.

"Oh, don't talk about it, I'm sick to my stomach. Do you want to eat tonight? If you're so interested in gold grain meals, go to the women's bathroom. If you're lucky, you can find fresh ones." Gong Saki Airi said maliciously, thinking about it made her stomach churn.

"Uh..." Zhou Han's face darkened, feeling that this topic seemed quite sensitive.

"As a Japanese, I have never heard of such a disgusting thing as golden grain meal. How do you know?" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, "It must be a rumor!"

Zhou Han thinks about it too, how can anyone eat shit, even if he is a black gold card member, he would not eat this kind of thing, it really is a malicious rumor!

Day, the fake post is really harmful, Airi seems to be angry...

(oωo )

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm sorry Airi, I also heard it from hearsay." Zhou Han scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I know you didn't make the rumor, I just feel that such nonsense people are disgusting." Miyazaki Airi looked at all kinds of seafood and responded lightly.

"Shall we go and see the shrimp?" Zhou Han pointed to the front.

"Yeah." Miyazaki Airi took Zhou Han's hand and went to the front together.

The brother and sister bought a lot of seafood, as well as cold fresh meat and vegetables.

I saw that I bought everything that should be bought, so I went back together.

When they went to the cash register to check out together, the cashier boy was still the same as before, the one who always drew Miyazaki Airi.

Seeing Miyazaki Airi, the cashier brother was overjoyed and silently took out the lucky draw box.

But as soon as he saw Zhou Han next to him, he suddenly felt cold, put down the lottery box in embarrassment, recalled the luck of cheating, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​cheating, the last time he lost the platinum keychain, he almost lost his job lost.

"You pay the bill." Miyazaki Airi pushed the shopping cart to Zhou Han.

"Yes." Zhou Han took the shopping cart without thinking too much about it, wondering if it's normal for boys to pay the bill?

Miyazaki Airi glanced at Zhou Han in surprise, "Why don't you refute? So honestly accept you to pay the bill?"

"It's all one family, don't be so divided, my money is your money, just ask if you want anything." Zhou Han said solemnly, thinking that Miyazaki Airi was his little wife, but she didn't. It's just a certificate, what else do you care about?What's more, he is not short of money now...

"I don't care about you! Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi turned her small face aside, as awkward as she wanted.

Don't look at Miyazaki Airi's distaste, but she still feels sweet in her heart, a bit like a newlyweds, everything belongs to two people.

"I'm not kidding, do you have anything in particular you want?" Zhou Han asked seriously, if there is, he can buy it for his sister.

"I want a super luxurious yacht, you can buy me the Titanic." Miyazaki Airi said jokingly, she didn't want Zhou Han to buy things for herself at all, so it was difficult on purpose to make him embarrassed .

"Uh!" Zhou Han choked for breath, thinking that this really cannot be bought with money.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't help feeling refreshed when she saw Zhou Han's deflated look, "Look, can't you afford it? So don't promise me anything casually. If I'm a greedy girl, you'll be a slave for the rest of your life..."

"It's not that I can't afford it, but that the Titanic is a historical relic, how can I buy it?" Zhou Han said with a headache, thinking that the Titanic has become a historical witness, and money can't buy it.

"Then..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, she didn't know about this, so she felt a little ashamed, "Then buy me a cruise ship the size of the Titanic."

Zhou Han thought about it, and felt that he could afford it, "Really, if you want it, can I really buy it for you?"

Seeing Zhou Han's serious face, Miyazaki Airi couldn't help feeling flustered, thinking of how tired he was when he bought himself a birthday present, if he really wanted a luxury cruise ship, wouldn't he be exhausted?

"Oh, don't you promise me anything? I don't want anything. It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously. You should be down-to-earth. Don't say anything to please me. Although it sounds good at first, it's too much I feel like you're exaggerating."

"No, I can really buy it for you..." Zhou Han had a complicated expression, wondering if his black gold card was fake?

"That's enough. I don't want to see you, an idiot, working hard all your life to buy a luxury cruise ship. I only need a few boxes of uncertainties to be happy, and I don't need anything else..." Miyazaki Airi said seriously , I thought I didn't lack anything, it might as well be more solid than pudding.

Zhou Han stopped talking, his mood was complicated, no one would believe him even if he was rich, it seems that this is a very embarrassing question.

But the girl Aili thinks she has nothing and wants to be with her, she is really a good girl.

Forget it, I'll tell her again when I have a chance, if it doesn't work, just say that I have a family inheritance...

The brothers and sisters came to check out, and the same thing was counted.

The cashier boy raised his head, looked at Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi, and had nothing to say, "You brother and sister walk on the street like a couple."

"Ah?" Zhou Han raised his head, looked at Miyazaki Airi beside him, "We are a couple."

Miyazaki Airi blushed, looked away, and didn't refute anything.

"Eh!?" The cashier boy was stunned, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Didn't you say that this is your sister at the temple fair?"

"Yes, she is also my sister, but she is also my girlfriend now." Zhou Han explained casually.

"Bone... the orthopedic boss!" The cashier brother blurted out.

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi both turned dark, feeling that this matter is very troublesome, they have to explain that they are not siblings.

The siblings returned home and started to get busy.

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