Han: "Hey, sister Su, where are you? I went to the east end of Huimin Road, why didn't I see you?"

Wei: "Well... I seem to be on the westernmost side of Huimin Road."

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, a little out of breath, smelled a hint of mischief, and instinctively told him that Su Xiaowei was playing with himself.

Han: "Sister Su, don't make trouble, where are you? Tell the truth."

Wei: "I'm a little road-crazy. I didn't figure it out just now. Now I'm sure I'm on the west side of Huimin Road."

Zhou Han twisted his mouth, thinking to God damn Lu Chi, how did Lu Chi live to such an old age, with Senior Sister Su's looks, if Lu Chi had been abducted by human traffickers to the deep mountains and old forests to be a child bride-in-law.

Han: "Sister, you're ready, don't lie to me."

Wei: "Yeah, I don't lie to you, senior sister, I never tell lies."

Meow meow meow? !

Are your lies okay?

Zhou Han sighed, feeling that it would be very troublesome to come out with Su Xiaomai.

Han: "Wait for me, Senior Sister Su, don't move around."

Zhou Han hung up the phone and ran west again

But in the end, he ran to the place, looked around and still couldn't see Su Xiaowei.

Zhou Han is so angry that his teeth itch with hatred. Miss Su is deliberately playing with herself. She crossed Huimin Road twice. Outsiders look like a fool.

Su Xiaomai's bad taste once again made Zhou Han refresh his three views, and he simply took pleasure in playing with others.

Zhou Han was impatient and planned to issue an ultimatum.

He took out his phone and dialed.

Immediately, the phone rang next to Zhou Han.

Zhou Han subconsciously turned his head to look, isn't it Su Xiaowei?It turned out that she was really in the west, no kidding.

But things are a bit troublesome, Su Xiaomai seems to be entangled by a drunk man in a blue sweater, and is being grabbed by her slender wrist, and she is about to be molested!

Su Xiaowei's expression was disgusted and full of hostility, but her eyes were a little panicked, and she threatened severely——

"Let go! Rogue!"

"I warn you not to touch me!"

"My boyfriend is coming soon!"

"If you continue to pester me, I will let him beat you."


Chapter One Thousand and Four

Boy friend?

what's the situation!

Are you talking about me?

etc!Am I being used as a shield by Senior Sister Su?

Zhou Han frowned, a little confused, thinking why Su Xiaomai provoked a drunk.

The cause of everything has to start from a few minutes ago...

Su Xiaowei hung up the second call from Zhou Han.

This time Su Xiaowei didn't play tricks on Zhou Han, but told him the exact location.

Su Xiaowei knew that if she lied too much, she would definitely be disgusted by Zhou Han, so she just played around in a bad manner.

Thinking of Zhou Han's complaint just now, she laughed heartlessly.

Su Xiaomai found it interesting that Zhou Han ran back and forth sweating profusely, looking anxious when he couldn't find the attack.

She is the kind of girl who wants to laugh when she sees others upset, and she has developed a habit of it.

If the call "Wolf is Coming" is going to be made into a movie, it is definitely most suitable for Su Xiaomai to play the leading role.

Su Xiaowei turned off her mobile phone and began to look around.

Since she learned that Zhou Han was wearing a blue sweater through previous communication, she paid attention to this feature.

Huimin Road is not very well lit at night, and the dim street lights are hazy, making it hard to see clearly.

Su Xiaomai waited at the spot for a few minutes, and then saw a man in a blue sweater walking over staggeringly, his back was very similar to Zhou Han's.

So Su Xiaomai directly misunderstood this person and took this person as Zhou Han.

In fact, this is just a drunk who staggered out of the restaurant after drinking too much, but he was wearing the same blue sweater as Zhou Han, and his back was very similar, no wonder Su Xiaomai made a mistake.

Su Xiaomai felt joy in her heart, a little gloating, wondering what happened to Zhou Han?It's like drinking half a catty of fake wine, why is he so tired? Did he play too much with Xuemei Lin and emptied his body.

If Zhou Han was present, he would definitely yell for injustice, he is a fighter who can pick ten girls in one night.

Su Xiaowei walked over with a smile, and called out, "Student? Why are you doing this? Running back and forth like this? Your health is not good..."

The drunk man suspected to be Zhou Han swayed around and didn't answer. He muttered in his mouth, and he seemed to have drunk a lot.

Seeing that Zhou Han didn't answer, and smelled a strong smell of alcohol, Su Xiaomai felt a little strange, "Schoolboy? Junior, did you come here after drinking? It's not good for you, a high school student, to drink too much."

The drunk still didn't answer, and made a grunting sound, wondering if he was about to vomit?

Su Xiaowei couldn't hold back her curiosity, walked up to the drunk man, patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously, "Why don't you talk, because you think I'm teasing you and get angry? I'm a girl, you are so stingy like a boy ?”

The drunk man seemed to have finally sensed that someone was behind him, turned around and saw Su Xiaomai, and immediately let out a hail.

"Eh?!" Su Xiaomai instantly understood the situation, she had misidentified the wrong person, the drunk in front of her was not Zhou Han at all!

The drunk man's face was flushed, he was delirious after drinking, and he was a little sexually impulsive, his two small eyes looked at Su Xiaomei with a greedy expression, and he was still muttering, "Hua...Hua girl! Hehe... flower girl..."

Su Xiaomai's expression was awkward, and she was a little annoyed by the drunk, especially the one in front of her, who was delirious and incoherent.

It's all caused by the blue sweater, if I knew it, I should have asked more clearly.

Since I have identified the wrong person, I should just apologize and leave.

"I'm sorry, sir, I have admitted the wrong person, I'm sorry."

Su Xiaomai bowed slightly, as if she had finished apologizing, she turned around and wanted to leave.

But how could this drunk man make Su Xiaomai fulfill his wish, he was worried about not having a pretty girl when he was drunk, hehehe, one just happened to be delivered to his door right in front of him.

"Don't go, flower girl~"

The drunk man grabbed Su Xiaomai's wrist without letting go, and kept approaching her, assuming he was about to moleste her on the street.

"Let go! What are you, dare to touch me!?"

Surprisingly, Su Xiaomai lost her composure, and she spoke with a bit of the majesty of the president.

She tried her best to break free from the drunk man's hand, but it didn't have much effect. As expected, the girl's body was relatively weak, and she seemed powerless in the face of some harassment.

"Hehehe, Hua girl has a hot temper, I like it, hiccup~"

The drunk man was staggering, his tone was very obscene, and finally he burped, the stench was foul.

Su Xiaomai frowned, almost fainted, his eyes were slightly panicked, obviously his majesty was of no use to the delirious drunk, but had some stimulating counter-effects.

She held her heart a little bit, thinking where did Zhou Han go?

How come no one can be seen for so long?Could it be that he was fooled too much by himself and went straight home?

Thinking about it, it's really possible. It seems that the retribution of the protagonist in the story "The Wolf Is Coming" finally happened to me.

Su Xiaomai was a little panicked and almost couldn't help crying.

After all, she is also a girl, and her superficial toughness can't last long, and she is still very scared in her heart.

"Let go! Rogue!"

"I warn you not to touch me!"

"My boyfriend is coming soon!"

"If you continue to pester me, I will let him beat you."

Su Xiaowei made a threat, but it didn't seem to work.

"Come on, it's useless to anyone, girl Hua, don't resist, hehehe..."

When the drunk man said this, he could move forward vigorously, pouted his wine-smelling mouth, and asked for a bite.

Su Xiaomai was terrified, and just about to scream, she saw Zhou Han not far away, just saw the situation here, but her expression was indescribably weird.

Su Xiaomai seemed to see the light, she cheered up again, and felt a little relieved, thinking that if Zhou Han came, she would be safe.

She swears that this is the first time in her life that she looks forward to the appearance of a boy...

Su Xiaomai didn't care about the situation anymore, in order to threaten the drunk, she began to speak in a panic.

"Come here, honey!"

"This man drank too much!"

"Come on! Honey..."

Zhou Han just wanted to go over to help Su Xiaomao out of the siege, when he heard her yelling "Dear" indiscriminately, he slipped on the soles of his feet and almost fell into a big somersault.

What the hell!

Miss Su is crazy? !

What are you yelling about?

I can watch my senior sister being molested without having to call out some inexplicable titles!

If Xiaowei and Aili were here, they would have to hang the kitchen knife around their necks.

Zhou Han barely stood up, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, he was speechless to Su Xiaomai, he just asked for help, shouting "Dear" would be misleading.

Seeing Zhou Han hesitate for a moment, Su Xiaomai thought that he was making things difficult for her, that she was dissatisfied with the title "Dear" and wanted to make it more shameful for her.

She thought to herself that this junior is really greedy!Do you still want to take advantage of yourself at this time?Not even my dear, do you have to call your husband to save yourself quickly?

"Flower Girl~" The drunk man put his mouth in a daze, the stench of alcohol was overwhelming.

Su Xiaomai was on the verge of crying, and she shouted loudly and panicked in desperation——


"Husband ah ah!"

"Husband husband husband!"

"Come and save me, husband!"

"Someone wants to molest your wife!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Han staggered, completely bewildered.

what's the situation?Why is it getting more and more excessive?

My dear, I can still explain it, how can my husband explain it!

Ten thousand grass and mud horses rushed past Zhou Han's heart, and he was already incoherent.

Su Xiaomai was so flustered that she was completely unreasonable and called out for everything.

Seeing the urgency of the situation, Zhou Han didn't have time to complain, so he rushed up and punched the drunk man on the temple.

"Go to hell! Grandpa!"


The drunk man's eyes went dark, and he was knocked out by Zhou Han's punch in an instant, and he passed out directly, slumped on the ground, rolling his eyes non-stop.

Su Xiaomai was stunned. It was rare to see such a violent scene. She was a little caught off guard. She felt that Zhou Han beat her a little hard, so there would be no problem, right?Wouldn't it be bad if he was killed by a shot, or had a concussion or something?

In fact, Su Xiaomai's worry was superfluous, Zhou Han had fought countless times, and it was not difficult to control the strength.

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