"No...no..." Lin Nianwei said forcedly.

"Don't be nervous, just treat this as your own home and be casual." Miyazaki Airi suggested that she felt nervous if Lin Nianwei was always so reserved.

"No, that's how I am at home." Lin Nianwei explained.

"Aren't you tired? Are you still so serious at home?" After Miyazaki Airi finished speaking, she began to demonstrate various sitting positions, "Cross-legged sitting, beauty lying down, Ge You paralyzed..."

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Lin Nianwei's forehead, thinking that with so many unsightly sitting postures, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Miyazaki Airi to be a girl?

"Come and try it, it's super comfortable, so you can relax." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"No...no need." Lin Nianwei couldn't do it, feeling that she lost her manners.

"Wei-chan is really serious, it's okay to relax occasionally." Miyazaki Airi pouted.

"I usually feel relaxed when I read a book. By the way, Airi, you eat so many potato chips, aren't you afraid of getting fat?" Lin Nianwei asked curiously, feeling that Miyazaki Airi, who is at home, is exactly the same as an ordinary house girl, and there seems to be no difference.

"The bag of potato chips I eat can circle the earth." Miyazaki Airi said with a thumbs up and said with a smile.

Lin Nianwei was expressionless, thinking she wasn't cool at all, and didn't know what to praise.

"What are you afraid of! I have a physique that won't gain weight no matter how much I eat potato chips!" Miyazaki Airi said nonsense seriously.

Lin Nianwei was in a complicated mood, thinking how could it be possible?What do girls who get fat after drinking cold water think?

Just when Lin Nianwei was about to say something, there was a voice of "hmmmmhhhhhh" on the TV, it turned out that the hero and heroine in the movie began to sublimate their emotions.

Lin Nianwei turned her head to look, her face blushed immediately, and she quickly covered her eyes, "Ah! This, this, this..."

Miyazaki Airi's face was also a little red, but she didn't react as much as Lin Nianwei, she switched the channel silently.

Seeing that the embarrassing scene just now disappeared, Lin Nianwei calmed down a little, caressing her chest, thinking what kind of movie is this?There is such a plot?

"Wei-chan, you are really innocent." Airi Miyazaki asked with a half-smile.

"No... No, it's just that this movie is too dirty." Lin Nianwei frowned and said with a blushing face.

"You, you're just too nervous, let me help you relax?" Miyazaki Airi suggested, not knowing what to think?

"What do you mean?" Lin Nianwei asked suspiciously.

Miyazaki Airi glanced at Lin Nianwei's chest, and said it very bluntly——

"I want to knead Wei Jiang's Da Ou Pie..."

(づ ̄ ^3 ̄)づ

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah?" Lin Nianwei was stunned, not understanding what was going on, "Why do you... rub your breasts?"

"This can reduce stress, and..." Miyazaki Airi showed a serious face, "I wanted to touch it a long time ago."

"Why...why do you touch it?" Lin Nianwei vigilantly covered her chest with both hands, with a very forced expression.

"It's okay? I really want to touch it, it always feels very comfortable." Miyazaki Airi pouted, trying to seduce Lin Nianwei with her cuteness.

"Girls are all the same, there is nothing to touch." Lin Nianwei blushed, feeling what kind of trouble was this lesbian atmosphere going to cause?

"Rubbing each other's breasts is a very common thing. It can lead to a relationship and be familiar with each other's body." Miyazaki Airi said seriously, but in fact, she just wanted to touch and feel Lin Nianwei's breast size.

"This..." Lin Nianwei blushed, thinking that this sentence should be said by a boy, right?

"Wei sauce must have been groped by that guy, right? He didn't let me grope, and treated him differently." Miyazaki Airi played the emotional card, and wanted to grab Lin Nianwei's chest more and more.

Lin Nianwei hesitated, Miyazaki Airi's words made her feel like she was ungrateful, she was allowed to be touched by Zhou Han, but not her good sister.

She just resists lesbians, girls and girls fuck each other, and the picture always feels a bit weird.

"Okay... okay, just... just touch it."

"Yeah, I'll just touch it." Miyazaki Airi nodded, with a little anticipation in her eyes, she had long felt that Lin Nianwei's breasts were not small, and today she could touch them directly, so she was super happy.

Lin Nianwei sighed, silently put down the hand that was protecting her chest, and sat upright with Miyazaki Airi's face.

She pursed her lips tightly, with a patient expression, as if she wanted to endure the ravages of Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi dropped both hands and touched Lin Nianwei's breasts. Although she was separated by her underwear, she still felt amazing elasticity.

God!Although it doesn't look too big on the outside, it feels really big when you look at it!

How can it be cultivated, why is everyone's bigger than mine?Sure enough my boobs are cursed?

Whoa whoa whoa!And elastic!So soft!This guy Zhou Han touched it too, right?

Two blushes appeared on Miyazaki Airi's face strangely, although she was a bit shy, but touching her breasts would be very addictive!

"Okay... so powerful, and it's so comfortable to knead..."

Miyazaki Airi's expression was astonished, and she was addicted to kneading. Her two small hands repeatedly rubbed and kneaded, and her whole body became excited, and her breathing rhythm accelerated.

"Ah... Is Airi still... alright?"

Lin Nianwei closed her eyes tightly, her face was as red as a ripe big apple, and she made a strange humming sound from her mouth, feeling a little strange being made by Miyazaki Airi.

"I...I'm groping." Miyazaki Airi didn't want to let go, seeing Lin Nianwei's chest bouncing like a bouncy ball.

"No...don't touch anymore..."

"If this goes on..."

"The body becomes weird."

Lin Nianwei's breathing was heavy and her chest was being played with by Miyazaki Airi's little hands, trembling up and down.

"Airi, stop... stop..."

Zhou Han has already gone upstairs.

Speaking of which, he is a little nervous now.

After all, Lin Nianwei hasn't been here for a long time, so it's a bit strange to suddenly spend the night together.

And these days I have to live with three girls, to be precise, three wives, it's like experiencing life in the harem in advance.

Zhou Han felt that the difficulty of the matter was to adjust the relationship between the wives, and he couldn't make trouble because of a trivial matter.

Therefore, opening a harem is definitely a technical job, and it will collapse if you are not careful.

Zhou Han now has a heavy burden on his shoulders, whether he can complete the great cause of opening the real harem depends on how he handles it.

Although the three girls promised everyone to be together, they might encounter a lot of unpleasantness when getting along.

What Zhou Han has to do is to keep the girls stable, slowly cultivate their relationship, and prevent the harem from being scattered.

To be able to get to where he is today, Zhou Han can be said to have gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, but he can't make a wrong step and lose everything.

Zhou Han raised his forehead and felt a headache. How to get along with three wives these days, and keep a bowl of water level, is actually really difficult to do.

"I'm going to live with three wives in the next few days, how do you feel now?"

Elizabeth suddenly asked in a reporter's tone, wanting to know Zhou Han's feelings now.

"Nervous, super nervous." Zhou Han responded, telling the truth, I still don't know what will happen when they live together?

"Why are you nervous? It's my wife, don't panic, be more confident." Elizabeth urged beside her.

"I also know that I need to be more confident, but I'm still very worried that there will be some disharmony. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be embarrassing?" Zhou Han was in a complicated mood, and his mind was full of coaxing the three wives.

"Hmph, you have to be more manly. What's the point of opening a harem? If you are not convinced, all of you will wear pajamas!" Elizabeth said proudly, as if she was the one who opened the harem, implying Zhou Han don't need to worry too much. Old 2 just think.

"Damn it, what are you talking about? If you can wear all pajamas, what's the point of dating? Emotional communication is the key point, okay?" Zhou Han said helplessly, thinking that if he could wear simple pajamas, it would be an easy way Well, take off your pants and you can conquer the world.

"Don't worry, the three wives have come to live together. Are you still a man if you don't sleep with them? It's enough to show half of what you pushed your sister to." Elizabeth said bluntly.

"Hey, hey, are you going too far? Am I a person who thinks with my lower body?" Zhou Han frowned, and was speechless to Elizabeth, a little dirty turtle.

"Yes! Of course it is, otherwise why couldn't I resist pushing Aojiao to death that night? She is just sick and tired, and if she seduces you a little, you can't help but mount a gun." Elizabeth couldn't help but sarcastically said .

"This..." Zhou Han broke out in cold sweat, thinking that if he could do it all over again, he would still push it. After all, feelings to a certain extent are like dry wood and fire, which cannot be extinguished.

"There is nothing that can't be solved with one happy sex. If there is, then two times." Elizabeth spoke nonsense in a serious manner, instilling very violent thinking in Zhou Han.

"I'll go..." Zhou Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't like this.

"I have to work hard these few nights. It's rare that all the wives are here, and they are trying to overthrow them. Today, my sister Qingmei is 3P, and tomorrow I will add a passer-by to 4P. It's very stable." The more Elizabeth talked, the more chaotic she was. It's a fool's errand to be a romantic action film director.

"Shut up, stop talking, this is not Lifan World..."

"I told you to fight for it. Opening a harem is not just a show. You have to do something serious. You have to be worthy of the label of a harem."

Zhou Han covered his face and didn't want to talk anymore...

It happened that he also walked to the front of the house, and took the key to open the door without thinking too much.

As a result, I saw a very embarrassing scene. The two girls were on the sofa with red faces.

Miyazaki Airi looked like a little idiot, with straight eyes, she grabbed Lin Nianwei's chest and kept rubbing it.

Lin Nianwei had a patient expression, her breathing was a little constricted, and her delicate body kept trembling slightly.

The two girls are still wearing nightdresses, and the exposure is relatively large, so the picture makes people's blood spurt and excitement.

But Zhou Han was not excited, but full of astonishment.

Because these two girls are his wives...

Zhou Han regained his composure for a while, and thought depressedly——

What the hell!

What the hell is going on?

The wives even made Lily while I was not at home! ?

what can I do?I am also desperate...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Hansheng has nothing to love, and his mood is extremely complicated, thinking that this is his own responsibility?

Could it be that his wife is actually very lonely and needs to be comforted, and as a result, both of them have a lily.

Could it be that all of this...is it because I'm not a beast enough! ?

Sure enough, I should use my second child to think about it!Is it okay to have sex with them in order to save the lily crisis in the harem?

"Don't touch it... Ah... Airi stop..."

Lin Nianwei was sitting upright on the sofa with her whole body tensed, her face was red, and that sinister expression seemed to be enduring something?

"Oh, it's really big. I don't know if I touch it. I'm completely shocked."

Miyazaki Airi is like a little girl, her eyes are wide open, and her excited nostrils are getting bigger.

No matter how Lin Nianwei told her to stop, Miyazaki Airi was not idle, always kneading and kneading her breasts into various shapes.

What the hell!

So erotic!

I want to knead too!

Zhou Han felt his nose heat up, and a warm current rushed straight to his forehead, thinking that he could join in now, wondering if it's okay?

But with Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei's personalities, if I join in shamelessly, I will definitely be attacked from left to right and beaten into a pig's head, right?

Because Zhou Han was too excited, he made some noise.

But this little voice was still heard by Miyazaki Airi!

Miyazaki Airi turned her head to look, and saw Zhou Han holding her nose, blushing.

Miyazaki Airi's expression instantly became astonished, her face turned pale, and she petrified on the spot, she grabbed Lin Nianwei's chest for a moment and forgot to let go.

She didn't expect Zhou Han to come back at this time at all, what a fool!

Miyazaki Airi thought it was too bad!I was so excited rubbing Wei Jiang's chest just now, I didn't hear Zhou Han's voice to open the door, what should I do?

"You...how did you come back..."

Miyazaki Airi came back to her senses for a while, and murmured to herself that the hand that was on Lin Nianwei's chest was also retracted like lightning, as if touching high-voltage electricity.

Her face turned red, and she straightened her body in a panic to cover up the fact that she just used the milk-grabbing dragon claw on Lin Nianwei.

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