"Don't say that, I don't need a setting similar to Popeye eating spinach!" Zhou Han responded awkwardly, wondering if he was really inspired by Xiao Wei's beauty?

"Forget it, I'll just help out. I'll give you assists and go to the math problems. In front of my supercomputer-like brain, it's like elementary school students' addition and subtraction."

Elizabeth began to help Zhou Han cheat, telling him all the answers.

With Elizabeth's help, Zhou Han answered all the five Olympiad questions, and they were very standard textbook answers.

"After answering Xiaowei, let's take a look." Zhou Han handed the paper to Lin Nianwei, and then said meaningfully, "I can't wait to see you take off your underwear..."

"Hu... What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Nianwei retorted with a red face, wondering if Zhou Han could do it right?Such a confident appearance makes me panic...

Zhou Han smiled without saying a word, he was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. He probably looked forward to the fact that Lin Nianwei took off the bar.

Lin Nianwei carefully looked at Zhou Han's answer, her expression became more and more shocked, and she thought in panic, what's going on?Why are they all right?Just like writing according to the answer, the steps are also very comprehensive, and I can't find any shortcomings at all. How could this be?It's so strange...

"Xiaohan, you are cheating, are you cheating?"

"I don't have a conscience." Zhou Han said confidently, making it impossible to doubt.

"No, you must have the answer, so I secretly referenced it." Lin Nianwei felt that the ink in Zhou Han's belly would not be able to solve these Olympiad questions at all, and it was already very suspicious to be able to solve them as they were.

"I don't have one. We are so close. How can I copy it? You can search for it at will. If you find the answer, I will lose." Zhou Han spread his hands, and he was very innocent with me.

Lin Nianwei calmed down a little, thinking to herself, how could Zhou Han cheat under her nose?Could it be that Xiaohan was originally a good seedling who would draw inferences from one example?

"Why Xiaowei? I regret it, I can't play anymore..." Zhou Han had a bad heart on his face, and the pen kept spinning in his hand.

"No...no..." Although Lin Nianwei didn't understand how Zhou Han did it, but the rules were set by herself, and she had to finish it with tears in her eyes.

"Then...Xiaowei, please start your performance." Zhou Han suppressed a smile, and waited to see Lin Nianwei's breasts. Although it was not the first time seeing Lin Nianwei's breasts, the feeling was different this time, a bit like a trophy of victory.

"Hmm..." Lin Nianwei covered her chest with both hands, a little hesitant. She thought that if she obeyed the rules, she should take the button of the bar, but when she thought that her chest would be exposed, she felt very ashamed.

So Lin Nianwei thought about it, and came up with a compromise plan.

Lin Nianwei turned around slowly, turned her back to Zhou Han, and pushed her hair to the front.

"Xiaohan, help me untie the shirt..."

Lin Nianwei could only think of this method, so as not to embarrass herself even more, even if the buttons of her underwear were unbuttoned, she would not be seen, so she would be less ashamed.

Zhou Han didn't say anything, but chose to be considerate. After all, exposing his breasts naked needs to overcome his shame.

Although it is not the first time I have seen it, but the previous few times were completed under the background of an ambiguous atmosphere. Considering the current situation, it is a bit seriously suspected of being a hooligan.

"Is it really possible?"

Zhou Han was still worried, worried that Lin Nianwei would be disgusted, so he asked, if she didn't want to, don't play this game, it's quite embarrassing.

"Okay, I will do what I say, come on..."

Lin Nianwei closed her eyes nervously. Although she felt ashamed in her heart, she still chose to do it.

She wanted to make Zhou Han more obsessed with herself, such a small ambiguity is naturally necessary, and she really likes the feeling of a deer bumping in her heart, it's amazing.

"Then...then I really understand?"


Zhou Han secretly swallowed his saliva, he was a little nervous, it was the first time that he unbuttoned a girl's bar openly like this.

He suddenly remembered that although he had touched girls' breasts many times, it seemed that the girls unbuttoned them by themselves, and it was the first time that he took the initiative to untie the underwear.

Looking at the fair neck, Zhou Han stretched out his hand, and groped Lin Nianwei's back. He felt her waist was straight, and when he touched it, he touched the sexy shoulder blades, causing her delicate body to tremble slightly.

"What... what's wrong?"

"No...it's nothing. It's itchy to be touched by you. Don't touch other places when you unbutton it. Even if I allow it, don't take the opportunity to do something else. I'll be disgusted." Lin Nianwei complained in a low voice. It became popular on the search, obviously entering a state of shyness.

"Oh, okay, blame me, I have never unbuttoned girls' underwear before, I have no experience, where is the strap that I can't take off for a while?" Zhou Han opened his eyes and said nonsense, clearly knowing where it was, but He didn't admit that he wanted to touch Lin Nianwei.

Lin Nianwei blushed, and didn't say much, but remained silent, as if acquiescing to Zhou Han's harassing behavior.

Zhou Han corrected his attitude, grabbed the strap connecting the bar on Lin Nianwei's back, and then loosened it repeatedly.

I don't know, but it's quite difficult to play.

It's a pity that the girls solved the bar by themselves, or they were wearing pajamas without the bar, otherwise they would have to make a joke.

Zhou Han experimented back and forth a few times, and finally untied the bar, wondering if he would secretly practice with Miyazaki Airi's underwear for a few times.

But don't be too embarrassed if you can't even untie your underwear when you're making out.

Lin Nianwei dragged her chest along with the bar, her face was always red, and she felt the cold wind whistling on her chest, which was very embarrassing.

She felt that she had satisfied Zhou Han to the maximum extent now, but she also felt so ashamed, especially at this moment when she looked so miserable.

"Xiaohan, are you satisfied now?"

Zhou Han's expression became weird, thinking that what he said seemed to be coercing Lin Nianwei, but he still answered.

"Satisfied, thank you for your hospitality..."

Zhou Han put his palms together, as pious as a Thai monk.

But I never thought that just after he finished speaking, he heard Miyazaki Airi's voice at the door of the room——

"Baga! What are you doing?!"

"I'll just go out for a while, and you can't help but bully Wei Jiang, even threatening her to take off her clothes?"

"Are you human! I warned you not to do strange things to Wei Jiang!"


Chapter 34 Monthly Pass Addition

Miyazaki Airi probably came in when Lin Nianwei said "I'm satisfied".

In the end, I also said "Thank you for the hospitality", which was a big misunderstanding, as if I asked Lin Nianwei to unbutton her underwear.

This is terrible, I can't explain it properly...

Zhou Han was sweating profusely, his eyes were extremely flustered.

If you compare Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi on the balance.

I am more emotionally inclined to Lin Nianwei, but my rationality still favors Miyazaki Airi.

After all, it was the first time that I had Miyazaki Airi, and I still didn't want her to be wronged.

Zhou Han thought for a few seconds, then explained in a panic.

"It's not like Airi, listen to me explain, there is a reason for things."

Zhou Han's speech was almost the same as what 80% of the male protagonists in light novels said when they were caught raped.

Miyazaki Airi was very angry in her heart, and the two of them could get together when she went out to buy a bag of black tea by herself. If she went out for half a day by herself, wouldn't she have children?It's just unreasonable.

She feels that the relationship between Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei is just a layer of window paper, everyone's heart is like a mirror, a barrel will break, just like dry firewood meeting a fire, there is no need for wind power at all, it will burn blazingly at the slightest touch Indestructible.

Although Miyazaki Airi was angry, she was also a little helpless. After all, everyone was dating together, and it was understandable for such a thing to happen.

But Miyazaki Airi still hoped that Zhou Han would respect herself and not mess with other girls like this when she was present.

Miyazaki Airi knew that Zhou Han couldn't just be nice to herself, and could accept the reality reluctantly.

However, whether it is Miyazaki Airi, or Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui, deep in their hearts they still have the idea of ​​exclusive love, which is hard to get rid of.

So Miyazaki Airi, like Lin Nianwei, couldn't see Zhou Han's blatant playboys.

"Why do you need to explain?! I heard it clearly, you are so perverted that you asked Wei-chan to take off your clothes for you to see! Idiot! Disgusting! Nishiuchi!" Miyazaki Airi raised the chair, looking like she wanted to murder her relatives Husband's rhythm.

Lin Nianwei blushed and said nothing, she was secretly wearing underwear, it wasn't that she didn't want to explain to Zhou Han, but she couldn't explain clearly.

She said she didn't blame Zhou Han, she did it voluntarily, who would believe it!

It will definitely be misunderstood that she is soft-hearted and doesn't want to embarrass Zhou Han.

"Aili, calm down, please calm down, if there is any conflict, let's negotiate and resolve it on the table, don't use force, it seems unqualified." Zhou Han raised his hand, feeling very nervous, is there anyone more unlucky than him in the world?I was caught and raped twice a day, same taste, same formula.

Now Zhou Han can see it. To be ambiguous at home is to make trouble under Miyazaki Airi's eyes. Do you want to be caught?How can it be……

"Are you qualified? Did I warn you? Why do you still have to force Xiaowei to take off her clothes? You have to have a limit to your pervert!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, if she wasn't worried about breaking Zhou Han, she really wanted to Just throw the chair over.

"It's not like this, we..." Zhou Han glanced at Lin Nianwei next to her, saw that she was buttoning her shirt, hesitated and said, "We are playing a game, there is nothing evil, don't be careless Guess you misunderstood us..."

"Huh!? Do you think I have a subjugation debuff on my head?" Miyazaki Airi felt angry, feeling that Zhou Han was talking nonsense, "Do you think I will believe you? How can there be such a pornographic game! I It's clear that you conspired against Wei Jiang, that's why you tricked her! What a scumbag!"

"Really!" Zhou Han became frantic, thinking that he could coax Lin Nianwei to take off his clothes?Directly ignoring the other person's IQ, he forced the blame on my forehead, "We are really playing a normal game, not a... pornographic game, even if I want to play, don't we have to see what Xiaowei wants?"

"Baga! Don't say anything useless. You forced Wei Jiang to take off your clothes. It's a fact! Why are you so fucking? It must be bad to restrain yourself? They are here to teach you homework, you look like this! You are so disgusting!" Miyazaki Airi got angry, put down her chair, picked up the textbook and threw it at Zhou Han.

Zhou Han dodged sideways, and said with lingering fear, "Aili, why don't you believe me? That's not coercion, everything is a set game rule, and I didn't do anything other than look, right?"

"What are the rules of the game? Girls need to take off their clothes. It really isn't a serious game, is it? Idiots, die quickly!" Miyazaki Airi held up a thick English-Chinese dictionary to let Zhou Han experience the power of knowledge.

"Do you understand that learning... requires motivation?" Zhou Han said nonsense in a serious manner, clearly trying to cover up his original intention. Who studies like him?You also need to see the girl's ** to be motivated, which is simply unreasonable.

"It's the first time I heard that the motivation for studying is to coax girls to take off their clothes..." Miyazaki Airi was expressionless, feeling a little complicated, obviously feeling that Zhou Han was talking nonsense.

"This..." Zhou Han was sweating coldly, and he felt that this excuse was fake, "It can be regarded as a kind of motivation, that... a fair lady, a gentleman is so good..."

"Bah! Disgusting..." Miyazaki Airi held up the dictionary and said angrily, "Put your head up and die! Don't use excuses to cover up your perverted psychology..."

"I swear I don't have evil thoughts, the original intention must be good, and the effect is not bad..." Zhou Han didn't want to be hit by a big dictionary, so he handed the six papers to Miyazaki Airi, "Look, there is* *Ah, bah! With motivation, my IQ is like a rocket, and it goes up in a whiz."

"Huh?" Miyazaki Airi picked up the paper with a livid face and looked at it, and found that the answers were all correct. She could see the beautiful handwriting of the questioner, which seemed to be Lin Nianwei's question, "Are you sure you didn't read the answer?"

She obviously didn't believe it, Zhou Han didn't look like he could solve the problem at all, how could his intelligence improve in an instant just to pick up girls' clothes?

If this is the case, then what else do you study, why don't you go to the women's branch school, everyone can graduate with a doctorate, okay?

"Really, as long as I have the motivation, my whole person will be different. I love to study very much now, and whoever dares to stop me from studying, I will give him a hammer..." Zhou Han blushed and felt like learning (♂♀) Xi turned out to be such a wonderful thing, why didn't I discover it before?

"Wei sauce, is what he said true?" Miyazaki Airi turned her head and asked Lin Nianwei.

Lin Nianwei blushed, and although she didn't want to be an adult, she still nodded, "Yeah."

"My God! What the hell kind of setting is this?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, her forehead was covered with black lines, and she felt that she was not well——

"Does this mean..."

"Your second child's IQ is higher than your own?"


Chapter 35 Massage


What is this called! ?

My dick has a higher IQ than mine?

What is this called?I might be an alien~

Zhou Han's expression was stiff, and he was made uncomfortable by Miyazaki Airi's words.

"Airi, what are you talking about? It's too ugly, right? You have to pay attention to that you are a dignified girl, don't say such indecent words as "second child". I admit that your Chinese is very good, but please don't learn swear words. ..."

"I don't care if it's a swear word or not, I just want to describe it appropriately, so what I said just now is not wrong, it is very suitable to describe you." Miyazaki Airi said unceremoniously, although she was surprised by Zhou Han's extraordinary performance in answering the paper, but Still feel a little bloody.

"Don't say that my second child has a higher IQ than me. It seems that I usually use the wrong place to think. According to what you said, if I usually use my second child to think, wouldn't it be soaring?" Zhou Han wrinkled Frowning, I feel inexplicably unhappy, feeling like my dick, ah, that's wrong!It feels like my brain has been insulted.

If I really like to think with my second child, then the child has already run around, okay?

"Yeah, if you used your beep~ to think earlier, wouldn't you be a very good person?" Miyazaki Airi said very rudely, full of sarcasm inside and outside the words.

Go away!

Am I that unmotivated?

By the way, does this damn girl know how to be ashamed?

He actually used the harmonious word (beep) to cover up the word "second child"!

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, feeling a lot of troubles in his stomach.

"Airi, I want to declare that I am a decent person..."

"Who would believe it? How dare you use such a nasty way to stimulate yourself during a tutoring session, and dare to say that you are a decent person? Meow meow?!" Miyazaki Airi tilted her head, obviously still jealous in her heart.

Lin Nianwei next to her blushed, she couldn't speak at all, she thought that what Zhou Han undressed herself just now was quite obscene, but don't say it, what a shame.

"This..." Zhou Han was ashamed and froze, "I...I just need some motivation..."

"Huh? You're an idiot with a head full of shit, shit!" Miyazaki Airi stood on the moral high ground and crazily condemned Zhou Han.

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