"Dare to promise you to try?"

"See if I don't kill you..."


Chapter 41 Monthly Pass Addition


Zhou Han gasped, and felt a sharp pain in his foot, which made him feel refreshed.

He looked at Lin Nianwei's sharp gaze, and immediately understood what it meant.

The emotions that were not easily ignited were extinguished in an instant.

Zhou Han silently retracted his feet and coughed lightly in embarrassment.

"Hey, let's review honestly. Strange things will make me unable to concentrate."

Zhou Han said against his will, his heart is bleeding, he hasn't tried the chest pillow or something, and he really wants to try it!

As a result, Lin Nianwei's strong coercion made him withdraw his thoughts resentfully.

The haze on Lin Nianwei's face receded, her eyes softened, and she felt that Zhou Han was quite obedient.

It's not that Lin Nianwei is out of balance because of jealousy, but Zhou Han hasn't slept on her chest yet, how can he tolerate others coming first?

"Brother Han, you really don't need it?" Yao Xiaorui dragged her face, quite surprised by Zhou Han's rejection, "I think studying is very boring and needs motivation. Before every exam, my father would promise me gifts. Then I will work very hard, so I think brother Han may also need stimulation..."

"No... no need..." Zhou Han said in cold sweat, feeling Lin Nianwei's gaze, he didn't dare to speak nonsense, thinking——

She has a gift there.

Is it pornographic temptation to come to me?

Xiao Rui thinks who I am...

After completing the big difficulty of physics, Zhou Han didn't seem to have any major problems, and he was full of anticipation for the next midterm exam.

Zhou Han feels that he can do it, it's not a problem to get a few subjects... probably...

Anyway, it is better to sharpen your guns before the battle and be unhappy than to be unsure.

The four of them had dinner, and it was a hot pot that the brothers and sisters had discussed.

At this time, the pot on the induction cooker was steaming, and the soup had already boiled.

Because he didn't eat at noon, Zhou Han was really hungry, so he probably ate this meal for dinner.

"Hot pot?" Lin Nianwei came over after washing her hands, and sat next to Zhou Han.

"Well, I think it's good for everyone to eat together." Zhou Han replied, thinking that he just ate with his senior sister not long ago, and it's a bit boring to be honest.

"Well, not bad." Lin Nianwei nodded.

"Fire...hot pot..." Yao Xiaorui also came in after washing her hands, sat on the other side of Zhou Han, and even moved her nose to smell it.

"Do you like it?" Zhou Hanyuan asked with interest.

"It's average, but Aili's cooking is delicious..." Yao Xiaorui said blushing.

"Really..." Zhou Han smiled, feeling a little subtle.

"Come on~" Miyazaki Airi put the washed vegetables and meat on the table, and sat opposite Zhou Han, "Let's eat."

The meat and vegetables are all put in the pot...

The boiling soup was steaming, and the curling steam permeated the air.

Zhou Han was a little excited, it's the best for everyone to gather together and have a peaceful meal like this, this is the life he wants.

The previous one was not a real harem, it was a Shura field that made it hard for him to get off.

I really hope that it will be like this in the future, and everyone can eat together with peace of mind.

Zhou Han sighed in his heart, feeling that his hard work has finally paid off, and he was just waiting for today.

"Brother Han, eat more mutton, strengthen your yang, and make up your kidney." Yao Xiaorui took out a piece of mutton with chopsticks and put it on Zhou Han's plate while talking.

"Uh, thank you..." Zhou Han laughed dryly, thinking that if you put mutton in the quilt, what does it mean to have a mouthful of aphrodisiacs? It makes me look like my kidneys are not good, what are you kidding?The ability of the data body is max!

Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi looked at each other, seeming to realize something?

The two girls began to grab the mutton fiercely, and asked Zhou Han to put it on the plate, and it piled up into a hill in no time.

"Eat more, there is still plenty, from now on we will eat mutton every day."

"Xiaohan, eat quickly, the mutton will smell fishy when it is cold, if it is not enough, no one will grab it from you."

Zhou Han looked at the mutton in front of him blankly, with black lines appearing on his forehead, thinking——

Hey Hey hey!


What do you mean? !

I feel so ashamed!

Are you looking down on my abilities?

Still worrying about the pleasant life in the future!



The three girls sleep together.

They were wearing nightdresses, and they were lying on the big bed.

If there are boys who are normal and not impotent, the nosebleeds may be sprayed high.

Lin Nianwei was watching and said that Miyazaki Airi was playing with her mobile phone, and Yao Xiaorui lay on the bed sullenly, blowing the bangs on her forehead with her small mouth from time to time, all she wanted was to sleep with Zhou Han.

Seeing Yao Xiaorui's unhappy appearance, Miyazaki Airi couldn't help but fly up to tease her.

"Look at the trick, Ninjutsu: Breast Rubbing Technique!"

Taking advantage of Yao Xiaorui's inattention, Miyazaki Airi put her hand into her nightdress and touched her chest with her hand.

"Don't...don't make trouble with Airi, please, it's...so itchy..."

Yao Xiaorui frowned, her whole body twisted, looking very strange.

Miyazaki Airi grabbed the little cherry on Yao Xiaorui's chest and stimulated her like an old driver.

"Yeah! Stop it, stop it, woo woo woo..."

Yao Xiaorui felt strange, her waist twisted non-stop.

Lin Nianwei watched calmly from the side, but her face turned red, feeling that the relationship between girls was also very erotic.

The more Miyazaki Airi touched it, the more frightened she felt. It felt really big, and the elasticity was super good.

Why do all girls have boobs!

Sure enough, I am a cursed girl!

How can it be repaired!I'm so envious...

Miyazaki Airi thought indignantly, and let Yao Xiaorui go.

"What's the matter? Sullen, how interesting would it be for us girls to open the bed together?"

"But I want to sleep with brother Han. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. Yesterday I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. As a result..." Yao Xiaorui said depressingly.

"Xiaorui, as a girl, you have to be more reserved. You can't always think about these things." Lin Nianwei responded lightly. In fact, she also wanted to sleep with Zhou Han, but she just couldn't get rid of it.

And what's the matter with yourself?What about others?Do you want to come with me?

In the end, it will become three people sleeping with Zhou Han together. Thinking about it, it is a super sexy thing, so Lin Nianwei is restraining herself, otherwise it will be very embarrassing.

"What's so good about him? How interesting is it that we sleep together?" Miyazaki Airi enlightened Yao Xiaorui beside her.

"Although that's what I said, after all, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but now the gap between reality and ideal is too big, I can't accept it, QAQ..." Yao Xiaorui's depressed tone didn't look like lying. He thought he could sleep with Zhou Han, And it's the first time, can't you be excited?And super looking forward to it.

Miyazaki Airi thought about it, and suddenly said something unbelievable, "You go."

"Huh? What did you say, Aili?" Yao Xiaorui thought she heard it wrong.

"I said you go to sleep with him." Miyazaki Airi repeated.

"Really...Really?" Yao Xiaorui was amazed, she didn't expect that Miyazaki Airi would not object, and asked herself to take the initiative to find Zhou Han.

Miyazaki Airi nodded, and said in a serious tone——

"Really, if you want to sleep with Zhou Han, just go."

(Serious face)

Chapter 42 together

Lin Nianwei's eyes widened, she looked at Miyazaki Airi in amazement, thinking what happened to her, of course this kind of thing must be stopped, what's the matter with connivance?

Although Lin Nianwei also wanted to sleep with Zhou Han, she was too embarrassed to say it, not as active as Yao Xiaorui.

Now that Yao Xiaorui was going to sleep with Zhou Han, Lin Nianwei's situation seemed a little passive.

Because Miyazaki Airi was 2-1 on Yao Xiaorui's side, even if Lin Nianwei objected, it would be useless.

The relationship between the three girls will become unbalanced.


Yao Xiaorui was a little suspicious, thinking that it was too late to stop her, why did she suddenly agree now?It felt really weird.

"Airi, are you kidding me? If you want to tease me or something, I won't be fooled."

"I'm not joking. I'm serious. If you want to sleep with Zhou Han, I won't stop you." Miyazaki Airi said in a serious tone.

Yao Xiaorui's eyebrows curled up slightly, her heart was full of surprise, wondering if Miyazaki Airi was angry, that's why she said such angry words?

Yao Xiaorui still has a good impression of Miyazaki Airi, so it doesn't seem like the relationship will be too stiff.

Yao Xiaorui sighed and obediently lay on the bed like a pet.

"Forget it, Airi, I'm not going, let's sleep with you."

"Why don't you go? I'm really not joking." Miyazaki Airi wanted to dispel Yao Xiaorui's doubts.

"Because... because if I really go, you and Xiaowei will be angry." Yao Xiaorui said what was in her heart.

Lin Nianwei felt uncomfortable, Yao Xiaorui really hit the mark, if she went, she would really feel a little uncomfortable.

"No, Wei-chan and I won't be angry." Miyazaki Airi helped Lin Nianwei make the decision, and added, "Because we are not small-bellied people who are jealous at every turn."

"Really..." Yao Xiaorui was a little unsure, it would be nice to be able to sleep with Zhou Han, but she didn't want to be the one who ruined the relationship.

"Right Wei-chan? We won't be jealous or angry." Miyazaki Airi turned her head and asked Lin Nianwei.

Lin Nianwei's expression was awkward, and she felt that Miyazaki Airi was blocking her way out. If she disagreed, wouldn't it prove that she is a petty, jealous person?

She couldn't get off the tiger, and forced herself to nod, intending to observe the follow-up development. In case Zhou Han really planned to raise his gun and mount the horse, it would not be too late for him to fall in love to stop him.

Seeing that Lin Nianwei also nodded, Yao Xiaorui immediately became happy and dispelled her doubts.

"Thank you, so I really went?"

"Go...go, after all you've been waiting for so long." Lin Nianwei said insincerely, her tone sounded a little weird.

Yao Xiaorui went down to the ground in high spirits, put on cotton slippers and ran out.

"Brother Han, Brother Han~"

After Yao Xiaorui left, Lin Nianwei couldn't help asking Miyazaki Airi, with a bit of blame in her tone, "Airi, how can you agree? It's the first time we live together like this, isn't it good?"

"Oh, Wei-chan, don't worry, Xiaorui won't be able to get in, you should think about Zhou Han's character, it won't be that easy, especially if we are still here, he doesn't dare to mess around." Airi Miyazaki He said it with confidence, and it seems that he has seen the results.

When she saw Yao Xiaorui depressed just now, Miyazaki Airi knew that it was useless to say ten thousand words, it would be better for Zhou Han to refuse once in person.

So it's better to be a good old man and let Yao Xiaorui try it out by himself. Anyway, based on Miyazaki Airi's understanding of Zhou Han, she will definitely not mess around.

The first time, I didn't bring it up on my own initiative, otherwise I would have slept peacefully and obediently that night.

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