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Effective. "

King Sakura Chiyo couldn't help but raised his hand and scratched his hair, with a silly expression on his face: "Isn't there?"

"How could it be!" Wu Daizhen's expression almost didn't tense.

"Hi! Let me just say, how can such things without common sense exist? Let's go~" Didu Archer, who had no expectations for this trip, stood up with his support on the table, leaning on his crutches. Leaving: "When you have time to count on that kind of unreliable stuff, it's better to go and figure out a way with your own trainer. In short, I will first—"

"But it's not impossible."

"Huh?!" ×3

Wudaizhen, who was a rare gasp for words, spoke slowly under the surprised gazes of the ponies: "I don't have the medicine to make leg injuries recover quickly, but I do have the nutrients to increase the strength of the body and bones." If you can think of a way, give me two months, and I should be able to come up with some results~"


"Miss Wudai! Is what you said true?!"

As soon as Goshidai's words came out, Meshiro Aldan, who reacted most violently, couldn't help but slapped the table and stood up, his face flushed from excessive excitement.Mejiro Aldan has a compatriot sister Mejiro Gaofeng who is two years older than her. She is the first racehorse girl in China to win the Queen's Triple Crown, and she can be called a legend.However, as his own younger sister, Meshiro Aldan, is born with frailty, injuries and fractures are commonplace, and it was not until the end of March this year that he tried his best to win the debut match.

Now, after the derby, he fractured again. Although he didn’t seem to be affected on the surface, in fact, his inner emotions are already quite low—with such a strong sister, but he is so unbearable, it’s hard for anyone to have it. a good state of mind.It is really rare that Mubai Aldan has been able to persevere until now without giving up despite constant injuries.

"I haven't made a few promises in my life, but as long as I have done what I promised, I will never miss it. Don't worry, you three little girls, I can definitely make this thing~" Wudai said with a smile Seeing them give a thumbs up, then looked up and looked at the newspaper not far away, who was actually paying attention to the head chef here: "Sister~ Do you have any contact information to contact the medicinal material supplier? "

The head chef put down the newspaper in her hand, took out a wallet from her pocket, took out a business card, and flew towards Wudaizhen without looking at it: "You will really find something for yourself, but researching this stuff The consumption will definitely not be less, do you really have enough funds in hand?"

Wudai stretched out his arm and stretched out two fingers to catch the business card sent by the head chef, took a look at it and put it in his pocket: "Thank you, big sister~ Why don't you just ask the director for approval of the funds? Instead of letting She's going to mess around with steamrollers and conveyor belt sushi, why don't she come over and do something more meaningful."

The smooth communication between Wu Daizhen and the head chef made little stars shine in the eyes of the three horse girls:

'So handsome~! ! '×3

After that, Godai took the business card of the medicinal material supplier provided by the head chef, ran to find Yayoi Akikawa, and abducted the funds that the chairman was planning to purchase the Roller No. [-].Miss Wudai, who had money in her pocket, contacted the medicinal material suppliers non-stop. While purchasing a large amount of medicinal materials, she also built a set of medicinal material refining equipment.For quite a long period of time after that, the area within a radius of hundreds of meters centered on Wudaizhen's dormitory was shrouded in a strong medicinal fragrance.

More than a week passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the 26th at the end of June, the opening day of the Takarazuka Memorial, which is known as the ticket for the Arc de Triomphe in Japan.Oguri, who was preparing for the three autumn championships at the suggestion of Goshino, did not participate in this race. Instead, he came to Hanshin Racecourse to watch the battle with Liuhe Ginjiro, Shin Shin Koki and Goshino.At the same time, Ryoma's horse girl, Golden City, also participated in the Takarazuka Kinen this time, because Kami Hayato and Ba Musashi had other things to do, so this time he was mixed with Oguri Mao and his party's spectator team.

"Hey, Godai, what do you think?" Before the competition officially started, Liu Ryoma asked suddenly.

Wu Daizhen didn't know for a while, so: "What do you think?"

"My family's golden city, is there any hope of winning this time?"

"Hey! It's not even a word, does the little girl become yours~?"

"I'm not joking, but I'm seriously asking you for your opinion."

"...It's very difficult. If you work harder, you can get in, but if you win, you really have no hope." Wu Daizhen was silent for a while, but still gave his opinion truthfully: "After all, this is not the kind of all newcomers in the classic competition. It's not that easy to fight a group of monsters."

Liu Ryoma sighed softly, admitting the Five Dynasties' true views: "Oh... I can only blame myself for being born at the wrong time. Who do you think is the winner this time? Although Emperor Qiujin won the Emperor's Award last year Autumn, the Mile Championship and this year's Yasuda Memorial Championship, but the little girl Tamamo Cross is the biggest winner."

Five generations really gave him a look: "Is this not nonsense? Although the Takarazuka Memorial this time can be said to be a gathering of monsters, that girl Yuzao Cross is a well-deserved demon king~"

Chapter 641 601-Here is the great brave man

Brand-new Glory is far from the eyesight of Ryoma Ryoma and Godai Shinobu. In her eyes, the majestic Emperor Akitsu should be the champion of Takarazuka Kinen: "Hey! Do Mr. Ryoma and Miss Godai think so?

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Liu Longma showed his stinky face every day, and the little girl shivered in fright: "Huh! Isn't that obvious? If you can't see it, it just shows that your vision is not enough!"


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"Tch... sorry, it's my fault."

Xiao Limao turned a deaf ear to what was happening around her, and now she was all focused on Yuzao Cross who was about to enter the gate, or this silly girl didn't have a CPU for multi-threaded processing at all.Liuhei Ginjiro glanced at her, and then turned his gaze back to the arena: "Ryoma, Godai, if there is a duel between Oguri Hat and Tamamo Cross, who do you think will have a better chance of winning?"

Liu Longma rubbed his chin when he heard the words: "Old man, you are really too much, you actually throw this question to us now, um... If you want me to say, the chances of winning are half and half. If you want to win, you can only see who has more momentum, or who will win first." Awakening that one step at a time, there is no other way.”

Godai Shin nodded: "I also have the same opinion. In terms of hard power, Oguri Li is no weaker than Tamazao. If you want to win, you can only find a way from other places. At least it is difficult for domestic contemporaries to have opponents on par with the two of them."


The floodgates were wide open and the game began. The result of the game was less than two and a half minutes. As Ruryoma and Goshino expected, Tamamo Cross surpassed Emperor Akitsu on the last straight line with an extremely strong foot and took the lead. With two and one-half of the horse body, he won the Takarazuka Kinen championship.

And the Golden City that Liu Longma was in charge of only got No.10.

Seeing his family shrugging their ears and dejectedly walking towards the entrance and exit of the arena, the expressionless Ryoma Ryoma stood up and was about to leave. Seeing this, Wudai stopped him: "Huh? Ryoma, what are you doing?"

"Do you need to ask? Naturally, I'm going to appease that girl in Acheng, otherwise I won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight." Liu Longma said, and pulled up the red torn scarf around his neck that never leaves his body all year round to cover his face : "It is also part of the trainer's work to appease, adjust and sort out the emotions of being a horse girl after the game."

"Well...Actually, you are also very unwilling."

"Nonsense, it's a ghost to be happy when your child loses a game."

After watching Ryoma's back disappear at the exit, Godai really turned his attention to the arena, and looked at Tamamojiji who had won the championship and challenged Oguri hat: "Yes... If you can win, who wants to lose..."

After the Takarazuka Memorial, there will be a two-month summer camp. The location of the camp is different in each school. Central Treisen Academy ran the farthest, and ran to Okinawa in one breath.Although it was a summer camp, apart from daytime training, the students had more freedom at night—of course, they still had to come back before the [-]:[-] p.m. gate control, otherwise they would be snatched back by the student union and the school police.

By the way, although Miss Fifth is nominally a member of the police force of the Central Teresan Academy, she is actually a free person who doesn't care about anything, and can do whatever she wants.Since Mejiro Aldan, Sakura Chiyo, and Didu Sagittarius had promised to produce nutritional supplements for strengthening the body and bones, this guy took her a lot of things in the personal dormitory and brought them to the dormitory.In order to accommodate the pile of messy things, Miss Wudai also rented a small yard—the expenses were still reimbursed by the chairman of the board, who is a legal loli.

Now the woman is bringing the first-generation trial product to the randomly selected unlucky guy, trying to persuade the other party to pour the dark green liquid down by herself.

"Drink, Mr. Tetsuya, this is the fate of the trainer~"

Looking at the dark green solution exuding bursts of medicinal fragrance handed by the gray-haired woman in front of him, Jian Tieye, a great brave man, an expert in combat, and now a trainer at the Central Teresan Academy, couldn't help swallowing. Spit in one mouthful: "Gudu... Wudai, before drinking, can you explain what is in this cup?"

Five generations really tilted his head: "Hmm... a geta line drink that can make the great demon evolve into the demon emperor G?"

"Let's not talk about what's going on with this name full of slots, is this thing really for people to drink?!"

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously~ This is actually the latest nutritional supplement I have developed to give horses a healthy bone—a trial Super X."

"So why did you name this thing the way a decisive weapon is named? It sounds more dangerous, okay?" Jian Tie also dripped cold sweat on his back, although he really wanted to run away, but he thought that the person in front of him was a racehorse Mother, as expected, it is better to wait for death: "Besides, since it is for horse girls to drink, why don't you try it yourself first?!"

"I tried, but it didn't work at all."

Five generations of truth said as a matter of course: "Because I am too strong, this thing is like drinking pure water to me, so I came to you~ Don't worry, I have already said hello to Miss Chun. Don't worry at all~"

"What the wait for a while! Speaking of which, aren't you from the Saotome Research Institute? Go find someone from your side to test the medicine, why are you looking for someone from the Photon Force Research Institute like me?!"

"Ah, you say the dragon

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Mr. Ma and the others, they are already lying down. I really couldn't find anyone, so I came here to look for you. "Miss Wudai said something that made the great Mr. Brave feel terrified, and stretched out her hand to press him on the sun lounger, while pouring the trial Super X from the cup in her hand into his mouth: "About safety, I use my own head Guaranteed, the technical taste may be a little unsatisfactory, I hope Mr. Tetsuya can provide some experience of taking medicine after he wakes up~”

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't!! I don't want to drink this stuff——!! Ah Chun save me, gurgle, toot, toot, toot——!!!"

However, this was useless, and Jian Tie was also forced to drink the five generations of real trial Super X. The indescribable and indescribable taste exploded from the tip of his tongue, and then Jian Tie simply tilted his head and eyes Turned white, foamed at the mouth and lost consciousness.

Chapter 642 602-About the experimental subject [bushi] delivered to my door

The great brave man, Mr. Tetsuya Kentetsu, an expert in battle, withers! !

Turning his eyes white, foaming at the mouth, and throwing the sword iron with a ball of mochi-shaped things in his mouth, he also threw it back on the deck chair. The woman in beach shorts and a big Hawaiian vest tilted her neck, leaving half of the glass I drank the unfilled green juice by myself, and smacked my mouth twice: "Tsk tsk... Although it's a bit unpleasant to drink, I think it's okay. Sure enough, this taste is too early for ordinary people? ?”

Just as Miss Wudai was thinking about where to find the next test subject, a tall and handsome foreign friend came out from the beach hut next to her: "What's so... eh? Senior Tetsuya, what's wrong with you?! What happened, Miss Fifth Generation?!"

"Well, it turns out that you are also Mr. Daisuke, just in time~" Seeing Daisuke Yumen hit the muzzle of the gun himself, Godai pulled out the bottle of green juice pinned on his back and opened the lid, filled a glass and handed it to Man Daisuke Yumen with a dazed face: "Come on! Mr. Daisuke, if you do it, this is the fate of the members of the Institute of Photonic Force~!!"

Although it is strange why a cup of green juice will be involved in the fate of the members of the Institute of Photon Forces, Daisuke Yumen has no doubts about him, and directly took the trial Super X handed over by Goshina and gulped it down: "Ah? Oh, thank you Miss Wudai, it smells good, is it a drink made from vegetables...Puffa——!!!"


Unsurprisingly, Yumen Daisuke also rushed to the street like Jian Tie, raised his hand to lift the unlucky child who was tricked by himself, and threw him on another recliner and sat in line with Jian Tie. Covering the green juice bottle in his hand, he sighed: "Sure enough, it still doesn't work... Let's find a way to improve the taste while stabilizing the effect."

Miss Wudai, who was in a bad mood, had a bitter face, holding the bottle with her hands behind her back, and strolled all the way back to the small courtyard she rented like a retired veteran cadre.At the moment, at the gate of the small courtyard, representative Qianming who came to fish, followed by Maruzenski who came to see the excitement, and symbol Rudolph who had nowhere to go but reluctantly followed, rang the doorbell and waited for the five generations to come. Come out and open the door.

Representative Qianming looked helplessly at the symbol of Rudolph, who had taken himself seriously for a while: "I said, Rudolph, if you don't want to come, you don't have to follow us. Besides, are you a little too sensitive these days?" No matter how you say it, I can’t be kidnapped twice in a row~”

"That's not certain, just because of Qianming senior sister, you are so loose and free, let alone being abducted twice, twenty times is not impossible." The scent of the medicine was too pungent, and Rudolph could not help wrinkling his nose: "Besides, is your relationship with the woman Godai Mana too close? That guy's origin is unknown, and even the identity information provided by the Saotome Institute There are also many things that are not right, you..."

"It's best not to associate with her anymore, right? Really, Rudolph, you feel like a menopausal mother now. Anyone in this world may be against me, except Miss Fifth, so Rudolph You just need to put 1 hearts on it~"

Hearing representative Qian Ming describe himself, Rudolph's symbolic expression suddenly became very strange: "I, I, I, I... I am a mother of menopause?! Sister Qianming, what you said is too much! My But everything is for your safety, how can you call me a menopausal mother?!"

"Okay Rudolph~ let's end this topic for now, if you continue talking, it will hurt your peace~" Maruzenski, who came over to be a melon eater, saw that the situation was getting out of control, so he came directly between the two and pulled away They smoothed things over: "However, what Qian Ming said is correct. Although Rudolph you said that Miss Wudai is very dangerous, after getting along for a long time, she is not as bad as you said~"

"Maruzen? Are you going to betray me in the end..."

"Don't say that, Rudolph, it's possible that your nerves were too tense and you made a mistake in judgment. Sometimes you can abandon your initial prejudice and get to know each other again, and maybe you can get new cognitions and results. ~"


What Maruzenski said made Rudolph symbolically shaken in his heart.

Just as Maruzenski said, the way she treats Godai now contains too many personal factors, or the other party’s not frank and riddle-like communication way when they first met, made her too angry, and in addition to the follow-up A series of events fermented this emotion, twisting and turning

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It turned into a deep prejudice-like emotion.

And in the only few contacts, the other party was tolerant and humble in every way. On the contrary, he, the student council president of the Central Teresan Academy, was more like the kind of villainous young lady who bullied men and women.

'Maybe... Is it really because I am too sensitive about Senior Qianming?Do you want to try to ease the relationship with that guy...'

Seeing Rudolph's hesitation, Representative Qianming, who decided to add another fire, reached out and touched the junior's face: "Rudolph, you and Miss Fifth are very important people to me. I don't want your relationship to continue to deteriorate. Although it's not convenient to reveal the inside information now, Miss Wudai is really not a bad person, so go try to ease the relationship with Miss Wudai, even if it's for me, okay?"

"Senior Qianming... oh-okay, let me try."

"Okay~! I knew Rudolph was the best~!!"

Seeing this, representative Qianming cheered and hugged Rudolph's symbolic neck, and rubbed the other's face in the other's wry smile, while Maruzenski rested his chin with one hand and looked at them with an auntie smile.

"Xiaosen? Maruzen? And President Rudolph? What are you three... doing here?"

"Miss Wudai! Hehe~Of course I came to play with you~!"

Godaijin saw this scene of love and affection just after he came back, and the expression on his face suddenly became exciting. After seeing Godaijin's return, representative Qianming immediately let go of the Rudolph symbol, and ran to hug the woman's left arm in a few steps: "I said why the door didn't open after ringing the doorbell several times. It turned out that I went out, so what did you do, Miss Wudai?"

"The nutritional supplements promised to Aldan and the others have been made. After I drank it myself, I didn't feel it, so I went out to find an acquaintance to try the effect." Wudai Zhen said, shaking the transparent plastic water bottle in his hand: "It's just the taste. It’s too heavy, and Mr. Ryoma and the others can’t stand it, so I came back and thought about something to improve the taste.”

Section 643 603-In general, the relationship seems to be getting better

Maruzenski tilted his head: "The smell is too strong? How heavy is it?"

Wudai replied honestly: "Well... I can't say anything about others. If it's my own feeling, it's probably the level of tea brewed from three times the amount of Kudingcha tea leaves?"

【&南&锦-小-说/群~】+|—<|—@1/=0&1-7%4#5&&9#4&9}8  听到五代真这么说,丸善斯基突然来了想要品尝一下的兴趣:“哦哦!我记得苦丁茶是华夏那边西南边陲省份出产的茶叶来着,是相当有名的养生饮品来着~”

"Although what you said is correct, that thing is also available in Japan."

"Eh? Is there any?"

"You don't understand at all..."

"Well~ That kind of thing doesn't matter, anyway, can you let me try this? It always looks very interesting~"

"I advise you to be kind, it's better to give up this idea." Wudai Zhen raised the bottle, avoiding Maruzenski's grabbing hand: "The taste of this thing, even those old men who are used to driving super robots I can't stand it, let alone you little girl."

However, Maruzensky said with a serious face: "It's not possible. If Miss Wudai can bear it, then I should be able to bear it too."


"Because we are all horse girls. If ordinary people can't stand things, it must be okay for horse girls, right? Besides, Miss Wudai, you must have never tried it with a horse girl, right?"

"Well... that's true, but let's forget it, if something goes wrong and leaves a psychological shadow, then the fun will be great."

"Cut~Miss Wudai is really stingy~"

"What kind of stingy question is this..."

At this time, Rudolph, who had been staying silent all the time, came over, jumped up lightly and took the bottle containing the trial Super X from the hands of the fifth generation: "Okay, there is no need to argue, this nutritional product It is something that will be used on racehorse girls in the future, as the student council president of Central Treisen Academy, let me be the first to try this thing."

"Rudolph?" ×2

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