
"Huh? What's wrong with you, your face is so red all of a sudden."

"...It's nothing, I accidentally choked on my saliva."

To prevaricate the question about Rudolph's symbol, Miss Fifth bluntly closed her sense of smell, so as not to be stimulated by Rudolph's symbolic body smell again.Then the vision of the left eye was also closed, so that the remaining right eye could only watch the field outside the window, and would not notice the Rudolph symbol from the peripheral vision of the left eye.

Perfect! !

"The game has started!! The whole team has made a perfect start, and now the players are fighting for the first place in front of the spectator seats!!"

Akasaka Yoshitoshi's iconic commentary voice came from outside the window, announcing the official start of the Japan Cup.It's just that it's the opposite of the strategy of the Emperor's Award in autumn last month. Oguri, who has been running on a mission, has changed to the first running method.On the contrary, Tamamo Cross, who defeated Oguri Hat first in the Autumn Emperor Award, changed back to the poor running method this time.

Generally speaking, there is no problem with the strategy of the two, but the problem is that the players in the Japan Cup this time are basically tall and big foreign horse girls, and on the muddy ground of foreign daily heavy racecourses, in order to snatch a good running route, The competition among the players is quite fierce——



Xiaoli Mao, who originally occupied a good position in the advanced group, was hit hard by Michelle Baby from the United States.

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The dominant line was immediately snatched away.Xiao Limao looked at the other party in surprise and doubt, and the tall and strong horse lady greeted her relaxedly and freely: "[English] Hello~Miss Monster from Japan~!"


“[English] It’s really polite for a Japanese racer girl to run~ But I’m sorry, that’s my place, I can’t give it to you!!”

'English... can't understand at all...'

Under the bumps and bumps along the way, the galloping horse girls turned the corner and came to the front of the opposite runway. Not to mention Xiao Limao, who wasted a lot of energy in the collision with Michelle, was in the errand team. The Tamamo Cross in the penultimate position, like a chestnut in a basket, was twisted by the Moonlight Madness and Ellersley Glory on the left and right.


Yuzao Cross was a small person, and when he slipped under such a strong collision, he was about to fall to the outside of the runway, but Ellersley Glory, who discovered this, immediately came up and bumped into Yuzao Cross on the right side, helping her stabilize Stop the slippery footsteps.

"[English] Are you all right, ma'am."

"Tsk... I won't say thank you to you..."

It was originally intended to save energy for the final sprint, but unexpectedly increased energy consumption. Unlike the silly girl in Oguri Mao who was hit and didn't know how to fight back, Yuzao Cross was quickly judging the situation and countermeasures: 'What the hell?We're not here to play rice cake squeezing with you!I can't bear it... If that's the case, let's re-increase the distance from the outside! '

After making the judgment, Tamamo Cross immediately slowed down, escaped from the two sides sandwiched by Moonlight Madness and Ellersley Glory, then bypassed them and accelerated again to choose a new position on the outside.But compared to Tamamo Cross, who has the opportunity to change his relatively favorable position, the situation of Oguri Hat, who is in the vanguard, is not so good.There is an interception in front, there is a chaser behind, the track fence is on the left, and America's big guy is on the right. The good position ahead has been occupied.

"The front is blocked, I can't rush out and I can't approach inward, although the remaining physical strength should be enough to support the last leg when I reach the final straight line, but..."

[Oh, my silly girl, how could you be so stubborn during the competition?You are not fleeing without a plan.You can only gain if you give up, sometimes giving up does not mean throwing away the advantage, but a temporary concession for the final victory~]

'Well... I'm still not reconciled, but I can't help it, I'll leave it to you first. '

"Oh my god! Xiao Limao is starting to retreat!! Looks like Baby Michelle is even better in this positional duel!!"

Rudolph stared at the battle situation on the field with a binoculars, and was not in the mood to tease Miss Godai for the time being: "Tamamo Cross changed her strategy very quickly, and she is worthy of the title of the strongest horse girl in Japan. She is still very strong but will The best position was given to Baby Michelle, it seems that Xiao Limao wants to put everything on the final straight-line match~”

However, Wudai Zhen, who folded his hands on his chest and stared at the field below like Rudolph, said: "Even so, Oguri Li's chances of winning are still very small. Among these players, three of them, including Xiaotama, can take the initiative to open the field." The racehorse girl, Xiaolili who has not yet awakened the domain, will not be able to beat them no matter what."

"Three? As far as I know, apart from Yuzao Cross, only this year's Arc de Triomphe champion Tony Bianca is a horse girl who can freely open the field. As for the others, the best is just reaching the edge...so Who is the third person?"

"Want to know? I won't tell you~"

"Hey~—don't be so stingy, Ms. Fifth Generation, since you see it, tell me who it is. In exchange, I can let you touch my ear~"

"Hmm...!! I have it myself, so I don't care about yours... Don't post it here on your own! Hey——!"

As the race was halfway through, the racing team composed of [-] racehorse girls entered the third corner in a panic. After that, as long as they passed the fourth corner, they would be on a straight line to the finish line.

Chapter 665 625 - All sent

"Tamamo Cross is catching up bit by bit from the outside!!"

As Akasaka Yoshitoshi explained, Tamamo Cross, who started to exert strength after entering the third corner, began to sprint towards the leading group.It's just that when she got to the middle position, the acquaintance who posted it on her own in the entrance channel stopped her: "Oh? Hello~ we meet again. I saw you circled around from the outside and caught up. Is it alright if you lose your stamina~?"

When Yuzao heard the words, her cute little face suddenly twisted, and her ears hidden under the red earmuffs pouted quite forcefully: "Damn it!This familiar guy is so annoying...'

"Are you about to sprint~?"

'! ! '

"Ah, it's really nerve-wracking, do I want to sprint with you~~"

【&南>#锦%小@>说}群-*】|<—~$—*@1=0-1<7$4$>5>9{/4<9/#8  “……咱才不会让你追上!”

After saying these words, the cross of Yuzao that appeared faintly in the field rushed towards the fourth corner with a streak of invisible white lightning, but the horse lady named Obey Your Master clearly understood all the changes in the cross of Yuzao. In the eyes of income:

"Hehe~ It really is like this..."

Leaving aside the uncomfortable obedience to your master, Tamamo crossed and continued to move forward, but unexpectedly saw Oguri hat who had left the leading team.At this moment, Xiao Limao has completely separated from the advance team, and

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And it's still slowing down, and it's even about to fall into the middle team.Yuzao glanced at Xiao Limao when she crossed over, but found that the other party was not exhausted, but seemed to have a little more energy.

'What are you!Isn't there still a lot of strength?What is Oguri doing? ! '

'Ah, it's Xiaoyu. '

'The name of the horse is Xiaoyu, am I right here... eh? ! '

The words that suddenly appeared in Yuzaoji's mind scared Yuzaoji almost slipped and lay on the ground, but she immediately adjusted with amazing reflexes.And the instigator of this strange sound was the little chestnut hat beside her. The girl was blinking innocently at the terrified Tamamoji: "Did it scare you?"Uncle Six and Guanghui were also scared before, sorry, I didn't tell you in advance. '

Yuzao crossed the old groove in his mouth, but he didn't know where to spit it out. After struggling for a long time, he finally tried to talk to Xiaolimao in his head: "You...ha...so Xiaoli, what are you doing? Suddenly learned superpowers? '

'After losing the Emperor Award to Xiaoyu in the autumn, I went to Miss Wudai to ask why Xiaoyu had discharges on you or bilibili, and then Miss Wudai said that all the horse girls in Central Treisen were New type.I think New Type can talk to people out of thin air, so I tried a little...'

"You really dare to believe everything that ghost woman said, thanks to you really learned..." Yuzao Cross was speechless for a while, then shook his head and threw away all the messy thoughts, and began to sprint out of the fourth corner with all his strength: "Since If that's the case, let us have a good look at how powerful your ability is~! ! '

'Hmm...I think so too, but this ability can't be used for running...'

'Then you still have to work hard to learn what this thing does——! ? ! '


In the unnecessary apology of Xiao Limao, Tamazao Cross rushed out of the fourth corner and came to the fifth No.6 position.Xiao Limao and the following follower, Obey Your Order, temporarily tied for seventh place, while Tony Bianca, known as the world's strongest this year, was eyeing behind Yuzao Cross.

'Are you finally here?King of Japan! '

'The loss of distance also has to be detoured from the big outside. It seems that I am quite confident in my physical fitness...but if you really think that it will work against world players, then you are conceited!Tamamo Cross——! ! '

"Tony Bianca started to accelerate!! 14 people almost huddled around the fourth corner and entered the straight track! Cheers resounded throughout the Fuchu stadium!!"

Yuzao Cross has not yet reached the level of free opening of the field, but her competitive spirit rose after entering the final straight line, and the pressure brought by the opponent behind her made her successfully enter the field again.However, the terrifying pressure from behind made Yuzao's legs stagnate, and she looked back subconsciously, only to see a large flowing and dim nebula rushing towards her face.The annoyingly obedient master turned out to be a strong man who can enter the domain. This guy entered the domain at the moment Yuzao Cross opened the domain, and chased after him at an extremely fast speed.

"Listen... listen to your master?! Listen to your master and catch up from behind Yuzao Cross!!"

And Xiao Limao, who was witnessing everything in the back, was numb. The "things" that he didn't have were not only in Yuzao Cross, but also in the horse girl he didn't know when he met him for the first time, but he didn't have it. Can't learn that 'thing' because of my poor brain?

"Is that the third girl who owns the field you mentioned is that child? The intelligence work has been done unexpectedly well. It seems that the outcome of this race is hard to tell." After observing the two people running side by side, Rudolph turned his eyes to Tony Bianca who was in the No.5 position: "Tony Bianca has activated the domain just now, why did it turn off by itself?"

"Her leg is broken."


Wu Daizhen stretched his chin towards the field: "Look carefully, that girl is no longer afraid to put too much force on her left leg, but even in the case of a fracture, she can still maintain the fifth position. If there is no fracture When this happens, the champion this time can only be Tony Bianca."

On the other side, Tamamo Cross, who was overtaken by your master, tied the distance again with his unyielding end, and Oguri Hat, who had been waiting for a long time, also burned all his stored energy and rose from the outside with a terrifying last foot After catching up, almost in the blink of an eye, he was behind Yizhu Ruzhu and Yuzao Cross.

The game has reached the final decisive moment——

"The actors are all here!! Is it a monster?! Is it lightning?! Is it an ambush?! The one who can reach the top of the world is... crossing the line!!!"

"The winner is from the United States, obey your lord!! The ambushes from the United States won the Japan Cup---!!!"

Obedience to your master led Yuzao Cross to win the championship by half of the body, Yuzao Cross lost, and Oguri Mao ranked No.3 with a quarter of the horse.

"Papa papa papa~—"

Wudaizhen in the VIP room applauded after seeing the obedience master who hadn't reacted after crossing the finish line: "What a wonderful girl, you actually found a weakness in Xiaoyu's domain that even I didn't notice, so You took the risk of fouling and won the championship...Now laugh with satisfaction, this is the victory you deserve after all the hard work and sweat~"

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626 - Higher!faster!stronger!

Rudolph asked suspiciously: "Is there a weakness in the field of the Tamamo Cross? As the spiritual will is highly concentrated to the limit, there will be physical phenomena. Can there also be weaknesses?"

"Of course there is, or this weakness is due to Xiaoyu's own character."

Godaishin said while moving towards the door of the VIP room: "You also know that Xiaoyu has a character that has been engraved in her bone marrow to be competitive. As long as someone competes with her, Xiaoyu will explode beyond the limit. At the same time Various characteristics are also reflected in her domain. However, Xiaoyu's ruthless energy can only be aroused when someone is side by side with her and the distance is very close. Once the opponent deliberately distances her, this ruthless energy will I can’t take it anymore, and it’s even more obvious when the field is activated.”

Rudolph nodded symbolically, looked thoughtfully at the audience at the front of the auditorium, waved his hands and obeyed your master: "So that's the case, is that the reason why the kid did this even at the risk of fouling his grades... "

"According to your lord, this child will definitely not know the field before the competition. It must be the extremely assiduous and detailed information collection and analysis and the feeling that she must win, which made her encounter the threshold of the field. The ultimate theory well prepared, coupled with What she saw with her own eyes during the game made her truly sure that her battle plan is absolutely feasible. Although this time is the victory of the hardworking family, it is also an extreme gamble to defeat one of the strongest domains with the weakest domain in the game , it may be difficult for this child to enter the field again in the future~"

"Well, yes...but what are you doing running to the door?"

"What else can I do? Of course it is to coax the children."


In the player lounge prepared for Xiao Limao, Xiaolimao, who had not changed into the final uniform, sat there with her head down with a gloomy expression, and the metal can of energy drink in her hand had been crushed into pancakes by an unconscious girl.In order not to disturb Oguri, who lost to Tamazao Cross again, Xinxin Guanghui followed Liuping Ginjiro to deal with the post-match affairs.Although she really wanted to stay and comfort Xiao Limao, but a stupid girl who is depressed at the moment will not respond to the comfort of her friend.

"Dong dong dong—" the knock on the door rang, followed by the voice of Godai: "Xiao Lili, are you there? It's me."

The tired ears on the girl's head moved: "Miss Wudai...please come in."

Wudai really turned the handle and pushed the door in, and he saw Xiaolimao sitting in front of the dressing table with his back to the door, but before she could speak, Xiaolimao took the lead to ask: "Miss Wudai, how far is the distance from the end point this time?" It's three-quarters, three-quarters... the same as the Autumn Emperor's Award, what Xiaoyu and your master have, but what I don't have... Miss Wudai, what is it? What is it that I lack? Woolen cloth……?"

Xiao Limao, who lost the game again, felt very sad.

Wudai Zhen thought this way, looking at Oguri Mato, who seemed a little depressed because of losing the game in a row, Wudai Zhenxin also felt a bit uncomfortable-in all fairness, Wu Daizhen, who should have been a person with Oguri Ma, hoped for Oguri from the bottom of his heart. Caps can win, but...

The woman sighed silently, adjusted her mood and asked back: "Xiao Limao, when you were chasing after those two people, what did you see in your eyes?"

Xiao Limao was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Wudaizhen: "...It's white lightning, and there are beautiful nebulae without light."

"Well, since you saw this, it means that you are about to get that thing."

"So what is that thing...?"

"Field/Zone, that's what Rudolph said. In fact, it is a super-high concentration state that can be entered after both the mental will and the body are pushed to the limit at the same time. On my master's side, it is called 'I Sincerely' sort of thing."

"Then Miss Wudai will also be in the field?"

"Something like that, I don't know if it counts?"

Hearing Wudai Zhen bluntly saying that he knows the field, Xiao Limao's tired ears immediately stood up "biu~", and the light of expectation lit up in the beautiful gray eyes: "Then! Can you show me Miss Wudai's field?" ?!"

However, Miss Wudai shook her head: "No, I don't think it's necessary. You have your own way to go. If you read my things and subconsciously imitate them, it may lead you astray. I don't want to become that look."

"Ugh... Please, Ms. Fifth Generation! Please let me take a look at your domain!!"

Unexpectedly, Koguri stood up and bowed deeply towards her: "Miss Wudai, to be honest... next month's Arima Memorial, I don't think I can win. Whether it's Xiaoyu in autumn or today I obey your lord, there is a clear difference between me and the two of them...the missing thing, that field, if I can't master that, I can't win...!!"

"...So you have to raise your hands and surrender, so you just admit defeat."

"Of course not!! But...but..."

Seeing Xiaoli hat who was feeling so uncomfortable in his heart, his body couldn't help but tremble, Wudaizhen's slightly opened lips moved, and then he gritted his teeth tightly: "Xiao Lili...answer me, what are you doing now? And standing on the field?"

[*/South#-Jin-Xiao$#say-group<$]=——{—{=1$[email protected]=1%7|4+5<#[email protected]/4&9-/8

"Of course it's to defeat Xiaoyu..."

"If it's just like this, then you will never win her!!"


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"Higher, faster and stronger is the motto of the Olympic movement, and it is also the life creed of athletes all over the world, and the horse racing girl is also a part of the athletes! Xiaoli Mao, do you think that the competition is simply to defeat someone? Daddy That’s wrong!! It’s in order to try to surpass myself yesterday, to repeat, to challenge again and again, to break the limit, to win the final victory and to take the game!! Doesn’t it matter what the field is? Others have things that I don’t have? How about it? Since you don’t want to lose so much, go sharpen yourself, become a little bit stronger than yesterday’s self every day, become so strong that you can win even if you don’t have a field, the strongest racer girl who is invincible in the world!!!”

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