"Okay!" Camilla yelled excitedly, and was about to jump up and fly into the sky, but her wings fluttered twice, but she didn't fly up - the flight of the succubus is assisted by magic power, otherwise Relying on their pair of small wings, it is absolutely impossible to fly.In the anti-magic field, all magic effects are suppressed, and the ability to fly naturally disappears.

Camilla hopped on the spot, thinking blankly in mid-air: How can this scene of forgetting that she can't fly have such a sense of déjà vu...

With a scream, she was engulfed in the crack and fell.

"Camila?" Lyudmila turned her head and saw the picture of Camilla being swallowed by the crack, hesitated for a moment, and jumped down too.

As a high-level ranger, she is more agile than blue sheep, and can run freely on nearly vertical cliffs. In addition to her strength, she has no fear at all with two knives in hand.

Lyudmila rushed towards the darkness, stepping on the collapsed debris and flying. The bottom of the ship was not sea water, but twisted granulation and protruding bones, like the mouth of a giant beast.A cloud of ghost-like cold light was hidden at the bottom of the flesh and blood, and the light came out, beating like a heart.

Camilla had already got up from the ground, staring at the shrinking and shaking light, lost in thought.

Lyudmila flew out, twirled and jumped, landed beside Camilla, looked around, and suddenly remembered a fairy tale circulated among human beings, roughly an adventure story about an activated puppet, that puppet was once killed by a giant The whale eats it, and then finds that there is a hole in the whale's belly, and now it looks like she has fallen into the belly of a whale.

No, it's not like, it really is.

Lyudmila looked around with interest, then looked at Camilla again, and said, "Why do you look worried?"

Camilla frowned and said, "I seem to understand."


Camille touched the still beating flesh and said, "At first, I thought that there must be a powerful spellcaster on this ship to cast the anti-magic field, but I didn't expect that. The magic field is the spell-like ability of the creature...or the creation."

There are not no creatures that can release anti-magic fields as spells. The most common ones are the light and dark apostles of the heavens, which are infantry and patrollers of the heavens. The challenge level is generally around level 10, wandering in the positive and negative energy planes, guarding Those good souls.

Camilla said: "The combat power of this thing is actually very ordinary, very ordinary, but once the anti-magic field is opened, it can make others as ordinary as itself. This is a mass-produced type."

Lyudmila said: "So?"

Camilla took a deep breath and said: "Even if it is a mass-produced type, this is an amazing creation. It is half undead and half constructed. It is more like a flesh and blood puppet in essence. It can be produced in batches. It must be a powerful spellcaster who is proficient in the necromantic system...and I just remembered that I just heard about such a necromantic spellcaster who was sealed on the edge of Lake Enkatan."

Lyudmila's face changed slightly.

She had heard of it too.

Lyudmila said shyly, "You mean... the whispering tyrant?"

Camilla nodded solemnly.

The Whispering Tyrant, Golarion's most famous lich.

How strong is this lich?

Let's put it this way, the threat of extermination that has plagued the elves for thousands of years, and created the [Lord of the Blighted Marsh] Trazel, who created the Twisted Thorn Forest, is a quasi-demon lord with a challenge level of around 25.

And the Whispering Tyrant...


As a caster, its threat is difficult to describe intuitively with [Challenge Level]—because the actual combat power of the caster may fluctuate greatly.But there is no doubt that after transforming itself into a lich, its spellcasting ability has surpassed the bottleneck of mortals and touched the realm of legend.Moreover, it also mastered the power of mythology, which can release mythical spells...

In front of the Whispering Tyrant, Trazel is like a puppy with no deterrent power.

Back then, the paladin launched the [Shining Crusade] and finally defeated it after paying a huge price, but he was unable to kill it, so he could only seal it in the Tower of Hanging Heads.However, as an immortal and extremely powerful lich, the Whispering Tyrant can never be sealed forever. Everyone knows that this monster must be secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the day when it will break out.

That time may be 1 years later, or it may be the next second.

Camilla whispered: "A large number of ghost ships suddenly appeared on the surface of the water. Anyone who is interested can know that something happened to the Whispering Tyrant after a little guessing. Such a powerful spellcaster, I think it must not be a reckless person. In other words, it should have been fully prepared...Maybe, when these ghost ships appear, the Whispering Tyrant has already broken out."

Lyudmila's face changed drastically, showing undisguised worry.

The kingdom of the paladins who sealed the Silent Tyrant [Wall of the End] faces Chioni across the lake, and is distributed on both sides of the Great Lake Enkatan. The distance between the two sides is really not far away. If the Silent Tyrant reappears , it is definitely not a disaster in one place, and Chioni will probably be affected!

One side is the undead of the Whispering Tyrant, and the other side is the demon of the Twisted Thorn Forest... What should the elves do?

Although Lyudmila was determined to leave Chioni, she still regarded herself as an elf after all.

Moreover, the Last Wall is next to Nemathus, and Nemathus is the destination of their trip.If the Whispering Tyrant breaks out, how can Nirmathus stay out of it?Maybe, when they arrive at Nemathus, they will find that the place has been occupied by undead...

This terrifying scene flashed through her mind, Lyudmila almost broke out in sweat.

Camilla looked up at her and said, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Lyudmila frowned and said hesitantly, "I don't know..."

She's not one to make decisions.

Camilla sighed: "Anyway, you don't have the teleportation ability like me after all. Let's find a place to dock first and talk about it later."

The spiritual connection from Claudia suddenly sounded in her heart: "Camila! Come and help me, I'm running out of spell slots!"

"right away!"

Camilla raised her fist and slammed it down with one blow, causing blood and flesh to splatter, revealing the core of the giant whale buried in the flesh and blood. It was like a huge torch suspended in the air, fueled by bones, burning blazingly, releasing Out of rounds of cold fire.Camilla tried to hit it with a punch, but was burned by the negative energy flames and grinned. Fortunately, her blood was thick and she was hard-pressed to bear the damage. Bangbang smashed the core with a few punches, and a system prompt popped up in front of her eyes:

[Destroy the deep lake puppet, get 19200 experience points! 】

The experience value is not high, which is basically in line with Camilla's guess.The undead creatures were finally beaten into dead ghosts in a real sense this time, and the anti-magic field naturally couldn't be maintained, and began to gradually dissipate, and the suppressed magical power became active again.

The anti-magic field is for suppressing magic, not dispelling magic. All the buffs on Camilla's body are still there, but they can't exert their effects. But now the anti-magic field disappears, and power suddenly pours into her body.She jumped up, transformed into a giant dragon in mid-air, soared into the sky, and with a hook with her tail, she threw Lyudmila onto her back.

Claudia is pushing the boat away with the magic of 【Water Level Manipulation】.

One of her swells destroyed the hull, but there wasn't much to be done about the whales' bodies.Without the drag of the hull, those whale puppets moved more quickly and nimbly, lurking underwater and swimming over. From the surface of the water, only their huge shadows could be seen, like a black cloud of destruction.

Claudia was a little nervous.Her phantom horse is also a creation of magic. Once it is included in the scope of the anti-magic field, it will disappear instantly. At that time, she will definitely fall into the water and drown.And if those giant whales rely on their huge size, they will definitely overturn the big boat full of people... There is no other way, they can only run away!

Camilla flew above her, yelling menacingly: "What are you afraid of! I'm here and kill them all! Watch my dragon hit—"

She slammed straight into the water, and was about to rush down to destroy the remaining two ghost ships, when she suddenly saw a thick shadow deep in the bottom of the lake, gradually spreading like ink.

Camilla's hair stood on end for a moment, and she twisted her body violently: "Withdraw!!"

Chapter 230 Camilla, Detour Attack!

Camilla flew to a high place, looked around, and suddenly saw the shadow of land flashing past on the undulating sea and sky line.She yelled: "Claudia! Go to the left! Go to the left...yes, yes, go a little more to the left, push the boat over there, push it quickly!"

Claudia is flustered.

Camilla glanced back, and saw that ink-like shadow was still spreading, and couldn't help shouting: "Quicker!"

Lyudmila lay on her back, tightly grasping the spines on the dragon's back, and said, "What's wrong?"

The wind at high places was too strong, and the wind was so loud that Camilla didn't hear it, but just flapped her wings vigorously.Seeing that the boat was moving too slowly, she simply landed a little bit, clasped the mast with her huge hind claws, and then flapped her wings desperately, leading the boat to fly forward.The strong wind blown by the dragon wings almost blew the people on the deck away, so there was another scream.

Lyudmila said loudly: "What! What! La!!"

Only then did Camilla hear her words, and said nervously: "That's Night Shadow!"

Can't go wrong.

As a demon, she was born with the inheritance of knowledge from the abyss, plus she has a system encyclopedia. In terms of erudition, she is enough to be compared with many scholars.So the moment she saw the shadow, a monster's name appeared in her mind.

Dark night waves.

That was not an ordinary undead, but Ye Ying.

Most undead creatures are born from the wreckage of life, but Nightshade is different.

Nightshade creatures are born from the deepest void where the Plane of Shadow meets the Plane of Negative Energy.

There is the end of reality, and in that place, there is a huge thing called the heart of darkness—a huge black hole from ancient times, using its majestic gravity to distort the anti-life void and the darkness woven by shadows. network, squeezing them into fragments of rough crystalline plates and high concentrations of entropy.

Some demons from the lower planes who were pursuing ultimate destruction once wanted to take this power as their own, but in the end they were squeezed and swallowed by the black hole. Finally, when everything about them was swallowed by the black hole, they were squeezed by the eternal nothingness , blending together, after long years of forging, a pure dark creature without life or death was born, which is the original night shadow.

——By the way, Abyss uses this story to remind demons to cherish life and stay away from black holes.Going shopping next to the black hole is like a mortal plugging in a switch with his finger. Basically, it is a matter of death if you do not do it, and you will die if you do it.

Nightshade is dedicated to harvesting the immortal souls of every race and every faith, throwing their broken limbs into the void of negative energy, while the remnants of their holy essence are precipitated and condensed in the deep trenches of the night.Regardless of origin, all souls embrace destruction in the Heart of Darkness.When the immortal soul energy reaches a certain scale, a new night shadow will be born.

In the face of this kind of existence, the life of a mortal is nothing but a fleeting spark.

The weakest night shadow creature known so far is called Night Wing. It looks like a giant vampire bat. The challenge level is as high as 14, which can tie with a soul demon.

As for the waves of the night.

It was a night shadow creature swimming in the water.

Challenge level.....

Guaranteed level 20.

Its strength is equivalent to that of a Tyrannical Rogue, and it is also a special type of water warfare.

The smallest Dark Wave weighs only a few hundred tons, but the long-lived Dark Wave can grow to weigh tens of thousands of tons, about the size of a typhoon-class nuclear submarine, and several times larger than the movie version of Godzilla.

Fighting against this thing on the endless lake is simply courting death.Camilla thought to herself, as long as the waves of the night open their mouths, oh my god, she will be sucked into trouble!

Camilla worked desperately to change the dragon scales on her face from dark green to red and green. The dragon wings flapped faster and faster, driving the howling wind, and the mast bent slightly, making an overwhelmed sound.

Already... full speed ahead!

The waves of the dark night are not purely aquatic creatures, and the flying speed of this thing is comparable to that of a giant dragon.However, due to some inexplicable biological habits, Dark Night Waves doesn't like to leave the water, so as long as she arrives on land, she will be safe... at least half of it!

She turned her head and looked, her eyeballs almost popping out.

Did not shake off.

The shadow was not far behind, like a cat playing with its prey.Its gigantic form, half-floating, rose like a blasphemous island from the bottom.

It was clearly a pitch-black shark, but its size might be ten or even nine times larger than the largest cetacean. A pair of small red eyes stared at her, revealing a very obvious playful look. .

will be caught up.

The Dark Night Wave can catch up at any time, it just depends on whether it wants to or not.

Camilla's heart twitched violently, but then, a question suddenly crossed her mind.

Logically speaking, this kind of life-and-death moment should not be distracted, but the question that crossed her mind had a magnet-like attraction, and it affected her thinking.

Camilla thought: Where did this dark night wave come from?

The Whispering Tyrant is a powerful lich, and the Night Wave, a night shadow creature, is still essentially a category of undead creatures. It is reasonable for a lich to rule over undead creatures...

But it shouldn't be.

Most creatures cannot move across planes for a long time, not only because the environment is different, but most importantly, other planes do not have the magic power necessary for their survival.A powerful night shadow like Dark Night Wave wants to stay active on the main plane for a long time, consuming astonishing magic power all the time, so either something is supplying it with energy, or it has to actively hunt for it. Killing, madly devouring souls, transforming energy.And no matter which one, it will inevitably cause a lot of movement.

Enkatan Lake is a transportation and trade hub in the inland sea area. People come and go every day, and it is even more lively than the subway during the morning rush hour. With the size, strength and consumption of the dark night wave, it is absolutely hidden in Enkatan Lake. Can't live.


This is the thing that was just summoned!

Camilla woke up suddenly.That's right, a door to another world must have been opened at the bottom of the lake!The waves of the dark night maintain their activities with the help of the dark magic power escaping from the gate of the other world, and as long as the gate of the other world is still there, more night shadow creatures will emerge from the portal, just Like a blaster.

Camilla immediately asked, "Ma'am, among the ranger's magical spells, is there any spell that allows me to breathe underwater?"

Lyudmila's heart tightened: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't ask, give me one quickly." Camilla said in an unquestionable tone.

Lyudmila took a deep breath: "Okay."

She began to cast a spell, and the power of the magic gathered in her palm, and then was gently transmitted to Camilla with her touch.A layer of illusory translucent bubbles suddenly emerged outside Camilla's body, enveloping her entire body.

Ranger magic, life-support bubbles.

The bubble shell formed by this magic claims to circulate inside, which can isolate the exchange of internal and external air and stabilize the air pressure, so that the subject can breathe freely in the underwater or space environment, and is immune to any inhaled poisonous gas, disease and dead cloud. Spells such as stinking cloud, in addition, this bubble shell can also protect the target from damage caused by extreme temperature and extreme pressure.

The high temperature of hundreds of degrees and the water pressure of thousands of meters deep can be perfectly blocked by the bubble shell of the life-support bubble that seems to burst with a poke.Magic, that's all.

And the duration of this spell is still very long.

Camilla swung her body and threw Lyudmila off her back. At the same time, she fluttered her wings and flew up, looking at the dark night wave calmly, while the corner of her eyes quietly looked around, recalling the dark night The spot where the waves just surfaced.

Fly over, swim over?

It's all too slow!

Camilla aimed at the water and directly launched the advanced teleportation technique.

Chapter 230 Six Dark and Deep Lake



In the depths of the great lake, the gills of the two Loka murlocs are moving, communicating with each other in their own language.

A chain was around their necks, and the two little guys were tied like a dog.

Roca murlocs are simple aquatic creatures that appear in the world's oceans and lakes.These murlocs have scaly ocher skin with a greenish-yellow tinge.Rust-like skin runs down the fish's spine, covering its chest and belly, and its fins, covered in mottled greens, browns, and oranges, look like dead seaweed.

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