Based on her current upgrade speed, she actually upgrades pretty fast.But the rate of increase in the experience points required for leveling up is really too fast. At the beginning, she only needed more than 7 experience points to level up, and now it is almost 30...Who would want her own level up? What about slowing down?

so what should I do now?

Camilla carefully looked at her character panel.

After the level was raised, under her [Leadership] specialty, there was a new subordinate quota... Camilla immediately thought of Opal.

Although this little devil doesn't worry at all, and secretly thinks about killing the master every day, Opal has an irreplaceable ability, which is to summon experience value gift packs!

Now Opal's mage level is only five, and his strength is limited, and there are only a few spell slots.But if it goes up a few more levels, it will naturally be able to summon more and stronger demons, and of course the experience points she can get will be more...

But depending on Opal's own upgrade, I don't know that it will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.So it's better for her to recruit Opal, give this guy a teaching and empowerment, and raise its level slowly!

The more Camilla thought about it, the more excited she became, and her pupils dilated slightly.

The current level of Opal is very low, and the experience points needed to upgrade are not many.But after it is upgraded, the benefits it can bring are too great!

One investment can be exchanged for dozens of times the return!And it's a long-term profit, just like growing leeks, you can harvest a bunch of them steadily every day.....

What's this?THIS IS INVESTMENT!It's financial management! !

In the distance on the horizon, the small camp of the Wolf Man appeared from the forest. Camilla swung her fist vigorously, let out a shout of excitement, folded her wings, and flew down from the sky at high speed, straight to the ground. Like a goshawk pouncing on its prey.

Today, she is going to be an angel investor!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the level is raised, [Leadership] has also been slightly raised. Not only can the number of subordinates that can be recruited be increased by one, but the restrictions on followers have also been relaxed a bit - the level limit of followers that can be recruited has increased by one level .

In other words, she can now recruit those two wyverns.

Camilla then flew to the ground, looking for the two wyverns.When the flying dragon saw her, Logan wagged his tail like a dog and came up to her. As for the other flying dragon, named Jasmine, he was beaten up by the anti-paladin before, and he was seriously injured and lay down in the nest. It took several days, but the monster's vitality was strong after all. Now it has been cultivated for a while, and it has gradually recovered under the care of the wolves.

Camilla recruited the two dragons together, and found the little devil Opal.

Then the trouble started.

Leadership seems to be a matter of loyalty. Like before, she had such a good relationship with Claudia, but it still took a lot of effort to turn Claudia into her subordinate.As for the imp...

The concept of loyalty doesn't actually exist in the imp's head.For this kind of demon, the master-killing nature is deeply rooted, and loyalty and betrayal can basically be equated.The little devil is always eager to have a master, but at the same time, he is always eager to kill his master, just like some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Camilla looked at Opal with malicious eyes.

When she was dealing with the spider-eating beasts, one of the spider-eating beasts had sent her a signal of submission, triggering the reminder of leadership.It goes to show that pure loyalty isn't the only way to recruit, and perhaps fear is too.

Huairou will definitely not be able to treat little devils. If that is the case, why don’t you just beat him up until you are submissive... As for the reason, why not just say that you look like a ball, and I happen to have itchy hands Want to play?

Opal huddled, shivering under her gaze, covering his head with his wings.

Camilla stroked her chin and said deeply: "Opal, I feel that you have not been very honest in the past few days. Tell me, do I have to teach you a lesson?"

She picked up a stone from the ground, squeezed it, and the stone shattered in her palm.

Opal's face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice, "No, don't you need it? Master..."

"No need?" Camilla tilted her head: "I think it is still necessary, after all, you make me very worried..."

Opal tremblingly said: "I...I can be your master..."

"Familiar?" Camilla pondered for a moment.

Demon pets and pets are not the same thing.The magic pet is often the best helper of the caster. There is a mysterious contract between the two. The caster can use his magic pet to release and store spells, and even obtain certain attribute enhancements from the magic pet. .

Camilla sighed: "But I'm not a witch or a mage, so I can't have a magic pet?"

Opal picked up his book and protected it like a shield in front of him, only showing a pair of eyes, and said cautiously: "Then...the master-servant contract is also possible..."

Camilla said with great interest: "You still know this? Okay, let's make a master-servant contract."

Signing a contract can mostly meet the needs of leadership.

Opal quickly drafted a contract and submitted it.Camilla felt a little dizzy looking at the small words that were densely packed like a contract, so she directly cast a hint and asked, "Did you tamper with the contract?"

"Hehehe!" Opal laughed and said, "Once the master signs this contract, he will become my slave!"

Opal reacted suddenly and covered his mouth in horror.

Camilla swung her arms round, slapped Opal more than five meters away, and then brought it back: "Change it for me!"

The little devil amended the contract with tears in his eyes.

After the contract was revised, Camilla continued to release a hint technique.This guy Opal has weak willpower, and he was caught in the trick instantly, shouting: "Sign this contract, and the master will die immediately!"

Camilla shook her head, grabbed Opal's tail, and spun it dozens of times in the air like a yo-yo.Opal was dizzy, his face turned green, and he cried bitterly: "Master...I don't dare anymore...I really don't dare..."

The third contract is finally no problem.The two demons each imprinted a small part of their real names on the contract. The magic paper burned and the contract was established. A prompt popped up in front of Camilla's eyes:

[Now the little devil opal can be your deployment]

Camilla was very satisfied, clicked to recruit, and then took a look at Opal's attributes:


chaotic evil-tiny-outsider-demon

Level 3 Imp/Level 5 Spellcaster

Health 46

Strength 8, Dexterity 14, Constitution 12, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 12, Charisma 12

Feats: Spell Focus - Conjuration; Spell Focus - Summon Monster; Enhanced Summon; Greater Summon

【Spell-like ability】

At will: detect good, detect magic, invisibility (self only)

1/day: fright

1/week: commune

【professional ability】

Spellcasting: Mages have the most comprehensive spell list and can learn a large number of spells.But to cast a spell, a mage must pre-select and meditate to prepare his spell.

Concentrate on Spells: Unlike ordinary mages, enchanters delve deeply into the spells themselves.Once per day, a conjurer can greatly enhance the next spell she casts.At 8th level, this ability can be cast twice per day. At 16th level, can cast 3 times per day.

Study Magic: An incantation can study the spells of other spellcasters and use them.Beginning at 2nd level, an enchanter can cast spells from bards, clerics, or druids, but at the cost of double the spell slots and longer casting times.

Bonus Feats: A wizard gains an additional spell-like feat every 5 levels.In addition, the mage can use Arcane Discovery instead of his feat choice.

【special power】

Change form: Can transform into bats and gray wolves.

Weakened Fast Recovery: Imps are tougher than they look, and when damaged, Imps can heal faster.

Toxin: The little devil's claws carry toxins that can numb people's limbs. If they are scratched, people will be poisoned.

【Special Strange Item】

Book of Foulness: A magic book with the imprint of the pit of hell, a third-class wonder.The spellcaster who holds this magic book, when summoning hell creatures, has a slightly improved spellcasting ability, and can release [Summon Monster III] three times a day.



Camilla's face started to turn blue.

Her gaze fell on the attributes of the opal, and she felt the number "intelligence 13" sting her eyes.

Why is it so low...

For mages, intelligence is the key attribute of casting spells, which affects the number of spell slots and spell effects of mages. 13 points of intelligence are basically equivalent to a mentally retarded person in the mage group...

This means that the mage has very few spell slots, and the control spells released are basically impossible to succeed, and the highest can only learn and comprehend the spells of the third level.With this attribute, becoming a mage is already hopeless...

The blue veins on Camilla's forehead were throbbing, and she thought that even if she got the power of imparting the power of the gods, she would not be able to save it. It is really a mud that cannot be lifted up, and she is going to waste a precious deployment quota?

I wanted to be an angel investor, but my first investment was lost!Just kill Opal now... She turned her head and stared at Opal, her eyes became more and more hostile.

Opal was so frightened that his body froze, he spread out the magic book, and covered his head like an umbrella, not daring to move, it looked like a small mushroom.

"That's not right..." Camilla thought about it, in fact, there is still salvation, Opal is a devil!The intelligence attribute of the little devil is indeed very low - the average is only 11 points, and Opal is 2 points higher than the average little devil. It is already a genius among little devils, and there is not much room for improvement.

But... after the demon is upgraded, it can also transform into other forms!When the form changes, the basic attributes of the demon will also change. In other words, she only needs to upgrade Opal to make it into that kind of high-intelligence demon, isn't it all right?

Camilla was refreshed, and immediately opened the illustration book, and began to check the attributes of other demons.

Slightly stronger than the little devil is the quick strike demon. The average intelligence of this kind of demon is... 8 points, which is lower than the little devil.

Then there are moth-eating demons, beauty-hating demons, violent terror demons...

Camilla looked over one by one, her brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Among the demons, there are very few people with high intelligence, and they are generally stupid and reckless, and none of them are suitable to be mages.

And among the middle and low-level demons, the one with the highest intelligence attribute is impressively...

Camilla looked at Opal, lost in thought for a while.

is the succubus.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Camilla looked carefully at Opal's attributes again, and found this thing in the status bar:

[Evolution: Attribute Strengthening - Intelligence +2]

Camilla suddenly realized.In fact, there are many ways to induce biological evolution. For example, Master Kalei mentioned before that he used medicine to strengthen the sense of smell of mint. It seems that the original owner of Opal must have induced the evolution of Opal by some means, and then improved this Head imp intelligence.

Camilla couldn't help shaking her head.After removing these two points of evolved intelligence, Opal's basic intelligence attribute is similar to that of ordinary little devils.

Opal, Opal, I really misjudged you!I thought you were a hard-working devil, relying on your own struggle to increase your intelligence, but I didn't expect you to be a fool.....

But forget it.As a demon, there is still a chance to change one's life after tomorrow, and a low foundation is not a problem.

Camilla then said to Opal with a pleasant face: " you have any dreams?"

The little devil hesitated to speak.

Of course there is a dream, which is to kill another master... But it's not dare to say it.

Camilla said gently, "For example, you don't want to be just a little devil for the rest of your life, do you?"

The evolution of the devil is actually a bit random, unlike the devil in the hell next door - the devil next door wants to evolve, it has to evaluate the title, look at the performance, after the KPI reaches the standard, it has to write a report, and finally it has to be superior approve.Demons are different. They do whatever they want. They usually eat, eat, kill, and kill. One day when the abyssal energy in their bodies is full, they suddenly start to mutate and evolve into a more powerful demon form.

In most cases, the evolution of a demon is randomly selected from several forms with similar levels. For example, a speed attack demon may evolve into a deflagration demon with a challenge level of 5, or it may become a violent monster with a challenge level of 6. ...Of course, there is also an extremely small chance that it will directly transform into an extremely powerful Tyrannosaurus.

Camilla has her own system and can control this process, but she can't use the system to directly control her subordinates, she can only check attributes and instill experience points.

So after a while when she imparted the power empowerment, whether Opal would mutate into some other demon form, or continue to retain the appearance of a little devil, all depended on Opal himself.

Camilla followed the temptation: "Opal, have you ever thought about becoming a more powerful demon? Like a succubus like me?"

It’s like making some specific actions when drawing cards. Legends can affect the probability of drawing cards. The will of the devil itself seems to be able to slightly affect the evolution process, but the principle is unknown and the probability is unknown. In short, it is very metaphysical. Belonging is something that would rather be believed than not.


Opal thought about it, hesitantly said: "My previous master wanted me to become a succubus..."

Camilla rolled her eyes.

I knew it!

The little devil is a devil born under the wish of the caster, and the former owner of Opal is an old pervert, so the little devil born under his wish, if there is no accident, it is indeed possible to evolve into a succubus .....

Camilla relaxed a little, and used hints: "Then do you want to become a succubus?"

"Hee hee hee..." The little devil didn't know why, and began to dance excitedly: "I want to! Of course I want to! Mortals are stupid and lustful, if I can become a succubus, how many souls can I plunder! If my former master had not died, I would have been the first to squeeze him dry after I became a succubus! Hehehe..."

Camilla Win said: "Come on, close your will soon realize your wish..."

Under the guidance of the hint technique, the little devil did not doubt that he was there, and immediately closed his eyes, showing an expectant expression.Camilla opened the system's experience template, allocated thousands of experience points to Opal, and filled up its experience slot - Opal's experience slot was different from hers, it was accumulated separately, and the demon level And career level are two different experience slots.

The next moment, Opal's expression moved slightly, and a changing light gradually radiated from his body.

Camilla opened her eyes wide, nervously observing the changes in Opal, and thought to herself: Just don’t make me a stylist with intelligence 6...

After a while, the light on Opal's body went out.It opened its eyes, a little surprised: "Huh? Did something happen just now? What happened to me?"


Camilla had a strange expression, and she felt that she almost couldn't catch the breath in her throat.

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