"Let this guy spread the disease in the city, and Shuangcheng Port will become a dead city in a few days, and it even wants to continue to rule the people of Lenghu." Fan Na was also so angry that she was heartbroken, "What is the leader of Lenghu?" This kind of nobleman will be cultivated!"

"Don't underestimate the lower limit of demon scum." Anjaye didn't expect Mayor Fernando to be so shameless after degrading into a demon. It can only be said that a fly is a fly, and the form of demonization also reflects its physiology The degree of distortion of behavior and soul.

Even though the Fly Demon tries to attack with fly droppings to destroy the traps surrounding it and regain the initiative in the battle—but the blood flies covered and engulfed by the mucus secreted by the insect trapping blanket still inevitably fall into a mass of suffocation and death situation.

The viscous and transparent venom, like slime gel, quickly hardened and solidified, turning the blood flies wrapped in it into fresh fertilizer that gradually decomposes and festers, and eventually they will be covered and eroded by the creep as a nourishment. A vegetative seedbed for more fruiting bodies.

"Come out quickly! Old Marchius! As a knight of the cold lake, do you want to hide under the witch's skirt?"

The feces attack of the fly demon finally stopped. Seeing that the mushroom forest was still growing aggressively, Fernando quickly filled the gap of the fly dung bombardment, so he could only shout incompetently and furiously.

The mushroom cap forms a closed dome, covering the sky, and is still squeezing the activity space surrounding the fly demon.

Knight Earnshaw tentatively walked out of the Rubik's Cube barrier, and slashed a wide range of sword pressure at the fly swarm stuck on the creeper—the blood fly under attack did not soar violently into the air, but just stood motionless. Let Styx's deadly massacre be drained of vitality.

"Miss An, your plan has succeeded." Earnshaw, who incarnated as a headless horseman, was more bloodthirsty and depressive in his mental state after being soaked in the Styx, compared to his ashes in life.

A few flies that slipped through the net hovering nearby flew towards him quickly, but under the thread-like dead air released by the headless horseman's raised hand, they froze and stagnated in mid-air.

He seemed to be quickly learning to control the Styx death energy in his body more delicately—the bloodfly withered and dead, under the control of the thread of death energy emitted, was also dancing stiffly with the movements of his fingers.

"Senior An, what exactly is the principle of your mushroom field?" Fan Na was full of wonder as she looked at the mushroom forest that was still thriving under the attack of corruption bombs and miasma.

At this moment, An Jiaye has already repaid Fan Na's trust among comrades-in-arms, and explained seriously.

"This is the power of origin that is the same as that of Ludir's mentor. The tree shepherd can control the sea of ​​trees in the forest. As a disciple, I have inherited her will, so of course I can control mushrooms."

"The mushroom hyphae under my control are connected to the Nether Realm through the power of the leylines, forming a certain range of 'Elf Enclave'—I call it the 'Mushroom Realm'."

"As for the mushrooms that grow in the field of 'Mushroom World', they are all equivalent to applying the 'Rapid Growth' and 'Giant Growth Techniques' at the same time—everything has animism, and mushrooms also have emotions. I use the Heart Bud Rod and The resonance caused by the 'Origin Witch Curse', coupled with the possession of the elves in the nether world, can make the hyphae gather together and turn into a living enchantment influenced by the will of the group."

"Is it similar to the Druid sect, with a wild heart that can communicate with all aspects of nature?" Fan Na, a top student, quickly understood the principle, "Senior An can accept tree shepherds with a mortal body." The inheritance is also too powerful."

"Fanna, I understand your feelings for your stepmother, just like I love and adore Master Rudir." An Jiaye stared at Fanna's green eyes sincerely, "Let's rescue Lord 'Bird Witch' back together."

"Senior An!" Fan Na's originally gloomy eyes regained vigor.

Elsa frowned and said, "That's great, Fanna, it's rare for Xiao An to open her heart to someone."

Seeing that the kitten was about to get jealous again, Anjaye hurriedly changed the subject.

"During the time I maintain the 'Mushroom World', the fog tide cannot break in for the time being, and everyone can go all out to fight."

"Fan Na, you stay by my side to help maintain the barrier, as long as you use the rune array that can resonate with the earth's veins, it is enough to merge the magic essence into my body."

"Now, the action begins." Anjaye judged that the demon had consumed a lot of energy, and it was time to beat the flies.

Fan Na nodded and asked the grandparents of the knights.

"Grandpa Marchius, I have to trouble you to keep Fernando in check."

Anjaye also emphatically reminded the wounded old knight: "Your Excellency Machius, the devil has tasted your blood, so be careful of its hunting behavior."

"That's right." Fan Na added, "The Fly Demon will use its mouthparts to inject paralyzing toxins to make its prey lose their resistance."

"Understood, miss." Old Machius gave up his helmet and put on a beak gas mask that was standard in the Mist Age instead.

The two cold lake knights, who had regrouped, strode out of the Rubik's Cube barrier, swiped their swords to sweep away the remaining sporadic blood flies in the air - once again rushed towards the demons flying randomly over the mushroom forest.

The gravity of the armor is not worth mentioning under the support of their fighting spirit. The two heavy armored knights jumped rapidly between the caps, and the intensive sword pressure turned into an indestructible huge wave, flying towards the flying demon flying through the air at high speed.

"Poison capillary, you really have a set." Even though the space of movement is restricted by the mushroom forest - the demon still uses his terrifying maneuverability, which cannot judge the flight rules, to dodge with ease between the narrow gaps between the swords' crossing and combined attacks, "But so what if you seal the swarm of flies, you still can't catch up with my speed."

Fernando seemed to calm down gradually from his rage, and began to implement the combat strategy against the knight—accompanied by its flight trajectory, multiple demon phantoms split out in the air instantly, and they flashed back and forth between the gaps in the mushroom forest, making overlapping mockery as bait To confuse the knight's offensive.

"As long as you have this devil's body and wings that can fly faster than any bird, you can't kill me. There is a limit to maintaining the mushroom forest. As long as you can't hold it anymore, I can retreat at any time. In the city There is a lot of food."

"But I will take one or two of your heads before leaving, or Lord Uroboros will underestimate me."

Facing the intrusion of the devil's phantom with no dead ends, the two knights stood on the cap of a large Amanita muscaria, back to back and turned from offense to defense.

"Fernando, you have been like this since you were a child! On the surface, you follow hypocritical etiquette, but you like crooked ways in your heart. When you grow up, you think you have changed, but you have just fallen deeper! Bring the whole family into the stinky ditch—your dead father Will pop out of the grave in rage!"

"It's not your turn to teach me! I'm taking the right path that Fernando should take!" The fly demon revealed his true body again, and dropped a corrupt bomb over the knight. , forcing the two knights to leave.

Compared with Earnshaw, who had turned into a dead spirit, the old Marchius, who was still a flesh and blood body, was obviously more attractive to the fly demon, so that when the old knight jumped to the mushroom next to him, several demons phantoms rushed towards him , it is difficult to judge whether the real body of the bloodfly demon is hidden in it.

"Illusions are illusions after all." Facing the fly demons that were hard to catch in mid-air, the old knight closed his eyes and meditated, "You think I'm going to be wrong!"

The phantom of the devil was quickly distorted by the wave of vindictive energy released from the outside, and the old knight was like a motionless rock, facing the impact of the miasma coming from all directions calmly.

"The intuition honed by decades of battlefield experience, and the mind trained to sense the tide, will not lose to your fly's eye!"

The demon phantom condensed by the miasma can be dispelled as long as the sword is pressed against it. What the old knight is wary of is the real demon who hides in the shadow of the mushroom and may launch a sneak attack at any time.

But the old knight also knew that to deal with such an exaggeratedly fast enemy, it would be possible to hit it only if there was a flaw at the moment it took the initiative to attack.

"You're flying slower!"

When he was flanked by demon figures from three directions at the same time, the fighting spirit that erupted all over the old Machius instantly withdrew and condensed on the blade of his sword. The slightly slower Fly Demon on the left swept away.

Immediately, Jianfeng parried the rapid slashing blows of the four claws and blades. If it was cut, it would definitely end up being cut to pieces by Ling Chi.

Facing the prepared devil, the old knight swung his sword lightly by relying on the sense of his heart and eyes, and let the strong wind and waves hit him face-to-face, defending impeccably.

In the sputtering of the flames of the collision between the claw and the blade, the demon's attack was completely resisted, but it was cut off with one claw, and it went around behind the old knight, clamping the old knight's shoulders—— The needle-shaped mouthparts of the Fly Demon pierced into the knight's neck at once, just as the paralyzing poison was about to be injected.

From the hands of the Earnshaw knights who rushed to support, the Death Qi of Styx spewed out, like the silk thread manipulating a puppet, bound to the wings and limbs of the fly demon, pulling the demon's head back suddenly.

This is the ability of high-level undead that can be manipulated freely-it can condense and shape the death energy of the Styx to release it-imprison and extract the vitality of the target, and in turn stimulate and control the target's body.

Even if Knight Earnshaw had just gotten used to this ability——it could make the devil lose his mobility in an instant.

"Damn it!" Even though Fernando tried his best to burst out the miasma and break free from the shackles of the thread of death energy, it was still a step too late.

Old Machius raised his hand and grabbed the needle tube that was about to sink into his neck, and twisted it violently with his fist.

The demon who was thrown out by an over-the-shoulder fall urgently flapped his membrane wings, regained his balance, dodged the fast-pursuing Dou Qi sword, and flew back to the sky.

The few remaining blood flies swarmed off and gathered on the devil's severed limb wound. Under the expansion and assimilation of the devil's miasma, it melted into a pile of sticky flesh and blood foam, and then recovered and reshaped into limbs.

"Damn it, old man, how much trouble you have caused Fernando in this life! I will eat you up!"

The devil held his broken mouthparts, really turned into anger from embarrassment - from the excrement port behind its stomach, the high-pressure tail flame of the miasma recoil was ejected again, and it was about to enter the state of supersonic flight, but suddenly lost its flight balance , swaying and twisting like a deflated balloon.

Anjaye's magic eyes immediately captured this scene, and the girl sneered.

"Elsa, it's time to prepare for a sneak attack."

"Xiao An, what did you do?" Elsa asked curiously when she heard the words and released the split shadow servants into the mushroom forest.

"He found that his wings had slowed down and started to get irritable. Because I deliberately induced him before, Mr. Mayor probably thought that he would slow down because he lost the blood fly swarm and had no food to replenish energy—so this cannibal The idiot can't wait to absorb the knight's vitality to maintain energy consumption."

"But in fact, my mushroom forest is covered with special sticky spore powder. The longer he flies, the more spore powder will stick to his wings, which will affect the balance of his wings."

Anjaye explained in detail the internal logic of this psychological warfare to his companions.

"If it's normal speed, it might be fine, but as long as the supersonic state is activated, the wings that lose fine control will interfere with the flight."

"Sister An, is this also within your expectation?" Fan Na showed a look of admiration——she understood the uniqueness of An Jiaye's tactics, which can be said to be aimed at the characteristics and personality flaws of the Fly Demon. The textbook trap laid down.

"what happened!"

The bloodfly demon, who was originally sprayed by the miasma, easily broke into the supersonic field. After losing control halfway, he could not avoid the natural flight obstacles formed by the mushroom forest. He collided continuously like headless flies under the spectacular and hard cap and stipe. ——Being dizzy from the collision, it hurriedly stopped the Miasma jet to slow down, and flew in a circle in a panic, but no matter how it fluttered and fiddled with the twisted and deformed membrane wings during the collision, it was difficult to restore its balance.

"Witch, what have you done!"

"Earnshaw!" Of course, the old knight would not let go of the opportunity of chasing the dog in the water, calling on his grandson to join hands and kill it while it was ill.

"Die, Fernando!"

The sword pressure and grudge light cannon of the knight, grandfather and grandson flew straight towards the dodging demon.

However, this massive attack was just a feint to win the lore for his companions.

The shadow sent by Elsa followed the route of the plane, wandered around the edge of the shadow of the mushroom forest, climbed up the high mushroom cap in a blink of an eye, and kept approaching the faltering fly demon in the midair, and then the shadow left the plane and leaped into the midair In the middle, like fireworks covering the sky, it exploded behind the swaying Fernando.

"It's now!"

Elsa next to Anjaye suddenly melted into black mud, sank into the shadow under her feet, and then burst out of the shadowy flames that exploded behind the demon——suddenly rushed out of the ghostly figure of a white-haired girl, Facing Fernando's back, he waved the scythe of mourning that split the sky.

Even though the demon's compound eyes moved flexibly and found the surprise attack from behind, Elsa's explosive gas acceleration was not something the fly demon, which had lost its mobility, could dodge.

The bloodfly demon could only barely turn around, raised the hook claws overflowing from the miasma, trying to parry Elsa's deadly offensive.

It can turn into a big black flaming rose, flashing with the light of a blooming knife, unstoppably cutting off its limbs, arms, claws and fly wings-the devil who was thrown behind by Elsa in the blink of an eye, burst into a mournful and burning flame in the sky. blood flower.

It worked!

An Jiaye breathed a sigh of relief, her remaining energy was no longer able to maintain the mushroom world that continued to grow.

She arranged for the Mushroom World to descend and control the field on a large scale, so that the fog and blood flies could no longer pose a threat to her.

In addition to limiting the advantages of the Fly Demon - the core purpose is to liberate Elsa's combat power.

Only she can execute the beheading of the Fly Demon!

And the result was as expected.

The Bloodfly Demon, who fell into the trap because of his arrogance and ignorance, was suddenly attacked by the kitten after being weakened, which is called the core ability of mobility, and capsized instantly.

The demon wailed and fell onto a giant muscaria mushroom cap, his limbs were firmly stuck to by the mucus secreted by the insect trap.

It struggled to crawl out of the mushroom "sticky paper" like a swamp of syrup - all the compound eyes and single eyes on its face were twirling wildly - but only saw the cute little witch floating in the sky in despair, holding a The flame sickle has undergone a terrifying deformation, and the giant has expanded into a blazing flame plane.

The white-haired girl was like waving a unparalleled fly swatter, and slapped the devil from the sky!


Mushroom Bug Trap, you're done!


Elsa's super fly swatter put an end to this battle against insects.

The Bloodfly Demon, who was burned back to its original form by the shadow fire, had a strong and powerful warrior body, like a civilian tortured by famine, shriveled and dying.

"I won't kill you." Elsa snapped her fingers, extinguishing the burning shadow flames around the devil. "It would be more interesting to hand it over to Mentor Bode for interrogation."

Fernando, who lost the dignity of the nobleman, was bound by the shadow on the collapsed mushroom cap, just like an unsightly insect specimen nailed into a photo frame.

An Jiaye breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled out the staff of Heart Bud from the ground.

Even after yesterday's epiphany, the support from Dayuan is stronger—maintaining a large-scale personal origin field is still a heavy burden for the girl.

Accompanied by the rapid disintegration and withering of large and large pieces of the mushroom forest, they were dragged into the distorted space gap——everyone returned to the messy cemetery again.

Behind the misty tombs in the distance, there are still endless flashes of witchcraft barrages from Bode and Kenny.

"The sea of ​​fog has faded." An Jiaye frowned and noticed the frightening changes on the island.

"No, it was washed away by a more terrifying force." Elsa turned to look northwest.

In the sea of ​​fog that originally occupied the entire island, an incompatible beam of bright light emerged.

Like a huge lightsaber that came out of the ground and was firmly nailed to the island——the pale light wave that erupted, at the speed of an earthquake, cut down from the blurred lake shore to the cemetery in the distance, killing The fog splits in two.

The source of the blazing light tide, like a figure shrouded by the sun rising from the mist, is approaching the cemetery step by step.

Falling into Ankaye's demonic eyes, which made it difficult to look directly at this light——

Exudes the majesty and holiness that should not exist in the world.

(PS: Ask for votes, there are so few votes and new additions recently, 555 author bacteria are going to starve to death.)

Chapter 120 The Pale Sun Cannot Shine the Darkness of the Soul

The paradox of fate is like you don't know what mushrooms you will encounter in the forest after the rain.Poisonous mushrooms, edible fungi, or tasteless mushrooms, no matter how experienced mushroom pickers eat them, are waiting for the judge of fate. ——"Ankaye's Chat Notes"

12 years ago.

Rexxar Mountains - Lydon River Battlefield.

The thick clouds and mist hovering over the mountains since ancient times have been dyed dark red by the embers of the war, adding more tragic and tragic chapters to the wild poetry resounding through the mountains.

It seems that all the scavengers that live on both sides of the river gather here smelling the foul smell of blood. They sit on the remains of warriors and war beasts strewn with corpses, burying their heads in biting and eating the delicious food at their fingertips. A gluttonous feast that has never been experienced before.

A vulture that was pecking at a human face was suddenly pierced into the bird's belly by a broken spear protruding from under the carcass. Sprinkling blood and feathers, it flew into the sky whining, and then fell down by a burst fireball—— The cracked and charred pieces of flesh fell heavily, becoming a new addition to the pile of twisted corpses.

The man pushed away the wreckage that had been horribly eaten by the vultures, and staggered up from the corpse pit.

He raised his hand to hold his head that was throbbing with headache, and looked at the battlefield where bones piled up all around.

Stone thorns run through the sky, or vines are entwined, and the corpses of thunderstorms burned by water and fire can be seen everywhere.

The savages who had been cut to pieces and had their internal organs pierced, the infantrymen whose armor was torn, the knights who went to hell with their horses and were covered in arrows - even the once gorgeous mage robes of their comrades around them lost the mysterious and soft brilliance of the runes and became A dirty shroud.

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