Where the pupils of the eyes shine, all the illusions disappear in smoke, and the original shape is revealed.

Bunty, who was originally invisible, and the water mirror covering his whole body, quickly turned into a pile of blisters from head to toe, and shattered in the flickering light and shadow fluctuations.

So this active criminal who was peeping into the princess's car was caught and caught——

Suddenly a strange human eye popped out of the car window, making the beautiful sapphire-like pupils of the beauty sticking to the car window and looking at the human eye dilate instantly.

"That's right!" Bunty, who was leaning against the car window, looked down at the noble lady in the carriage with impunity, "She really is a great beauty!"

Then her smug expression was broken by the sword light that was as fast as the wind in a blink of an eye—a little bit of sword light shattered the glass, brushed against Bunty's emergency sideways cheek, and almost pierced her eyeball—sharp piercing The sword attack came from the small hands of the noble lady in the car, which are only suitable for holding a folding fan and a paintbrush.

Those eyes, which are more crystal clear than any star stone, calmly locked on the naughty bobcat, and the tip of the sword pierced through holes in the carriage, chasing the nimbly dodging assailant with only anticipation, sending a round A deadly rush.

"Wow, dangerous! It's still a thorny rose that can use court swordsmanship!"

But Bunty avoided this ruthless combo with ease, turned over and jumped on top of the carriage, and then tap danced on the tip of the sword.

When a meteor hammer smashed through the roof of the carriage and slammed towards her fiercely with flying wood chips, Bunty leaned back to avoid the chain hammer that was enough to explode his stomach, and then lay on the side of the hole that was smashed out, facing down The angry nun forced a funny smile on her face, and threw down a potion bottle that was emitting thick spore smoke.

"Sleep well, ladies."

"Jana, do it!" After confirming the location of the target, An Jiaye immediately notified his companions.

The bagpipe girl had already made preparations—the girl was taking out the magic pearl she got from the underground lake at this time, and completed the soul connection. The blue rippled pearl was floating in front of her, forming a simple magic power amplifier.

The rainy weather further stimulated the magic power contained in the pearl, which strengthened Jana's psychic flute, which could pass through the vast storm curtain and spread towards the six frightened horses.

These strong and mighty big men quickly regained their composure under the appeasement of the bagpipes, and cast their shining eyes on Jana who emerged from the mushroom basket.

Then the six steeds, controlled by the loud flute sound, pulled up the big carriage vigorously, turned to the only gap guarded by the wave mercenaries, and galloped away at high speed.

The mercenaries tacitly made way for the carriage to pass, and then blocked the exit again, fighting with the angry guards into a mess.

"Come on, I'll reward you with a lot of red-nosed radishes!"

Jiana is worthy of being a friend of animals. She wrote a bad check and drove six big white horses to follow the big mushroom man who was fleeing in the wind——

Take their beautiful masters who have fallen into a coma, and rush forward on the road away from the normal life track!

PS: It feels more and more like a group of evil witches doing evil, killing and burying.Speaking of which, she recently wanted to give Anshen the nickname of the witch who caused trouble, "Mother of Mercy" Anjaye?Welcome to speak enthusiastically.

Chapter 62 The Mushroom World Comes!No one can underestimate the power of mushrooms

Mushroom warriors don't die without knees. ——"Ankaye's Chat Notes"

In the narrow area surrounded by giant mushrooms and vines, the hand-to-hand combat in the rainstorm has become fierce. The shame and resentment of the loss of the lord drove Albert's knights to launch a counterattack against the despicable enemy that appeared in front of them without fear of death.

The nearby Star Teaching Army and the miscellaneous Pilgrim Army gradually became aware of the commotion that broke out here.

In order to prevent being surrounded, Ronan immediately ordered to retreat after successfully snatching the carriage, so the members of the wave group fought and retreated to the dense forest, where there were accompanying companions and wildebeest.

The old knight Raphael, who was fighting with Ronan with a heavy rapier, danced a mighty five-sword flower full of anger, trying to beat the two-handed sword in front of him, but his movements were slippery. The mercenary, punished by the knight's blade of virtue.

But Ronan, relying on the rolling stunt that made the old knight so angry, escaped a round of barbed and slashed onslaughts, and used Amanda's water arrows to attack and cover, and retreated from the battle in an emergency with no regard for martial arts.

He rushed out of the gap in the mushroom cage with his broken companions, and immediately blew a whistle. A lightning wildebeest sprang out from the dense forest, neighing and sending out several thunderbolts, forcing the chasing old knight back, and then set off Qi Luonan hurriedly chased in the direction of the six-horse carriage, and the old knight immediately grabbed a mount and bit the mercenaries' horse's rear.

"Thieves dare!" With his superb riding skills, he participated in an obstacle course, passed through the mud and water offensives raised by Amanda's mischief, and vowed to take back the lord from these shameless thieves.

At this moment, Bunty, who was crouching on top of the princess's car like a lynx, descended from the roof to the driver's seat, and kicked the coachman who was about to draw his sword to cut off the noose tied to the horse.

"Bounty, pay attention to the left side!" The bobcat girl just sat firmly in the driving seat when she found the captain lying in Bill's mushroom basket in front of her, and raised the mushroom staff to point her to the left rear.

"Wow, the big and difficult monster bird is here." Bounty looked along the situation and found two companion bird knights rushing out of the protection range of the chant enchantment, chasing the carriage aggressively.

"It's different from what we said, why don't they guard the coffin and the cardinal's carriage!" Jana was also shocked.

"It seems that the charm of our princess is astonishing." An Jiaye estimated that the companion bird and the carriage would be caught up soon, and immediately decided to intercept it.

Adeli and Bunty joined hands to release rapid-fire spells with gorgeous special effects on the pursuers, like strings of colorful tracer bombs bombarding wildly in the dark rainstorm, trying to delay the pursuit speed of the enemy cavalry——but whether it is elemental arrows , glare, magic element explosion, or the tripping ropes grown by plant vines, all of which caused little hindrance to the experienced star bird rider.

Even if Adeli used the resonance of the earth to raise rock walls and stone thorns in an attempt to change the terrain, it still couldn't stop the pursuit of these strange birds.They can easily jump over stone walls with flapping wings, and even flimsy rocks can shatter upon impact.

"Elsa, let's deal with the Companion Bird." Anjaye knew that there should be no further complications. She signaled Bill to slow down, walked between the direction of the Companion Bird and the carriage, and joined the interception array with Elsa .

Under the threat of the kitten's endless shadow dragon breath and frost spells, combined with the insidious traps made by various spore bombs and poisonous mushrooms-the pressure on the pursuers undoubtedly increased, so that the star shield knights had to use huge star power Stone prayed to resist the magic of the four little witches.

However, this chasing battle is after all a real knight's track - under the protection of the divine magic of the iron wall, the two companion birds kept getting closer to the kidnapper. A hill that became steeper, fluttering and gliding in the air—the Star Shield Knight, who had obtained a bird's-eye view on the back of the bird, pulled up a large starstone bow, and the surging and mysterious purple brilliance condensed in a swirl shape on the arrow.

"Elsa, it's a gravity arrow!" Anjaye saw that the arrow was coming towards her.

Under the blessing of gravity prayer, the arrow cluster was like a terrifying ballista. It pierced through the air towards Bill's mushroom cap, but when it was about to hit the panicked big mushroom Σ(っ°Д °;)っ, Get blown away by Elsa's staff with a flashing rune force field!

"Bunty, you met your colleagues!" Anjaye was a little angry. If it weren't for Elsa's deflection technique, Bill's cute big fungus would have been shot through a hole, "Fight back!"

"Look at mine." Bounty stuck to the carriage, and pulled the big bow of the magic light to the rear of the car.

However, the rain of laser arrows sprinkled from the head of Fantasy Skybow was all blocked by the holy shield condensed by the light of the star stone.

The companion star bird that was chasing after it on the ground let out a mocking scream, and its body glowed with faint blue fluorescence. It rushed out of the smoke and dust blasted by the rain of arrows, and spit out a blazing star energy ray towards Bill.

Fortunately, this time the big mushroom has learned its lesson, and started to run out of the chaotic trajectory of the curved line, so as not to become a living target for the enemy's long-range offensive, but the speed inevitably dropped—so that Anjaye could clearly see the marks on the star shield knight's armor. pattern.

"Does the mushroom that bullies me have no knees?" Seeing the bird knight who shot the arrow bounce and glide in the air again, Anjaye's face was gloomy, and he took the two arrogant pheasants as the primary targets to eliminate.

"Bill, Lance, stop." The girl decisively waved the stick of heart bud, and invested in a tactic that had not been tested in actual combat.

"Rune combination Spring Heeled Jack!"

Following the combination of two groups of complex runes that were sketched and formed, they were printed into the mycorrhizal parts of the two big mushroom men, and their short legs, which were slowing down and braking suddenly, underwent a qualitative change in structure again——

Shaped by mysterious and orderly power, the legs of Bill and Lance split and twisted into a uniform spring-like structure, and the chubby feet are also deformed, and the grounding area is doubled, just like a kangaroo. big feet.

"Bill, Lance, perform the kangaroo maneuver as you did in training!"

After receiving the tactic from the owner, the two mushrooms inhaled and squatted down, swinging their arms back, posing in a posture of jumping on the spot, and the facial expressions on their faces also changed to a vigorous and serious expression.

"It's going to be very exciting, take care of your belongings! Sit tight!" Anjaye reminded the overwhelmed companions not to drop any valuables due to negligence.

The next moment, the two big mushrooms squatting, the spring legs compressed to the limit, the accumulated strength was released in an instant, and the big mushrooms were sent to the sky like a rocket, so that the companion bird and the big lance that rushed from behind rushed into the air .

"Wow, wow, I feel like I'm back in the circus!" Jana's bird's nest head was blown even more messy by the wind, she hugged her bagpipe and crystal ball tightly and screamed, "Senior An, you must be suitable for a circus Captain!"

Bill quickly rose to the same height as the gliding companion star bird, so much so that the knight forgot to pull the big bow in his hand——I'm afraid the face hidden under the helmet was also dumbfounded, and he never thought that such a big and stupid Mushrooms can jump into the air.

"Elsa, shoot down!" Anjaye gave the knight a thumbs down maliciously.

And the kitten did not disappoint the chance of victory she had created. With a flick of the iron staff in his hand, a beam of dazzling radiating starlight was instantly extended, which manifested as a mighty starlight giant mallet, which thundered and smashed at the hurriedly thumping mallet. A strange bird with two wings, but it was too late to turn.

Even if the silver-helmed knight unfolded a holy shield of prayer at the critical moment, he was slammed into the air by the giant mallet, including a man and a bird, and turned into a shooting star, leaving only a few pitiful feathers and twinkling stars in the sky. stone fragments.

The big mushroom fell to the ground with a bang in the howling wind. The flexible spring legs seemed to be equipped with precision stabilizers to reduce the impact of the landing. Fortunately, the mushroom basket was soft enough to not shatter the delicate buttocks of the little witches.

In this way, the mushroom man continued to use the force of the fall to compress the spring legs to the limit, and then jumped to the sky above the dense forest to advance.

"Senior An's spring technique is too cool." Bunty, who was alone in the carriage and sniped the big monster bird, looked up at his teammates bouncing up and down bravely against the magnificent background of the thunderstorm. I'm so envious.

Anjaye is also very satisfied with the actual combat effect of "Spring Heeled Jack".

This is a unique spell that she concocted after spending a lot of high-quality potions, exchanging various suitable combinations of runes from the "rune collection enthusiasts" in the Rune Department, and consuming a lot of brain cells— - The effect is equal to the integration of light as a feather, toughness, kangaroo jumping and other spells, giving the user super three-dimensional mobility.

"If it wasn't for people, Bill and Lance should be able to somersault in the air."

Anjaye overlooked the wilderness of Perak from a high altitude, thinking about how to deal with another big pheasant.At this time, the Gorts and Ronan's mercenary group had joined up, and were rushing towards the planned retreat route of the little witches, and behind them were still biting a group of desperate pursuers.

"It seems that we need to provide some fire suppression."

The girl gave instructions to her team of warehouse keepers.

"Elsa, give Bill the puff mushroom."

The kitten's shadow servant quickly took out the spore grenade from the shadow space inside his body, stretched his arms and handed it to the mushroom man.

Bill caught the "Big Mushroom", and after the energy supply tentacles were implanted in its arm, after the equipment was completed—the facial expression on the mushroom man's face suddenly became confident—it smiled crookedly, and its eyes were as sharp as a solo The god of war in Longtan and Tiger's Den turned his body 180 degrees in the sky, stabilized the muzzle, and aimed at the chasing bird knights and pilgrims on the ground.

Like a spore mortar exploding on the ground, Bill turned the drum continuously, "bang bang bang" and emptied the ammunition packs.

Because the goal of the battle is not to eliminate the enemy's vital forces——Before Anjaye set off, he deliberately replaced the ammunition packs of the grenades, which were all non-lethal mushrooms for suppression.

When the dense spore smoke exploded over the chasing soldiers and drifted away with the wind, Anjaye also completed the outline of the original rune resonance.

"Origin Witch Curse Mushroom Realm Comes!"

The girl held up the staff of Heart Bud, and a shining and gorgeous ring-shaped circle of magic essence spread across the ground in an instant.

Colorful mushroom caps appeared on the soil and bark in a blink of an eye. Mushrooms, large and small, burst out of the ground and swelled in the wind under the light of the magic element. In a blink of an eye, another bird knight was trapped in the towering mushroom forest. , and sprayed out a denser rain of spores.

There are all kinds of strange fungi that make up the mushroom forest. There are hard and thorny mushroom walls comparable to the giant growth technique, cluster mushrooms with fruiting bodies as small as fingernails that emit paralyzing gas, and sticky mushrooms that stick to them when stepped on. The hallucinogenic creep, and the violent mushroom that beats people with fists as big as pumpkins——

This mushroom jungle, like an absurd dream, spread all the way in the wilderness, even blocking the direction of the pilgrims.The girl could hear the mischievous laughter of the elves in the Nether Realm in the wind.

Although such a large-scale mushroom world can only last for a short period of time before disintegrating on its own, this Star Cult mission has fallen into a dire situation where it cannot advance, which bought precious opportunities for the Gotts to retreat tactically.

Anjaye drank a small black bottle of "drinking up" and began to take a breather as a spectator.

After completing the large-scale field witchcraft covering the battlefield, even if she borrowed the power of Dayuan, her magic essence reserves were still about to be exhausted.

The Gorte beast rider led by Gloria did not disappoint her friend's precious Origin Spell Slot—quickly ended the entanglement with the pursuers, rushed out of the Mushroom Forest with agility, and quickly caught up with Anjaye and the others.

Gloria rode a rock leopard, overtook the carriage from the side hills, and led the way ahead.

"An old man is catching up." Elsa, who was also watching the play with relish in the best position, found another wonderful performance of a supporting role.

When Anjaye was entangled with the star bird knight, the old knight guarding Princess Tini actually took the opportunity to close the distance, and caught up to only two horse lengths away from the carriage, and quickly overtook the carriage. The horses go hand in hand.

"Don't make a move." Anjaye didn't let the eager kitten do anything. Her sorcery was too strong, and she could easily accidentally injure the princess. This old knight, who was entangled endlessly, had to be handed over to Ronan and Bounty.

The old knight didn't care about Ronan and Bunty, and wanted to cut the lasso connected by the six horses. With a flash of the sword, he broke an iron chain, and the horses that had been removed from the shackles began to break away from the cavalry.

"Don't even think about it!" Bounty shot through the head of the old knight's horse with an arrow, but the other party grabbed the carriage and climbed to the top in time before the horse fell down.

In order to protect Bunty, Ronan also jumped onto the roof of the car at the same time, swaying his sword again to stop the old knight.

The two sides started another fight between the rabbits and the falcons in the square inch of the carriage.

Eager to win back the shame of the lord, the old knight's offensive was unstoppable.

This sword master has quick steps and light movements, and his epee looks like an embroidery needle.

The angle of the sword flower blooming from his hand is so tricky that it is almost beyond the range of Ronan's vision in the close combat, and the terrain on the top of the carriage makes it difficult to use the two-handed sword wide open and closed. Falling into a dangerous situation, even a shoulder armor was thrown away by the stabbing sword.

Fortunately, the bard had the water spirit to help out—Amanda flew near the old man's feet, and made a mischievous impact of water, causing the old knight's feet to slip and lose his balance—but before he was about to fall, he borrowed a backhand The tip of the sword propped up the roof of the car, turned somersault, leaned over and knelt down to regain balance, stabbed another round of the sword obliquely upwards to force Ronan back, the sword knocked off countless water droplets, and suddenly there seemed to be a flower on the carriage. Transparent daffodil bloom with water splash.

Seeing that Ronan was at a disadvantage, Bounty pointed an arrow at the carriage and greeted loudly: "Hey, old man, you don't want Her Royal Highness to get hurt, obediently put down the sword."

The effect of the vile threat from the little lynx was immediate, and the knight's movement of swinging the sword froze instantly.

"Disarm spell!"

Bundy showed a tricky smile. Like drawing a gun to a duel, she took out a magic staff from her belt that she didn't use at all, and a black streamer bent and passed through the rain, turning into multiple binding rings to bind the old knight's arms, allowing him to hold the sword. His wrist became stiff, and the long sword almost flew out of his hand—even though the old knight immediately clenched his sword tightly and got rid of the control of the witch spell, even a short moment of negligence allowed Ronan to grasp this flaw.

The two-handed sword pierced the old knight's sword guard, flying this elegant and dangerous weapon.

The heavy rapier whizzed and swirled down in the air, just in time to be grabbed by Bunty.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the old knight hurriedly got down on the ground, unloaded a decorative kite-shaped shield decorated with the family crest of the griffin by the side of the carriage, and kept the shield in front of him in a half-kneeling position, guarding against Ronan's sword change chase.

But the bard withdrew his sword and shrugged his shoulders to indicate that he was very chivalrous and would not take advantage of his danger to attack an unarmed opponent.

There was a language barrier between the two parties, so the kidnapper and the bodyguard turned into two stiff statues, facing each other on the roof of the carriage, drenched in the rain.

After leaving the chasing carriage far away, they finally arrived at the planned retreat route.

It was a small valley leading to the corner of the Emerald Emerald River. The valley walls were towering, and the rainwater was turning into countless torrents that eroded the soil and slid down the sides of the valley.

Anjaye looked up at the top of the valley. The rock leopard leading the way had just climbed to the edge of the cliff. The murderous rider on the back of the beast was carrying a big axe, standing majestically in front of a magnificent thunderbolt falling from the sky.

"You go first, I'll stop later!"

Gloria waved the ax at her friend as a gesture.

After two big mushrooms, six carriages, and all the Gott cavalry passed through the valley, Goliath looked at the withered and disintegrated mushroom forest from a distance, inserted the battle ax into the rocks beside her, and opened her arms to the storm that was blowing like a sword.

Mysterious and ancient syllables burst out from her throat. The powerful lungs and breathing functions of non-human beings will erupt the great source of power that shakes the world, and connects the flesh and blood of the dragon descendants.

The earth-shattering roar of the dragon set off rolling red thunder and hit the steep valley wall, so those mountains and rocks that had stood for thousands of years in the wind and rain collapsed, turning into a surging mud-rock flow like ten thousand horses galloping, completely sealing off the land. The route of the enemy's pursuit.

Gloria clenched her fist with her right hand and slammed it into the palm of her left hand. She turned her head and looked over the dense forest in the distance—the dark clouds in the upper reaches of the Feilengcui River were rolling into a funnel-shaped terrifying vortex in the sky, as if a big hole had been opened in the cloud wall. God's punishment fell on the world.

"Now, let me send Grandpa Gru off."


Following the beast cavalry of the Gaote tribe, the girls rushed out of the valley, arrived at the bank of the Feilencui River and went straight down, and finally stopped temporarily to rectify their army at a bend far away from the battlefield of the bridge.

"It's time to put down the shield, uncle." Bounty waved the heavy rapier he had seized, and continued to threaten the old gentleman on the top of the carriage maliciously, "As a knight, you should also be concerned about the safety of the ladies."

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