"Is this your sister? What a beautiful girl!"

Shigure looked at Mayumi with a smile, and then made a gesture of self-introduction.

"Hello, Miss Shinjo Mayumi; my name is Phoenix Temple Shigure, judging from the way you call me, my name should be 'Monster Girl'."

"Monster girl!"

Mayumi also showed a look of surprise.

Monster girl is a very hot word in Japan and even in the world now. The mysterious girl who can become a monster, defeated Ultraman Tiga on Kurara Island, and protected the monster Gakuma, is so powerful. To the five emperors who can almost crush the entire human society today, this almost makes human beings have to start thinking about the coexistence of all the original races on the earth, including the original monsters.

Such an existence is already a very important role for you now, even Shigure's half-black and half-white clothing and the chic image of holding a sword have become a trend among young people.

The fear caused by monsters is only among many mature people between the ages of 30 and 70; for young people in their 20s, is it not a yearning to become a monster and possess powerful power?

"Actually, we have to refer to her opinions in many matters, and we even need her to serve as a bridge between humans and monsters in dealing with monsters and aliens."

Seeing his sister's curious look, Xincheng immediately explained.

A similar incident happened not long ago—a cosmic monster with no malice towards the earth went to the earth to pick up a girl who was lost on the planet astronomers. Because she couldn't find the girl, she was so excited that she wanted to destroy the building. When looking for the star traveler, it was Shigure who went there and appeased the cosmic monster, and finally completed the incident peacefully.

Monsters can be communicated, and this matter is basically known to many senior executives of TPC.

It is said that in Shenzhou on the other side of the sea, a monster protection area was established in Daxinganling; the people of Shenzhou used the monster communication device provided by Shiyu to communicate with monsters, and migrated some monsters living in Shenzhou to Daxinganling to survive.

"But what are you doing here this time?"

Xincheng was still a little puzzled—every time he saw Shigure in the past, it was usually an incident of a cosmic being or a monster, and Xincheng had never seen such a situation.

"Me? I'm here to deal with a very difficult guy..."

Hearing Xincheng's question, Shigu frowned.

"It's hard to handle? Does it mean there are monsters here?"

Xincheng's nerves tensed instantly—although his view of monsters has softened, he still couldn't restrain his nervousness; after all, the huge size of monsters means that they will cause a lot of damage to human cities, and even more so. What's more, there are so many children here.

"How should I put it? In terms of life, this guy just wants to reproduce and hatch eggs, but... she should belong to the kind of life that has to hurt others just to survive!"

Saying so, Shi Yu set his eyes on a group of children who were making a scene not far from you.

"Well, but this kind of thing came later, and there are still some other things now!"


Hahahahaha, I finally stayed at home and typed while everyone went shopping at Wanda after lunch!

Happy New Year everyone!

Tiga Scroll: Chapter 34: Wrongdoers will be punished

In the playground, several children are having an argument.

"Let's go! Go ride the Ferris wheel!"

Two tall children sandwiched a somewhat thin child between them.

"Don't bully my brother!"

The little girl who looked like the little boy's younger sister was pulling the two tall boys, apparently unwilling to see her brother being bullied.

However, the two tall boys didn't mean to take care of the little girl's thoughts, and continued to threaten the boy after pushing the girl away.

"Look, although I don't deny that there are noble heroes like you among human beings, the ugliness in human nature is accumulated in the heart since childhood!"

Sighing like this, Shi Yu immediately stepped forward.

"Why don't you resist? You can't move the thugs with kindness. Only violence can make them feel your power, and then make them fear... Only this is the best way to protect yourself and the people you should protect, isn't it? ?”

Shi Yu's words caught the little boy's attention, he turned his head and looked at Shi Yu.

"Don't you try to resist? Look, they are still bullying your sister!"

Shigure raised his chin in the direction of the little girl.

The little girl fell to the ground because of being pushed and pushed by two older boys just now, her eyes dimmed with tears.

"As a qualified big brother, will you let them bully your sister?"


"Do you want to?"

Shigure didn't let the boy say inferiority words, directly interrupted him.

"No... don't want to!"

Obviously, no brother would be willing to watch his sister being bullied—especially the two guys who bullied his sister so much that he hated him so much.

"Then what are you waiting for!"

"No! Bullying! My sister!"

The little boy who had been pushed and shoved roared angrily, pushed the tall and thin boy next to him to the ground, and then hit another fat boy on the chin with an uppercut.

"You...how dare you..."

The boy who was pushed down pointed in disbelief at the skinny boy who had been bullied all the time, as if he couldn't believe it.

"I said it! Don't bully my sister!"

A punch hit the tall and thin boy on the bridge of the nose, causing him to hold his nose and cry.

"what are you doing!"

Xincheng hurried over with Mayumi.

"Nothing, I'm teaching a child how to protect himself and the people he wants to protect; that's all."

Shi Yu watched the boy step forward to help his fallen sister after knocking down the two older children; he silently withdrew the spiritual power he had exerted on the boy.

"But, this kind of violence is wrong!"

Mayumi was obviously very dissatisfied with Shigure's teaching.

"No? Then why is it that when the bully uses violence to dominate others, no one dissuades him, but when the bullied uses violence to defend himself, he is stopped?"

Glancing at Mayumi, Shigure came to the boy and knelt down slowly.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Masaki, my name is Masaki; this is my sister Qiuzi."

"Well, Masaki! Then let me ask you, Masaki; you obviously don't have a good relationship with them, why did you bring your younger sister to the playground with them?"

Shigure pointed to the two older children who were beaten and cried by Masaki.

"They...they threatened me that if I didn't bring my younger sister to the playground with them, they would beat me and exclude me in school. After coming, they kept spending my money! They knew I was afraid of heights but still You insist on forcing me to go on a roller coaster and make me look ugly in front of my sister!"

The more Maki talked, the more excited he became, and he wanted to go up and kick those two guys again.

"So, Makoto; now that you beat them, are you afraid that they will retaliate against you in school?"

Shigure stopped the excited Masaki with a smile and asked.

"I'm not afraid of them anymore!"

Makoto held his head high and raised his chest.

"So, what if you meet older children who want to bully you and your sister? In that case, what are you going to do?"

Shi Yu asked like this.


Makoto was silent.

"You see, the reason why they bully you is because they are better than you; and now, you have defeated them, so you are better than them, and you are not afraid of them; so ah! You need to exercise more and become stronger , this is the power to protect yourself and your sister, isn't it?"

Maki was silent, then nodded.

"I will work out and get stronger!"

"Hmm! Very good, but ah! Makoto, it's good to want to become stronger, but do you want to become like them?"

Shi Yu nodded, then pointed at the two crying boys.

"Look, they're strong in school, right? But do you want to be like them?"

Maki looked at the two big boys rolling on the ground, then shook his head in disgust.

"So! Makoto, after you become stronger, you can't bully the weak like them! You must always remember that power is used to protect the people you want to protect, not to hurt innocent people .”

"Well! I remember!"

Makoto nodded.

"Then... take your sister to play! It's rare to come to an amusement park... As for money, they have robbed you of so many things, go and ask them to return it now!"

Patting Masaki on the shoulder, Shigure stood up, then watched as Masaki took all the pocket money of the two big boys, and happily took his sister to play together.

Then, under the instigation of his sister, Makoto tremblingly climbed on the Ferris wheel that he himself was reluctant to go up.

"You see, this is the beauty of human nature - as an older brother, he will always overcome all the fears in his heart in order to protect his younger sister, such as Xincheng; even if he is terrified of ghosts, he will still be killed because of your request." It's like entering a haunted house."

Shigure, who watched Maki and Akiko enter the Ferris wheel, turned his head and looked at Mayumi.


Mayumi couldn't bear to look at the two boys who were crying and rolling on the ground.

"I never think that perpetrators can be forgiven—since they are wrong, they must pay for their mistakes; they can become Buddhas only after cultivating nine lifetimes of reincarnation for those who are good, and they can become Buddhas immediately after laying down the butcher knife for those who are evil; Don't you think this is unfair?"

Saying so, Shigure turned around, walked towards the back, and passed Mayumi.

"If those two boys weren't punished in any way today, who do you think should be responsible for all the bullying Masaki suffered at school before?"

Tyrant didn't speak, but just followed Shi Yu and walked towards the other side of the playground together.

"Wait a minute!"

Xincheng pulled his younger sister, and then called Shiyu to stop.

When Shi Yu turned his head to look at him, he showed a serious expression.

"You said you were going to deal with a monster in this playground, so as a member of GUTS, I should have the qualification to watch it?"

After all, although Shigure is listed as a partner, TPC still cannot fully trust Shigure, and collecting information on all the monsters in Shigure's hands is also one of the tasks of GUTS, which has the closest communication with Shigure.

"If you want to, come on!"


Regarding some questions about campus bullies, because the recent lace incident at station B can be regarded as my own house collapsed, but I saw many people saying, "It's no wonder he was bullied because of his outspokenness", so I temporarily changed this. Chapter, I wrote about my own feelings about bullying.

Because I have personally been bullied on campus, I really hate this behavior; Lace can never be forgiven, but bullies should not be excused either.

In addition, a single chapter related to the work will be published later to explain some problems.

Tiga Volume: Chapter 35: The Gentle World

"Where is this place?"

There was a hint of doubt in Xincheng's voice.

Just now, based on the principle that GUTS members should be responsible for monster-related incidents, Xincheng and Mayumi followed Shigure into the space door that Shigure cut out with a knife.

Then, they came here.

In a pitch-black space with no air circulation, ordinary people like Shinjo and Mayumi wouldn't be able to see anything if it wasn't for Shigure's psychic power emitting golden light.

"We're about 70 meters below the playground right now."

Shi Yu explained in this way, and then walked forward without saying a word; while Tyrant also followed.

The Xincheng brothers and sisters who had no choice but to keep up.

After passing through a short tunnel, everyone came to a huge hollow.

"what is this?"

What came into view was a monster stone statue of more than 60 meters—it was a strange monster with scales and spikes all over its body, horns on its head, and a tentacle on each of its two huge claws.

Picture: "Ga Di", location: "Images/1613140612-100225480-106671669.jpg"

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