In fact, Fenghuang Yuanguang and Fenghuang Yuanye are both pseudonyms, and their real identities are Fenghuang Temple Shiguang and Fenghuang Temple Shiye.

"Let's go! It's time to go home!"

Inter-chapter: Towards the universe: Chapter 8: Your daughter is my fan

When Time and Night on Earth were conducting the final interview assessment, Shigure was also communicating with the Warrior of Light.

Asuka Ima's consciousness had been awakened 2 minutes ago.

"Lugset, you did a good job this time..."

This was the first sentence she heard after waking up.

The owner of this voice should be a girl around 20 years old. Although Asuka Ima can't understand the language she speaks, she can understand the meaning miraculously.

"...You should take action to protect your subordinates when they are attacked. After all, your own people are the priority. Even though I told you not to take the initiative to be an enemy of the giant of light, if there is a giant of light who questions your attack, you don't need to be completely beaten. ——At least in my eyes, you are more important than the giants of light."

There is no doubt that this should be a certain existence speaking to her subordinates.

It's just that the content of this lecture... makes Asuka Ima feel very strange.

Should you protect your subordinates when they are attacked?Is this talking about the monsters on that planet that were injured by him?

In other words, could it be that the one being lectured was the colorful giant dragon that killed him in one move?

Asuka Ima felt a cold sweat all over his body.

With more than ten years of experience in space traveler, I also basically understand the concept of some monster social groups-the identity and status among monsters are often determined according to their strength.

Just like the group of monsters I encountered, the two beige and blue ones carrying bone cannons obviously obeyed the silver-gray one; but in terms of combat effectiveness, the silver-gray one was stronger The other two are much stronger.

Obviously, the last colorful dragon that killed itself in seconds should be stronger than the other monsters.

Although this "second kill" is more or less watery, after all, Asuka Ima is still not convinced by the opponent's sneak attack that does not speak martial arts, but to be honest, even if it is a head-to-head one-on-one, he doesn't think he can beat that color dragon.

That silver-gray monster belonged to someone who might not be able to defeat him with all his strength. How many times stronger was that colorful dragon than the silver-gray monster?It is estimated that even if the opponent does not sneak attack, he cannot be the opponent of the opponent.

Originally, Asuka Ima thought that the colorful dragon should be the strongest monster, but looking at the current situation...

What level of monster can speak to that colorful dragon?

Asuka Ima who was thinking this way opened his eyes slightly, wanting to observe secretly.

Then, she was completely dumbfounded.

This is a space like a laboratory, and I am lying on a bed like an operating table, bound by some kind of belt, unable to move.

But not far away, she saw a young girl in a half-black and half-white doctor's gown, admonishing a lady in full costume.

[Isn't it a monster? 】

Asuka Ima was puzzled.

At this moment, the girl in the half-black and half-white gown turned her gaze to this side.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Greeting like this, the girl slowly came to the operating table and looked at Asuka Ima.

"Now that you're awake, stop pretending; your heartbeat is completely different from before; you may be qualified as a pilot, but you're too clumsy in pretending to be dead."

Hearing these words, Asuka Ima reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Can you tell me who you are?"

Asuka Ima, who knew she couldn't get out of the control of the girl in front of her, asked.

In fact, the girl's words made her somewhat startled.

【How does she know I'm a pilot? 】

This is the problem.

Asuka Ima used to be a pilot, but that was more than ten years ago, she was still on the earth, and in the universe, perhaps her title of "Soldier of Starlight" is still used among some cosmic races she saved. She is famous, but no one should know that she used to be a pilot.

"Me? My name is Phoenix. Of course, in the language of the earth, you can also call me 'Phoenix Temple Shigure'."

Saying so, the girl lightly pressed a certain button on the operating table, and all the straps that restrained Asuka Ima were loosened, allowing her to regain her freedom.

However, the moment he regained his freedom, Asuka Ima quickly swung his fist at the girl named Phoenix Temple Shigure.

Shigure's appearance is really deceptive, even though Asuka Ima subconsciously thinks that she is not simple, she still has the idea of ​​holding her hostage and looking for a chance to escape from here.

Of course, she also wanted to kidnap Shigure to ask her about the earth, because from her words, Asuka Ima learned that she probably knows the earth very well, and at the same time she knows herself very well.

But in the next second, Asuka Ima's fist was caught, and then an iron fist hit her abdomen hard.

Severe pain dominated her nerves, and the blood after the internal organs were punctured instantly rushed into her throat. After a retch, the rust smell filled her sense of taste, and the blood also left along the corners of her mouth.

"To tell you the truth, I don't dislike courageous men; but sometimes useless courage is more like stupidity."

One hand pushed Asuka Ima, who was vomiting blood from the beating, back onto the operating table, Shigure clicked another button, and a cover immediately covered Asuka Ima's body, only his head was exposed.

"what is this?"

Asuka Ima couldn't see how her body was being treated in the cover because her body was restricted by the cover, so she was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, it's just pain relief and treatment. The punch just now should have broken one of your internal organs. If you don't repair it as soon as possible, something will happen."

Shi Yu put it mildly.

But in Asuka Ima's voice, it made people feel a little scary.

Breaking someone's internal organs with one punch, is this the power a girl should have?

In fact, Shigure still kept his punch. Even if she doesn't become Phoenix now, she still has the power to punch three-echelon three-tier monsters with bare hands. If she punches with all her strength, Asuka Yi Hemp wear is also no problem.

Of course, Shigure, who just wanted to teach Asuka Ima a lesson and make her calm down, naturally wouldn't punch her through.

"Actually, I don't want to embarrass you, I have great admiration for all warriors of light; but... obviously your understanding of monsters is a little bit wrong, and you did hurt my men, so I more or less I have to be responsible for my subordinates, that's why I brought you here."

He explained to Asuka Ima the reason for arresting her, but Shiyu also turned around slowly.

"As for the Earth...I stayed on the Earth for three years before, and helped the people on Earth and the native monsters of the Earth to achieve a peaceful coexistence. By the way, I also helped them solve some troubles, so I still know a lot about it."

Having said that, Shigure tapped a few times on the keyboard.

Following her movements, two screens of light appeared in front of Asuka Ima's eyes.

On the light screen, there was a group photo of a little girl about ten years old and a girl in a half-black and half-white JK uniform.

Unfortunately, the two people in the photo Asuka Ima knew each other.

The one wearing the JK uniform is obviously the girl named Phoenix Temple Shigure who just broke her internal organs with a punch, and the little girl holding Shigure's arm with a happy smile is her own daughter— — Asuka Apricot.

"Although it is a bit provocative to say this in front of you, it is indeed the truth."

Speaking of this, Shi Yu revealed a smile full of wickedness.

"Your daughter is my fan!"


There are probably two or three chapters left, which is the plot of Dyna.

Inter-chapter: Towards the Universe: Chapter 9: Asuka Ima's Migrant Worker's Life

"Your daughter is my fan!"

This sentence sounded nothing at first, but the context here still had a big impact on Asuka Ima.

Asuka Ima's first reaction was that the girl in front of her was threatening her.

But after thinking about it, even this girl's subordinate—that colorful dragon can defeat him, so it seems that there is no need to threaten her with the child.

With reference to the wicked smile on Shi Yu's face, it is not difficult to see that this guy is showing off to her.

"Did you see, as an outsider, I can hug your daughter and play together! As a mother, you have been away from your daughter for more than ten years! Will she still let you hug her?"

In Asuka Ima's eyes, it was a shrunken Q-version Shiyu with demon wings and horns repeating these words in her ears.

Simply murderous.

In an instant, Asuka Ima felt that the whole person was not well.

Shi Yu felt very interesting.

Although she really wanted to stimulate Asuka Ima, in fact she could be regarded as Asuka Xing's idol.

As for the future Ultraman Dyna Asuka Xing, Shigure also used some means to get close to her.

This so-called "method" is to let Dada kidnap Asuka Xing, and then Shi Yu goes to rescue Asuka Xing.

This also caused Asuka Xing to regard Shigure as an idol, and even Shigure's status in her mind was higher than that of their generation's childhood idol Tiga Ultraman.

However, although Shigure is Asuka-an's idol, Asuka-an is not a fanatical star-chaser, nor is she to such an extent that she forgets her own mother in order to chase stars.

Regarding this point, Asuka Ima also reacted quickly.

It's not that she realized that Shi Yu was messing with her mentality, but that she believed that her child would not forget herself because of this woman in front of her.

Even if she is an incompetent mother...

ah!I suddenly thought of something sad again...

Shi Yu didn't know what Asuka Ima was thinking, she only saw Asuka Ima's eyes brighten, and then his whole body dimmed.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but ah! Don't you care about what's happening on Earth?"

Shigure had to interrupt Asuka Ima's thoughts with a voice.

Sure enough, this question is the most useful for Asuka Ima.

Although he left the earth to act chivalrously in the universe, there is no need to doubt Asuka Ima's love for the earth and human beings.

The reason why she left the earth was also because she concluded that her power of light would affect the hard-won peace between humans on the earth, not that she was really the kind of person who ignored her hometown; in fact, at the beginning When she made the decision to leave the earth, she struggled with pain for a long time.

"Did something happen on the earth?"

Asuka Ima frowned.

She doesn't know what's going on on the earth—in fact, she has been avoiding approaching the solar system where the earth is located. Unless she feels her child's life is in danger by relying on her own blood, she will say nothing and return to the earth .

"In fact, not long after you left, the former native monsters and super ancient monsters of the earth gradually woke up from their slumber due to the change of the environment..."

Asuka Ima was stunned by Shigure's first words.

In fact, Asuka Ima knew enough about monsters.

With the scientific and technological power that humans possessed when she left, it is still possible to defeat ordinary monsters; once they encounter some relatively strong (three-echelon and three-tier) monsters, then with the technological level of human beings, unless they activate Nuclear bombs, there must be no possibility of defeating them.

But nukes...

As a Japanese, she has the most say in that kind of thing—as long as the thing explodes, it will hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eighty thousand.

For the entire earth, nuclear bombs are not a good thing, not to mention that she has not seen monsters that have changed genes due to nuclear radiation in the mid-level civilizations during her years of fighting for righteousness.

"What happened to the humans?!"

There was a hint of anxiety in Asuka Ima's voice.

If the revived monsters and the incoming aliens were not stopped because she traveled in the universe and did not pay attention to the earth, and easily destroyed the civilization of the earth, then she would never get over this hurdle in her heart.

Seeing that Asuka Ima was so anxious, Shigure stopped teasing her, but directly told her everything about Tiga and the super ancient civilization.

Of course, Shi Yu also revealed part of her own role in it.

In fact, although Kazuma Asuka, Asuka Ima's peer in the original book, appears as a "father", he is more like a "life mentor" in most cases, which makes people feel that his first The first impression is "mature"; but for the Giant of Light, both Asuka Kazuma and Asuka Ima can only be said to be relatively uninitiated.

After all, when Asuka Ima left the earth, even humans didn't know the super ancient civilization.

Relying on decades of life experience to be a life mentor is okay, but she herself is completely blind to the origin of the Giant of Light.

Shigure's story about the things on the earth and Tiga, in addition to reassuring Asuka Ima, is actually more important for Asuka Ima to understand the Giant of Light.

"So, am I not the only giant?"

Asuka Ima was stunned.

Regarding her question, Shigure didn't want to explain at all, but turned into Phoenix directly.

Of course, it is Phoenix in the same state.

"You don't really think that Ultraman is unique, do you? The Ultraman under me can make up two tables of Doudizhu."

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