There is no distinction between the front and the back.

The two girls opened their mouths together, and at the same time, just like Zhu Song and Fan Chan, they uttered such a chant.

What is the objection to such a mantra?

The other girls don't know.

But they could feel that with Leiden Sakura and Leiden Lin's narration, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be activated, becoming more active and more vibrant.

Leiden Sakura and Leiden Lin, this can no longer be described as a tacit understanding, telepathy?No no no no, it's not that simple!

In the eyes of other girls, they seemed to be integrated into one body, and their figures overlapped together in a trance, but it was like an illusion. They blinked and looked at the past again, and they were still there, still two people, still each other. Facing each other, palms overlap and cuddle each other.

Then, at this very moment, the singing is still going on!

"I am a moment in eternity, a passer-by of light and electricity, and I will not stop and stagnate even if it goes on for thousands of years."

Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin murmured and said, as if they were praying.

"I shall awaken as the only absolute and eternal king!" The voice is raised, erratic, but far away and boundless.

From the beginning to the end, the two of them seemed to be talking about one person, not two people.

It is completely implying that the two of them are regarded as the same person, right?The two of them seem to be telling the world, because they are the same person, so they are called No.1, and the word 'I' is used instead of 'we'.

Others are wrong, the two of them, from beginning to end, are one person!Because of this, the two of them, now, want to return to the original!

Is this kind of thing possible?

The other girls couldn't tell either.

But only Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin know, it should be no problem, and it has been deduced many times.

The two of them, originally the same soul, were separated and placed in different bodies.

All that needs to be done now is to break up the two bodies and reorganize them into a new one. The soul does not need to return completely, it only needs to be glued together temporarily, basically, it is almost the same.

Say it again.

Even if there is a chance to recover.

What can be done?

Raiden Sakura doesn't need it, and neither does Raiden Rin.

This time, they are just using it as a trump card, just to give it a try. After all, two people, combined into one, can at least exert the power of 1+1 equals 2, right?If 1+1 can be greater than 2, that would be even better.

To put it bluntly, it is boring.

That's why.

Even these incantations don't have a fixed form, they're just small hints, you can say whatever you want, maybe it's like this today, maybe it's like that tomorrow.

Hmm, no problem!

"Because I am the undisputed king of heaven and earth, condemnation and punishment, absolute and unique, so I will restrain all power and power, and become a lonely but proud queen."

Speaking of which.

Lei Dianying suddenly spoke, but Lei Dianlin did not speak.

"I am Quan."

At the same time, Lei Dianlin spoke, but Lei Dianying stopped talking.

"I am force."


"Now that power and power are combined into one, the innocent heaven and the abyss of purgatory should also surrender at my feet!"


"This body is the strongest and most brilliant person!"

"Everything is myriad, use it for me!"


I only saw that the voice just fell, and in an instant!Lightning and thunder, thunder and waterfalls pouring down!

The whole world seemed to be boiling up.

Screaming endlessly.

Cheering, jumping for joy, singing praises, and blessings.

PS1: There are three updates today, so there are two more updates to come, um, keep going~~

Honkai III Pre-Civilization-Miss Honkai, why are you sending cores? : 321. Too bad, two wives become one!

Only in this moment.

The overwhelming pressure spread like a stormy sea.

It turned into ripples, like raging waves, sweeping in all directions.

It's hard to ignore.

Even though they didn't know what happened, the whole world, especially the land of Shenzhou, became panic again.

It was as if the ground was about to cave in.

The sky is falling.

Greeting the doomsday in a negative and decadent way.

But at this moment, everyone was still awakened, and the strong desire to survive aroused their instincts, but so what?Thunder and lightning have been symbols of Tianwei since ancient times!Countless thunderbolts, boiling and roaring!All that is left for everyone is the silent fear and the premonition that the end is coming!

Who else could have such a vision?

Definitely that hateful, horrible, hateful, yet helpless Herrscher.

right? !

It's almost a bit of a branch.

just give up.

resist?With what to resist?

forget it!There is no help!

This is what you are, and this is how the world is.

Thinking about it from another angle, if you can see such a scene in your lifetime, the three views have already collapsed, so it's not a bad thing?


At least this life was worth living, right?

Civilization, be with me.

It died, and so did I.

Rounding it up, doesn't it mean that, me, is as important as civilization?

Not bad, not bad!

still acceptable...

What a ghost! !

"!!!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

bring it on!bring it on!

Come on! !

A monster like a natural disaster, if there is anything, just let it go! !

Originally, everyone in Shenzhou was still doing their own things from time to time.

But now, nothing is done.

Live or die, it all depends on luck.

It is said that if you are lucky enough, you will survive.

At this time, you can only look at your face, have fun in the bitterness, and smile. After all, luck is, it can't be too bad, right?

But have to say!

This feeling is indeed quite strange.

Is there a way to open blind boxes and draw cards?Or rather, the feeling of gambling!

Well, a little, some excitement, small, some heartbeat!

"..." The line of sight jumped back again.

Come to Thunder Sakura and the others.

They don't care what other people think or do.

Now, they only have this one thing in front of them, Leiden Sakura and Leiden Lin are integrated into one, what is the result?

The vision of several girls is filled with endless thunder.

Basically, I can't see something clearly, as if something is blocked.

It is vaguely visible, white flowers, what?Subtle and heart-pounding.

But wait until the holy light dissipates slightly.

Appearing in front of my eyes, there is only one beautiful figure, no longer two, and it looks familiar and strange.

"Did it succeed..." Ms. Mei murmured slightly, her eyes full of inquiry.

And Kanli Linghua put down the hand that covered her eyes, opened her right eye subconsciously, and looked at it curiously.

Then nodded slightly.

"It seems...successful..."

Yes, that's right!

On the surface, it should be a success.

Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin, as expected, became one person.

The girl was tall and tall, like a touch of clear lotus, graceful and graceful, like a weak willow.

A plump figure, protruding forward and backward, with curvaceous curves, exquisite and attractive.

Skin is as delicate as egg white.

The face is like a picture scroll, with delicate and delicate outlines, but there is a touch of softness and nobility between the brows.

Just like a celestial maiden relegated to the secular world.

The slender waist is just enough to be grasped, one point more will make you fat, and one point less will make you thin.

But if you look closely, you can see that she is so slender, but she has the illusion of being slightly fat.

Her legs were wrapped in silk stockings, one black and one white, and her flesh was stretched, which was extraordinarily sultry.

In terms of details, it is also just right, just like the size of the chest, if it is too large, it will lose its beauty, and if it is too small, it will be slightly lacking.

Just like Bicun Dairy is very popular.

The same is true for girls today.

Silk and satin, luxurious kimono.

Even the unique style of Daozuma still wears the old-fashioned flavor of Liyue.

Even if it just stands there quietly, it seems to embrace the whole world, it looks so harmonious.

Is this the image of Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin merged into one?

Take a closer look.

A few girls can obviously still see it.

This girl is almost identical to Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin, after all, they are twins.

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