The General found Sister Coral Palace, and then Sister Coral Palace found me.

That's enough to show what's on her mind.

Can make the general feel so troubled, don't you think that you are already unqualified? !

Give me a good reflection ah you guys! !

What she said was very serious, her words were righteous, her words were righteous, and she was extremely contagious.

Now!Please tell me loudly! !You guys, what do you want to do?

Do you want to change it, listen to my class, change it well, tidy yourself up, wash it, and dry it in the sun? !

Or accept fate, give up, and then, leave here?Be a loser?

How do you ask the witches to answer this?

Anyone with a bit of blood, anyone with a bit of faith, would not be willing to leave in such a disheartened way.

Then the answer is naturally self-evident, isn't it?

Shenli Xiaomei said that this is very good, and I am too. I also want to study with you, so don't worry.

You are not alone!

Let's just do it together, no big problem! !

And the innocent miko girls naively thought that what Miss Shenli wanted to teach was the miko's private goods from the Shenli family.

Immediately he was touched.

You must know these things, but they are treasures enough to pass on to the family.

Now that she has shared it so generously, is there anything more sincere than this?

If you treat me with a state officer, I will repay it.

From now on, little girl Shenli, you are our eldest sister. Whatever you say, you will be what you say. We will follow in your footsteps, work hard, and strive to be a qualified priestess to serve the general~ ~

"..." expected of my little sister.

When Shenli Linghua heard this, she nodded subconsciously.

She didn't feel the seriousness of the matter, but she was more or less relieved.

I didn't expect that my little sister, when she was at home earlier, had an obedient and cute face, like a good girl, always a sister, sister, sister, she can be so serious!

This leadership, this speaking skill, seems to be born, is it learned?I don't know!

Anyway, really smart.

Even Kamisato Linghua herself, facing such a situation, she can't guarantee that she can do better.

So, my sister is capable and grown up, my sister is very happy and a little touched.

On the other hand, Yae Kamiko and the other girls, on the other hand, are clear to the onlookers, and always feel that something is wrong.

Seeing Coral Palace Xinhai, he continued to speak.

"Her class..." It's not that it's bad, it's just, uh... I have to say, it feels a little subtle.

She sighed again.

Because of many things, it is really hard to say.

But if you don't say it in detail, it makes people feel that it seems a little unclear.

In the end, Coral Palace Xinhai was almost in chaos.

She took a deep breath and almost cried, so she just left it where she was, and didn't plan to continue this topic anymore.

In short, as long as you know that this matter is all caused by the little sister Shenli, then it will be fine!

As for what's going on, don't talk about it, I can't go on, wait until tonight, I will show you!Look at how she teaches!how?

"Hmm..." Miss Platinum blinked.

"That is to say, there is her class tonight, right?" She asked softly thoughtfully.

"In fact, it's not just tonight, it can be said that she will have classes every night."

Coral Palace Xinhai spread her hands, with mixed feelings on her face.

The other girls are not stupid guys, except for Tallulah, almost all of them have noticed that Coral Palace Xinhai has complicated emotions.

So naturally, I thought of a lot.

I probably know, little girl Shenli, what kind of piss is it!Even her older sister, although a little unwilling to believe it, became suspicious!

After all, Coral Palace Xinhai is not a girl who likes to lie.

She was so swearing, and the flushed faces of those girls just now were decisively unconvincing.

This also made Ayaka Kamisato doubt life even more.

My sister is not like this!What happened to make her like this?

Can't figure it out...

Really, so strange~~

At this time, while speaking, he passed the second floor and walked up the stairs.

Soon we reached the top floor of the castle tower.

The wooden floor was pattered by the girls in a slightly cheerful rhythm. There was no wooden door on it, and they could see the spacious room as soon as they stepped out of the stairs.

A whole room is like this, from bookshelves stacked with documents to elegantly decorated furniture.

Looking inside, it is natural that the two Thunder Generals are located. Their chairs are there, their desks are there, and even they themselves are there now.

He heard movement on the other side of the stairs.

He slightly stopped flipping through the letters in his hand, raised his head subconsciously, and looked over there curiously.

Unfamiliar footsteps... Is there a guest~~

PS1: The second update is here, and there is another update, keep going~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 334. Four times the happiness?Happy!

Then!at this time.

When Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying saw clearly the large group of girls coming up, they couldn't help being stunned, as if they didn't react for a while.

Wait a minute, so many wow, no!Is this my witch? !

It doesn't feel like...

Say something.

The two of them, sometimes, are quite cute.

The first reaction just now was whether there were any guests.

But when he saw that the leader was Coral Palace Xinhai, he subconsciously wondered if it was my maiden.

It's all contradictory~

Can you use your brains a little bit? !

Of course, this is just inertial thinking. In the final analysis, it is actually understandable.

After all, they were sorting out the materials just now.

My thoughts haven't changed yet, and I'm thinking about it one after another, and it will become like this.

It is also understandable~~

right? !

And this moment.

"Huh?" Lei Movie was suddenly surprised.

"Eh?" Thunderbolt really did the same.

I saw them staring blankly and staring at the past. Almost at the same time, their eyes were very sharp.

Among the girls, I saw Raiden Sakura surrounded by girls, and Raiden Rin who was also following along.

Are these two little girls my daughters?Woohoo, long time no see!More and more beautiful, my mother likes it!

Why did you come back so suddenly? !

You didn't even say hello to your you want to surprise us~~

Lei Dian was really happy, and stood up abruptly, Lei Dianlin's eyes moved slightly, as if he was a little happy.

Don't look at the two of them, they seem to be serious, but what they think in their hearts has become a mess.

Come on come on come on!Mom loves it!

Let mom see, have you lost weight after going out for so long~~

However, just as I was about to go out to greet him, I felt a little uncomfortable.

So he pretended to be nonchalant, turned a corner with his little hands, and changed from a state of opening his arms to embrace him to silently tidying up his clothes.

That low-browed, pleasing-to-the-eyes look is extraordinarily lovable.

It can even be seen that they are very happy, they don't look annoying at all, they are gentle and cute.

In fact, has it really been away for a long time?No no no no, of course not!

For people in this world, Raiden Sakura and the others have only been away for about ten days.

What can you do in ten days?Can you lose weight in ten days?nonexistent!Even if you don't eat, it's impossible!Not to mention them, it doesn't matter whether they eat or not!The figure has been fixed for a long time, it is impossible to become fat and thin!It's all just an illusion!

So at the end of the day, you know what you know.

These two goddesses are only concerned about chaos.

In other words, they are just clumsy, using this way to express their love.

They like the Thunder and Lightning sisters.

Because of this, cherish this family relationship, cherish this affection.

The stupid little appearance, on the contrary, is because he cares about the other party's performance. If he doesn't care about the other party, why is he so busy.

Really, very gentle, right?

When people see it, they can't help but smile~~

"Mom, long time no see, we are back."

As for the small actions of the two goddesses, Lei Dianying and the others naturally noticed them.

I saw Lei Dianying slightly, speeding up her pace a little, standing out in front of Lei Dianzhen, and then stopped her footsteps, a little playful and also a little naive, as if she was acting like a baby, with a soft voice Said.

"Hmm... um! Welcome back..." Lei Dian really couldn't hold back any longer.

She is more emotional than Lei Movie.

The emotions that had been suppressed with great difficulty just now burst out suddenly.

So frank, so frank.

Tread, step, step, step!

With delicate steps, the skirt of her kimono fluttered like catkins, she walked up to Lei Dianying, and hugged her tightly.

"Welcome back, my daughter..."

Lei Dianzhen didn't hold her for too long, and soon let go, looking at Lei Dian Ying who was close at hand, his eyes lit up, like a shining gem, it seemed that he could talk.

She has been emphasizing her daughter's daughter, maybe she also wants to emphasize this relationship?

For the first time in my life, I had a daughter, and for the first time in my life, I had a mother.

Sure enough, I really like it, I am so happy, even though it has been more than ten days, I am still so excited.

I even want to tell everyone that I have a daughter and Daozuma has an heir, but thinking that Raiden Sakura doesn't like this, let's put it aside for now and talk about it later...

And after Lei Yingying's elder sister was resurrected, his personality also changed slightly.

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