I feel more at ease.

When you have a bottom in your heart, you will be confident.

Even the last worry is gone.

So confident.

The same is true, reassuring!

"..." Grandma Ping was puzzled, very puzzled.

What kind of contract did Dijun reach with Dao's Wife's Thor and the others?

Why, hand over the lock of the world to the other party?Could it be that His Royal Highness, Dust King, was just abandoned by you?

She is depressed.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Because she is from the Dust Rock Party...

Even if the emperor did this, there must be his deep meaning in it, but things that he doesn't understand, he still doesn't understand.

The identity of the other party is too subtle.

Although Thunder God and Rock God exist at the same level, what is it that requires the emperor to achieve this level?

"..." Grandma Ping silently looked at the girls around. Since the girls hadn't introduced themselves before, she didn't know any of them.

But she still turned her eyes to Lei Dianying, and she could clearly feel that this matter was caused by her.

What is this girl going to do?

All of a sudden, she became even more confused, full of doubts, at a loss, but she didn't have a clue, it seemed that she was simply at a loss.

PS1: The second update is here, continue tomorrow, keep working hard, ah, yes, tomorrow is Monday, keep working hard, start at the third watch, hehehehe~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 369. What if I don't like you after all?Lord Dijun!

But it's okay.

Lei Dian really seemed to see Grandma Ping's confusion.

He came over gently.

He quietly pulled her aside, and patiently explained to her.

But the more you explain.

Grandma Ping was even more shocked.

It seems unbelievable, and it feels unbelievable.

She widened her eyes, looking at Lei Dianzhen, she was even more unbelievable.

"Re-resurrection?" How is this possible? !

Grandma Ping glanced at Lei Dianying, then at her own emperor, feeling like she was looking at a fool, her mind was completely messed up.

My emperor...

How can you believe this kind of thing? !

Damn it!

Could it be that you went to the doctor in a hurry, and you really gave up on yourself? !

Everyone in the entire continent knows that even a demon god cannot violate the law of life and death. If resurrection is so easy, wouldn't all of our compatriots who died in Liyue come back?

How can it be so easy? !

"..." Zhongli didn't speak, he didn't know if he was too lazy to answer, or he didn't know how to answer.

He looked very calm, as if he believed in Raiden Sakura extremely.

But until now, only he himself knows what he is thinking in his heart now.

How restless that is...

Even he, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, still feels a little nervous.

The reason, everyone understands.

After all, it involved that girl, the only girl who lost money.

If you don't see hope, it's nothing.

But finally, with hope, what should we do if we end up in despair?

"..." However, there are some things that should be done and must be done, even if there is only a one in ten thousand possibility, I still want to do it!

Got it, don't do it.

I have been hiding it in my heart.

It will also be difficult, right? !

It's like being stunned, constantly torturing myself, constantly, like a curse!

"..." You won't let me down, right?

Zhong Li looked at Lei Dian Ying without any trace.

This is enough to prove.

His heart was very restless.

Same as Grandma Ping.

After living for so long, I have never seen such a thing! !

"Don't worry, grandma." Kanli Linghua observed a lot, but she saw a lot.

She was very gentle and kind, and also leaned over, took Grandma Ping's hand, and said softly as if looking at an elder.

"Miss Zhen, it is our Dao Wife's first Thunder God, who was resurrected by the eldest lady. Under the same circumstances, there must be no problem with Miss Yu Zhong."

"Miss Zhen?" Grandma Ping was taken aback for a moment, then unconsciously looked at Lei Dianzhen.

Now she remembered.

It is said that during the Kanriya War more than 500 years ago.

The seven nerves have undergone a round of renewal.

For example, on Dao's wife's side, the first generation of Thor fell, and the second generation of Thor took over.

It's just that she didn't care about this matter at the time, as long as her emperor is fine, it doesn't matter.

So, I don't know too much about it.

Just now, it was natural and there was no immediate reaction.

But having said that!This can not blame her ah.

Suddenly I saw one, two, three, four, four identical girls!

It feels like either one is Thor.

How could it be possible to think that there would be such tricks in it.

I thought these four were actually one person, but they used other methods, and they were all Thors.

The ghost knows that there is a first generation hidden in it.

Moreover, it is still resurrected!

If you don't tell me, how would I know? !

Speaking of which, this matter itself is very strange! !

"..." Grandma Ping only felt that her mind was in a mess, and she took another sneak peek, and she was still in a mess.

The mentality she had cultivated for a long time, now it is estimated that it exploded in place.

The calmness of mind for so many years is basically for nothing.

What should I say at this time? !

Excited heart, trembling hands, really, there is hope? !


Dust Rock Party Race High!

After all the years and years of my life, I can finally see the two of them, and the lovers finally get married. Is there anything better than this? !

"if it is like this……"

Grandma Ping turned serious, and said earnestly, as if entrusting her.

"Just please."

Similar words, similar feelings.

At least on this one.

Be it immortals, demon gods, or even ordinary humans.

all the same.

It is precisely because of this heart, this affection, and this intention that people are even more moved.

It also makes people more willing to help them...

The resurrection ends.

I want to meet the girl who makes them fall in love with her so much, what exactly is she.

"..." Lei Dianying smiled lightly, although she didn't answer clearly, she nodded slightly, which was enough to explain everything.

Then she looked at the girls around her and said gently.

"Just stay here, maybe, it will take a little more time. If you feel bored, everyone can go shopping here. The scenery here is actually pretty good."

"If you don't mind, I can show you around."

Grandma Ping nodded and said along the way.

"This is a famous scenic spot in Liyue. Whether it is the angle of view or the scenery, it is like a fairyland. Upwards, it is the place where Xian Dianyi is invited every year. If you are interested, you can go up and have a look now."

Her mind is still quite delicate.

Although I don't know, what exactly needs to be prepared for Raiden Sakura's resurrection, and what price must be paid.

But there are so many people here, Yingyingyanyan, it's not very good after all, right?

If it is less, it will be much cleaner.

What's more!After all, the one I want to see the most after being resurrected must be the emperor, right?Seeing Dijun for the first time is also a kind of happiness!There must be many, many things to say, many, many things, and I want to tell Dijun!

So it's only natural to leave as much time as possible for the two of them, what do you think?right? !

"..." Dijun, Aping, I... can only help here.

And Grandma Ping's proposal is naturally no problem.

Got the unanimous consent of other girls.

They are not uncomprehending girls.

Besides, what Leiden Ying meant just now is almost the same.

They followed suit and agreed to it.

So soon.

There are only Leiden Ying and Zhongli left here.

Even here, Grandma Ping set up an enchantment to disperse the idlers and leave a large open space.

Even Lei Dianlin followed suit.

There were a lot of people missing for a while, and it felt like the place was much empty, and suddenly, I was quite uncomfortable.

"Is there anything else I need to prepare?" Zhongli asked carefully.

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