She let nature take its course and affirmed Yingmei's words.

"My mother and I, after knowing that there is a moon festival here, we planned to come over and have a look, just to relax."

"Ah..." Yingmei was stunned for a moment, and then she noticed that Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying had also come, and they were standing beside them, looking at her silently just now, and watching strongly.

Immediately, I couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed, a little bit embarrassed, and also seemed a little shy.

She is still like this.

The crumbs are a little bit crumbs.

But also, quite cute.

Occasionally, she will make a fuss, feeling like a naughty little sister, who wouldn't like such a girl?

"Hello, Miss Zhen, Miss Ying, Miss Lin, and..." Yingmei hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to call other girls, because she didn't have much memory, and she probably had never seen her before.

Could it be that Raiden Sakura and the others met new friends when they traveled to other worlds?

Don't know why.

Thinking of this, she felt a little, a little jealous, sour, astringent, and just felt, so unhappy.

"..." I shouldn't have been poached, right?

No, no, no, no!

This time, it just happened to meet here.

Ms. Ying must sleep in clothes, and leave a bed in Brother Cheng's pot!Otherwise, I feel, so unwilling~~

"Hello, Ying, long time no see." Lei Dianzhen smiled and greeted gently.

For Yingmei, she still has a pretty good impression.

Although Yingmei didn't do as many things as her own daughter at the beginning, she was pretty good. She brought new vitality to Dao's wife and made a lot of contributions. It can be said that she is Dao's benefactor. Big guys, everyone can see it, and it's obvious to all.

And now, meet again.

If you don't even have the most basic manners, wouldn't that be too much?

then!It's logical.

Ray Movies too.

"..." Although she was also a little embarrassed, she still nodded her head and nodded her head as a greeting.

"Hello, Miss Ying." So did Lei Dianlin, and so did the other girls.

Whether they knew her or didn't know her, they all smiled gently, looking full of kindness.

After all, meeting is fate.

Wouldn't it be nice to meet again in this foreign country?

Am I right!

PS1: The second update is here, continue tomorrow, keep up the good work, eh, keep going~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 386. Xiangling, you traitor! !

Simply say hello, and if you get the right eye, you will naturally become familiar.

It is even said that everyone is Raiden Sakura's friend.

With her in the middle, of course it will be faster to get to know each other, isn't it?

Yingmei took advantage of the opportunity to introduce herself.

And the other girls, especially Miss Xier, who have never seen her before, need to get acquainted with them.

Tell each other their names, look at each other, and smile at each other.

In fact, many times, this is enough.

"Oh, that's right, Xiangling, come on, hehehehe..."

Yingmei suddenly thought of something, so she greeted Xiangling, pulled her to her side, and introduced her by the way.

After all, she and Xiangling are good friends, it can be said that they have known each other for quite a long time.

If she was excluded, Xiangling might not say much, but it's not very good anyway, so don't do it.

It's easy to get acquainted with each other.

One more friend is better than anything else, and it's also a great thing, don't you think?

"Hello." Xiangling naturally had no objection.

It's just that she looks a little absent-minded now.

Even just now.

Just now, Yingmei was interacting with Leidenying, Leidenzhen and Leidianlin, although they didn't speak, they were also watching, but what about her?From before, I looked around, as if I was looking for something, and also seemed, a little worried.There is not even a hint of concealment, it is visible to the naked eye, and it can be seen with just a slight glance.


What the hell is going on?

Why, is this so? !

"..." Yingmei froze for a moment, then asked.

The other girls looked over curiously, and also seemed slightly worried.

Only Miss A Ping is quite familiar with Xiangling.

Because he is a good apprentice of his own.

Of course she knows what kind of character she is.

Generally speaking, Xiangling is heartless, seldom worried or worried about anything, and seldom looks so sad like she is now.

But now that it has become like this.

Surely it's not a trivial matter, right?So, what is it...

"..." Miss A Ping suddenly realized that something was missing, and subconsciously thought about it.

"Miss Xiangling, where's your crispy rice?" She checked carefully, sure enough!I didn't see the rice crust!According to the character of my old friend, normally speaking, he would definitely not run around, and would stick to Xiangling as usual.

What is going on here?

She didn't go out for a stroll before, so I don't know much about it.

Is it because Maxius's mind has recovered a lot at the Moon Festival, so he runs around, wanting to see the current Liyue?

"Eh? Elder sister, do you know rice crust?" Xiangling was suddenly surprised, and looked over in surprise.

But her simple performance is self-evident, you don't need to answer to know it?It must be that problem!

Miss Aping really hit the spot.

The rice crust is gone, and I ran away from home! !

Xiangling was very worried about him, why couldn't he find him if he didn't pay attention? !

I've never said hello to myself before.

what is it today?Why, did it become like this?

"..." To be honest, Xiangling was troubled.

But having said that, she didn't worry about the crust at all.

The rice cracker looks weird, but apart from breathing fire, it looks like a simple doll at most. I don’t know if it’s a raccoon or some other creature. It’s natural to attract attention, but it’s not worth it. Who would abduct him .

Maybe if you get tired from playing rice crackers, you will come back, right?

It's rare to see him so excited, why not let it be like this, anyway, it's also a monthly festival, so the rice cake must also be very happy, right?

"..." Xiangling felt relieved, her brows eased, and she didn't care that much anymore.

Guoba is quite interested in what he eats.

The typical element of the Moon Festival is eating. It is not impossible for him to have such a reaction, right?

Xiangling spread her right hand slightly, and briefly explained to everyone.

Basically it's over.

Looking at Lei Dengying and the others, they seemed to be planning to go inside.

She went along with the flow and invited Lei Dianying and other girls to sit in the Wanmin Hall and cook for herself.

It just so happened that she brought Yingmei and Paimeng over for dinner.

At that time, it will be even more lively if we join a table together.

"Then... I'll trouble you."

As for Lei Dianying and the others, of course they have no objection to this.

Don't look at Xiangling's young age, she is a chef.

Even this year's king of chefs, nine out of ten, will fall on her. With her cooking in person, I have to say, it is quite worth looking forward to.

"..." Xiangling was walking ahead, but she was also on the side, peeking at Miss Aping.

Although Raiden Sakura, Raiden Rin, Raiden Zhen, and Lei Movie, these four girls are exactly the same, it feels like looking in a mirror, a complete replica, which really surprised her.

But what she cares more about is A Ping who is beside Miss Gui Zhong.

After all, how can I say it?There is a strange feeling...

Haven't reacted before.

The more I look at it now, the more weird it seems.

That bell, that dress, that temperament...

How come you are so similar to yourself? !

Hitting someone, right? !

"..." Miss Xiangling looked more and more wrong.

It's not terrible to bump into a shirt, it's embarrassing for whoever cooks.

She feels that she may not be able to beat the opponent, which is very uncomfortable. Who are you? !

Could it be...

"Are you my senior sister?" She couldn't help it, blurted out, and asked seriously, looking serious.

There is only this possibility.

I learned how to dress myself from my master.

So is marksmanship.

Although there is only one junior sister, what if?It's normal if there is a senior sister you don't know, right?

Master is a fairy, he has lived for so long, so he can do anything!

right? !

"You are my world, right?" Xiangling nodded to herself, thinking about it, she just felt that it must be so.

She looked at the bewildered Miss A Ping, and asked again, but this time her tone was full of affirmation.

With a little excitement, but also a little enthusiasm.

If it's a senior sister...then there's no problem!Whoooo~~

Scared me.

I thought it was going to be a decision.

If it's one of your own, it doesn't matter if you get it, but it's not sure, it's also a proof of closeness.

The problem is not big.

Hmm, it's not a big problem~~

"???"However!Xiangling is no longer a problem.

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