Anyway, it can't be justified, can't it? !

then!It became like this...

Ms. Keqing seems to be even more beautiful than she looks in the game.

Cat-like hairstyle, cyanotic hair.

Not tall, but very slender.

There is a petite and exquisite feeling, but it looks extraordinarily sassy.

Her face is very delicate, with a kind of awe-inspiring temperament, wearing a tassel-like Liyue dress, her tight jade legs are wrapped in black pantyhose, obviously at first glance, she looks like a child, With an immature childlike face, at the moment, it seems that there is a kind of girlish liveliness, an atmosphere between a girl and a girl, contradictory, but lovable.

have to say!What an unusually beautiful beauty, Yu Heng Xing Keqing, well-deserved reputation!

She actually came here specially.

Just like I said.

After finishing the work at hand, she ran over to check on Xiangling's situation.

In particular, she and Xiangling are very good friends, both of them should intervene, right?

Miss Gan Yu is similar.

But she not only came here by herself, but also came here on behalf of Ningguang.

Ningguang couldn't get away recently.

But no matter considering Xiangling's ability or her status as an immortal disciple, even if there are not many contacts in normal times, simple contacts are still necessary.

Just treat it as an investment.

Simply ask, bring some gifts, and express your affection, and that's about it.


Lei Dianying knew this, and it was Lei Dianzhen who secretly told her.

All in all, Manmin Hall is very lively!

It's not just because of the relatively large passenger flow during the recent festivals.

In the back kitchen, many girls were waiting to be fed, stealing food crazily in the name of helping.

Keqing, needless to say, I just stared at the golden silk shrimp balls, this is Xiangling, specially prepared for her.

Gan Yu gnawed on Qingxin, tears streaming down her eyes, she really wanted to eat, she really wanted to eat, but I couldn’t eat it, or I would get fat, so just look at it, umm, just look at it!

What do you think you are doing?

Isn't it more uncomfortable to smell it?

Her whole body looked soft and waxy.

It looks like a small glutinous rice dumpling, somewhat similar to Heulia, and it seems to be a bit resigned.

Light blue hair, slightly fluffy, with a little wave at the tip, setting off the red horns.

The slender figure is as graceful as a bird, wearing a black tights, long stockings, and a small white bellyband in front of her, looking pure and cute, but with a hint of astringency.

Take a closer look, Gan Yu always makes people feel a little cute.

She looked like she hadn't woken up much, her brows drooped, and she seemed listless, and when she spoke, she looked soft, with a little milky smell.

"~~~" Wooooooooow!This is coconut sheep!

My coconut sheep!

I really want to hug her and rub her black slime! !

It must be fun, right?

I really want to defile her...

Lei Dianying sat here, staring at Wang Xiaomei over there.

He looked quite moved.

Just like Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows it.

Miss Gan Yu shrank her neck, somehow, she was a little scared.

"???" You, you you you you you!You, be normal!

What are you looking at...

Don't look at me like that~~ I always feel that something is weird...

PS1: The fourth update is here, umm, continue tomorrow, keep up the good work, heh heh heh, keep going~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 402. Xiangling said, let you watch, do you really watch?How can it be repaired! !

It is said that girls' feelings are always wonderful.

Have a meal together...or chat...

It will soon become familiar...

This statement still applies even now.

After all, chatter chatter chatter chatter, we are familiar with each other, plus it is pleasing to the eye, the first impression will never be too bad.

For example, Keqing and Ganyu are of course very kind to Yingmei.

And Yingmei stayed with Lei Dianying and the others, nodding a little, chatting a few words, basically it's about the same.

The more outstanding a girl is, the more arrogant she is.

But as long as the eyes are right and the feeling is right, it will be easy to get in touch, which is quite natural.

tentatively!So be it……

Although Gan Yu didn't talk much, she was extremely gentle.

Keqing is not the kind of girl that is difficult to get in touch with.

When everyone gets together, it is also very harmonious.

It's just that Gan Yu may have felt something.

I feel that Raiden Zhen, Raiden Movie, Raiden Sakura, and Raiden Rin seem to have unusual identities.

But she was also very gentle and didn't ask directly.

Who is it and what is its identity?Is it important?

She probably saw Miss A Ping's identity.

And Miss Aping, as a fairy, is always by the side of that demon lady, wait!Wait a moment!That young lady of the Demon God, seems to be called, after all?

In the end?Uh-huh?Ms. After all? !Wocao, wait a minute, it turned out to be the end? !

Could it be the Demon God of Dust? !Isn't she dead?Why is it here? !

"……"to be honest!Gan Yu was a little confused.

She wanted to ask, but she was too embarrassed to ask, there were too many people here, and she didn't know if other people knew about it.

So I can only be bored in my heart, and plan to talk about it later, when I have time.

All in all!Let's continue what we just said.

Now that the immortals feel that there is no problem, Xiangling feels that we are good friends.

Then it must be fine, right? !

Gan Yu still believed in Xiang Ling.

Especially Xiangling looks innocent and cute, but what about it?The intuition is quite keen.

Good or bad, she can feel it.

Perhaps it is because of being too simple that it is like this?

To put it simply, it's not a big problem, just rest assured, it's almost like this...

However!Having said that.

Keqing and Ganyu are two very busy people after all.

There is still some difference with Lei Dianying and the others, who have nothing to do and run around.

So the two of them sat here for a while, and after eating some desserts, they agreed to join us tomorrow, and then left quickly.

The task of trying dishes has been done before.

It's just that Raiden Sakura hasn't come back yet.

There is nothing more to do now.

The two of them have to keep busy with their work.

For example, Gan Yu, Qixing's secretary, one of the typical liver emperors, makes people's faces change.

Another example is Keqing, Yuhengxing, one of the seven stars, besides Gan Yu, she is the one who works the hardest.

Although the two thought that Lei Dianying and the others seemed very interesting, listening to them chatting and beating there was very interesting.

But if it was that simple and they gave up their jobs, then the two of them would not be Gan Yu and Ke Qing.

right? !

In general.

As mentioned earlier.

To prepare the works for the competition and develop the required recipes, it is natural to have a dish tasting session.

But now, there is no need for it anymore, and I have done it before.

Now just need a final check, the recipe is basically done.

So Lei Dianying and the others, when they came back from Dao's wife, were still just in time to catch up, there was nothing to do with them, they just had to wait to eat.


Because I have not been here for a long time, some things are indeed not very clear.

It's like Alina's girls, after playing and visiting Liyue by themselves, they came to watch Xiangling's work.

If I feel bored, I will naturally do something else.

After all, at the beginning, Ms. Lei Dianzhen was the same as Lei Dianzhen, so I can help you to refer to it, but what happened later?It can only depend on Xiangling's own efforts.

Especially the competition works, ideas, and inspirations all depend on Xiangling himself.

They couldn't help much either.

This kind of thing, the most taboo is pointing fingers.

So it is necessary to let her play freely...

According to Miss Aping's explanation.

Tomorrow the Chef King Competition will start.

Xiangling's progress is already considered slow.

Although he worked slowly and meticulously, if he was not ready now, tomorrow's match might be suspended.

The test questions for the competition had already been announced a day or two in advance.

The food should be prepared by yourself.

Kitchen utensils can be provided by the contest party, but it is best to use what you are familiar with. After all, kitchen utensils are like swordsmen’s swords. The most familiar ones are always the best. Time will also affect performance.

"..." As for this, Lei Dianying certainly understood.

The current back kitchen is really taken over by them, except for the small area on the stove, where everyone is cracking melon seeds.

The tables are put together, although it is a bit crowded, it is very lively.

Watching Xiangling busy there is always very interesting.

The exam questions were announced, asking the contestants to prepare dishes with 'hometown memories', which can be regarded as quite satisfactory.

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