Yingmei and Paimeng, with sparkling eyes, were attracted.

Miss Xier and Tallulah couldn't help but salivate...

Alina looked at it seriously, wanting to steal a lesson, and so did Ayaka Kamisato, she couldn't take her eyes off it.

Yae Kamiko and Ms. Mei pretended to be calm, but in fact, they were already attracted. Who is the most concerned about?That must be our Miss Xiangling!

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Many people may not see it.

But the two of them could find that Xiangling's aura was constantly rising, it was a confident and unparalleled aura.

Perhaps someone with such a temperament does not necessarily have to be a chef.

But the chef, if he is not full of confidence in himself, full of self-confidence, and accumulated all the way to the present, then absolutely, he is not a chef.

Am I right? !

So the two of them are very optimistic about Xiangling.

No matter from which aspect, what kind of reason, this is the case!

"..." Leidenying is actually the same, knowing that this competition, no matter how it changes, nine out of ten, it is probably Miss Xiangling, and she should win the championship.

But, having said that.

What a game.

Raiden Sakura has nothing to worry about now.

She was talking to Lei Dianlin, the two of them were discussing in their hearts, and they were talking on the internal voice that only they connected, analyzing the situation last night.

Raiden Sakura still stubbornly believes that the purification technique has no effect, which is expected, but the healing technique is definitely possible, and it should be effective. It is definitely because of her wrong posture.

Shall we discuss it?


Applying templates only stagnates wear and tear to a certain extent.

And what was worn out before can't come back.

This is not a good thing...

if you can!She hopes to help everyone recover completely.

In this way, even some demon gods with ordinary relationships can help them as much as possible without giving them a template, isn't it? !

especially!If each demon god is given a template, then they need to be strengthened.

It consumes a lot of energy.

Even if they are willing to help recharge, it will take a lot of time. There can't be dozens of people lining up to recharge, right?

They don't think it's troublesome, Lei Dianying still feels uncomfortable.

even!As long as she thinks of this, she can't help but mask up in pain. Now, there are only a few girls every day for recharging and so on. There are too many girls, and she is too lazy to do it. It feels like she is getting lazy.

But that's something that can't be helped, right?

all in all!


If the healing technique can be used, it will be very easy to fool other demon gods and settle in Daozuma.

Very strategic.

If necessary, of course, you still have to think about it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you try hard, just try again, okay?Rin, please! !

"..." As soon as Lei Dianying acted coquettishly, Lei Dianlin was at a loss.

She fell silent, her eyes drooped slightly, as if she was thinking about something, analyzing it bit by bit, peeling off the cocoon.

PS1: The third update is here, and there is another update, keep going~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 409. I cried, I really regret it, really!I am so silly!

"Whether it's the resurrection technique, the healing technique, or the purification technique..."

After a while, Leiden Rin seemed to remember something.

She looked at Raiden Sakura beside her, and continued to speak seriously.

"These skills all come from the template of the goddess Aqua, right?"

"Well, yes..." Lei Dianying nodded without any objection.

Then I saw it, Lei Dianlin continued.

"Akuya's world view has a game-like background, plus it's funny, so the simple effect will appear, but it will cause an unbelievable effect. ..."

She raised her right hand, raised her chin, and rubbed it slightly, looking thoughtful.

"I think I get it."

"Eh?" Lei Dianying subconsciously froze.

"In the words of the game, the healing technique is to restore the HP of the target character to its original maximum value, and if this state is worn out, the maximum HP value will be reduced, not simply damage life..."

Lei Dianlin was still full of ideas, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Perhaps! This is the reason why healing and wear are useless. In the final analysis, the target is wrong!!"

If wear and tear reduces the maximum HP.

Then no matter how you treat it, it is useless, because the maximum value is there, and they have always been intact.

Theoretically so...

nature!It's useless...

What do you think?sister?

Is this the truth? !

"~~~" Lei Dianlin had a cold temper, but inadvertently, at this moment, he became a little elated.

After all, the one in front of me is Raiden Sakura.

She has no interest in being aggressive to other people.

But if it is said, facing Raiden Sakura, then there is no problem, she is very interested!

Sure enough!It also depends on the person, right? !

She is different only for Raiden Sakura.

Only in this way can she become so delicate, just like an ordinary little girl, with a little charm, showing a little charm, faintly acting like a baby, that's how I feel pity... …

Isn't this a matter of course? !right? !

"..." Seeing this, Raiden Sakura also smiled.

She smiled, full of tenderness, stretched out her little hand, and held Lei Dianlin beside her.

Yeah, ummm!That's right...

The two of them add up to make a complete person.

The authorities are obsessed with things that they can't see through. With Xiao Lin around, everything is easy to talk about.

think carefully!really……

According to Lei Dianlin's analysis just now.

Then everything can be explained.

It's not that the healing technique doesn't work, it's just that I was negligent, and I didn't expect this to be the case.

Then go one step further and analyze it carefully.

If the state of their wear and tear is regarded as a situation of severe trauma.

Not for ordinary injuries.

But for, more conceptual, more concrete, something else...

Maybe healing!It can also work again!

After all, healing, in essence, is a kind of recovery magic. Restoring to the former peak is also recovery. Healing the current weakness is also healing.

The upper limit of HP is reduced, and it returns to the previous upper limit...

When the intelligence is worn out, it returns to the intelligence it once was...

"!!!" It seems, is it really feasible? !

Like a reflex, Raiden Sakura looked at Raiden Rin beside her.

As for Lei Dianlin, he also connected with her, smiled at her knowingly, and nodded slightly as if encouraging.

"..." Lei Dianying also smiled, and then lightly clenched her fists, full of energy.


Let's go to my mother to try again today.

Conventional treatments may not be helpful.

But this time, if you adjust the warlock and specialize, it will definitely be fine.

Although it will be a little troublesome like this, after success, the sense of accomplishment is needless to say!

Special things, special methods, need to be treated specially.

This is also impossible...

but!As long as the result is good, then, there is no problem!

Hmm, it's not a big problem, don't you think so? !

"..." After having a clue, Lei Dianying relaxed a lot.

In her opinion, what needs to be done next is just to decompose the healing technique and transform the original skills, that's all.

Originally, this skill was brought by the template.

It's like having a shortcut key.

You don't need to know the principle, as long as you want to use it, click it.

But since conventional healing techniques are not working, one person's analysis is analysis, and two people's analysis is also analysis.

Bring Xiao Lin up, let's help together~~

"Hmm..." As for this, Lei Dianlin certainly had no opinion.

She is stronger than Raiden Sakura.

If you are at a high altitude, you will have more ideas to understand, analyze, and deal with...

With her help, things will go more smoothly.

Especially one person is not as good as two people, and two people together are worse than anything else.

Could it be, isn't it? !

"..." Just do it!

While watching the game.

While in my heart, silently deduce.

Today's competition is already in full swing.

Some players are almost done.

Some players are still busy.

The dishes that Xiangling is going to cook can be seen at this moment.

She was still mysterious before and refused to speak out, but at this time, she always felt that she was trying to cover up.

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