He is him, Xiangling's little friend, and Xiangling's pet, who is by Xiangling's side.

No matter what the past is.

Now he has found his purpose.

Follow Xiangling, accompany Xiangling...

Accompany her to travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, and look for the happiness of delicious food together.

Probably the only idea left in front of you, isn't it?

He is so pure, so heartbreaking...

But it looks so gratifying...

so!Don't think of him as the kitchen god anymore, he is just a crust, not Maxius!

Statues are a kind of sustenance.

When the statue completely breaks out of the stone.

What Maxius looked at was the current Liyue Port...

This is an additional event that is only available at this month-by-month festival.

For the people of Liyue, it is so profound and meaningful.

And that's why!

The reason why the Chef King Competition will be held so grandly this time.

Liyue's chefs are all trying their best to win this honor.

What's more, I don't want the ceremony of bringing the Kitchen God back to be taken away by chefs other than Liyue.

This is not prejudice.

I just feel that it is very embarrassing~~

Fortunately!The winner this time is Miss Xiangling!

Although many people felt a little regretful, such a result couldn't be better, and it can be said that everyone is happy.

Miss Xiangling is really popular.

It's like a group pet.

She won the championship, and everyone is convinced.

Not to mention, she has prepared for this competition for so long, and everyone can see it, and it is obvious to all.

For example, the selection of dishes, the study of recipes...

For example, the combination of flavors, the idea of ​​the process...

In fact, in retrospect, many people participated in it!

Passers-by, passing by, will be stopped by her, try the dishes, taste them, and hope that they will give their opinions.

For people with special identities, she will even come to the door specially, and stay in a special place, just to see the needles and collect more inspiration.

On the eve of the game, Liyue walked around.

Feel the mountains and rivers of Liyue, step into the rivers and seas of Liyue...

Find fairies and listen to their evaluations.

Learn about the ruins and deepen your impression of history...

Rather than talking about this dish, it is Xiangling's own dish.

It's better to say!In fact, it is Liyuegang, the result of the joint efforts of many people!

Honor belongs to everyone and to the entire Liyue Port.

If only for the simple taste.

Miss Xiangling is absolutely confident that she can do it.

But if it is like now, full of rich emotions and various experiences, it seems that the whole mind is contained in it, it is not only limited to the surface, but the deeper meaning is just right in the chef's cooking process buried...

With her alone, there is no doubt, it is certain, there is no way!

Isn't it, isn't it? !

to be frank!

Such an experience.

Really great!

It was the first time Miss Xiangling had such a feeling.

So satisfied, so satisfied.

She herself, as if she had broken through, walked up to a new level, surpassed her father, and went further and further.

I can also see, higher places, those new scenery...

then!Miss Xiangling smiled from the bottom of her heart.

She looked at the audience around who applauded because she won the championship, and couldn't help showing a shy smile.

She's just a teenage girl after all.

No matter how mature you are, after all, it's just a young age. It's normal to be shy and joyful, don't you think? !

Miss Xiangling smiled foolishly, softly.

Seeing Traveler and Paimon in the crowd, he paused slightly, then smiled brighter, stretched out his right hand, and gave a thumbs up.

It seems to be sharing the joy from the heart!

It looks hearty, but also delicate.

Speaking of who helped her the most during this period of time?Needless to say, everyone understands, right?Definitely a traveler, and only her, because of her!

Only by myself can I be on the journey, so I won't be so lonely...

"~~~" Thank you, Ying, and Paimon!It's really, really great to meet you!

Thanks to all of you... Really, thank you very much...

PS1: The first update is here, today is still the second update, keep working hard~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 413. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the rich lady!

Due to the arrangement of these two days, it is just a competition for the king of chefs.

So after winning the championship, Xiangling can breathe a little bit of relief.

She can also relax a little bit, spend a little more time, do her own things, and adjust her state by the way.

As for going back to the Kitchen God path...


Of course, you need to be well prepared.

But more, it's a matter of mentality. If you stabilize your mentality, it doesn't matter.

At least in terms of feeling.

There is less urgency.

Anyway, just take your time and it won't be a big problem.

"~~~" But you have to say, in your own time, doing your own thing, what will Xiangling do?

to be honest!She thought about it, but she didn't know.

To be more precise, he had been busy for so long before, and he was focused on preparing for the competition.

All of a sudden, he was so idle and won the championship, feeling dazed and empty.

what would you like to do...


Is that the only one? !

"……"Um!Miss Xiangling secretly clenched her fists.

Go out and hang out, run around.

Forget it this time.

She has an idea.

I want to remake the works of today's competition, and then give it to everyone to taste and share it with them.

after all!you think...

In the past, due to limited mental strength, for the time being, I could only take care of the three judges.

The rest of the audience couldn't get it.

And even if I reproduce it now, it may not be as good as before.

Whether it's the spirit, or the handling of materials, there will be a little, a little flaw in time.

But even if it is downgraded, it is still delicious.

It might be a good thing if we can maintain the standard of permanent presence...

It can be used as a special dish of Manmin Hall to spread the history and culture of Liyue.

Liyue's dishes have never been highbrow, but integrated into the daily life of thousands of households.

Then the next, new goal is naturally this, isn't it?

Take the time!On the basis of keeping the original taste as much as possible, simplify the recipe!

Perhaps, that is also a good challenge!

Just thinking of this, Xiangling felt as if she was on fire.

all in all!That's it, let's not mention these things for now!

She is going to prepare again, and entertain her friends well.

Such as Raiden Sakura, Raiden Rin, Raiden True, Raiden Movie...

Another example is Xier, Yingmei, Miss Mei, Paimeng...

There are so many girls, they are all friends, so many friends, I am really happy!

I want to see their happy smiles.

I also want to see how happy they are...

"..." Just do it!

Isn't this the simplest and greatest pursuit of a chef?You say, right? !

then!You can imagine the rest!

Yingmei and Paimeng want to invite Xiangling to hang out and celebrate.

Xiang Ling shook his head and refused.

And tell everyone that if you start preparing now, you should be able to reproduce the competition works tonight.

When the time comes, everyone will have dinner together at Manmin Hall, and I would like to thank you very much.

You listen to you.

Now that Xiangling has talked about this.

The others could only nod their heads, and agreed graciously.

Is not it? !

They originally wanted to say, don't tire yourself out with such a troublesome process.

But Xiangling's child was born out of interest, as long as he was cooking, he would have endless energy.

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