so!You can get started quickly.


Compared with the previous worries, it is much better now.

At that time, the two of them only needed to give each other some more steps, be a little more aggressive, or act like a baby, to express that it was not you who wanted to go out to play, but I wanted to take you out to play.

Basically, there is no problem, you say, right?

"..." Maybe she has been with the little mother of the system for a long time. She has many ideas, many goals, and even many desires, and she also tends to dedicate herself.

I hope everyone is happy.

I also hope that in the world, there will be fewer tragedies, more joy, and more relaxation.

Seeing Ningguang's complicated eyes, they want to try, try to help her.

Even other girls are too.

She always used her own way, clumsily, doing what she thought was right, what did she get?What did you pay?Why do you have to be so serious?

Maybe that's why!

Miss Mei, Xier...

Tallulah, Alina, Platinum, Skadi...

There are other girls who will slowly gather around her.

With a feeling of gratitude, with a different kind of heart, from the bottom of my heart, I want to accompany her.

Since she is so afraid of being lonely, they should stay with her forever and ever.

Give it to peach and give it to Li.

But if so...

No, isn't it great? !

Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin are not selfish girls.

In her previous life, she wasn't.

She is very gentle, very gentle, with a peaceful personality and goes with the situation.

If it is a little selfish.

Many people, after time travelling, got the golden finger, they can continue to deduce the template and strengthen themselves.

So! !

They don't care about other people's lives.

Even keep saying, I like you, I want to help you.

But when it comes to gold fingers, there is absolutely no room for it.

Like Lei Dian Ying and Lei Dian Lin, who have strengthened themselves to the fourth sequence, they feel that the heavens and worlds are enough to protect themselves, so they don't care much about their own situation.

Many templates are prepared for other people.

A lot of energy, whether it is used or stored, is also for the future, if anyone needs help, they can get it quickly.

after all!You think again.

Who would care about 21, as long as you are a friend, I will give you a template, as long as you are a partner, I will help you strengthen yourself.

What's the point of such a thing, really?is it necessary?If all of them were used to strengthen themselves, I am afraid that the two of them would be stronger by now, right?The third sequence?Even the second sequence is possible!How long has it been.

so!It's not that the secret treasure of the universe is not powerful.

It's the two of them who are too salty, and likewise, they are too lenient.

Lots of unnecessary perks.

She made it normal.

But even so, the little mother of the system can't say that they are half wrong.

Because their actions are also dedication, she is very happy, her daughter will be like this.

And the two of them treat others with sincerity, and the other girls will naturally reciprocate with sincerity.

There is no intrigue, which is also a good thing...

In this way, think carefully.

Sure enough, girls are different from boys.

There are some girls who compete head-to-head. In the same dormitory, there are six people, and they don't see each other well. There can be five groups.

But some girls, hello me, kiss me and me, on the contrary, they are more, making people feel happy and innocent.

Everything is so pure.

Pure emotion, pure heart.

So what else is worth preaching about?

You say, right? !

"..." Lei Dianying and Lei Dianlin continued to walk, instead of being stuck in the middle of the road as before.

The two of them are still thinking about how to sleep with those guys better.

And what should be used as the entry point, who to go to as the first goal.

Presumably, when the time comes, everyone will set off together, you tell me, I tell you, when chatting, mention this matter.

A lot of people don't even go to her.

She will also be eager to move, and even yearn for it, right?

As long as they are restless and restless, there is an opportunity to take advantage of.

Then it is a matter of course, and it will be easier to win!

This is the so-called herd mentality, and also the so-called leader effect.

Like a snowball, it is not difficult.

"~~~" Anyway, now that this topic happened to come up, let's just think about it.

If there is no problem, do it as soon as possible!

Lei Dianying and Lei Dianlin suddenly thought of this, and immediately stood up.

Feel like I have something to do.

Even, full of interest, eager to try!

Can't wait to get started!

But look at the sky...

It's dusk, it's evening, it's getting late!

Or, still!


let's talk tomorrow?

"..." Anyway!Don't be in a hurry, you think, don't you?

PS1: The third update is here, um, there is another update, keep working hard~~

Yuanshin · Continuation - Moon Festival?Hold and eat after all! : 433. Sakura, Sakura, do you want a wife?

It's getting late now.

Looking up at the sky, do some calculations.

It was almost five or six o'clock in the evening.

So!Just think about it and go to dinner.

"……"Unfortunately!Xiangling went out, not in Wanmin Hall.

Then the only chef left in Wanmintang is Master Mao.

It's not that I dislike Master Mao's craftsmanship or anything, it's just that if Xiangling is not there, I really don't want to go.

So Lei Dianying and Lei Dianlin made up their minds together, and simply went to the roadside stall to find a place to eat.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it is suitable or not, whether it is noble or not, what kind of food to eat, what kind of psychological burden does it have, don't you think?

And look left, look right.

The two of them chose a shop selling wontons.

mainly!I suddenly wanted to eat, so I walked over.

As for whether it is called wonton...

Um!The two of them are not very clear.

After all, it's just that they look alike, so it's all good, and the taste should be similar.

When ordering, the little finger said, 'Boss, come here', and then sat down, it doesn't matter what the name is.

"~~~" But to be honest, this store seems to be pretty good.

There are quite a few people sitting around the tables.

Many of them seem to be very familiar with the boss, so they should be repeat customers.

As for the boss, he seems to be quite old, not to mention that he is nearly sixty years old, but at least half a century old.

It is estimated that the craftsmanship has been around for decades, practice makes perfect, and it is quite trustworthy.

But, having said that...

Maybe!It's Raiden Sakura and Raiden Rin, in terms of appearance, temperament, appearance, behavior, and other aspects, no matter how you look at it, it's because they don't look like ordinary people!After sitting here, there is a lot of space around, or, unconsciously, a kind of isolation circle is formed!

From everyone's point of view, this is definitely a daughter of a noble family, not to mention a lady from a famous family!Although it is amazing, it is also like a rose with thorns, which is not something ordinary people like them can touch!So it's best to stay far away, even if it's not too obvious, don't get too close.

This is obvious, there is a feeling of incompatibility.

Even the locations are still those locations, but I always feel that the aura is too strong, and even forms a low air pressure, which is weird.

For a while, people don't know what to say.

"..." Lei Dianying looked back, the others were clearly looking at this side, but they found her gaze, and hurriedly lowered their heads like a guilty conscience, making people look at it, and they couldn't help laughing.

"..." As for Lei Dianlin, he was also very speechless, silently drank his tea, and had nothing to say.

Maybe, this is the normal state of ordinary people, right?

After all, the more beautiful a girl is, the more extraordinary her background is. Even if she is not the eldest lady of a family, she is definitely the owner of the God's Eye.

Especially in this Liyue Port where fish and dragons are mixed together!It is still the month-by-month festival, and there are all kinds of people, domestic and foreign, many people are here!

If you are not careful, you will get yourself burned, it will be very bad, and it will be even more troublesome.

They can't bear it, and they don't want to bear it, can they?To behave according to one's duty, to do things with peace of mind, probably, is also the idea of ​​most people, it is okay to appreciate beautiful women, but, it is too much!This way, isn't it, very good?right?

"..." Leiden Ying and Leiden Rin, thinking of this, felt more real.

Or!This is the real Liyue Port.

Liyuegang has immortals, gods, God's Eye holders, and ordinary people...

Compared with the simple modeling in the game, it is, on the contrary, more real...

The two of them looked at each other and couldn't help but smile at each other.

It's a bit subtle, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

As the saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Compared with ordinary people who are messing around, sometimes, it is better for them to keep their own place.

There is nothing wrong with this attitude of life.

even!It also embodies the attitude of Liyue people, who are like rocks, thick, stable, steady, and cautious...

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