At least in Kelsey's opinion, Amiya is only twelve or thirteen years old, and she is still very immature, with a baby face and a voice full of milk.

It is still a bit difficult for her to know how to be flexible and understand the ways of the world.

Now it seems that the only way to find the whereabouts of the doctor as soon as possible, and then organize the operatives to secretly take the doctor away.

If it is too late, things will change. If you finish things early, you can feel at ease.

"What's the matter? Dr. Kelsey? Yes, what's the matter..."

After doing it on the sofa next to him, he seemed to be obedient and obedient.

Amiya held the teacup in her hand, blowing on the cool air, looked this way, blinked her eyes, a little curious.

"Yes, is there any news from the doctor yet? Not at all?" She hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously.

"I've got a little clue."

Kelsey came back to her senses, blew on the tea, took a sip, and continued.

"I can roughly identify a few areas, but where exactly is it, further exploration is needed."

She paused, but she didn't hide anything, and said simply.

"I asked Hong to investigate the situation. It should be a deep-buried freezer. Since it has not been discovered for so many years, it must not be so easy to find."

"Hmm, yes, yes, that's true..."

Although Amiya was slightly disappointed, she still forced a smile.

It has been more than half a year since they came to Chernobog. Although the whole city is so big, searching for a doctor is an extremely confidential job. Once Ursus officials know about the doctor, it will definitely be in vain. This will undoubtedly slow down the progress of the investigation.

These days, the more she lives here, the more she can feel that she is in Ursas, in Chernobog, in this mobile city-state!How miserable the infected are, how unwelcome they are!

"..." In the past, I only knew this from Dr. Kelsey's description, but now I saw it with my own eyes. To be honest, I was shocked in my heart!

Can Rhode Island's ideal, Rhode Island's goal, be realized? !

Is it really possible for the infected to live an upright life with ordinary people and live in the sun?

Amiya asked herself more than once.

They are just pharmaceutical companies, why, does everyone believe in this?Just because it's a doctor?That weak woman I saw when I was a child?

"--"So!And why did she fight?

I really want to know!

Amiya is looking forward to seeing the doctor again, looking forward to seeing more things with her own eyes, and then, understanding, thinking, and coming up with her own answers.

It was just such a small wish that she wanted to be a reliable woman like Kelsey, nothing more.

PS1: The second update is here, there will be another update soon, keep working hard~~

Tomorrow's Ark - Tallulah, Alina, the Invincible God! : 165. The doctor looked serene and almost died suddenly!

"—" At the same time, the words split into two ends.

In another part of Chernobog, in a slightly dark corridor, the sound of rhythmic footsteps echoed softly, and it seemed to be constantly descending.

Needless to say, the graceful figure in tandem belonged to Tallulah and Alina.

After the two of them loaded the template, the infection on their bodies was completely cured, and they evolved into a higher-level creature than before. Of course, they no longer need to worry about anything.

Chernobog's defense line is more stringent?Why don't you just come and go when you want? !

The two of us are no longer infected. If we want to come in, who can say anything? !

Left and right are just a matter of spending a little money, and they are more or less expected.

Hmm, it's not a big problem~~

"——" As for that, it is obvious that Chernobog has been decided to be the original goal, and it intends to use its destruction to announce its own arrival.

Why did Talula and Alina sneak in and come to this place? !

The answer is actually very simple.

After all, as the first picture in the memory of the past and the future, there are many people, many things, and many things, which are worth paying attention to.

And among them, isn't that the most important one? !

Rhode Island sneaked in, for her!A hundred times of the integration movement also has her credit!

She is a doctor, the evil spirit of the Tower of Babel, and now she is sleeping at the end of this corridor. Kelsey doesn't know this place, or she hasn't found it yet, but for Tallulah, this is nothing .

Both she and Alina have seen the pictures of the future, even if they have not experienced it personally, they have also seen the combat reports of the future. In that battle, the battle of Chernobog, somewhere, Rhodes suddenly appeared People on the island, according to this idea, and then delineate the scope, the target, of course it will appear, isn't it?

"..." The building was silent and indifferent, and there were no other people there, and it was occupied by Tallulah and Alina.

It wasn't anything worth caring about.

Often fish and dragons are mixed together, looking dilapidated.

Blocked here, closed the doors and windows, found the secret passage, and then went all the way down.

The electric light in his hand illuminates the front coldly, and the sound of footsteps echoes, giving the illusion of emptiness.

"..." Alina didn't care about the doctor's whereabouts.

She was just curious, why Talula suddenly wanted to find that guy, didn't she agree that she didn't need other people?

Only the two of them, and only the two of them, became the devil king who saved the world together.

Then why do you want to involve other people?It took two or three more days, just for this?What are you thinking?

She also had some guesses in her heart.

"..." But no matter what, it's better to ask than to say nothing. Mutual understanding is also based on communication.

At this time, you can vaguely see the bottom. There is a door there, which seems to be dusty for a long time, with a vicissitudes of life. It should be the destination, right? !Ask now, just right!

Let's talk about the matter, no problem, right? !

"Lulu, what are you going to do with her? Threatening Rhodes Island?"

"???" Tallulah froze for a moment, then stopped.

"No, nothing..."

Then she shook her head, laughed dumbfounded, and continued to walk forward, finally came to the bottom floor, came to the door, blinked, raised the flashlight, and illuminated the front.

"Then what's going on?" Alina became more curious and interested.

On the contrary, it was Tallulah, who turned her head slightly in this way, and smiled teasingly.

"I thought, Nana, you would continue to hold back and not ask me? Unexpectedly, can you finally bear it?"

"I want you to take care of it~~ Tell me quickly!" Alina clenched her small fists, lightly hammered Tallulah, and then gave her a charming and charming look, looking coquettish.

"Yes yes yes ~"

Tallula put the flashlight in her right hand to her left hand, then stretched her right hand forward, and slowly explored something at the gate, without looking back, she replied with a smile.

"Actually, you know that when we made up our minds, the city was already in a countdown."

She quickly found the mechanism, pressed lightly, and the door opened.

What came head-on was a shiveringly cold air, and the interior suddenly lit up, and it was also full of icy tones.

I don't know whether the ice cellar is self-generated, or the lights will only be turned on again when the gate is opened. It seems that it has been a long time, but it is still running. It's just that, except for the cold machinery, There was only one ice coffin left, no one else, and no trace of any activity.

Abandoned, it seems, for a long, long time.

"But on the way here, I suddenly felt that the doctor in Rhodes Island is a character that I admire in the future. In this sad world, there are still such a group of idiots working hard for their own ideals. No matter what the result is, whether I personally agree or not, they are like lights in the dark night, and they are more or less worth looking forward to."

Talula stood at the door, turned slightly sideways, and looked at Alina.

"If this guy dies here, I always feel that it is a very sad thing. He didn't die on the way to struggle, he didn't die on the battlefield, but he died here in obscurity, so I think, just Assuming that I am still soft-hearted, I plan to find her and give Rhodes Island a surprise, maybe, this way will be more interesting, don't you think?"

"Are you going to use it to blackmail them?" Alina gestured with her small hand, pretending to be vicious, but she was extraordinarily cute.

"No." Tallulah continued to walk forward, taking Alina with her.

"It's just to send that woman to Rhodes Island in advance. By the way, let them witness the roar of the dragon."

Her eyes are very calm, calm and indifferent, my heart and my deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice, but it is the same, and it is also so, unwavering.

Although I don't know how long I will be busy.

Also a little bit, lied to Raiden Sakura and the others, saying, it will end soon, and soon, it will come back.

But now that you've decided to do it, let's be quick.

The flames are already brewing, just waiting to erupt, like a raging volcano roaring, shaking the whole world.

"..." Talula came to the ice coffin, wiped the ice slag off it with her small hand, and saw the figure inside.

It was a very thin woman.

He was young, in his twenties, with long hair and a peaceful face.

Time freezes on her body, but it will start again next time.

"I remember that there was a report on the future screen that he was here after being seriously injured. If we unblock him rashly, will it be..." Alina hesitated, hesitant to speak, and then hesitant to speak.

"Then give the address to Rhodes Island." Tallulah withdrew her hand and said casually.

When she came, she knew that the lynx from Rhodes Island was already in Chernobog, just send her a message, and they didn't need to take care of the rest.

PS1: The third update is here, continue tomorrow, keep up the good work~~

PS2: Here is a bit of a second setting. First of all, the doctor is a girl. In addition, she was seriously injured when something happened in the Tower of Babel.

Tomorrow's Ark - Tallulah, Alina, the Invincible God! : 166. Kelsey, if you don't want to be a widow, come here!

In a blink of an eye, it was night.

"Dr. Kelsey! Dr. Kelsey!"

When Kelsey came back from get off work, she saw Amiya rushing towards her.

"Me, me, me, no, no, that, that, that, you, that..."

"Calm down, speak slowly." Kelsey was very cautious, pushed the little rabbit back, and closed the door smoothly, avoiding standing at the door talking about things and being seen by others.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"News from the doctor!!" Amiya was taken aback.

"???" Kelsey raised her eyebrows, becoming even more confused.

"Didn't I tell you, are you still looking for it?" She then frowned, a little speechless.

"No! That!"

Amiya took a deep breath and handed over the letter in her hand.

"This afternoon, someone stuffed me with a letter, and it said this, which is the doctor's address. What should we do? Do you want to go and see? Dr. Kelsey?"

"!!!" Kelsey was startled, and didn't care about anything else. She took the letter paper into her hand and looked at it carefully.

What is written above is very simple.The beautiful handwriting is clear.

Doctors from Rhodes Island, take the person away at this address as soon as possible, in a day or two, don't blame us if he dies.

"—" That's right!Such words, such tone!

It looks like a joke, but the content of what is said is so informative that it cannot be ignored at all. What is going on? !

"Amiya." Kelsey narrowed her eyes thoughtfully.

"Can you see who sent you this letter? Where and under what circumstances?!" She asked.

"It's over there at the market, when I went shopping..."

Amiya's identity here is disguised as Kelsey's little maid. Naturally, she needs to cook every dinner, and it is impossible to stay at home all the time.

As long as she promises herself well and doesn't expose it, the problem will basically be fine.

It just so happens that the maid outfit is also a solid one, so I only wear it when I go out, and I rarely look ordinary, which will attract the attention of others.

So say it! !

Obviously, Rhode Island's identity has hardly been revealed.

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